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    Wednesday, December 16, 2020

    VALORANT The Ugly Side of Valorant

    VALORANT The Ugly Side of Valorant

    The Ugly Side of Valorant

    Posted: 16 Dec 2020 03:12 AM PST

    Anyone else feel lonely when playing Valorant. My friends who I have been friends with for almost 4 years, play video games with me but don't play Valorant because they aren't the best or are not into such competitive gaming. I'm forced to solo queue and quite frankly I'm getting tired of it and lonely. I love the game but it's hard to rank up or even enjoy it when half of the time you can't even talk to anybody or your teammates are just frustrating. Just wanted to see if anyone could relate to these struggles and find it hard to find anyone to play Ranked matches with you. I'll still play Valorant, but I feel like I'm not enjoying it as much as I should be when not playing with friends who also want to rank up and be good at the game. I love competitive video games like Valorant but at the end of the day I just get sad that I can't play with anyone who shares the same passion of reaching the best tier/rank.

    submitted by /u/SquidTv_
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    State of the Agents - Dec. 2020

    Posted: 16 Dec 2020 09:38 AM PST

    Valorant Leaks: Agent Pogger (Agent 14) is a duelist.

    Posted: 16 Dec 2020 08:44 AM PST

    VALORANT | New Ranked System Datamined & Clash Mode Tease (Episode 2 Changes)

    Posted: 16 Dec 2020 08:05 AM PST

    Let us queue in the practice range!

    Posted: 15 Dec 2020 08:13 PM PST

    That's it. That's the post. Just putting this out there so maybe Riot notices. It's a small change but will drastically improve user experience.

    submitted by /u/jolo_mat2008
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    Animated sprays can't be used mid-round but they stay for it, why?

    Posted: 15 Dec 2020 07:56 PM PST

    If they're disabled mid round because they're distracting, why does it stay after preround? Defenders can use it to their advantage by distracting attackers.

    It really makes no sense. I agree with the decision of disabling mid round, but i also think every spray should go away on the transition.

    submitted by /u/o_teu_sqn
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    Raze Fanart

    Posted: 16 Dec 2020 07:11 AM PST

    Raze Fanart

    in my humble opinion, raze is one of the most fun agents in the game, so I made some art to show my undying love for unnecessarily double satcheling across the map :) hope you enjoy

    if you somehow actually like my art you can also follow me on Instagram (@salty_peanut_butter) for more


    submitted by /u/picklejuiceisgodtier
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    The trollers have evolved and realized they can only get a chat ban.

    Posted: 16 Dec 2020 11:46 AM PST

    Was playing some unrated to finish off the night and the jett on our team was telling the enemy team where we were and were doing some other annoying things as well. I don't get get upset at people team trolling because they seem to like that. So all I told him was that even though this is unrated you can still get banned. But this actually isn't the case tho. You only get a 72 hour chat ban fot this. I only tell people that they can get banned so they will stop or leave. But this time the troller responded and said, "You can only get chat ban for this, I have done this multiple times."

    TDLR: Trolls know they can only get chat ban so they keep trolling without fear of ban.

    submitted by /u/pixel_5
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    Stream sniping exploit: Friend request to someone on streamer mode tells you their name in game

    Posted: 16 Dec 2020 11:34 AM PST

    Was watching REDami's stream today and he explained why streamer mode is useless by showing an exploit where you send a friend request to someone on streamer mode and it sends you a notification in chat telling you that person's name, which pretty much entirely defeats the purpose of streamer mode.

    submitted by /u/wiiziwiig
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    Killjoy Mains.. This is your Desktop Wallpaper!

    Posted: 16 Dec 2020 01:30 PM PST

    Killjoy Mains.. This is your Desktop Wallpaper!

    Finally! I have created a Killjoy Wallpaper. This was actually quite challenging because of her conflicting colors. I decided teal and yellow could work.

    FUN FACT: This was actually my first main to play. I just love killjoy.

    Hope you all enjoy!! Which agent would you like to see next? 🕹🕹🕹

    Killjoy v1

    Killjoy v2

    submitted by /u/Open-Acadia-3245
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    We should be able to report people from the lobby.

    Posted: 16 Dec 2020 01:04 AM PST


    Literally seconds ago, I was in a competitive game lobby (plat elo, EU region), it was going to be an Icebox game.

    The second I loaded in, 3 of the five players in my team started to be extremely toxic, both vocally and via text, towards the fifth player (insulting his family, wishing he died, etc...) and at the same time encouraging him to dodge while they instalocked duelists. I immediately knew that I was going to dodge this game. I asked them why they were doing that and, of course, got no answer but they started flaming me instead.

    I am positively certain of two things :

    - they are three pieces of human garbage, and their lives lives are devoid from love and affection

    - they were doing this to avoid playing Icebox, and avoid the queue-ban associated with dodging as well

    So, my point is that this behavious is totally unacceptable, and should in a perfect world warrant an instant and permanent ban. I know this is not going to happen, but we should ABSOLUTELY be able to report people from the lobby, even if the game is not going past the pick phase.

    There, that's all I have to say. Toxicity does not really get to me, but it can for sure be really hard on some people.

    submitted by /u/Trionlol
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    Unethical pro tip

    Posted: 15 Dec 2020 10:23 PM PST

    If your are stuck in elo hell, then rename yourself to 'smurf' or something similar. When the match starts, they will surely ask you your real rank, then tell them it's plat or some higher rank. Easy win. The enemy Team gets toxic, looses confidence. In half of my matches I won because they surrendered.

    Bonus points if u can ace the first pistol round.

    submitted by /u/mew_bot
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    Hard stuck in iron 1, have no idea how to rank up

    Posted: 16 Dec 2020 05:47 AM PST

    All my friends who i played with valorant have eventually ranked up except me. I'm constantly the top fragger in my team but i still can't seem to rank up. Any and all help is welcome.

    submitted by /u/nova_arc
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    How do you know if you are playing against a smurf?

    Posted: 16 Dec 2020 05:02 AM PST

    I am currently stuck in silver and I see so many posts about playing against smurfs and how it sucks but how can you actually tell it's a smurf?

    How do you know the difference between "Me and my team just played bad that game" and "We got destroyed by a smurf"?

    What if they are just in the zone during that game? because in some games I popped off but that doesn't make me a smurf.

    Also how rare are they? is it pretty rare so every once in a while you get destroyed by a smurf or is it very common? meaning one of the reasons holding me back is smurfs?

    submitted by /u/Meowulous
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    They should add a mode like snowball fight that's permanent

    Posted: 16 Dec 2020 09:26 AM PST

    I really love this mode and I'll be sad when it goes away but I understand it's a Christmas mode. However, I think they should create a mode that's just as fun because it's amazing at helping with tilt. Whenever you get tilted you need a break and the other modes just don't offer that so the best option is to turn the game off for a bit. With this mode if I get tilted I can still play while becoming untilted then whenever I'm ready just queue up for a regular match. They should add a similar mode that's permanent.

    submitted by /u/greatvaluesadboy
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    Skins Are Annoying

    Posted: 15 Dec 2020 06:12 PM PST

    The amount of times i've died trying to pick up a cool gun skin in the midst of battle is insane. I need to find a way to prevent my temptations during gunfights. But then again, I can't just leave that prime vandal on the ground.

    Edit: Was inspired to post this after picking up a prime vandal with empty clip, dying while reloading it, then witnessing a teammate in a plat lobby drop into vents to pick up a oni phantom only to discover two enemies waiting on the ropes.

    submitted by /u/ethanj8714
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    Breach mains... I've got a wallpaper for you!

    Posted: 16 Dec 2020 12:43 PM PST

    Breach mains... I've got a wallpaper for you!

    So I had some complaints about my previous wallpapers having quality issues. I think I have figured out the issue, and moving forward they will be fixed.

    Also I will be updating the other ones, as well. Here is the one, and only Breach himself!! ENJOY!

    Which agent would you like to see next? 💥💥💥

    Breach v1

    submitted by /u/Open-Acadia-3245
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    You should be able to PICK your map in unrated

    Posted: 16 Dec 2020 02:27 AM PST

    I think players should be able to queue up for specific maps in unrated mode.

    Unrated mode can be a place where you practice, try new strats, or mess around. I would love to queue for a certain maps to learn the angles or utility spots better for each agent. This would also provide a smooth onboarding experience for new players who might want to learn a map at a time before jumping into competitive.

    Ranked competitive should stay the way it is and randomly pick a map for each match to keep competitive integrity. What do you all think?

    submitted by /u/intellextar
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    Please stop smurfing.

    Posted: 16 Dec 2020 02:39 AM PST

    It ruins the game. I have played Valorant since June, and stopped last November because whenever I play, there are always smurfs. Imagine playing 4 games, I'm close to promotion, then suddenly, a smurf appears. It was obvious since the enemy's Reyna is 32-3 while the rest got like 5 kills. I lost the interest to play because of smurfs.

    Now, I'm back to playing Valorant again, and the same thing happens. It's not just smurfs, but also some people offer "pilot" services wherein they use your account, and make its rank higher in exchange for money. I appreciate Riot's effort to prevent smurfing, but since they can play competitive already, you cannot avoid them totally.

    submitted by /u/eloqii
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    Which esport has the best ranked system?

    Posted: 16 Dec 2020 12:22 PM PST

    There has been a ton of mixed feelings on Valorant's current and potential LoL like Tier system being implemented..

    I'm curious.. what games/ranked systems does everyone like from their experience? What system would you like to see in Valorant?

    submitted by /u/chrisco571
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    Anyone else sometimes think the viewmodels feel a bit big?

    Posted: 16 Dec 2020 08:11 AM PST

    Some guns just look weird in your hands. Especially with the Vandal and Operator. Feels like I'm holding giant briefcases and not guns.

    submitted by /u/UnevenFloorTiles
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    My experience of racism in EU

    Posted: 16 Dec 2020 12:55 PM PST

    In the past 3 days, I have had 6 games where I have been called racial slurs, monkey, slave etc etc repeatedly. Both by enemies via /all chat and teammates in voice chat. It is actually so demoralising to come on to valorant every day knowing i'm going to get racially abused. bearing in mind i've only played 12 games the last 3 days, so that's 1 in every 2 games.

    I mute and report the guy in question, but in one game the muted player managed to convince other solo Q teammates into saying the most horrible shit over vc. I reported the next guy, then the next, then finally around 15+ rounds in the last unmuted guy starts calling me racial slurs.

    At this point, what do i do? Do I go afk? Do I throw? Because that would be met with a ban when my teammates report me. Do I go into settings and disable team comms? But that would ruin competitive play. Why do I have to compromise my gaming experience and others', just to avoid racial abuse?

    When I report to riot, nothing comes of it. I've seen other reddit posts of people saying riot employees even refused evidence (a clip) of racial abuse and didn't take action.

    So what exactly should i do? Because I feel like im going to stop playing at this point.

    I feel like playing with a 5-stack would be useful, but im not sure how to find one. I've only been able to duo/trio occasionally with nice people i've added from ranked/unrated.

    submitted by /u/Afro_ps
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