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    Thursday, December 24, 2020

    VALORANT 5 Simple Rules for good team chemistry in SOLO QUEUE

    VALORANT 5 Simple Rules for good team chemistry in SOLO QUEUE

    5 Simple Rules for good team chemistry in SOLO QUEUE

    Posted: 24 Dec 2020 04:48 AM PST

    A few weeks ago I decided to change my mindset when playing solo queue. I realized that having good comms means you've won half the battle - when my team has good comms, chances are, we're winning that game. What ruins comms in solo queue? BAD TEAM CHEMISTRY and TOXICITY. So I vowed to become the shining beacon of positivity and non-toxicity in all my teams - no exceptions. Here's a few rules I came up with which I apply to every solo queue game now:

    1. Always be the first one to say Hi. A "what's up guys" or "how's it going boys" or even just a simple "hey" on voice comms goes a LONG WAY. It starts the game on a positive note and it opens up the comms for the entire team.
    2. Try to calm down players starting to get toxic. Just give them a little "hey bro let's all chill, we're down 4-5 on attack Split, we're doing pretty good". If it doesn't work and your teammate continues to be toxic - MUTE IMMEDIATELY. One less player on comms is not that much of a disadvantage.
    3. Give your team compliments. I love saying stuff like "Good pick man" "Nice fucking shot" whenever a teammate gets a first blood. Or maybe a "good hold, KJ" when she holds a site and manages to delay or even get picks. Simple things like that go a long way for team morale - even if you're losing.
    4. ALWAYS ALWAYS ALWAYS say NICE TRY. Regardless of how bad the try actually was - your teammate for sure did his best - noone wants to lose on purpose. Plus it keeps their head in the game and keeps everyone focused on the next round. It's two letters guys - "NT" - it's not that hard to type.
    5. Thank your team after the game regardless of outcome. I feel like this isn't done enough. One guy a few weeks ago at the end of a game said "Thanks for the good game guys, see ya around". Freakin blew my mind how good it felt to be appreciated by a total stranger. I vote we start doing this ASAP.

    There you go! I guarantee you'll have so much more fun. Even my girlfriend saw a change in me the past few weeks - she says I'm always laughing and joking around with teammates when playing now instead of raging or just malding the entire time. Try it!

    Feel free to add more tips btw.

    submitted by /u/jolo_mat2008
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    The Complete Pack of 32 Original Agents Concepts

    Posted: 24 Dec 2020 01:47 AM PST

    The Complete Pack of 32 Original Agents Concepts

    For the past few months, i have been working on creating 32 unique agents concepts, thr ideas were collected from both my friends and from alot of art websites references, although the complete pack will not display a good art, but i tried my best designing and sketching these agents abilities and backstory !!

    These agents took me more than 5 months to finish and post publicly to the internet,

    -Each agent takes 40 Hours to finish (sketching= 10hours, importing and redrawing on the computer since i dont have a drawing tablet=15hours and designing abilities and ingame screenshots=15hours).

    -Ive spent more than 1250 Hours doing this and my only wish now is to let you guys, in riot games see this ,thats why im sending now all the agents i've made, keep in mind that i've been posting these agents from a long time ago, Thank you for your patience !!These are 32 Agents for everyone !! im sure everyone will find his favorite !! <3

    Get Access to all the Agents Abilities
    My Instagram
    Contact me On discord!! : TheSHero_#6204


    submitted by /u/TheSuddenHero
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    Anyone else think a Gun Game mode would be fun?

    Posted: 23 Dec 2020 08:39 PM PST

    I just feel like that would be a nice break from Deathmatch, I play it by myself but switching guns every time I die, but I would like to see how it would be with everyone playing under the same rules.

    submitted by /u/heavylifted
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    Ask VALORANT - Dec. 24

    Posted: 24 Dec 2020 08:10 AM PST

    A while ago the landing accuracy after jumping was nerfed where you'd have to wait a bit after jumping to become fully accurate but this does not seem to apply to jumping with Raze satchels (does with jett dash and updraft). Oversight?

    Posted: 24 Dec 2020 07:06 AM PST

    testing this in practice shows that you're perfectly accurate the moment you land with raze after satcheling whereas any other agent becomes inaccurate for a (short) while after jumping, this was added in this update: https://playvalorant.com/en-gb/news/game-updates/valorant-patch-notes-1-09/

    Jump land inaccuracy state changed from gradual >>> binary

    Jump land inaccuracy duration increased from .2 >>> .225

    Jump land inaccuracy value increased from 5.0 >>> 7.0 (more inaccurate for .225s after a land)

    Yet none of these seem to apply AT ALL to Raze satchels, I think this was an oversight because even Jett after dashing mid air and landing has the inaccuracy, same with her updraft, but not raze after using the satchels (both for using it to move fast in the air and and jump peeking with it against a wall).

    submitted by /u/TheHolyGamesense
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    Cheaters are using a script to drop weapons over and over to cause massive lag in ranked

    Posted: 23 Dec 2020 10:54 PM PST

    Was playing ranked and half way through the servers were bombed. Everyone in the game was experiencing the consistent lag. The whole game was rubber banding, this wasn't minor lag but comparable to above 300 ping. I managed to get to the enemies spawn one game and saw someone in the very back (likely to avoid dying, we also never saw him after the lag started) dropping his weapons over and over extremely fast.

    submitted by /u/gamblerbro12
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    The remake feature needs to be reworked.

    Posted: 24 Dec 2020 12:16 AM PST

    Earlier I was in a game where my Reyna immediately disconnected at the start of the game. In the second round, we tried to remake but we couldn't because Reyna was still in the round despite already being disconnected. The way the current remake system works is if the player doesn't spawn in for the second round then a remake can be done. This is a bit flawed and can be improved in a few ways

    submitted by /u/KhalSolkowski
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    If you instalock not smokes stop complaining that the only smoke I can play confidently is viper.

    Posted: 24 Dec 2020 10:47 AM PST

    Basically title says it all. In games where i get an instalock pheonix, reyna, raze trifecta and the last player picks something useful its very frustrating to get flamed for playing a "garbage smoke" when Im bad with omen and brim's kit.

    submitted by /u/mowgli13x
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    I finally touched plat 1 and I’m kinda happy :D

    Posted: 24 Dec 2020 08:23 AM PST

    I've played with a duo partner since the start of comp but later got a 3rd guy to play and for atc 1 and 2, I consistently placed in bronze/silver and every time, I would climb to gold 1 with my teammates consistently being at silver 3 and gold 2/3.

    This act, I placed bronze as usual and started climbing to silver 1 and then 2 but I got hard stuck at there and I couldn't rank up. I was frustrated that I couldn't even maintain silver 3 when I got there and was alternating between s2 - s3 for what seemed to be 2 weeks until I decided to solo queue

    My teammates didn't play all the time and I would usually only do when they were online because I was afraid of deranking so deciding to play on my own was a difficult choice to make but I was determined to rank up so I forced myself to click the start button every game and took a break every time I felt like I couldn't and queued later.

    At the time when I started solo queueing, I was obsessed with aim training and spent at least 2 hours a day and it helped me improve but not by much, I was still missing shots and dying because I got out aimed. I was also flamed a lot by teammates and getting dc's which made me more reluctant to solo queue but I continued to anyway, doing my best to learn and improve.

    I realised the aim training thing wasn't doing me much so I dropped it. At that time I was also obsessed with watching pros play to improve and watching tutorials and anything just to get better and it was working to and definitely helped me more than when I was aim training.

    One day, I realised that there were a lot of "iron to immortal aim in one month" and "how to get to diamond FAST"(not saying all those videos are necessarily bad,there were videos that did help) kinda videos and I watched some wondering why I couldn't imrove like these people going from silver to immortal and whatnot which made me upset for a while.

    About a week had past since I started solo queueing and I finally ranked up to gold 2 after a match with my friends and continued soloing when they were online.

    For the first time, my act rank wasn't gold 1 but became gold 2 and I was absolutely ecstatic because of that.

    However, in terms of skill at the time, I realised I didn't improve much at all and I had to play a lot of matches just to maintain my skill and even more just to improve which was annoying but I remembered that at the end of the day, it was just a game and I should be having fun so I did which did help my performance and honestly I should have realised that earlier and more people do need to remember this.

    A week before now, I learned that watching every how to improve guide didn't help me much and that I had to find my own way to improve. I stopped solo queueing and decided to again play almost exclusively play with my friends and got to gold 3 and got my first ever gold 3 dorito and deranked back to gold 2 soon after but by then I got thicker skin from the grinding and accepted that it was okay because it was an improvement from the start of the act compared to now.

    Even if it was my idea to solo grind, I didn't improve by myself, my friends queued with me whenever they were online, helpful videos that guided me to the right path and of course the people I got queued with when I solo'd helped me get better at the game.

    Like I said, I learned that I had to find my own way to get better and to stop depending so much on the many videos I watched. I also learned that if you're like me and you improve really slowly, you need to learn to be patient, accept that progress won't come smoothly and in fact may be really hard to even improve by a hair. Take your time and remember that taking breaks IS part of the grind. And again, it's a game, don't get too wrapped around it. :)

    Recently when I reached plat, it was a game with my friends and I'm really happy to have them by my side to improve this whole time.

    submitted by /u/MrArthuro
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    i think people now hate icebox just for the sake of hating it now.

    Posted: 24 Dec 2020 07:06 AM PST

    its been a couple of months since it was released and the sites underwent big changes. Now i feel as if icebox if a fun map. its in no way bad. so just stop the hate on icebox and start playing it ffs if you wanna get better on it

    submitted by /u/kingovirgin
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    How do you deal with « bad » friends ?

    Posted: 24 Dec 2020 07:24 AM PST

    Hello everyone,

    I'm playing Valorant since the beta and with a friend we were like « let's grind this game and be good ». Many months have passed since then, we play almost every evening. But he didn't improve at all whereas I trained my aim, train agent, etc.

    I would like to make it clear that I don't care about his skill even though I trained my ass off alone. We're playing together and having fun most of the time so it's not the issue.

    But he keeps complaining/whining so much during games « oh I am so bad » « oh it's 1v4 I can't win anyway » « I don't play duelist cause I don't know how to peak » and so on. He plays very passively with every agent (he wait for us to peak/entry kill then just follow, or is lurking without helping at all).

    This began to annoy me and I don't know what to do. I wouldn't care much if he didn't complain ALL THE TIME, but he has this loser mindset that I can't fucking stand « oh they are monsters » « oh they must be diamonds » « it's normal we lose ».

    What would you do in my shoes ?

    He is very sensitive so I don't know how to bring this up without hurting his feelings. But I'm dying to scream « JUST PLAY, TRY TO DO SOMETHING INSTEAD OF INSTA GIVING UP. YOU ARE NOT EVEN TRYING TO CLUTCH A 1v2 DUDE COME ON ». Oh yeah he saves 1 round out of 3 because « I can't clutch ».

    I'd like to remind that I don't care about his skill. What annoys me is the complain/self depreciation.

    submitted by /u/JakiGeon
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    double shock darts for haven

    Posted: 24 Dec 2020 08:56 AM PST

    Merry Christmas Valorant Community!

    Posted: 24 Dec 2020 05:50 AM PST

    Hello guys,

    I just wanted to wish everyone that is contributing in this subreddit a merry christmas. I hope all of you have a nice day! Please remember to be kind to one another and just enjoy today.
    Also, I hope y'all get an ace or ranked promotion - whatever you guys are wanting - as a christmas gift from our favorite game Valorant.

    ty for reading and merry Christmas!

    submitted by /u/Siiilencee
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    A message to players Bronze and below.

    Posted: 24 Dec 2020 07:01 AM PST

    Take this as a concern from me and feel free to give some criticism in the comments


    A lot of people complain about being stuck in these lower ranks, they mostly blame their teammates but fail to realize that they could also change to improve.

    First issue i see while playing in this rank is that not that many people are using comms, being mic shy is perfectly fine but listening to your team and using the ping system and chat, you can communicate without a mic.

    Second issue is instalocking. This is what i see in every game i play. I just want people to wait and communicate on a good team load-out, just because some tutorial or guide said playing duelists is the best way to get out, isn't the only thing. Winning is more important than frags. Even if you get a 40 bomb and lose the game there is a high chance your rating will decrease slightly or not change, but a win is a confirmed increase even if it is small. If you decide to take the time to discuss with your teammates on what to choose, you can have a higher chance of winning. Learning to play more agents is also better as valorant is a TEAM based tactical shooter not one person carrying the team and calling his teammates bad. I have had so many of these experiences, i would rather lose with good teammates than win with 4 instalock duelists.

    These few and very easy changes are probably gonna get you out of iron rather than instalocking duelists.

    I know this is a common topic but i do not see it being practiced enough in my games. I really enjoy the game when i have a nice team with comms and a good team composition.

    Finally i want to say that Winning is better than kills and that aim is not the only way to get out of ranks.

    You have the potential to frag with any agent. Duelists are better but sometimes they could also be at the bottom. Support your team and you will see a lot more wins.

    I know im probably in no place to say this as i am in bronze 2 myself but i wanted to address this and just get it off my chest.

    submitted by /u/yeetman46s
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    Jett's ult in the practice range.

    Posted: 24 Dec 2020 10:19 AM PST

    Hi, just a quick question to the valorant devs, is it possible to get your knifes back with jett when you kill someone in spike plant/defuse as a new function? Because you get them back when doing the shooting range, but not when you use them at spike plant/defuse.

    submitted by /u/TonyTonyChop1
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    Is it possible to go from tier 14 to 50 in 19 days?

    Posted: 24 Dec 2020 10:47 AM PST

    I just started back playing, and I'm trying to see if it's worth my time and effort to get the battlepass done.

    submitted by /u/TheGreatNano
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    What annoys you but isn't op?

    Posted: 23 Dec 2020 03:40 PM PST

    Things about the game or abilities that just piss you off, but aren't op. For me it has to be the Roomba, that thing will chase you forever and it lasts for so long, no other thing in valorant makes me as mad as that.

    submitted by /u/AsianNudleSoop
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    Are the skins always so expensive?

    Posted: 24 Dec 2020 11:09 AM PST

    The blastx collection looks amazing but it's so expensive, I was used to the prices in LoL. I've only played for a few weeks and I was wondering if the other skins are always that expensive? And if I could later buy this one? Cause I would need to save some money.

    submitted by /u/dvnielitv
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    Phantom vs Vandal with Viper

    Posted: 24 Dec 2020 07:59 AM PST

    I want to become a Viper main and I just want to know which one is better for her, the Vandal or the Phantom. I like the Vandal more but it can't do anything short range. Which one do you use or which one do you think is the best? Thanks!!

    submitted by /u/DATTEBAYONarutoFan
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    Poll: How far are yall into the battlepass (12/24)? Act 3

    Posted: 24 Dec 2020 12:25 PM PST

    Act 3 ends at 1/11/21, which is a little less than 3 weeks left. I'm curious how far most people are into their battlepasses rn. Also, doesn't matter if you paid for the battlepass already or considering to buy it later.

    View Poll

    submitted by /u/paulkim172
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    Agent idea: Doppel (Copying abilities)

    Posted: 24 Dec 2020 11:22 AM PST

    My idea for this is a robot with radiant powers.


    Each ability has one charge.

    Every ability it has is essentially identical in that it copies the corresponding ability of a dead enemy and gives you one charge of it. For example, if you use "Q" on a dead enemy sova, you get one use of his shock dart for the round. If you use "E" on a dead enemy Killjoy, you get one use of her turret. If you use your ultimate on a dead Brimstone, you get his ultimate, etc.

    Ability Costs:

    Each one costs 200 credits, and the ult is 7 points


    You can copy more than one ability from the same dead enemy.

    If this were to be implemented, I think to make development easier, the voice lines for the abilities could just be the same as whichever agent you copied it from but with a robotic filter over it to distinguish it. This is why I thought of the character as a robot.

    I personally think this is a very niche character and it may be difficult to use all your abilities effectively, since you have to think on the spot and strategize according to which abilities you're going to have access to. That's why I think this character will have a high skill floor and this iteration might be underpowered.

    submitted by /u/ThePiedFacer
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    Why do people think it’s cool to brag about being a higher tank when they’re losing?

    Posted: 24 Dec 2020 08:23 AM PST

    I was playing an unrated, and we ended up taking a pretty solid lead from the start. One of the opponents starts trash talking, saying how we were all trash plat players, and that he was immortal and much better than us.

    My question is, if I'm plat and destroying you, an immortal, that just makes you look worse, doesn't it? So why brag about it?

    submitted by /u/Djejoa
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