• Breaking News

    Monday, February 1, 2021

    VALORANT Glitchpop 2.0 Bundle coming next update!

    VALORANT Glitchpop 2.0 Bundle coming next update!

    Glitchpop 2.0 Bundle coming next update!

    Posted: 01 Feb 2021 05:40 AM PST

    Glitchpop 2.0 Bundle coming next update!

    As they have done with previous skin set previews, RyanCentral and Mysca of HITSCAN on YouTube met with the design team to show off the new bundle coming next patch (probably tomorrow?). Gotta say, that axe and Op are looking mighty fine.


    submitted by /u/oklopfer
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    My Sage Cosplay

    Posted: 31 Jan 2021 10:57 PM PST

    My Sage Cosplay

    Here's my cosplay of the one and only Bastion of China ♡ I had to cosplay my favorite Valorant hunni.

    I hope I could do her justice!


    submitted by /u/Potatochii
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    Envy Kaboose banner Speedart! (4h -> 1m)

    Posted: 01 Feb 2021 12:24 AM PST

    Valorant agents are very short

    Posted: 01 Feb 2021 08:02 AM PST

    Riot had to put all the agents in one universal size so as to not mess up crosshair placement. Obviously there are minor differences like if you were to compare Brimstone to Jett. This means all Valorant characters are all equally as tall, but how tall? People have tried measuring characters with objects that we also have in real life, such as soda cans, and while this method is valid, it's not a 100% in-game measurement.

    With the addition of icebox, we finally got a canon volume of an object within the game, and that object are the containers. It's written on them that the cubic capacity is 32.5 cubic meters, and from here we can start working backwards to find the exact dimensions of the container.

    To start we need to do some pixel measurements. Looking at this image, we can actually see that the width AND height of this container are exactly the same. 331 pixels. But now we need to figure out the length.

    Looking at this image we can do more pixel measurements to find out exactly how much bigger the length is than the width/height. Now in this image I was slightly further away so the width is different than from what it was before, but this doesn't matter because we're only here to compare how much bigger the width is to the length.

    We can see that the length of the container is 767 pixels, which is 2.973 times bigger than the width. And here we can work our way to find the exact dimensions of the container.

    The formula we'll be using is a^2×(a×2.973)=32.5 cubic meters. Now because I'm not that good at math I had to use a calculator so here's an image of a step-by-step way of getting the a. So now we finally know that our container is 2.219 meters tall, 2.219 meters wide, and 6.597 meters long. And from here we can compare an agent to a container and figure out their height. The question is, which agent will we use?

    Now here is where our answer may be off by a few centimeters, because nobody in the game stands upright. The closest we can get is Cypher while using his camera, but he still isn't fully upright. So our answer will be off by only a few centimeters. We also have to get rid of his hat by using his ultimate and we can now compare him to the container.

    Using this image, we can see that Cypher is 169 pixels tall, and the container is 301 pixels. Doing some more basic math, specifically dividing 221.9 centimeters with 301 pixels we can see that each pixel represents 0.737 centimeters. So we multiply the height of Cypher in pixels with 0.737 and we get 124.553 centimeters.

    TL;DR All Valorant characters are 124.553 centimeters tall, or 4 feet and 1.4303 inches. Now obviously Riot did not take the height of characters into consideration, but that doesn't change the fact that this is 100% canon information. The game itself tells us that the containers are 32.5 cubic meters in volume. If Riot ever releases a very tall character, (which they won't because it will ruin crosshair placement) while they will be towering over other agents, they will probably be the average height of a human.

    You can still go into extreme details like comparing 3D objects in a program like Blender or something but your final answer may be at most 3 centimeters give or take off from mine.

    Edit 1: I made a mistake. I forgot that the 32.5 cubic meters measures the volume the container can hold INSIDE, this is what "CU CAP" means on the container, and it's short for "cubic capacity". u/dezholling mentioned this in the comments. But not all is lost because we can use the inside of the container above B site to figure out the exact answer, which I will add to this post once I do.

    submitted by /u/Putr1k
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    It takes twice as long to stop running compared to CSGO, yet visually enemies don't seem to stop

    Posted: 01 Feb 2021 05:30 AM PST

    amidst the running accuracy complaints, something I don't see discussed at all is the time it actually takes to regain full accuracy after you stop running

    turns out it takes twice as long to come to a stop from running compared to csgo.


    in CSGO with counter strafe you can come to a stop in about 3-4 frames (~0.06 seconds)

    versus in Valorant with counter strafe it takes about 7-8 frames (~0.12 seconds)


    Despite this, deaths in valorant look like the enemy hasn't come to a complete stop


    there was a long post (now deleted) analyzing how the legs animations may be to blame

    to summarize, in Valorant characters remain in the running animation until they abruptly snap into the standing pose only once they've fully stopped, as opposed to csgo where there is a transition animation once they've began to slow down.

    heres some of the clips:

    Valorant Legs Agressive Pointing 1

    Valorant Legs Agressive Pointing 2

    csgo Legs Stopping 1

    csgo Legs Stopping 2


    Could this also be a reason behind all the running and shooting accusations?

    submitted by /u/TypeAvenger
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    Scream is not happy with the current state of Valorant's gunplay

    Posted: 01 Feb 2021 08:34 AM PST

    Can we talk about the fact that the new Glitchpop bundle has no throwaway guns?

    Posted: 01 Feb 2021 06:45 AM PST

    Shit's got both rifles, the OP and the classic, which you'll have on you most of the time. Totally expected them to plug in a Guardian or a Shorty to make up for having both rifles or something. Definitely refreshing to see a set with no niche guns. This might overtake Prime for the best bundle simply because that has the Guardian and, arguably, the spectre. I kinda feel bad for people who bought the first glitchpop bundle.

    I kid you not, but if you're gonna buy 1 bundle in this game, this is the one.

    submitted by /u/DarthGrievous
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    Team SoloMid Valorant Player Hazed Made A New Suggestion: “Chat Banned Players Shouldn’t Have The Option To Queue For Competitive”

    Posted: 01 Feb 2021 07:35 AM PST

    VALORANT in Sims

    Posted: 01 Feb 2021 05:43 AM PST

    Meet the Hunter family!

    My gf made this in Sims and I found it funny. Thought this is a good place to share.

    submitted by /u/fuadshahmuradov
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    Is glitchpop 1.1 the new game breaking set after prime?

    Posted: 01 Feb 2021 06:23 AM PST

    With the new glitchpop 1.1 announcement, i think it would be the most used set in the history of valorant, it will takeover the trend of prime set.glitchpop 1.1

    submitted by /u/kartik_khokhar30
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    Pro-Tip: Always jump to avoid the Jett right click!

    Posted: 31 Jan 2021 09:11 PM PST

    I drew Glitchpop Phantom months before it came out Sadge

    Posted: 01 Feb 2021 12:05 PM PST

    [FAN ART] Boom-Bot and chill with RAZE

    Posted: 01 Feb 2021 06:47 AM PST

    [FAN ART] Boom-Bot and chill with RAZE

    My 4th valorant fanart, this time Raze with boom-cutie
    This took way too much time to make, i hope you like it
    Planning to do more and i'm open for suggestions

    Instagram/twitter: raccooninahat
    Fell free to repost, just tag me in there and we good ;)


    submitted by /u/DavidRaccooon
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    I could not move after getting off Sova drone. (not the first time)

    Posted: 01 Feb 2021 12:01 PM PST

    Here's a Valorant menu with the Persona 5 UI I made

    Posted: 01 Feb 2021 06:54 AM PST

    Just started playing this game a few days ago

    Posted: 01 Feb 2021 08:04 AM PST

    The games a blast I love it, but literally no one talks in competitive matchmaking. 80% of my games have no call outs. You guys do realize the huge advantage call outs give to your teammates right?

    submitted by /u/babyconan
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    Valorant matchmaking is a mess this Act.

    Posted: 01 Feb 2021 12:27 PM PST

    Gifting system?

    Posted: 01 Feb 2021 01:05 AM PST

    In July, the dev team said the following about the gifting system: "Yes, gifting will be coming to VALORANT (soon™)! We want to give players the ability to gift content as a way of celebrating victories, holidays, or any occasion that calls for it. We're aiming to enable gifting by the end of 2020, but timelines may shift as we get closer to the date."

    Unfortunately the gifting system has still not been implemented, and I'm wondering when it will be in the game. I really want to gift some skins / VP to my friends since Riot doesn't support their payment gateway.

    submitted by /u/nxtha
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    Valorant gonna have a trading system like CSGO?

    Posted: 01 Feb 2021 08:10 AM PST

    Honestly regret buying the Prime Vandal and Singularity Phantom after the Glitchpop 2.0 bundle just came out

    submitted by /u/Issax28
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    Competitive feels vastly under-rewarding and tiring to play

    Posted: 31 Jan 2021 09:43 PM PST

    I know this topic has been hot for the past few weeks. I am giving my perspective.

    I enjoyed competitive in beta. I can say, without a doubt, competitive has only gotten worse as this game has gone on and is currently at it's worse state.

    I am currently Gold 3, peaked plat 1 this act so far. I top frag on my team usually with my obvious off games. I have been gold 3, pretty much since Launch. I peaked Diamond last act with getting an act rank of Plat 3. I have attempted to be convinced that rank doesn't matter (and it really doesn't) but I have been personally unable to get past the tilting factor that is I have been gold 3 for 6 months now with a break of 2 months, which were spent bouncing between plat 2 and diamond. As I see this as "I have not improved, at all". However, I have improved immensely. I have played this game for sometimes 6-10 hours a day over winter break and when my uni is in session, I play about 2 hours a day/ every other day (depending on when I can fit it in). I aim train at least 4 times a week for at least a half-hour.

    Looking at footage from my Launch days, where I ranked up to plat, to my current days. I am well beyond what should be considered plat back then. Obviously, people improve in the game and the ranks become harder and harder, this isn't what that is. The current competitive matchmaking is draining to play. Emotionally, it is the worst competitive experience I have had since playing a small amount CS:GO a few months back. The quality of the games are suffering. I feel very unrewarded for how long I have been playing this game not only due to the fact that I have been in 1 rank for the past 6 months, but also the fact that this rank always seems to be where the games are difficult.

    That wording probably was confusing, so here is it rewritten in TL:DR "How am I supposed to keep a positive attitude when competitive feels so unrewarding and irritating to play." I am not the only one who thinks this. There are obviously those who rose in rank post-act launch. But there are many who are stuck in one rank much below their previous and it is infuriating and tilting. One semi-pro posted a 0-13-1 game losing/tie streak. Despite being match MVP and team MVP for at least 4 of those matches, they claimed that they tried their best to stay positive and and keep a good attitude. But anyone would be tilted after losing 13 times.

    This obviously looks like a hardstuck post and in essence, it kinda is. However, I am only using that point as a means to show how frustrating this system can be to the average player. Do I care what rank I am? Kinda, yeah, but I know I can kill previous act/episode diamonds easily based off of scrims I have played, so I am not too worried if for some reason people think I am bad. I also only have 500 hours in this game with no previous tac shooter experience so I like to think I'm doing pretty good.

    I know it is very difficult to come up with a good system that will please everyone. In fact, that is impossible. But very few people are ever happy in my ranked games. Even if we are winning, even if they are doing well. The moment a team is down 4 rounds, comms go silent, people start getting tilted, start blaming the bottom fragger, start blaming cheating, start tking, start anything that usually ends up making the competitive experience far less enjoyable. This is obviously not Riots fault for these peoples actions but it also can't be ignored that the incredibly frustrating ranking system is killing moods of many people.

    Soloq is truly a nightmare and the extreme factors of RNG in this current ranked matchmaking make it very tiring to play, at least emotionally.

    TL:DR; IMO, this current ranked match making is at it's all time worst. It feels vastly unrewarding, the people in the system are at an all time high in toxicity, and the game quality of each match has vastly decreased. This all helps contribute to an (IMO) worse ranked experience.

    submitted by /u/BeefyTheBoi
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    Tagging should be damage dependant

    Posted: 01 Feb 2021 12:12 PM PST

    Getting tagged by a classic from 30 meters away and being stopped almost completely is a nightmare. You can't peek for info, if there's a pixel in the smoke or they just happen to be spraying you're stuck in dead water.

    I think tagging should slow you much less the less damage you do. A stray classic shot isn't the same as a phantom shot to the chest, tagging allows cheaper worse guns to get free damage and feels incredibly frustrating to lose to.

    submitted by /u/TheTechDweller
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    Why do people save after winning pistol round?

    Posted: 01 Feb 2021 11:43 AM PST

    I've been playing CS for about 5 years before fully transferring to VALORANT, and while I'm not that high of a rank (Silver 2), I'm noticing that after winning pistol round (whether defense or offensive side), the team saves around 90% of the time.

    Not even a half buy or an upgraded pistol, just a classic with no armor.

    I practically NEVER saw this in CS, and while I understand that there are huge differences between both games, the way both games handle economy is pretty similar.

    I just genuinely cannot think of any good reason to put yourself at a disadvantage by not buying while having more money than the opposing team.

    And what's so baffling about it is that after winning pistol round, I lose the round after so often because the other team can count on forcing and winning because they have better weapons and more abilities than us.

    What's the point of pistol round if you don't buy off the money you get to win the subsequent round?

    This meta is just so confusing, especially since I rarely see this happen in the pro scene.

    submitted by /u/DampPotatoChip
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    Found the end of Icebox! But your HUD and Controls just disappear if you fall into the void...

    Posted: 01 Feb 2021 05:14 AM PST

    I don’t understand the Ranked system, but just why do we have a hidden stat and a visible stat?

    Posted: 01 Feb 2021 07:52 AM PST

    I don't understand why you have two stats, a hidden MMR and a visible rank that's apparently not connected. Why not just have one value decide your rank, wouldn't it just be more simple to understand?

    submitted by /u/Glitchy13
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