• Breaking News

    Thursday, February 4, 2021

    VALORANT IMPORTANT: Trialing video rules. We're going to need your feedback!

    VALORANT IMPORTANT: Trialing video rules. We're going to need your feedback!

    IMPORTANT: Trialing video rules. We're going to need your feedback!

    Posted: 04 Feb 2021 07:12 AM PST

    TLDR: We're going to try different rules for gameplay videos over the next coming weeks. Check the first section of this post on the details, and most importantly: give us feedback!

    Practicals (required reading!)

    What's up everyone, its your favorite resident bottom-frag Sage moderator here. Over the last few months, we've had difficulty figuring out how to balance all the content on the subreddit. In particular, videos and clips are something that we're majorly struggling with. We used to have a rule requiring videos to be over a minute, then a couple of months ago we banned all non-educational non-eSports clips entirely. Since then, we've had all kinds of feedback, both positive and negative.

    To be honest, we're not happy with the state of the subreddit right now. That's why we're going to try something new and exiting. Over the next five weeks, starting the 8th of February, we're going to trial five different methods of handling clips on the subreddit, for a week each. In particular, we're going to do the following:

    • 8-17 February: All clips allowed! If your clip is relevant to VALORANT, feel free to post it!
    • 15-21 February: All clips allowed, as long as they are longer than 15 seconds.
    • 22-28 February: All clips allowed, as long as they are longer than 30 seconds.
    • 1-7 March: All clips are allowed on Wednesday, regardless of length. On all other days, only eSports and educational clips (no gameplay) are allowed in their own posts.
    • 8-14 March: Gameplay clips are only allowed in a daily rotating megathread. Only eSports and educational clips (no gameplay) are allowed in their own posts.

    During each week, we'll have a sticky post that details the current rules and allows you to discuss the state of the subreddit with other users and the mods. During the last two days of the week (colloquially known as the weekend) we'll additionally have a formal Google Forms-like survey that allows you to more formally tell us what you thought about the state of the subreddit during that week.

    We will be using GMT time for all of these. That means that midnight GMT on Sunday/Monday will signal the change in rules.


    We're dependent on you, the users of the subreddit, to tell us what you think! Let us know if you dislike the rules applied during that week, but more importantly you also need to let us know if you DID enjoy the rules! People tend to be more vocal if they dislike something, so please help us by also being focal if you do like something (or even if you don't feel strongly either way!).


    If you sign up with your reddit account above, you will receive a single direct message once the official survey period in the weekend starts. Nothing more. At the end of the survey, you'll have the option to be reminded of the same thing, but the week after.

    That's all the important stuff! The rest of this post will outline our reasoning and the exact process we'll be taking to evaluate effectiveness of the test. If you have any other questions, feel free to leave a comment.

    Extra Context (only read if you're interested)

    We're running this experiment because of two main reasons. First, we're not sure on how to do this ourselves. We ideally want to try a bunch of stuff and see what sticks, but we can't really go and change up the rules of the sub every couple of weeks because that just leads to a bunch of confusion. Secondly, we want to do something that allows the community to experience various options and see which one they like best, and actually encourage the community to respond.

    This experiment allows us to accomplish both of these. While we for sure expect some confusion around posters ("this was allowed yesterday but not now?"), a coordinated trial like we're going to be running at least keeps everything somewhat clear. We've previously tried running smaller-scale feedback surveys but they ended up dominated by people that had something to gain from change (i.e. the people that didn't like the current state of the subreddit), and as such we're hesitant to trust the results from such surveys.

    For this experiment, we're using all tools available to us to ensure that people participate in the trials. Sorry if the constant comments get spammy, but we really don't want to end up having to make a big choice that will impact lots of users based on only 300 responses to a survey.

    As for the five different categories we're trialing, they were essentially chosen because we think they represent each of the options we moderators have to somewhat limit the amount of videos on the subreddit (through artificially limiting their amount and centralizing them). We are not trialing outright banning everything, and even the dedicated megathread and days trials still provide exceptions for eSports and educational content.

    These exceptions exist largely for two reasons: we want to promote esports content on the subreddit, even if that means giving it some special privileges, and we do not want to ban clips outright as that will likely lead to a barren frontpage largely occupied by complaint posts (similar to what we have now). Compared to our current rules (which ban gameplay clips entirely), all of the enforcements we're going to be trialing over the weeks provide more freedom.

    Finally, I recommend you read this comment of mine that I left earlier this year. It represents some of our teams views on content within the subreddit and outlines some of our attempts to balance them. The results of more internal discussions around this comment have led to this trial.

    If you have any questions or would like to discuss more about the state of the subreddit, feel free to do so in the comments. Please do remember to keep it civil, we will not respond to needless (personal) attacks.

    submitted by /u/molenzwiebel
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    Killjoy ult spots for avoid sova and wallbangs!!!

    Posted: 04 Feb 2021 04:26 AM PST

    Hit Box Of Tree in Tree Room Broken, Doesnt Act Like a Wall Bang, It tanks shot completely

    Posted: 04 Feb 2021 11:50 AM PST

    Spike Plant Speedrun WR Glitchless Any% 24.26sec

    Posted: 04 Feb 2021 02:22 AM PST

    Valorant Map Ascent in Minecraft (+Free Download)

    Posted: 04 Feb 2021 10:38 AM PST

    T1 +Autimatic

    Posted: 04 Feb 2021 11:09 AM PST

    Spike Plant Speedrun Glitchless Any% WR 16.85sec

    Posted: 04 Feb 2021 01:40 PM PST

    Aim guide sample text

    Posted: 04 Feb 2021 03:39 AM PST

    Hello I'm {insert nickname} and I'm currently in {insert high rank}. I've reached my rank even without having good aim {insert screenshot of aimlabs showing your stats}

    I'm going to show you three never heard before tips to outplay the enemy.

    1. Gamesense

    {write 100-300 words where you explain that you need to improve your gamesense, without actually explaining how}

    1. Crosshair placement

    You need place your crosshair where the enemies will come from (check out tip 1 if you don't understand where the enemies will come from)

    {inset totally unrelated clip of you getting 5 kills on a smurf account}

    1. Crosshair placement v2

    Headshots do more damage than bodyshots. The head is higher than the body. If you put your crosshair above the enemy's body hitbox you will get an headshot

    {plug your discord}

    Also, if this doesn't work it's because the game is bad

    submitted by /u/CoolJeff_Kaplan
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    Killjoy Attacker Side Hut - Turret Boost

    Posted: 03 Feb 2021 10:48 PM PST

    Unpopular opinion: Old flashes visuals are better

    Posted: 04 Feb 2021 12:34 PM PST

    Amazing job reducing the brightness on the visual, but I am too used and love the old ones.
    Wish there could be an option to toggle between the two.

    submitted by /u/PopeeTheSniper
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    Are aggresive killjoy nades practical?

    Posted: 04 Feb 2021 09:39 AM PST

    Petition to add exclusive reload animation to glitchpop

    Posted: 04 Feb 2021 02:06 AM PST

    Glitchpop guns are 2175 VAL points. I think this set deserves a different/exclusive reload animation. Reaver is 1775 and it's reload animation is pretty cool. What do you guys think?

    submitted by /u/frostbi7e
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    T1 announces Autimatic signing

    Posted: 04 Feb 2021 11:15 AM PST

    Make sovas Airplane fly faster

    Posted: 04 Feb 2021 06:50 AM PST

    Personaly, I think valrant is a pretty fun game, EXCEPT for the fact that many parts of this game are unraelistic (compared to real life).. In my opnion, one of the things that bother me the most is SAVA's airplane goes almost 2 miles per hour. Im sure maney of you know that in real life, air planes can go 10000 miles per hour on avarege (Most should probly be familiar with this already becuse half of the times that people talk in there microphone it sound like their gaming setup is in a air port terminal). Also, sava is one of the worst people in valrant, and it makes no sense that his airplane can barely make 2 inches throug h hooka on BIND while real life air planes can go from Texas to mexico in one day. On top of that, sava gotta control his plane while standeing out in the open where the enemys can kill him prety easy. Overall, sava is one of the worst charcters (if you dont belive me trust me i Got almost to rank iran 2 last season by not playeing sova)

    Heres my buff idea: make sava's airplane go faster . After this buff you could probly fly the plane more places then before and see enemys. Also it would make the game more relistic and let people who only play sava get higher ranks like bronse.

    submitted by /u/notJheck
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    Ex #1 EU Radiant player banned

    Posted: 04 Feb 2021 10:41 AM PST

    This is a follow up to my previous post about BJK Nisay, he was number one on the rankings in europe and suddenly dissapeared. He claimed that it was a bug but now riot made an announcement that he is banned for 12 months.


    submitted by /u/dashhcs
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    It's about time to fix jett's e ability/netcode

    Posted: 04 Feb 2021 12:12 PM PST

    This has happened to me countless number of times where i kill a player and the person next to me starts shooting and when i press e and dash , it successfully shows I've dashed but what really happens is that i die. And most of the time i have lower ping. Only infuriating thing while playing jett. 10/10 agent otherwise.

    submitted by /u/wastedpotential101
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    Idea to change skins in midgame

    Posted: 04 Feb 2021 07:25 AM PST

    Something like this. I know I am not a professional editor but the thing is to get the idea.

    It would be nice to have an option similar to this to be able to change Skin in the middle of the game and be able to select which one you want.

    This would benefit Riot because people would buy more skins by being able to use more, and it would benefit players because they could have more skins.


    submitted by /u/Garri70
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    elder+glitch pop finisher

    Posted: 04 Feb 2021 09:02 AM PST

    Viper Fanart I did before Icebox came out [Fanart]

    Posted: 03 Feb 2021 11:40 PM PST

    Viper Fanart I did before Icebox came out [Fanart]

    I'm actually kinda new to reddit, my friend said I could share my fanart here ^^I started playing Valorant because I love Sabine the moment I saw her, I still play her a lot lol.

    Art pages: fb/ tapsitis | ig/ tapsimer


    submitted by /u/tapsimer
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    VCT Korea WGS throws a 4v2.

    Posted: 04 Feb 2021 01:35 AM PST

    Toxicity in Lower Ranks is Unbearable [STORYTIME]

    Posted: 04 Feb 2021 08:49 AM PST

    So, I was solo queueing a game in Silver 2. As soon as we got into a game two of my teammates insta-locked Jett and Reyna, so I already knew that this wasn't going to end well. To be useful to my team I went Brimstone for smokes, but then I realized that my teammates were in a 4 stack and I had no hope for a peaceful game. I knew I could just mute them but I gave them the benefit of the doubt that they would give callouts. Eventually, around halftime, I gave up and muted everyone, but not before I was called racial slurs and disability slurs.

    What can I do to improve my experience in lower ranks?

    submitted by /u/hwasannn
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    How to be good at the game w/o aim (Advice from current top800)

    Posted: 03 Feb 2021 05:42 PM PST


    As from previous posts, I reached Radiant numerous times rn top 800 EU and I will explain to you how to get better without having dynamic aim (Aim Lab grinding etc).

    Im avg 70k on Gridshot my record is 75k and I still outperform most of players I encounter in-game so those are detailed things you are able to get better at quicker than grinding aimlab for several months.

    1. Gamesense, just think - Example (Split) A guy has planted the bomb on A side and was elbow last time, you faked defuse - mostly he will come around you and come from other side instead of elbow, dont look elbow fake it and wait for him to peek you if you have enough time(and to the opposite thing while being on Attackers side).
    2. Economy knowledge - you lost pistol round and spike is planted? Buy Stinger/Spectre + shield enemies will probably buy only shield and utility / spectre + shield / stinger shield / 2.9k + light, and you can just run n gun with stinger doing double headshot and try to win a round, if you succeed you are getting free round, play full when all of ur team have enough for light+2.9k+utility especially if yours ult are stacked, dont be afraid of playing shorty/bucky/judge with no shield because if you will kill an enemy you will earn more than you lose if not at least you tried.
    3. Crosshair placement and knowing how to peek- vector theory ( I tried to doing video myself but Im trash editor and it's mostly based on it), just watch some cs/valorant videos and implement it to your game it takes less than a week and your aim will go so much better even without having dynamic one trained you will find yourself in so much easier place than you were before. (I have it, like most good players on perfect or at least close to perfect level and that's why Im where I am with 70k on Aim Lab
    4. Game knowledge - if you can't play a lot of mms (this is the place when you are getting this knowledge) just watch some videos which will help you understand where KJ turrets most popular places are where are Cypher's trapwires, where are good places to play as a Jett with Operator, where not to plant when Sova is in enemy etc.)
    5. Be patient, you have whole round to plant a bomb which takes only 4 seconds, don't have to rush when there's 50 seconds to end, play contact and play as a team, hold defensive corners after plant and on def side.
    6. Be unpredictable - if you are doing offensive angle more than twice you will get probably killed, push through smokes sometimes cuz enemies often dont expect it to happen, fake plant on 5 secs to end (its gamble and works only when you know where's enemy and DONT YOU DARE TO MAKE ANY STEP AFTER FAKING), do oneways,flashes, but dont do it every round cuz enemies will just find way around it.
    7. Refrag - dont mind baiting as long as you are getting successfully refragged and you are playing as XYZ and you kill enemy topfragger, remember playing defensive corners is not the same as baiting - sometimes your teammates are trying to blame you but brush it off play your game and in some cases just mute them.
    8. Know your main and secondary agent, dont instalock (especially when your rank is lowest cuz statistically as long as you are not smurf they are better than you), flex to your team and do the next step.
    9. Dont be afraid of dodging, you will wait from 3mins to 15 mins for a dodge and it is better than getting 3 players w/o VC and 5 duelists (which works 10% of the time) or losing Elo and fucking up your MMR.
    10. This will be an unpopular opinion but play solo/duo - you can blame "But mY tEaM hAvE CoMMs" I dont care you wont be able to do more than duo D3 and higher, learn to play the hard way so after D2 you will be able to survive without perfect info / inconsistent players who apparently will fuck up ur game(losers q is real)
    11. Learn to play both weapons Phantom/Vandal cuz not everyone plays ur main
    12. I dont belive I have to say it, dont give a fuck about skins, better weapon first, dont swap the weapons for skin because this Judge skin is pretty so I will swap my Spectre/Bulldog/2.9K Weapon on 3v3 situation - mostly it will be shitty idea and just gameplay before skins (at least on rankeds)
    13. Dont be toxic while not being toxic - its weird to hear but peoples have this redline in brain (at least I have) while saying something you know this will piss somebody off, so yea don't tell "Guys on a can you dont die there?" - OH MY FRIEND HOW I COULDNT GET THAT IDEA MYSELF, just tell them do play defensive or just swap with them, don't tell them obv things you know they know and they know you know so you won't tilt (probably if you are getting flamed on in most of your matches, well it's probably not because community is toxic probably as well you are (not applied to women's playing this game because you are getting bullied because as long as you are not outperforming most of your team they have anchor point to flame you and it is your sex))

    I think it is everything I can think now on, will do an update tomorrow, sorry for shitty English but Im not fluent speaker by any means

    submitted by /u/morantee
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    CS:GO / Valorant - Two Way Conversion

    Posted: 04 Feb 2021 11:43 AM PST

    I've seen multiple posts about converting sensitivity, zoom sensitivity, and FOV from CS:GO to Valorant. As a player who didn't take FPS games seriously until Valorant, I found myself doing the opposite to preserve my newly learned skills whenever I wanted to try out new CS:GO modes, and had to spend time reversing the formulas.

    I also found that reading through all of the hundreds of posts to find single formulas in walls of text was very difficult, so I'm going to just put it all out there and list my sources at the bottom. I hope this helps someone.

    This in the end should leave you with only ONE trade off, your vision will be a little hindered inside CS:GO, but for the most part will allow for accurately switching over easily, with the only differences being in mechanics such as movement speed and weapon spray. And this is only if you convert your FOV, you can just... not do that if you want.

    Variables are written in this format ('Name of the variable')

    Hipfire Sensitivity

    Valorant Sensitivity to CS:GO Sensitivity;
    ('Valorant Sensitivity') * 3.181818 = ('CS:GO Sensitivity')

    CS:GO Sensitivity to Valorant Sensitivity;
    ('CS:GO Hipfire Sensitivity') / 3.181818 = ('Valorant Hipfire Sensitivity')

    Zoom Sensitivity

    This is for when you scope in, the sensitivity is different by default. Both calculate this a little differently so make sure you do the formulas exactly right!

    Valorant Zoom Sensitivity to CS:GO Zoom Sensitivity;
    ('Valorant Zoom Sensitivity') - ('Valorant Hipfire Sensitivity') + 0.818933027098955175 = ('CS:GO Zoom Sensitivity')

    eg. If you have a 1.0 Valorant zoom sensitivity, and a 1.0 Valorant hipfire sensitivity, your CS:GO zoom sensitivity is '0.8189330270989552' You can set this in the csgo console to preserve the precision, eg. zoom_sensitivity_ratio_mouse 0.8189330270989552

    CS:GO Zoom Sensitivity to Valorant Zoom Sensitivity;
    (('CS:GO Zoom Sensitivity') - 0.818933027098955175) + ('Valorant Hipfire Sensitivity') = ('Valorant Zoom Sensitivity')

    eg. If you have a 1.0 CS:GO zoom sensitivity, and a 1.0 Valorant hipfire sensitivity, your Valorant zoom sensitivity is '1.1810669729010448' You will have to round a few to get this to be able to fit inside the input box, but should still be almost completely accurate.

    FOV Conversion (Resolution Method)

    Valorant is always locked at 103 Horizontal FOV (HFOV), meanwhile CS:GO is not, and is dependent on your resolution (aspect ratio). In Valorant a wider monitor will zoom things in and make you see less vertically, in CS:GO a wider monitor will increase your vision on both sides, with three monitors I managed to get roughly 150 HFOV. Anyhow, this means there are different calculations based on resolution.

    What we will do in these calculations is re-scale CS:GO to lose a little space on both sides to get the same exact HFOV and VFOV. This effect is minimal during gameplay, but is the reason why sensitivity may feel off when switching games, as while you have to do the same mouse movement to do a 360, the required movement to click a head on screen is different. By doing this we will make CS:GO feel more like Valorant in terms of FOV.

    ('Monitor Vertical Resolution') * 1.676229732 = ('CS:GO Vertical Resolution')

    eg. if you're on 1920x1080, you do the following; 1080 * 1.676229732 = 1810.328111, so your CS:GO resolution would be roughly 1810x1080.

    Small note that you can use '-w' and '-h' in the csgo steam launch arguments to set the resolution to your desired value.


    It took me a long time to find all of this information myself, and about as long to interpret it correctly, if I made any mistakes that you can see be sure to let me know, I don't want to steal credit from anyone. I hope this helped!

    Links; - FOV Conversion - Sensitivity Conversion - Zoom Sensitivity Conversion - Additional Source

    submitted by /u/Xer0_Puls3
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    My quick attempt on an artwork for 50 valorant points lol (MS paint & mouse)

    Posted: 04 Feb 2021 07:31 AM PST

    My quick attempt on an artwork for 50 valorant points lol (MS paint & mouse)



    Needed 25 points after buying 975 points for the battle pass after saving up enough money.

    Heard that you could get 50 Valorant Points max by sending a single artwork to support so I decided to give it an attempt with Microsoft Paint and a simple mouse. Here's my attempt :)

    submitted by /u/sKantei
    [link] [comments]

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