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    Wednesday, December 9, 2020

    VALORANT Join the /r/Valorant Discord

    VALORANT Join the /r/Valorant Discord

    Join the /r/Valorant Discord

    Posted: 29 Oct 2020 09:27 AM PDT

    How to play Reyna like ScreaM - Guide

    Posted: 08 Dec 2020 07:47 PM PST

    We have been using the Stinger wrong this whole time!

    Posted: 09 Dec 2020 03:18 AM PST

    We have been using the Stinger wrong this whole time!

    So I was just messing around on Valorant's website while my update is downloading and I jump to see the OFFICIAL Stinger's description: (URL = https://playvalorant.com/en-us/arsenal/)


    Did you catch that?

    Let's take a closer look...


    Soo everyone... Drop your Phantoms, drop your Vandals, drop your Ops... STINGER FTW!

    submitted by /u/seaskyways
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    End of Year: Premium Content Team

    Posted: 09 Dec 2020 08:13 AM PST

    Was there a secret KJ nerf this patch?

    Posted: 09 Dec 2020 12:18 PM PST

    I can't place my turret in spots while jumping this patch, it does the sound and animation but the turret doesn't get deployed anyone else experiencing this?

    submitted by /u/fjordefiesta
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    Gift for someone who likes Valorant?

    Posted: 09 Dec 2020 07:28 AM PST

    Hello I don't know anything about Valorant or video games in general really but im the secret Santa this year of someone who has been obsessed with Valorant so I was thinking I could get something Valorant related as a gift? Any ideas? Thanks

    submitted by /u/nu-hippie
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    Basic but unexpected Sova dart for B main ascent

    Posted: 08 Dec 2020 06:31 PM PST

    me and my friends were playing, and i tried out jett for the first time in a while. but my friend, who is wery acustummed with sove, played a little better than me.

    Posted: 09 Dec 2020 05:22 AM PST

    When will footstep directions be fixed?

    Posted: 09 Dec 2020 08:01 AM PST

    I know people talked about this before, but it seems like the game devs are just straight up ignoring the problem.
    I have huge problems understanding the direction of other players footsteps. It also seems like there is no difference between front and back. Since this game is aimed to esports, this is a problem that must be fixed. It's frustrating to lose rounds because of "wrong" audio clues.

    submitted by /u/Due_Trash_1640
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    Quality of Life improvement to Omens Paranoia

    Posted: 08 Dec 2020 05:46 PM PST

    Quality of Life improvement to Omens Paranoia

    In my opinion I don't think you should be able to flash someone directly to the left or right of you with the Omen blind - Would for the most part prevent accidentally blinding teammates next to you - Was also thinking you can just move the blind a little farther in front of omens player model; either works - Thoughts?


    submitted by /u/z4ar
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    Thoughts on the new rank distribution?

    Posted: 09 Dec 2020 11:02 AM PST

    Context: https://old.reddit.com/r/VALORANT/comments/k94s7r/valorant_patch_notes_114/gf3iyd7/

    I used to be a Bronze 3 player, made it to Silver 1 once but never won a game as a Silver. Deranked all the way down to Bronze 1. Stopped playing for a couple of weeks, played 1 game 2 days ago and another one last night. After last night's game I ranked all the way to Bronze 3 from Bronze 1.

    I have friends who ranked from Silver 1 to Silver 3 in 1 game and so on.

    Just wondering what's everyone though on the rank distribution right now? Have you guys had similar experiences?

    submitted by /u/tidder_ratio
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    [Suggestion] Adjust rating decreased for incomplete or unbalanced teams

    Posted: 09 Dec 2020 07:04 AM PST

    I'm new to valorant and a bit of an amateur with FPS games. Been playing for over a couple of months now. Currently still in Iron. I hate how in low elo, wild cards occur to often. Sometimes you play against an enemy smurf, play with someone who has no idea what they're doing because they're super new to fps games and have no concept of using utilities, or someone on your team is AFK.

    For smurfs, I don't understand you guys. Do you just stay in Iron just to feel the glory of crushing opponents? Thanks for ruining our games by being overly dominant. Thankfully the new requirements for competitive has been updated so hopefully we actually will feel the effect of a decrease in smurfs.

    And for AFKs, well sometimes it's unavoidable. I understand that. But what I do hate most is we get no handicap or compensation at all. We lost a 4v5, and we still get either decreased or greatly decreased rating.

    My suggestion is to adjust this decrease. I know. Yeah. You can win 4v5. If you play like a pro. That's not helpful advice. So basically your advice is to tell everyone to just be as good as the pros? Get lost. There should be an allowance or compensation for losing 4v5. The winning complete enemy team can still get the same amount of ratings, but the losing incomplete team should at least receive only a slight decrease - or better yet even nothing at all. It's 4v5. Don't tell me to just get better and win the game. If it wasn't a team game, then why not just keep playing 1v5?

    submitted by /u/imthecapedbaldy
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    New update 1.6gb

    Posted: 09 Dec 2020 02:32 AM PST

    has anyone getting super low fps after the update? i am geting like 90fps and getting 3-4fps if someone peaks before i was getting 120fps constant or is it just my pc?

    submitted by /u/keshavgupta93
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    So Where's the Skye Fix?

    Posted: 09 Dec 2020 01:57 PM PST

    I might of missed it in the patch notes, but why did Skye not receive a fix yet? For those who does not know, sometimes when Skye uses her ult, it bugs out and goes to places a person is not. It also sometimes get stuck on walls where it can easily get around but chooses to just try and phase through the wall. Her ult is useful don't get me wrong, but I hate it when my ult just bugs out.

    submitted by /u/TheDarky2347
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    My first custom Valorant keycaps

    Posted: 08 Dec 2020 05:17 PM PST

    Frame Drops Since 1.14?

    Posted: 09 Dec 2020 02:41 PM PST

    I had to make a new post since it generalises more with this tittle than with ping, since it may not be ping related because ping unchanged.

    I have been getting my frames skipped in this patch, i die in a shot where my body gets pulled back or die where my body gets pulled forward, because i was already dead on the other players screen(?)

    I'm not sure about what's going on but it's happening something that it didn't happen before this patch,

    Anyone else with frame skipping/cutting happening?

    submitted by /u/imowerz
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    Fanart Jett

    Posted: 09 Dec 2020 06:44 AM PST

    Fanart Jett

    Now i made jett, during the week i'll upload another agent https://www.instagram.com/nico.flen/?hl=es-la

    (ahora hice a jett, durante la semana subire otro agente)


    submitted by /u/KuroFlan
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    Defending shy people in voicechat

    Posted: 08 Dec 2020 04:24 PM PST

    Alright I know this is gonna get downvoted in to oblivion but still let's go.

    So every time i get onto this subreddit I see about 1 to 3 people complaining about how most people don't talk, welp turns out surprise surprise MOST PEOPLE ON THE INTERNET ARE SHY.

    So unless everybody on the team is talking or atleast some are being friendly, these shy people, young people or new people won't flippin talk. This means that y'all should not flame them for not talking but try to be nice about it, being mean doesn't make them want to talk any more and don't flame a teammate for being a girl or a squeaker this is only making it worse.

    To avoid confusion, people that are not talking because they "they don't have a mic" if this is actually true fine they have a valid reason to not talk, but if you say this in text and you do have a mic (and you don't fall in the category discussed above) you arn't much better than the people flaming others.

    Thank you for reading

    Edit: A few people pointed out that even if you don't have a mic PING, pinging on the map is almost always better than typing a long sentence on text or not doing anything.

    submitted by /u/ShotgunWolfy
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    How do you buy skins?

    Posted: 09 Dec 2020 11:39 AM PST

    I started playing this week and was looking at all the skins in the collection tab but when I go to the store, I only see a small portion of them.

    How do I see the rest of them?

    submitted by /u/next_DanDy
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    Suggestion for Career tab

    Posted: 09 Dec 2020 07:40 AM PST

    Suggestion for Career tab

    Today I thought that riots could make career tab easier to use by making one tab out of two. Now there are Match history and act rank tabs but actually they don't require so much space to do separate tabs for them. My idea is to put them together, for example act rank on the left and match history on the right and I have a image for an example. I know it looks scuffed, I did it in paint. It's just a concept, if riots would do that that would look a lot better. In my opinion it isn't hard to do and would optimise interface elements for players


    submitted by /u/maciune
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    Just wanna thank whoever the new Valorant competitive leader is.

    Posted: 09 Dec 2020 03:07 PM PST

    After a while of seeing nothing improving in competitive mode with the original guy in Act 1 and after he left we finally are getting some great competitive mode changes. I have heard that abilties are counted in ELO calculation, they have fixed the whole rank distribution with 1.14 and the 3 rank disparity has helped a lot with matchmaking consistency. So to whoever the leader is, I am not sure if you even use Reddit, but thanks for improving the system.

    Also thanks to the entire comp team. Those long nights working are truly appreciated.

    submitted by /u/SujyP
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    Remake vote as Overtime vote

    Posted: 09 Dec 2020 01:35 PM PST

    As the title says..if the Remake vote pops up like the overtime vote(continue/draw) saying (Remake / Continue) people who turned off their voice chat or thinks that it is a surrender vote can vote easily if someone goes afk in the first round. Or its better if 3 out of 4 can vote yes and remake instead of all 4. And if the afk returns in the start of 2nd round when we remake..it still asks for 5 yes votes..In this case remake is not necessary (except in case where the player is throwing or has autoclicker)cause only the first 2 rounds would be 4v5.

    submitted by /u/Uchiha_Kullu
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    Valorant skins be like...

    Posted: 08 Dec 2020 11:25 PM PST

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