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    Sunday, January 10, 2021

    VALORANT RIP Best Agent

    VALORANT RIP Best Agent

    RIP Best Agent

    Posted: 10 Jan 2021 12:45 AM PST

    Different flash color for Breach

    Posted: 10 Jan 2021 04:48 AM PST

    Different flash color for Breach

    Currently Breach and Phoenix have the same color for their flashes.
    And since Skye has green flashes and Yoru will have blue ones, I'd like it that Breach and Phoenix also have their distinct colors.

    Maybe change Breach's flash with a more yellowish hue? Since his skills are kinda all yellow.

    This is what both of their flashes look like right now

    Reddish/Orangeish? hue

    Maybe something like this? (Sorry for the poor edit)

    Yellow flash

    submitted by /u/c2ho2
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    My Sage just wants to kill herself

    Posted: 10 Jan 2021 04:16 AM PST

    My game lagged while playing unrated and after being brutally massacred in an unrated game, my sage finally decided that dying an honourable death is better.

    Sage Image

    submitted by /u/gotnochillbae
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    Easy to do left side hooka clear with Phoenix's molly (Probably has already been found but It seems cool ).

    Posted: 09 Jan 2021 08:38 PM PST

    How Riot treats racism towards Asian people in Valorant

    Posted: 10 Jan 2021 01:49 PM PST

    I confronted racists and I was the one who got banned and when I tried to get the ban appealed I instead got an instant automated response. Please check this Twitter post that I have uploaded. It is highly appreciated. https://twitter.com/bunniyeonie/status/1348385147918426112

    submitted by /u/bunniyeonie
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    Yoru's footstep can trigger Cypher and Killjoy's traps, and Skye's ult will track Yoru even if he is invisible.

    Posted: 09 Jan 2021 05:26 PM PST

    Please stop the stupid rethoric

    Posted: 10 Jan 2021 07:06 AM PST

    "Yaru...BROKEN...""Yaru...OP...""Yaru...BEST AGENT IN VALORANT...""Yaru...WILL BE NERFED..."

    Come on guys - besides a few exceptions, all of the content creators are riding the "BS propaganda train".

    IMO he is a very dynamic Agent that brings something new to the table, we all need to adapt to.

    But "OP","BROKEN.", bla bla - that is kids talk.

    What do content creators think?
    Do they expect mature people to believe their bs? Is this content for 12 year olds?

    I am not very familiar with "the internet community" but in my world, no one would give such nonsense headlines a platform? Also: We had this talk before, when Killjoy was released....

    submitted by /u/KSTRxLKSHOT
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    Valorant Weapon Skin Concept ? Anyone?

    Posted: 10 Jan 2021 03:07 AM PST

    Valorant Weapon Skin Concept ? Anyone?

    Project \"AYLA\" by Madarro

    Let us make a Weapon Skin Concept Thread for the valorant community :)

    I wanna hear any thoughts on my Phantom Skin design which I named "AYLA".

    This skin is mainly an inspiration of skin based on Arowana Fish.
    I think it's a great idea maybe will have added VFX would be kinda cool.

    IF anyone made a cool skin concept, please comment down below. Maybe our skins will be able to make it into the game.

    Another Skin Concept, I had come up with, is a collab with the NINTENDO design. I'm currently working on this design maybe I'll show different kinds of variants too in the next post.

    I'm looking forward to different skin concepts from this community!

    Valorant Devs! I wanna get the latest skins but I'm out of cash Please help me !! TT

    submitted by /u/Morgflo
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    Omen's smokes nerf is bitterly good

    Posted: 10 Jan 2021 09:32 AM PST

    I think these nerfs are fair enough and good for what Omen is supposed to be even tho they hurt my heart. I was thinking why would the smoke's deployment speed decrease by 30%. It seems Omen will have a very hard time making use of one ways on certain parts of maps but also smoking himself out of certain situations. When I was being surrounded in 1v3s or more especially in open areas, his smokes proved very reliable even if they were a bit slow, and they helped isolate the fights, but I am not sure if it will work just as good now unless I get to try. His anchoring would also become less effective agaist rushes and in slow pushes require proper timing ensuring sentinels are more effective and now that his economy is more controller like. Omen may become more team orientated and less flexible than before. It will only hurt his aggressive playstyle a bit, but it isn't that effective to begin with. I have a feeling this will make him more controller like, and a bit weaker in soloq, but from watching pros, his full potential in a team comp is way OP, as he fullfills the role of 3 classes decently on his own. I will have to accept this.

    submitted by /u/Akay1500
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    Yoru - New Agent - Possible Lore

    Posted: 10 Jan 2021 06:30 AM PST

    I know that you all are excited about the upcoming new agent, his name is Yoru.
    There are numerous videos that are available on youtube showing the game plays and Yoru's abilities.

    Agent 14 - Yoru

    Now I found some possible Yoru's lore hints in the Icebox map.

    Let's start with the new RETAKE which dropped recently, By watching the full video, You can pretty much get the full information about Yoru's abilities. But here I was wondering how Yoru got his abilities. From where he got the mask of invisibility?

    Check the attached screenshots, of an armor enclosed in a tight container/box, it looks like an ancient armor of mysterious Samurai, which Kingdom might have got its hands on it, or maybe they are the ones who are making these armors by using the Radianite and experimenting on it. There could be both possible reasons for the existence of that armor.

    You can find the hint of those armor experiments on these screens.

    It looks like they are working on that armor and might've possibly successful in making that mask of invisibility with other powers.

    Now if you are reading this post before the 12th of Jan 2021 ( Yoru's release ), you can find the same Samurai armor in the ICEBOX Map's Bunker. But can also see that the Mask is there, and intact.

    This Samurai Armour box can be seen on A SPIKE LOCATION, in the Bunker.

    You can see here that mask is there, now it doesn't really look like the same mask which Yoru wears, but I am sure this is the same mask.

    Now what I think is, I think Yoru might have had the intel about this mask for a long time, and wanted to steal it from the KINGDOM CORPs. ( could be a possible reason..tbh it cant be since KINGDOM is hiring all the agents? IDK?? what you think?? )

    This is the ICON of the Yoru's ULT.

    Here is how Yoru looks when he wear the mask. now that looks BADASS!!

    Now a lot of you are a fan of the Sova Master Average Jonas's Youtube channel, I checked his recent video in which was exploring the new abilities of Yoru, and found out about this new change in the ICEBOX MAP, and just like I thought, his friend also gave a hint about the possible reason what might have happened there. You can watch the video here: https://youtu.be/mzJzcB1AI5w?t=320

    Now in the following screenshot, you can see that the Armour box is now broken, someone might've entered the Building and stolen it, and as Jonas's friend mention, Yoru might've taken the Mask.

    This is a new change in the icebox map, which you will see after the 12th of Jan 2021, as you can see someone broke into the container.

    and here you can see that MASK IS MISSING, who stole it? of course that butterfly knife comb master Yoru. But the dude got the nice outfit, somewhat better than Phoenix.

    Also, you can see in this screenshot, there is an intruder alert message on the screen ( This you can see if you use the cheat mode on the ICEBOX MAP ), Kingdom Corp might've detected the break-in, but well not able to identify anyone on the camps since you can use the invisibility ability if you got the mask.

    Here you can see the intruder alert on the A site spike location.

    So what do you think guys? are there any dots getting connected? what do you think? Please feel free to add your own possible lore explanation, I am really excited for the new agent, This might be the new OP agent or could be a new Phoenix flashing everyone in the face. lol

    submitted by /u/contactbps
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    I escaped Iron just in time before reset.

    Posted: 10 Jan 2021 08:55 AM PST


    I'm a casual player, I don't play daily, and if I do its only 2-5 games per day.

    Maybe, Ill try harder to reach Silver next season, but for now, I want to share my achievement here.

    submitted by /u/PotatoBulletGun
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    The New Cinematic shows the exact dynamic I expected between the newbie and Phoenix

    Posted: 09 Jan 2021 10:32 PM PST

    So I was at work today and thinking about how Phoenix and Yoru would interact. I came to the conclusion that they'd be pretty chill with each other, even if Phoenix's personality is somewhat exhausting. I think their friendship dynamic would be "yea, I act like I don't care about you and act like you annoy me, but I wouldn't let any extreme harm come to you because I actually do care." They seem to have similar fashion sense, what with the colored hair, sneakers and the jackets. Hoping to see more cinematics with them in the future.

    edit: spelling

    submitted by /u/Double_Phoenix
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    Haven’t played since Killjoy released, how much has changed?

    Posted: 10 Jan 2021 11:09 AM PST

    So I saw the trailer for the new episode (I think that's what seasons are called?) and I was wondering if I should get back into Valorant. How much has changed since then? Has the game gone into a better direction?

    submitted by /u/Qrow513
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    Fastest radiant?

    Posted: 10 Jan 2021 12:45 PM PST

    Interesting details in Episode 2's loading screen

    Posted: 10 Jan 2021 10:28 AM PST

    Interesting details in Episode 2's loading screen

    Sorry for bad english.

    So at the end of the Retake cinematic we can see what seems to be the next loading screen for the game.


    And I see two details I would like to discuss.

    The first being this silhouette just below Killjoy:


    And the second being these people at the top:


    For the first one I believe it could be something referring to Omen (we have never seen how does he look like underneath his armor, you know) or a teaser for a new agent, because I see some similarities in the color palette with a new reward from the next battlepass:

    Image from HITSCAN's video: \"VALORANT | All Episode 2 Battle Pass Rewards & New Skins ft. Riot Devs (Ep 2 Act 1)\"

    For the second image, I think it might be something linked with Kingdom or maybe some other characters.

    Obviously I might be just overthinking this stuff.

    What do you think?

    submitted by /u/Naewxk
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    Valorant 4 week season tournament circuit

    Posted: 10 Jan 2021 12:35 PM PST

    Adding one more Poison Orb to Viper's Kit (Rework Suggestion in light of Episode 2 Controller Changes).

    Posted: 10 Jan 2021 08:49 AM PST

    So it seems like all the other controllers now use 600 creds to max out on their utilities, and Viper seems to be missing 200 creds to use. Here are my suggestions:

    1. Add another Poison Orb to throw. That means Q only pulls out the orb to throw as opposed to deploying it. This will allow Viper to be played as a main controller, since her biggest weakness as a main controller is the sheer lack of smokes.
    2. Make F button to deploy all orb smokes. Now that you can't use Q to smoke, there is always the F button. It may replace the ability to pick up smokes to use it later, but its pretty long before being able to use it again anyways so in practice its rarely used.


    submitted by /u/paulkim172
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    Get rid of these disgusting cheaters, quick.

    Posted: 10 Jan 2021 01:17 PM PST

    It's literally unplayable at Imm3/Radiant, every other game there's a lowlife aimbotting Jett running around. A few of them even try to win legit and when they fail miserably they toggle on and ruin it all.

    It is unbelievable the amount of cheaters at the moment, don't hype your anti-cheat if this is what you deliver /facepalm

    Thanks =)

    submitted by /u/jjstork
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    I finally did it

    Posted: 09 Jan 2021 05:48 PM PST

    Took me 3 acts and a lot of grinding but, i finally hit bronze, it may not seem like a big thing but i was iron 1 til december

    submitted by /u/LilCringey
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    How to use shotguns properly.

    Posted: 09 Jan 2021 10:53 PM PST

    I've noticed a recent rise in popularity of the shotguns. However, I haven't found any good resources on the basic mechanics and how to properly utilize shotguns. Most people's knowledge of shotguns is "Play close angles." and it ends at that.


    However, I have seen people complaining about how they seem to be playing at the proper range, but their shotgun seems to do no damage despite this. The main issue is that they're treating the shotguns like traditional rifles, and they're pretending that the center dot in the shotgun is their crosshair. It usually ends up looking something like this:

    However, shotgun pellets are spread randomly throughout the circle, and about half of the circle is going to hit nothing but air.

    Instead, you should try to have the top of the circle over the top of the enemy's head so that the amount of pellets that will hit will be maximized. It will end up looking something like this: https://imgur.com/a/qZe3su9

    If you're struggling to understand this, a good comparison is Jett's ultimate. When you right click, or basically shotgun all five knives, you usually end up aiming towards the body to try to maximize the number of knives that hit your enemy. Even though headshots end up getting you more damage, even if your aim is perfect, you could get unlucky and completely whiff a shot that looks "directly on" your opponent.


    Crosshair placement with shotguns is something that is difficult to get used to, as you are trained to keep your crosshair (or the center of your screen) at head level, and many higher level players will instinctively know approximately where their crosshair is without actually looking at it. It's why players are able to play without a crosshair and actually perform relatively well. If you're a higher level player it will be very hard to try and switch to shotguns and utilize them properly without explicitly thinking about it.

    Your crosshair should be a lot lower than it usually is when it comes to shotguns. A rule of thumb I use (that doesn't really apply at longer ranges, but then again, you should avoid those at all costs when using shotguns anyways) is that the very top of the circle should be a little above where my crosshair would be with a rifle.

    There is no real universal rule for crosshair placement with shotguns as far as I know, but after a while you get a vague feeling of where your crosshair should be.


    Kaemi and Quarkwy (aka Shotgun Sage) have some good guides on positioning and where to play. You should play around 0-15m(you can go up to 20, but it will probably be a 2 or 3 shot with the bucky) away from your opponent when you have a bucky. Try and avoid long range encounters and force/create short distance engagements by using utility. The most obvious example of this would probably be Jett's movement abilities. Her dash and updraft can make her very unpredictable and allow you to get close to your enemy very quickly. For somebody like Sage, you use slow orbs so that you can push closer and close the distance while they are unable/unwilling to push/peek because of the slow. You also use her wall in order to reposition or get off angles to surprise your opponents.

    I won't go too in depth on this topic because there are already good resources and good ways to learn how to position and use utility properly, and it is also fairly intuitive.


    The entire point of using shotguns is to be unorthodox and unpredictable, and to surprise your opponents. You can't just pick up a shotgun and play exactly the same as somebody with a rifle would. Shotguns also have many fundamental differences to the rest of the guns in the game, and you have to learn a whole new set of basic mechanics. You have to change a lot about your playstyle and mechanics, and force yourself to play around the shotgun instead of expecting it to magically change itself for you.

    This may make it seem like shotguns are bad and shouldn't ever be touched. Something important to note is that your opponents have to play around your shotgun as well. Many people will get tilted/rage and fail to adapt, calling shotguns a "no skill gun" and simply flaming you in all chat. If they fail to adapt, and you play shotguns properly, you should be able to perform well with shotguns, sometimes even better than you would with normal guns.

    submitted by /u/empsxx
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    12 Flash Team Composition?

    Posted: 10 Jan 2021 12:49 AM PST

    With the introduction of Yoru, another thing that scares me is a team being able to have 12 flashes. Breach and Skye each have 3. 3x2=6, Reyna, Phoenix, and Yoru each have 2. (2x3) + (2x3)=12. I am scared for my eyeballs. I don't think this will be game breaking but I certainly hate thinking about it. A team comp of 11 is already able to be done eith Omen, but I'm counting pop flashes as flashes and not Omen's.

    submitted by /u/Y3rBo1
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    People are not getting any punishment.

    Posted: 10 Jan 2021 11:49 AM PST

    So i just started to play for the last month and i have report alot of toxic people but i havn't recieved any email about them getting punished.

    submitted by /u/Revolutionary_Disk92
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