• Breaking News

    Tuesday, December 15, 2020

    VALORANT Winter 2020 Valorant Mod Apps

    VALORANT Winter 2020 Valorant Mod Apps

    Winter 2020 Valorant Mod Apps

    Posted: 15 Dec 2020 03:00 PM PST

    Hello everyone!

    The mod team would like to open up mod apps for the next 2 weeks, ending on December 29th, 2020 at 12pm PST. We invite anyone who would like to better the subreddit and contribute to the community to apply. If you are selected, you will receive a private message from the subreddit sometime after the 29th of this month.

    If you have any questions or concerns, feel free to use the comment section below. Please keep unrelated comments off this thread. Thanks everyone and happy holidays from the r/Valorant team!

    Mod Apps Here

    submitted by /u/WindAeris
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    Servers in Africa! We too play Valorant!

    Posted: 15 Dec 2020 02:51 AM PST

    We really need servers in Africa. I'm having to play with 150ms average ping on EU servers.

    I was willing to stick with it but since the Icebox update, it's been hell. I started fluctuating between 150-300ms (as high as 1,100ms in extreme cases) during matches on Icebox but now it's happening in all maps, on all EU servers. I've had to give up on Ranked so as not to ruin the experience for others. I can only imagine what South African players are going through as they are twice as far away from the EU servers as I am.

    Servers in any 3 of these cities will benefit the whole continent: Johannesburg (South Africa), Cape Town (South Africa), Lagos (Nigeria), Abuja (Nigeria), Accra (Ghana), Rabat (Morocco), Cairo (Egypt), Nairobi (Kenya), Mombasa (Kenya) and Kigali (Rwanda).

    submitted by /u/IQ3million
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    Omen's paranoia travel time changes according to the character's speed.

    Posted: 15 Dec 2020 06:07 AM PST

    Neat cypher one way cage for B site Icebox

    Posted: 14 Dec 2020 10:20 PM PST

    The Ruin Vandal has been Ruined for me

    Posted: 15 Dec 2020 12:28 PM PST

    The Ruin Vandal has been Ruined for me

    The bottom two spikes are misaligned with the leather. Mods please don't remove this plz it needs to be fixed, its unusable


    submitted by /u/Jee_ed
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    Season's beatings! Chill out with the new limited time Snowball Fight mode, playable now through the 29th. Skate into your first match today and unlock the Snowbro Gun Buddy for free.

    Posted: 15 Dec 2020 10:19 AM PST

    I drew a little something dedicated to everyone's favorite map!

    Posted: 15 Dec 2020 09:05 AM PST

    I drew a little something dedicated to everyone's favorite map!

    I spent way too much time and effort drawing this dumb meme than I should've.
    Please do enjoy :') P.S. Posting my art on Reddit is still kinda scary for me.


    submitted by /u/jetstream__sam
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    Valorant shop should be accessible online/outside the game/at playvalorant.com

    Posted: 15 Dec 2020 05:19 AM PST

    As it is it's frustrating to get the skins you want in the shop, imagine being not able to play the game for a couple of days and the reaver vandal that you've been waiting for months decides to show up in your shop(and rotate out before you've had a chance to even know)!

    Wouldn't it be cool to be able to access the skin shop under playvalorant.com after you login? So it's still the same shop that you see in game but it allows you to keep an eye on and purchase skins that you want, whether or not you are able to launch/play the game at that moment.

    People can even write scripts to get notified when the guns they are looking for are available in the shop!

    It'll generate more revenue for riot anyways so might be a good idea for riot and potential skin buyers both?

    submitted by /u/khuja_mat
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    Anyone else notice an absurd amount of cheaters recently?

    Posted: 15 Dec 2020 03:46 AM PST

    (D3-Immortal2) Giving my rank ranges of where I've seen the crazy amount of cheaters for reference purposes.

    Just finished a match with a guy on my team that popped off ridiculously hard, added him to play with him, his aim-bot broke the next match so I ended up having to delete him and move on with my life.

    3 matches prior to this my team mates said they had the enemy Reyna on their team last game and he was super suspicious. The enemy Reyna proceeds to hard toggle for the rest of the game.

    The day prior to this I went against a silver 3 act rank immortal 2 who dropped 40 kills and the enemy team even said they thought he was walling.

    3 days ago I felt like I was cheated on multiple times, by one person. I added him and pretended I was interested in cheating, and he opened up and told me he was. Deleted and moved on.

    I have played this game since day 1 beta, was fortunate enough to get a key and have been playing religiously every single act ( 100+ Wins every act ) NEVER have I EVER thought someone was cheating, till about 2 weeks ago where I have had so many suspicious and legitimate cheaters on my team.

    What's going on with vanguard? Is anyone else experiencing similar issues.

    I Solo-Q mostly and play around PM/Early AM times on east coast server. In D3-Immortal 2. Let me know guys, and hopefully we can get a response

    submitted by /u/Liplok
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    If “Reputation” is going to be worth more, I think a way to commend teammates is necessary

    Posted: 15 Dec 2020 09:58 AM PST

    In a recent riot post, they stated that they wanted "reputation" to be worth more in competitive for 2021. If they do so, I think there needs to be a way to POSITIVELY impact someone's reputation (Since only reports bring it down, why not have something like a commend/honor system to bring them up?)

    submitted by /u/McLoosTa
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    Give us ELO Back When We Have a Convicted Thrower

    Posted: 14 Dec 2020 10:51 PM PST

    Throwing in Valorant and toxicity in general is becoming a huge problem, every single day I play this game I encounter either a thrower/leaver on my team or a thrower/leaver on the opposite team. This isnt a problem in only low ranked elo as right now im going between plat and diamond DAILY because of issues like this. I understand these are people and riot themselves cannot change what people do but atleast give us our elo back if they are convicted (Banned)

    submitted by /u/gam3rchick3n
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    My Longest Valorant Game Ever (42 Rounds)

    Posted: 14 Dec 2020 10:23 PM PST


    Had my longest game of Valorant tonight with our team winning 22-20, having played a total of 42 rounds that lasted 1 hour and 18 mins.

    Neither team wanted to draw, we basically kept going until the end. Super fun game, ggs to all!

    submitted by /u/lxcsxn
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    Why are people still dodging Icebox ??

    Posted: 15 Dec 2020 03:05 AM PST

    I dont understand why so many players, at least in silver and gold lobbies, still dodging icebox. It was understandable earlier when the map was mess with all those angles and verticality. However, Riot has fixed the map extremely well. I want to play the map but 9 times out of 10 someone from my team or the opposite dodges at agent select. Can someone tell me what is wrong with the map now?

    submitted by /u/bigchill25
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    End of Year: Modes Team

    Posted: 15 Dec 2020 08:10 AM PST

    I've did a Reyna drawing!

    Posted: 15 Dec 2020 05:44 AM PST

    I've did a Reyna drawing!

    I've started drawing a year ago and I'm still learning so much things but I really liked this one, hope you guys like it too! :)


    submitted by /u/Tanthalaas
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    The Wholesome Valorant Experience... This is how I’m able to get teammates that always want to talk and cooperate and make the game a lot more enjoyable. I rarely have to deal with toxicity in Valorant and when I do, these methods help to turn their whole attitude around!

    Posted: 15 Dec 2020 02:05 AM PST

    I've noticed that a lot of people struggle with toxicity in Valorant and it really sucks. Whenever I play, I'm able to always create an environment that brings out the best in people and it's actually really easy to do! There's just a few simple things you have to do to start avoiding the toxic players and start attracting good team players that appreciate a good game.

    Step 1: Open up with a nice greeting – Just starting out with a nice "how's everyone doing?" can do a lot for the future of that game. It'll let everyone know that you're not a toxic player and that you just want to have a good game with your new teammates.

    Step 2: Positivity is key! – I know that it can get frustrating sometimes when you have a teammate that's not really pulling their weight or is having a hard time getting off the ground at the beginning of the game. Whatever the situation is, you need to stay positive and you need to spread that positivity. Dropping positive comments whenever someone does something good or reassuring a teammate when they do something bad will just boost their confidence and reduce the chances of them tilting and throwing the game.

    Step 3: Confidence – You need to be actively trying to boost your teammates confidence. When they're feeling confident, they're going to start playing a lot better, and the same applies to you! A good boost in confidence will go a long way in the how well the entire team performs.

    Step 4: Staying Positive – It can be hard to stay positive sometimes. Everyone gets frustrated and that's just part of playing a competitive game. But you don't need to take that frustration out on your team or share it with them through comms. Keep any frustration you have off the mic and away from your teammates and only comm the positive things. And remember, being toxic doesn't benefit you or your teammates. The only people it benefits is the enemy team since they'll be able to take advantage of you tilting and it'll make their game a lot easier.

    Finally, remember that just because you might do all of this and your team is playing really well, it won't mean easy wins. It won't mean that you'll suddenly stop raging and start being the happiest person alive. But what it will do is make the game we all love a lot more enjoyable for yourself and for the people you play with. And with all that positivity comes teamwork which is what will help you start getting better teams to climb up the ranks.

    This is just something that I've been doing, and it's really been making my games a lot more fun. I made a video on the whole topic that explains everything a lot more and is really entertaining to watch.


    I hope you guys take some of this and implement it into your next games, I'm sure you'll love the results!

    Edit: I've been asked what server I play on. I play on EU servers. So if you think your server is doomed, it isn't!

    submitted by /u/Tyznips
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    Toxic teammates vs Teammates that talk

    Posted: 15 Dec 2020 01:42 PM PST

    I've just played two games tonight both ranked both solo que.

    1st Game no one communicated the whole game until the very end were all of a sudden 3/5 of the team started flaming the rest of the team for 'throwing' when we lost 13-10 (not really a throw.)

    2nd Game the whole team communicated from the start, all listened to the comms from the guy who seemed to IGL, actually even before the game started we agree a good agent composition, we went on to win 13-7 (Threw a few easy rounds but hey!)

    So my point is, why if you have a mic and you are so confident in what you do, why don't you communicate and help the team with call out's instead of not talking the whole game and then when it doesn't go your way, all of a sudden start flaming the whole team!

    Do these people not understand instead of being silent the whole game they could actually help the team and maybe win if they weren't so toxic and knew how to communicate on a human level 🤣

    Just makes me laugh, people spend hundreds on mics for them to only use them for 10 seconds to flame the team, makes me wonder how they ever achieved the rank they got! (Diamond2+)

    submitted by /u/CaspaaahTTV
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    Shouldn't there be a Fillup Bar for competitive matches, to see how much points are remaining for next Rank ?

    Posted: 15 Dec 2020 06:49 AM PST

    Stuck in Iron 1 whereas my squad getting ranked up although we play together most matches. Keeping aside this fact , still isn't there is need for that ?

    submitted by /u/Bangman_268
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    Snowman gun buddy?

    Posted: 15 Dec 2020 01:38 PM PST

    So obviously we have to play the new game mode to get it and I was walking around to see if there were any snow man and I found one and it said something like find the person who makes it snow any ideas

    submitted by /u/WildCard157
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    I drew Omen on Procreate :D

    Posted: 15 Dec 2020 01:36 PM PST

    I drew Omen on Procreate :D

    Hi guys! I'm a Raze main in Val, but I love the way Omen looks. I decided to draw him. :D I hope you guys like it. Hoping to draw Raze and some others in the near future.

    If you wanna check out my art, it's at einjo.art

    Omen from Valorant

    submitted by /u/einjo_art
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    Trouble in silver

    Posted: 15 Dec 2020 02:23 PM PST

    I'm an old CSGO player and I shifted to valorant 3-4 months ago , I climbed up to diamond and still going up. I used to be an LEM so the lower ranks were easier for me to clear my first calibration was gold3 and now I'm a diamond 2 but one of my friends who was a supreme in CSGO was stuck in silver. His only words were "Silver is hell". I had never played in the silver lobby and I wanted to have an experience.of it. So, I decided to make an account and play in silver for a while to understand what's happening there and why everyone keeps blaming the rank and call it as "Elo hell". Here are a few things that I realised while playing in silver (solo queue)

    1. Silvers never split push any site, they don't have a plan about what they are gonna do in the next 30 seconds

    2. Most of them, they don't understand the importance of buying certain guns in certain rounds (say, round 3 is the rifle round, if your economy is down, buy a half shield or no shield at all and play safe. It's much better than buying a spectre with full shield and dying stupidly to an AK one tap)

    3.A lot of them go to pick up the gun skin. Please understand that a plain vandal/phantom is much better than a singularity spectre.

    1. Use your utility when needed by you and your teammates. You are given your abilities for you to use them when the time comes. Saving them (except for your ult) isn't gonna help you in any way.

    2. Team play never happens. Whenever your entry frag enters the site his support is supposed to watch his back while your entry Fragger takes out the players from opposition and clear the site for you. YOU ARE NOT SUPPOSED TO BE STANDING 67 MILES AWAY AND GUIDING YOUR DUELIST WHAT TO DO AND WHAT NOT TO.

    3. There are no picks according to the map or agent pool in the team.Try going for the good picks, having a scout, a sentinel and a flank watch is much better than having 4 duelists in your team. People say this is similar to CSGO , to which I agree but you have abilities in this game which makes it different and if you use the abilities/ your kit right, there is no way that you are gonna lose those fights.

    4. People never shoot the things that they should. Example : They hide from the Reyna flashes every time even though breaking it may only add to your advantage over your fight with Reyna. But They will shoot the sova's recon when they are not in the scanning range. Don't shoot the dart if it can't scan you , just hide. Let the stupid scout think that there is no one around him and when he comes give him a good surprise with those bullets in his head.

    5. There is exactly 0 mini map observation in this rank. Look at your mini map, make it a habit . It will help you with knowing about the positions of your enemies and your allies .

    6. Backseat gaming. When you die please let the other players know about the position of the enemy who killed you and please never guide teammates about what they must do and what they shouldn't while you are dead

    7. Lastly, you never use the smart ping. If you are not sure where the enemy might be but you wanna peek a certain angle and you don't have an exact idea about where the door/angle exactly is, just press M use your cursor to mark it and then pre-fire the angle. You will learn over time about the angles.

    If anyone from silver rank is reading this, please don't stress yourself out. You are gonna get better. Relax and chill, enjoy the game and moments in the game , that is more important.

    P.S. My supreme friend from CSGO is up to diamond now, he just needed a teammate .

    submitted by /u/kurama5598
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    Sage Mains... I made you a desktop wallpaper!

    Posted: 15 Dec 2020 12:05 PM PST

    Sage Mains... I made you a desktop wallpaper!

    Hope you all enjoy yet another Valorant Wallpaper! This one I put a lot of thought into.

    So far I've completed Omen, Jett, Sova, Cypher, Reyna, Phoenix, Raze, and Sage! Which agent would you like to see next?

    Most popular comment is next! Enjoy!

    You can also follow me on Twitter "@skelefx" for updates on my work.

    Sage v1

    Sage v2

    submitted by /u/Open-Acadia-3245
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    ping spikes

    Posted: 15 Dec 2020 02:24 AM PST

    anybody getting ping spikes this patch?

    going from 15-20 ping to ~150 ping randomly. i have fiber connection 100down/100up. and only valorant lags.

    gonna check with my ISP tomorrow to see what's up maybe theyre throttling my connection.

    submitted by /u/enaye
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    Which agent to choose for the 5 maps?

    Posted: 15 Dec 2020 10:37 AM PST

    I play all 3 cypher, sova, and killjoy. I was wondering for the 5 maps, which of those agents are the best choices? Ex. I heard that Sova is bad on split but good on haven

    submitted by /u/GingerGod69
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