• Breaking News

    Saturday, December 26, 2020

    VALORANT Using Raze Satchels, You Can Teleport Through Ascent B Main Window

    VALORANT Using Raze Satchels, You Can Teleport Through Ascent B Main Window

    Using Raze Satchels, You Can Teleport Through Ascent B Main Window

    Posted: 25 Dec 2020 10:32 PM PST

    The Bucky is Literally Unplayable™

    Posted: 26 Dec 2020 01:35 AM PST

    Pixelated Prime Vandal...

    Posted: 26 Dec 2020 10:59 AM PST

    Pixelated Prime Vandal...

    Prime Vandal Reloading Animation Made in Pixel Studios APP...... lemme know how do u think it is..elderflame vandal is on the way...leave more recommendations in the comments .... :)

    ^ without animation ^

    ^ with animation ^

    submitted by /u/NestiZ_YT
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    Killjoy grenade that is for post plant on B site Ascent.

    Posted: 26 Dec 2020 07:28 AM PST

    Here is my recreation of split with (somewhat) realistic graphics - hope you guys can appreciate it :)

    Posted: 25 Dec 2020 03:27 PM PST

    Here is my recreation of split with (somewhat) realistic graphics - hope you guys can appreciate it :)


    Modelled and rendered in blender by me... this render took 1 hour 20 minutes on my rtx 2070 (8000 samples though)

    submitted by /u/D112235
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    is your network turning your 1v2 into a 1vU? a guide: valorant and its relation to the internet, and why other games play just fine

    Posted: 26 Dec 2020 08:52 AM PST

    for my explanation, im going to assume most are using a docsis 3.0+ modem and get at least 100+mbps down/10mbps up w 4 locked upstream channels

    valorant is the only non-subscription based game, and one of incredibly few free to play online game options running servers at 128 tickrate. that means valorant is incredibly sensitive to your internets upload capabilities. if youre finding yourself often rubberbanding from packet loss, suffering from strange ping spikes with associated fps drops, or just otherwise feel the game plays like shit: this guide is for you

    here were my signal values broadcast from my modem after i moved to a new place and noted intermittent connectivity issues/packet loss in valorant. https://i.imgur.com/Fvbrn3g.png

    over a ~20 min slow as hail cmd line ping test, id see results like this:

    Ping statistics for

    Packets: Sent = 1477, Received = 1475, Lost = 2 (0% loss),

    Approximate round trip times in milli-seconds: Minimum = 11ms, Maximum = 132ms, Average = 17ms

    thats horrible. but according to my isp, nothing was wrong! when they pinged me, everything was good. i guess they ignored my clear explanation of it being intermittent connectivity issues, but whatever. i knew i was on my own.

    my upstream power values were waaaaaaaaaaay too weak. i was losing packets from my downstream signals being too hot and basically overpowering any chance of simultaneous high bandwidth download and upload. (like say, valorant) in my example: my upstream power was 35db. in my (and most peoples) situation, you want to aim towards 40-45db upstream power, with a minimum of 37db. check out the following links for more information on how to best evaluate your own signals.



    by making some changes to my setup, i was able to now achieve these values https://i.imgur.com/E47rP9a.png

    the power values for downstream are the smallest bit too low for my taste, (-7db to 7db is supposedly optimal, but i have so much extra bandwidth it doesnt matter, just suggested to not drop below -15db and my SNR is still great) but it was a necessary amount of hot signal dampening required to get my upload to "speak up" to the CMTS and hit that beautiful 45db average power value.

    since then i did an extended packet loss test through a webRTC browser app and https://iperf.fr/ of overwatch size packets at 128/sec totaling literally over 1,000,000 packets, and i lost ZERO. there was some jitter, yea, the internets not a perfect machine, but some packets were only LATE never LOST.

    this is why some connections feel like shit. people need to empower themselves, figure out what their modem is telling them, and demand their isp solve this issue.

    ive bolded the most important parts of this thread. i dont expect everyone to invest the 100+ hours of effort i did into independently training themselves to be a cable technician and solving their own problems. dont expect to solve this on your own so easily, there are several issues and nuances i encountered on the path to here not included for brevity. if you can identify, or at least think you have these issues, speak to your isp, demand someone who knows what theyre talking about, and explain your modems upstream power is too low and you want a tech out to attenuate your signal, or ask them to give you the readouts for your modems upstream power over the phone, then let them know. thats it. unless you are interested in spending a week and a half on an issue that youll convince yourself youve fixed 5 times already

    merry christmas

    submitted by /u/garbage_water
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    GeT_RiGhT to Valorant?

    Posted: 26 Dec 2020 10:09 AM PST

    As title says, GT just tweeted this mysterious video, thoughts?


    submitted by /u/Hydda
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    Valorant should let you see how many hours you've played the game

    Posted: 26 Dec 2020 11:28 AM PST

    Anyone else wants to know how many hours you've invested in Valorant? Cause right now there is no way to check that, just if we can somehow make it noticed to the riot devs. ... erm yeah that's all

    submitted by /u/YourOrdinaryTemp
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    Try this double shock dart I made, this counters Sages who wall mid and those op'ers who peek from heaven. (I used the recon to lineup the second dart btw)

    Posted: 26 Dec 2020 08:25 AM PST

    I made a Valorant Stream Overlay, which shows your elo in realtime!

    Posted: 26 Dec 2020 08:08 AM PST

    I made a Valorant Stream Overlay, which shows your elo in realtime!

    Hey everyone!

    I created a program that acts like a Stream Overlay for valorant. This program shows your current Rank, recent rank progression, and your current Ranked Points and ELO.

    Picture taken from Onscreen's Stream

    Link: https://github.com/RumbleMike/ValorantStreamOverlay

    submitted by /u/Rumblemike
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    Iron 1 to Plat 2!

    Posted: 26 Dec 2020 09:17 AM PST

    I started playing Valorant mid-August as my first FPS game. Needless to say, I was absolute trash and placed iron 1 when I unlocked comp. I even remember my first comp game where my teammates (all iron 1) were flaming me so hard because I was playing poorly--almost made me quit the game, but I'm glad I didn't. This week I got my first wins in Platinum and I'm so happy!

    This post is going to be about my journey and the things I learned along the way.

    August 15th: My Valorant journey begins and I spend the next 3.5 weeks learning fundamentals of aiming , movement, and ability usage in iron.

    September 10: Had an amazing series of games (8 game winstreak) where I finally climbed out of iron and made it to all the way to bronze 3. By this time, I had been playing Valorant for hours everyday and developed some game sense. From what I remember, bronze players are rather predictable and overrotate a lot, making them easy to exploit. Also teammates are more receptive to making plays and using comms than in iron.

    October 1: Won my first game as silver 3. I guess the biggest contribution for me getting from bronze to silver was improving crosshair placement and aim practice.

    November 15: After being hardstuck in silver 3 for a month and a half, I finally reached gold! I'll talk about big takeaways in the section below.

    December 20: I finally reached platinum this week! Currently Plat 2.

    Big takeaways:

    Honestly, my aim is still terrible (average 55-60k in gridshot). So how did I solo queue out of gold with subpar aim?

    -Game sense and positioning are probably the most important factors for me in gold+. Knowing where to be at the right time, how to isolate fights or position for unfair fights, how/when to create space, and when to bait utility and rotate goes a long way. Also, as a sage/omen main, I can get into a lot of cheeky spots that catch enemies off guard.

    - Comms and positive attitude/tone. Definitely give call outs, but don't backseat game (we can all agree that's hella annoying). Just as important as to always stay positive, even when you're losing badly. There's been several posts about this, but keeping a positive attitude, praising your teammates, or saying "nice try" helps with mentality a lot. I've won more comebacks from 9-0 leads than it seems reasonable by keeping morale up. Also, don't flame your teammate even if they're not playing that well (being tilted and tilting others don't help). As an example, I recently played a game on split where my killjoy went 2-11 on defense. He was apologizing for playing poorly and I was like "don't worry about it, I bet you'll pop off on attack". He actually did pop off on attack and even got a round-saving ace, and we won with me being match MVP and him being second on my team with 21 kills.

    - Be a team player, play your role, and play smart. This is also really important for me. I'm usually not top fragging, but I've maintained around a 60% win rate for the past month by being smart with my utility and supporting the team. I also never hunt for kills and always play the objective like guarding the spike.

    -Crosshair settings and lowering sensitivity. I played with default crosshair and sensitivity all the way to silver 3. Super dumb I know, but I was new to FPS. Finally customized it (I even had firing errors on originally oof) and lowered sensitivity and changes were practically immediate, so definitely do this earlier rather than later lol.

    Thank you all for reading and hope you have a safe and happy holiday season!

    submitted by /u/another_techie
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    A satirical commentary on Jett. Is this an accurate description of a Jett main, now that 2020 is almost over, thought this subreddit could use some comic relief ��

    Posted: 26 Dec 2020 04:33 AM PST

    Tips from someone who has gone from Gold 2 to Immortal 1 this act completely SoloQ

    Posted: 26 Dec 2020 01:24 PM PST

    Tips from someone who has gone from Gold 2 to Immortal 1 this act completely SoloQ

    Act 2

    Act 3

    To preface this, I have a few hundred hours in CS or so, experience definitely helps with these sorts of tac-shooter games in terms general game sense and crosshair placement

    SoloQ Specific

    1. Always say hello at the start of a match, establishing the initial line of communication when solo queuing is vital to keeping it flowing the whole game, and communication is key.
    2. Don't be coerced by randoms into picking an agent you aren't comfortable, being an unexperienced omen is a lot worse than a good breach even if an omen would be preferable.
    3. Sticking with agent select, make sure that you have a few agents that you are comfortable with e.g. I am comfortable with Omen, KJ and Reyna, leaving me open to any/all roles, this also helps if you are having a bad streak to just switch up your playstyle
    4. This game is as much a mental battle as a battle in the game, once a team has given up mentally the game is pretty much over. So mute all enemy text chat as a default. Always say "nt" to your team after a clutch attempt and DO NOT GIVE UP NO MATTER HOW MUCH YOU ARE LOSING.

    General Tips

    1. Practice makes perfect - prior to jumping into a comp I would do roughly 15 minutes of Aimlabs and a couple deathmatches, over the course of an act your aim will improve a lot (not just gridshot btw).
    2. I saw a lot of knee-cap warriors in lower rank players (gold - low plat), aiming for the head is crucial in this game, good crosshair placement beats good aim 9/10 times.
    3. If you can help it, do not dry peak corners, use your abilities to give you an edge over others.
    4. On the subject of abilities, make sure you are helping your teammates and not just yourself, flashes such as Omen's paranoia can be used a lot more to help your team peak rather than yourself.
    5. Every time a round goes wrong/ you die, don't immediately go to find the blame on a teammate and start tilting at them, think about what you could have done better to improve e.g. bad crosshair placement, not clearing a corner properly, not being in a good position for your teammate to trade the kill.
    6. If you are on a losing streak or you just think it isn't your day, don't play a comp, either do some DM/Aimlabs or leave it for the day, the game will still be here tomorrow.

    This isn't everything and I certainly am not be claiming to be a god at the game in any way, I just wanted to share my experience and what I've learnt on my journey from gold to immortal, if you have any other questions I'd be very happy to try my best to answer them.

    GL HF

    submitted by /u/Charlie11123
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    Valorant Shadow Box Painting

    Posted: 26 Dec 2020 10:52 AM PST

    My amazing girlfriend gave me the best present this Christmas. A shadow box with all my favorite agents painted as frogs! Hope you guys enjoy it as much as I do!


    submitted by /u/Brainiakt
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    A little cool lineup that shoots a Recon Bolt from B to A in Ascent for all the Sova mains

    Posted: 26 Dec 2020 01:16 AM PST

    My KillJoy Fanart

    Posted: 26 Dec 2020 09:17 AM PST

    My KillJoy Fanart

    I main Killjoy and i wanted to make some valorant fanart recently (ALso did my first Ace on ascent 1v5 on atack) really want to make more and dynamic drawings later with diffrent agents
    inst: raccooninahat


    submitted by /u/DavidRaccooon
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    A shot at EU market analysis: Valorant might need a little bit more exposure in Europe.

    Posted: 26 Dec 2020 08:11 AM PST

    A shot at EU market analysis: Valorant might need a little bit more exposure in Europe.


    First of all! I know this post is very long. There is a TL;DR in the end.

    I'm a European player who's been enjoying Valorant immensely for the past half a year. Slowly but steadily I climbed from Silver to Plat and I hope to continue on in the next Episode!

    However I've noticed a sad trend during fall. When up until the end of summer there'd always be someone to play with in a group we have, that's not the case anymore. From 15 or so players we had now there's 4 people left, the rest went back to CS or Siege or started playing Warzone or Tarkov.

    That's unlucky, but I got curious enough to check the only data I've had available, which is provided by Google based on the amount of interest certain titles generate in the search bar. I want to mention here, I have zero clue on how this data is gathered and processed and I trust it's not manipulated in any meaningful way.

    Below is a raw round up of what I've gathered, as described. ["p.p." means percentage points - % in first column minus % in second column, as opposed to % in first column divided by $ in second column).] April - June is 1st April - 30th June, Oct - Dec is 26th Sept - 26th Dec.

    I messed up text formatting in the \"change\" column, please kindly disregard.

    Presented in the table is a comparison between several countries. I picked those, because they were the largest and therefore had most reliable data for the most part. I do not know anything about Korean, Japanese or Indian gaming scene and about Riot marketing there, so I will not make any comments, I just wanted a point of reference which I hope this gives me.

    First comment that I want to make is that obviously with a few exceptions the interest in Valorant compared to CS:GO has died off. This is not surprising, as the hype during beta and launch was high and the "new" factor of new players learning and searching up guides and references influenced the data largely. This is irrelevant, as it doesn't really mess up with any comparisons I want to make.

    Second comment I want to make is that Valorant still seems to have debuted extremely strongly in a very oligopolistic genre that is tactical shooters, where there are not many options and pretty much the only game like CS was... CS.

    Now to the comparisons. I think I did an okay job filtering out countries where the change in minus was larger than 15 p.p. (red colour). Yellow is between 0 p.p. and -15 p.p., while green is a gain.

    You will of course notice how vastly different EU looks in this table. Where NA, Korea, Brazil or India sturdily stand at >50%, in barely any countries in Europe has Valorant retained an advantage in this comparison. Spain and France are at about 50-50 and Italy is going very strong, but the remaining countries edge closer to a 66-33 split. Another thing is the raw difference between periods; many European countries show a 30 p.p. drop (including France which is still doing good), while USA and Canada (and the world altogether) only dropped 10 p.p. Many smaller countries not included, like Czech Republic, Austria, Belgium, Slovenia, Denmark etc. would seem to also fall into this category.

    Here I want to point to Germany, Poland, Finland (!!), Russia, which I believe are the countries with a large, established tac shooter culture. I myself being from this zone have noticed how tons of players went to Valorant in 1st half of the year, but pretty much none of them play anymore. Most remaining players are new players, who didn't play CS much or at all.

    Map: Percentage of \"Valorant\" search results in a [Valorant]&[CSGO] pair, Google Trends. (26th Sept 2020 - 26th Dec 2020)

    Now, before you comment, here's a few potential things I have already considered.

    a) CSGO is stronger in EU than USA. - Yes, exactly, this is the point of my post. Beating CSGO in Europe will take more than just existing and it's possible that without action CSGO will actually win a large portion EU back.

    b) Hype dropped, of course there are differences. - Yes, I know that, but was hype in Europe larger than in NA and does it explain why NA is blue and EU is red? I think it's irrelevant.

    c) Riot knows what they're doing and Google has trash data. - Absolutely, Google data is not perfect at all, but Riot doesn't share theirs. And I'm not here to dispute the company, I'm trying to maybe actually ask whether they have some sort of plan for getting more exposure in Europe.

    d) I don't actually know where the difference between Spain, Italy and France and the rest of the continent stems from. No clue.

    e) There's tons of players, stop moaning. - Yes! I know and I'm really happy. The only thing that prompted me to post this was noticing how different NA/SA/India is from EU in this regard.

    Disclaimer: I haven't actually employed any proper data analysis tools that I would use for, say, a science paper to normalize data, model changes and account for biases/other search phrases. This is a lazy Saturday post that I cooked because things like this are very interesting to me and I don't want Valorant to be ass in Europe in a few months!

    TL;DR! The development of interest in Valorant in Europe compared to CSGO has gone way worse than in NA/SA/Asia in the past half a year. In some European countries interest in Valorant dropped by 50% or more. CSGO seems to be much stronger in Europe than elsewhere in the world and this is something that I think Riot should consider for future marketing plans, in fact I'm pretty sure they do, but I still wanted to spark some discussion.

    Thank you for reading! :) If anything is not clear or I straight up fucked up and said something stupid feel free to call me out, my brain is still kind of sleepy after all the Christmas food. Hahaha

    submitted by /u/silenthills13
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    Pixelated Elderflame Vandal

    Posted: 26 Dec 2020 10:31 AM PST

    Pixelated Elderflame Vandal

    making the elderflame vandal in the form of pixel art.....just had to add my initials will remove them when its fully complete....oh...and gonna be making an animation on it as well... i saw singularity phantom ( pixelated ) on reddit and saw a comment of some1 asking to make elderflame vandal....i dont know if the poster of that post read it or not but i took it as a challenge so....here we are...leave any more ideas in comments section


    submitted by /u/NestiZ_YT
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    can i get tier 50 battlepass

    Posted: 26 Dec 2020 10:52 AM PST

    i'm currently tier 42 on the battlepass and i do all the daily/weekly missions and play about 4-5 competitive games a day will i be able to reach tier 50 b4 it ends?

    submitted by /u/givenchyy_
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    Not hearing your own footsteps

    Posted: 26 Dec 2020 12:41 PM PST

    Am I crazy or were we able to hear our own footsteps before I don't know if it's a bug but I'm not able to hear my own footsteps in game at the moment.

    submitted by /u/DelCamps
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    Raze Rope Satchel Trick...

    Posted: 26 Dec 2020 12:34 PM PST

    Apparently, you can lose elo in a comp win?

    Posted: 26 Dec 2020 01:01 PM PST

    Apparently, you can lose elo in a comp win?

    So I have been using this elo tracker made based on the recent leaks and I noticed something interesting in the elo change I had over a 13-11 win. Apparently, I lost 4 elo points even though my game presented a slight increase. Does anyone know if this is a bug or not?

    The -4 elo game on bind was the 13-11 I am refferring to.

    The game being referenced is the 13-11 Competitive game on bind as Omen

    Ps I was using this valorant elo tracker,https://valorantelo.gg/, but recently the functionality of this site has been taken down.

    submitted by /u/wickedome
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    Minor Brimstone buff idea

    Posted: 26 Dec 2020 08:00 AM PST

    I know the biggest weakness of Brimstone is that his smokes are outclassed by the longer range, rechargable Omen smokes, but his stim obviously needs some work too.

    What if the stim could be deployed but activated manually later on, and in addition to the functionality it has now, it could slow enemies down? That would create a synergy with his molly and ult and he could use the buff in reaction to being pushed onto more easily. I think the stim having 2 different uses would be an interesting way to create more diverse gameplay for him. But yes, his smokes need work too.

    submitted by /u/BeyondJonathanFrakes
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