• Breaking News

    Friday, December 25, 2020

    VALORANT You should not be able to play competitive while you have a chat restriction

    VALORANT You should not be able to play competitive while you have a chat restriction

    You should not be able to play competitive while you have a chat restriction

    Posted: 24 Dec 2020 10:31 PM PST

    The amount of times that I play competitive and receive invites from a teammate to join their party is just ridiculous. One time I joined one of these parties, only for him to drop a hard r regarding the Sage on our team. I really think that if you have a chat restriction you shouldn't be able to play competitive.

    submitted by /u/Amahzing
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    I created a Discord bot for Valorant stats! Valking.gg

    Posted: 25 Dec 2020 05:08 AM PST

    I created a Discord bot for Valorant stats! Valking.gg

    Hey there!

    The past few days I have been working on the first fully public Discord bot for Valorant stats!


    It features profile stats as seen here


    and many more features like short match histories, total agent stats of a player and a quick way to get current tierlists(winrates by maps).

    There are many more features planned but I wanted to launch this and see how stable it would run first.

    Tell me what you think! :)

    EDIT: I am overwhelmed by the response! It's so great to see such high demand for something I put a lot of time in!

    The Problem is that due to sudden high usage my bot just got limited to only 250 Servers for the next 3-4 weeks. I tried to contact Discord support but they seem to be on holiday for at least the next 3 weeks. There are still over 100 slots for the bot left though! Sorry for the inconvenience, I couldn't have expected this.

    submitted by /u/Dirty3vil
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    Killjoy Molly Lineup for Retake Ult in Haven A Site

    Posted: 24 Dec 2020 06:50 PM PST

    Viper's Smoke Nade should be a sticky nade

    Posted: 25 Dec 2020 07:20 AM PST

    Sort of like in CoD. At the moment, one of viper's downsides is that her kit is inflexible. More specifically, her smoke nade just isn't that usable in many situations. Not only do you have such few line-ups at the beginning of the round, but it's often hard to utilize her smoke nade effectively when entering a site, relocating to a different position, or even retaking a different site than the one you were set up in.

    Making her smoke nade sticky (attaches to whatever it touches) would give more utilization options to viper players. More one-ways, set-ups, and strategies simply due to the ability to place it wherever. And it's not that extreme logically given viper's use of "chemicals".

    It also won't affect that inflexibility that much, considering some people consider it as what makes viper unique, because it'll be just as irretrievable.

    I've linked a few images below that sort of outline how this would work/play out from a pre-round set up pov:
    1. https://i.imgur.com/8jISjGp.jpg
    2. https://i.imgur.com/z8xOl9Y.jpg
    3. https://i.imgur.com/KDLaT2s.jpg

    At this point in the game, viper is a tricky character to buff, because she's actually really strong. She shines on defense, and espicially if the attackers are pushing the site she was already set up in. But that's it, if they go to another site, her wall can't move, and niether can her smoke if it is in a lined-up position (in most cases). Besides reworking her kit, I feel like this change will allow viper mains, such as myself, to feel indifferent, yet much more capable.

    (Just for the record, I'm a viper main)

    submitted by /u/SolidColorsRT
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    Running accuracy is being worked on (Via Co-Lead Game Designer Max Grossman)

    Posted: 25 Dec 2020 08:44 AM PST

    BlastX Phantom was teased way before game's release

    Posted: 25 Dec 2020 03:44 AM PST

    BlastX Phantom was teased way before game's release

    I mean this photo ain't lying.


    This shows that many of the skins were long way into the development of them. I will edit the post as soon as I find the source of this video. This was just a pic I found somewhere, but it clearly looks like Riot Headquarters before lockdown

    Edit: The source of the video was found:

    To design a tactical shooter // Dev Diaries - VALORANT

    I cant post a link, but the timestamp of this particular screenshot is: 0:02

    submitted by /u/datarioniboii
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    Riot could massively improve game quality and communication in competitive

    Posted: 25 Dec 2020 10:10 AM PST

    I had a bright idea. If riot started keeping statistics of peoples use of push to talk in competitive games, they could change the matchmaking algorithm to try and put at the very least 3-4 communicative players on the team. There would be a minimum requirement to qualify as a "communicative" player, something low like having spoken above 5 or 10 times in average during the last 10 competitive games.

    But what about players who don't have microphones or don't want to communicate?

    To solve this for players who want games with communication and do have a mic, give players an option in game;

    "Only put me in games with other players that have a microphone".

    This would try to guarantee competitive games with voice communication. Of course it won't say much about the quality of someone's comms. But I feel like this would really be a win win for everyone. Players who don't have microphones or do but never really speak during the match, probably dont care about being put in a game with few comms. In fact it might incite them to start communicating to get into games with other people that do speak. And then us people who actually do want to strategize and call out can play with other players who also genuinely want to win the freaking game.

    It won't have much impact on queue times and even if it does, the fact that you know you're going to land in a game with people who actually use their words in this team play game, will massively improve the odds of actually enjoying that match, and probably reduce the amount of people who selfishly dodge because nobody speaks or someone has no microphone during agent selection.

    Thank you for coming to my ted talk. Please let me know what you think.

    submitted by /u/Sir_Cunt99
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    Double Shockdarts #4 - Attacking Bind A (Backsite Cubby)

    Posted: 25 Dec 2020 09:15 AM PST

    Sova recon arrow that I found for retaking B site on split that scans site and backside

    Posted: 25 Dec 2020 01:30 AM PST

    Valorant needs something like Trust Factor

    Posted: 25 Dec 2020 09:15 AM PST

    I have gotten into so many games now where I lost the game just because a teammate goes afk or abandons a match. We can always report them for going afk but that doesnt change anything. They are not going to get banned from the game which is indeed a very harsh punishment and shouldnt be implemented in any game, but I feel the cooldown period is just not a good enough punishment.

    You can win rounds on attacking half if you execute well, provided its not the controller who went afk. But winning a round on defending side with a player down at the beginning of the round is just very hard, especially on maps like split and haven.

    Trust factor is not a new concept. It has been implemented in Counter Strike and it works surprisingly well. I have seen all the posts about CS being infested with cheaters and hackers, but that is because Valve doesnt hardware ban people unlike Riot. Just to explain how trust factor works in CS - It is a bit like Elo. New accounts have low trust factors. Players with similar trust factor are matched together. What decreases your trust factor - 1. Leaving a match half way 2. Reports for being toxic or cheating

    What increases your trust factor - 1. Having a prime account (You can buy a prime status or just acquire it by gaining certain amount of XP) 2. Buying an operation (Kinda like battlepass) (Basically spending money on the game will earn you trust factor) 3. Getting commendations from your teammates for being friendly or helpful(Yes thats a thing in CS) 4. Not leaving a game even though you know theres a cheater in the opposite team. And maybe couple other things.

    Implementing something similar in Valorant will yield great results. Just give a moderate trust factor to new accounts and baam!, you reduce the risk of new players getting paired with cheaters/ toxic players/ deserters (I am gonna call people who leave mid game deserters now).

    I appriciate any criticism of what I suggest here. Its entirely possible that I have overlooked something.

    (The reason I wrote a post this long is because I drew a match because 2 of my teammates decided to desert us. I had 62 kills in that game and it pisses me off that I didnt win the match. I only performed well because I collected the 2 orbs every round, the opposition was taking us lightly the whole game because we started every round 2 players down and my teammates lost interest so I decided I will just bait them. This might sound like bragging, because it kinda is lol.)

    submitted by /u/sagar_wells
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    Viper buff idea - make her utility give sound clues

    Posted: 25 Dec 2020 11:32 AM PST

    Something I think would be in character for Viper and be a nice buff to go along the several suggestions on this sub is to have the enemies start loudly coughing when they enter Viper's smoke and when they cross her wall, so they'd be and informational tool just like Cypher's cage. Maybe add that sound cue to her ult too, and make the coughing last for a short while after leaving the smoke/wall/ult.

    What do you all think about this idea?

    submitted by /u/MeatMakingMan
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    You CAN lose MMR on draw games

    Posted: 25 Dec 2020 11:32 AM PST

    I saw this post today on revealing the hidden MMR on ranked games: https://www.reddit.com/r/VALORANT/comments/kjoyqd/there_has_been_a_ranked_point_checker_to_see_how/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3

    I went to try it out and noticed something interesting:


    "MatchID": redacted,










    This game was a draw game but I actually lost 5 points of MMR from it. Obviously it probably won't derank you or anything (most of my win/loss games affect MMR anywhere from 20-40 points, where you need 100 to rank up), but it's definitely a deviation from the rule that you don't lose ANY MMR if you draw.

    submitted by /u/another_techie
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    New to valorant, got my first Ace! Any tips? Sens too fast? aim too wobbly? lmk <3

    Posted: 25 Dec 2020 09:04 AM PST

    Hi! the names naira. I just got valorant a few weeks ago and well, I'm bad at it. However, i just got my first ace! as shown here. The last kill was atrocious but hey, I'm proud of it. Multiple people have told me my sens was wayy too fast. As such, I have lowered it multiple times

    1600 dpi-1.2

    800 dpi- 1.2

    800 dpi- 0.6

    (scoped multiplier 0.83 for all)

    has been my current progression. I would appreciate any tips, and also let me know some sensitivities I should try out! <3

    Furthermore, ya girl comes from siege, which if you don't know has no movement penalty regarding aim. Has anyone transitioned too valorant from a game that doesn't penalize moving while shooting? If so, got any tips for getting over it? Because imo its my biggest flaw as of right now.

    All tips and Dms are welcomed, as I'm still learning my bearings, watching countless guides and youtube videos. Though i just havn't found a nice playstyle, character, and sens i guess.


    (reposted because i messed up the last post here's the link)


    submitted by /u/Its_naira
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    Why Does Tagging Still Give Enemies Free Running Accuracy?

    Posted: 25 Dec 2020 09:47 AM PST

    We already have the instant stop/start overwatch movement that makes it impossible to have meaningful running fights, do we really need to compound to punish people who shoot first even more?

    Some pro made a video about accuracy and mentioned this as an issue a while ago and I was honestly expecting it to get fixed next patch since it's such an obvious problem.

    submitted by /u/Routine-Funny3655
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    No matter your team chemistry, ranks, or persistence, gold can be the hardest place to rank out of. Happy holidays to all!!

    Posted: 24 Dec 2020 10:49 PM PST

    I've played since act 1 and I absolutely love the game. I genuinely want to become better and this really has been the only game since Gears of War on the Xbox 360 that I've taken seriously in a competitive sense. I don't want to trash the game or anything like that because again, I do love this game and think it's one of the best FPS competitive games out right now. That being said, I will say I'm not crazy insane player, I'm an (what I consider) an above average player and I've spent my valorant career constantly in the gold rank. Very seldom have I seen platinum and I've always played to try and climb the ranks like any other player does. I've had an extremely hard time getting out of gold due to various reasons which I'm sure you've all heard of:

    1. Smurfing can be a major issue is some games. This is all too real again, in some games. I've had enemy fraggers go 38-4 and it couldn't be more obvious that there silver 3 rank isn't legit. That is few and far between for the most part but I will say I do see it every other day at least.

    2. People throwing. Surprisingly enough I'm shocked to see that people actually do this, or maybe don't directly do it. Instead they just don't really care how the game turns out so they do whatever they want which may not coincide with what the rest of the team is doing. I've had several games recently where people openly say they "don't care" or they "aren't trying" and it does suck to see that in ranked of all modes.

    I don't want to make this post to trash the game or the ranked system, I only went to show the difficulties highsilver/gold players face on a daily basis in ranked. We are players trying to improve and climb the ranks like any other, and I hope issues like these can be addressed so climbing the ranks can be more successful while having great teammates to play with. Cheers and merry Christmas to all!!

    submitted by /u/struggleman55
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    I don't mean to offend but Indian servers are shitty and extremely toxic.

    Posted: 25 Dec 2020 07:35 AM PST

    I play from Singapore, got accidentally connected to Mumbai. Because of constant ping spikes, I could barely get kills. This was lower rank competitive. The chats were filled with nothing but curses, I bet most of them were in some Indian language but a lot of it in English.

    I didn't reply to any and I'm glad I had my voice chat was turned off.

    submitted by /u/maleAngel
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    Ranked is absolutely unplayable in iron

    Posted: 25 Dec 2020 10:56 AM PST

    I'm new to the game and I was placed Iron 1. I don't really play FPS games, I'm a League player, but something I noticed is that in valorant, at least in iron, there are a lot more afk's and DC's than ranked in league. Like this shit is unplayable, literally every other game someone disconnects or afk's. And sometimes they afk but don't leave the game so we don't even get extra money.

    submitted by /u/xxxLilJune
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    Crouching in lower elo (high silver/low gold)

    Posted: 25 Dec 2020 01:11 AM PST

    I find myself crouching whenever I get into a gunfight, and this generally gets me headshot because people aim for the body. I've tried unbinding my CTRL key multiple times, and this does result in me not getting instakilled 50% of the time, but then my gun game gets messed up, and sometimes I find myself moving while shooting. (just to clarify, I tend to crouch immediately when I enter a gun fight, it's sort of an instinct at this point). I've tried heavily to improve my crosshair placement for headshots but I'm getting mostly body kills most of the time and I feel like crouching is messing up my aim actually.

    I feel like this is a huge reason why I'm stuck in this elo, even when I have decent game sense and have good comms. Anyone have any suggestions for how to combat this? I've been playing since Act 2 and am currently Gold 1, but am on a bit of a losing streak. Is there some sort of exercise that can help with this?

    submitted by /u/M3LOONS
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    The Worst Rank in Valorant

    Posted: 25 Dec 2020 04:47 AM PST

    Why Bronze is the worst rank in Valorant

    Hi! I have started since beta as Iron and now I just reached Platinum. The grind to reach that level is somewhat stressful and here are some things I wanna tell you. Out of all the ranks I have climbed so far, Bronze is the worst and longest rank I was stuck at. Why? There are many reasons to that.

    Bronze is unbalanced

    So I had made a smurf and attempted to speedrun it, but once I reached Bronze 3 I was stuck and couldn't even climb back to silver. Why? Many players in Bronze are either smurfs or are just super experienced players who deserve a better rank. Another is that there are many users in Bronze fluke from Iron.

    Users who go AFK

    In Iron / Bronze / Silver, you at least get 1 player in the match who would leave halfway through the game and never return back. In my opinion, the remake feature should be able to be used any time a player disconnects or throws. Those people who go AFK should actually get a stronger punishment since this is destroying people who attempt to have fun in competitive and wasting people's time trying to have fun.

    No Comms and Toxicity

    In Bronze lobbies, it is more rare than Gold to find a team with good communication. Most people in Bronze would just type or talk to insult others instead of giving information and pings. So that's just another small reason.

    submitted by /u/IncursioIsSheepy
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    Being a breach

    Posted: 25 Dec 2020 02:16 AM PST

    One of the most annoying things about being a breach, calling your flashes and still having teammates ignore you and walk into it twice in a row.

    submitted by /u/ChildoftheKing12
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    There has been a “ranked point checker” to see how far you are from a rank that tracks points. Will riot take this down?

    Posted: 24 Dec 2020 03:23 PM PST

    Blasts lines give a small advantage - You can immediately tell if a wall is wallbangable or not from a distance. Are there other skins with small advantages?

    Posted: 25 Dec 2020 07:19 AM PST

    Edit: There is a typo in the title, I meant to say Blastx skin line. If a mod can edit it that would be awesome.

    When upgraded, bullet holes are replaced by darts. However, the nice thing is that the brightly colored darts only appear for bullets that did NOT go through a wall. This makes it easy to see from a distance if your bullets are actually going through a wall or not. This is especially useful when shooting at corners as you can instantly tell when the bullets stop penetrating.

    I know regular guns have different bullet hole graphics to show whether bullets are penetrating or not, but it's too subtle to be noticeable in the heat of the moment.

    Are there any other gun skins that give certain small advantages? For example, is there a skin line that have less hidden area when scoped in with snipers?

    submitted by /u/Valgrinder91
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    Team vote kick

    Posted: 25 Dec 2020 11:35 AM PST

    I just got out of a ranked game where a Jett on my team took spike and stayed in spawn, giving our positions away on all chat. This was the most stressful and rage inducing game I've experienced so far, and I think a simple vote kick feature like in csgo would be a great help in these rare scenarios. Won 13 - 9 btw, turns out godly callouts don't fix terrible aim.

    submitted by /u/Scared-Taro-3800
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