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    Tuesday, February 16, 2021

    VALORANT These ninja defuses never get old...

    VALORANT These ninja defuses never get old...

    These ninja defuses never get old...

    Posted: 16 Feb 2021 06:39 AM PST

    Got THE most luckiest shot in the world to end a game that was 12-12.

    Posted: 16 Feb 2021 01:17 AM PST

    Show your skill with every weapon in the new Escalation game mode, playable tomorrow.

    Posted: 16 Feb 2021 08:01 AM PST

    VALORANT | New Celestial Skins - AMAZING MELEE WEAPON (New Bundle Showcase)

    Posted: 16 Feb 2021 08:22 AM PST

    What do you mean "solo-q"? I've queued with my boombot

    Posted: 16 Feb 2021 08:19 AM PST

    VALORANT | New ANIME Skins - GO VOLUME 1 Gun Bundle

    Posted: 16 Feb 2021 06:20 AM PST

    One of my best aces on Jett's ult

    Posted: 15 Feb 2021 08:16 PM PST

    A report on the 15th agent

    Posted: 15 Feb 2021 05:41 PM PST

    A report on the 15th agent

    Not all this information should be taken as facts.

    Hello everyone! I've been working a little document the last few days about the agent we are getting for Episode 2 Act 2, and this are the results.

    Quick remarks before you start reading

    I also made a video to go along with this article which you can check here if you prefer that format. I'll be doing more stuff like this, so feel free to subscribe too. Also, join the VALORANT Lore // Art Discord!

    If you find it hard to follow, scroll down to the sources section. There you will find links to pretty much everything I talk about.

    Finally, the theory/headcanon section is not to be taken as part of the conclusion of what the article displays! That section is just what I would like the agent to be.

    And now without further ado, here's the juice.

    Already known information

    The next agent will be the 15th added to the game, but its number is uncertain: it could be 08 or from 16 on. Regarding agent 08, something happened to them, but they are still alive.

    With the publication of the February State of the Agents article it was revealed that the new agent is a controller.

    Teaser card

    As with previous battlepasses, we have two cards that possibly hint towards the agent:


    The Corporate Takeover card appears to hint more towards a map than an agent given the relevance given to the buildings and their symmetry, although the meaning of the large black circle atop the skyscraper remains uncertain.

    As for the Bridge Between Worlds, it is generally assumed to be the one that hints to the next agent. We do not see much at first glance, but a deeper look reveals a lot of information.

    Bridge Between Worlds

    The most remarkable elements in the card are:

    • Central symbol is encasing something that resembles an orb.
    • Circles surrounding the central symbol which are similar to planetary orbits around a star.
    • Two distorted versions of the central symbol
    • Savannah trees.

    Serbian theory

    First talked about by Shiick on the VALORANT Lore // Art and touched by Chroip on reddit, this theory is rooted on the internal name of the card: "R4kiya"

    R4kiya is the nickname of a Riot employee, Stefan Jevremovic, who is a Serbian visual effects artist. The card's appearance reminded Shiick of a desert, so looking further he found a Serbian desert (Deliblato Sands) where the trees were very similar to those in the card.


    This led to the idea of the card being a teaser for a possible next map based in Serbia.


    As suggested by Ashoka, some symbols present in the card are reminiscent of Kente Clothing.

    The zigzags
    Life is not a straight path.

    You go straight away to Agyeman", where Agyeman means "savior of the nation".

    The colors
    The predominant colors in the card (and their meanings) are:

    • Purple: feminine
    • Gold: royalty, richness, prosperity, fertility

    The Night Market

    The first night market took place in Split, Japan (referred to as JPN) as shown under the Night Market letters and following this pattern we know that the new one takes place in Ghana (referred to as GHA), although no specified map. Below images for reference.


    This could hint at the new agent or, given that the first Night Market was based on an in-game map, it could hint at a new map in Ghana.



    Similarly to the Bridge Between Worlds card, the second Night Market also contains a set of symbols. The symbols were investigated by looking into Ghanaian culture: first the Akan and Twi alphabets by KecMagik and then the Adinkra symbols and Kente clothing as suggested by Ashoka.


    3. Trom Nwoma (Kente clothing)

    4. Ata (Kente clothing)
    "I have taken it."

    5. Adinkrahene (Adinkra symbols)
    King of the Adinkra symbols. A symbol for authority, leadership, and charisma. Also a symbol for qualities associated with kings. Adinkrahene is reportedly the inspiration for the design of the other symbols.

    The Episode 2 loading screen


    In this Episode 2 image we see a glowing figure that has not been identified yet. Although it is similar to Phoenix or Omen, not all the traits coincide, leaving the possibility of this being a tease for the new agent.


    State of the Agents (Feb 21)

    The February State of the Agents article mentioned that the new agent would be a cosmic shift in the way we see play patterns, dedicated to "galaxy brain" players.

    All together

    Serbian theory

    After the Night Market released and the attention was switched to Ghana this theory has now become very unlikely, but it could still tease something different.


    After the namedrop of Ghana an investigation of the symbols began, basing it off the Ghanaian culture, more specifically Adinkra symbols and Kente clothing.

    It is also believed that the symbols do not tease a map, but an agent. Knowing this, possible takeaways regarding the next agent are:

    • It is a woman, or at least feminine.
    • It is part of the royalty, is wealthy or is a leader.
    • It relates in some way to a savior.

    State of the Agents

    The new agent will be a Radiant with powers based on the stars or the galaxy in general, as this is a theme also present in the Bridge Between Worlds card.

    My theory/headcanon

    I believe the next agent is going to be 08, the queen of a Ghanaian tribe that has recently gone through very rough times, meeting the "savior of her nation". This savior told her something was taken away from her people, which made her leave the VALORANT Protocol to search for whatever they lost.

    As for the abilities, knowing that she is a controller:

    • A small gravity singularity which pulls enemies and allies into it.
    • A wormhole that allows her to travel back in time to where she was a few seconds ago.
    • A large black hole that sucks in enemies and allies, killing them when they are too close.


    Serbian theory

    Kente clothing

    Adinkra symbols

    VALORANT images

    Shiick: https://twitter.com/Shiick
    Chroip: https://www.reddit.com/user/Chroip/
    KecMagik: https://twitter.com/KecMagik
    NotToDisturb: https://twitter.com/NotToDisturb

    Want to discuss more about this and other theories? Consider visiting the VALORANT Lore // Art Discord

    And that's all!

    I hope you found the post interesting, I'd love if y'all replied with your ideas or with anything I may have missed.

    submitted by /u/NotToDisturb
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    My friend is cracked at valorant.

    Posted: 16 Feb 2021 10:19 AM PST

    One of my cleanest Jett knife aces

    Posted: 15 Feb 2021 11:15 PM PST

    Idk if I should be proud or embarrassed after this ace

    Posted: 16 Feb 2021 10:18 AM PST

    How to teleport across A site in icebox

    Posted: 16 Feb 2021 07:16 AM PST

    Cypher Cam on acsent a site

    Posted: 16 Feb 2021 06:59 AM PST

    One of my Smartest Yoru plays

    Posted: 16 Feb 2021 02:49 AM PST

    Valorant. Clutch to save the match. [0.03 secs remaining]

    Posted: 16 Feb 2021 06:33 AM PST

    Shooting range while queueing / Confirm button when match found

    Posted: 16 Feb 2021 11:41 AM PST

    I really think Riot should let us access shooting range while queueing and have a button to confirm once a match is found.
    I know Valorant is still in the early stages and we don't even have replays but they should prioritize having a confirm button since some people afk during agent picking phase or after picking an agent.

    submitted by /u/Glittering_Soup8404
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    Ace (1v4 Clutch) from 5 year old (adorable reaction)

    Posted: 16 Feb 2021 02:33 PM PST

    An unrated miracle

    Posted: 16 Feb 2021 11:09 AM PST

    As I've said in past posts, I don't like ranked! I play the game for enjoyment and pretty much spend all my time in unrated. A few weeks ago I met a Jett player who just complimented my passive aggressive playstyle on Cypher. I found out this player is 13 years old and he's extremely new to the tac-FPS genre. Mainly playing Rocket league before Valorant. I asked him what rank he was and he admitted he just hit diamond and he was hoping to play more. He didn't like playing ranked because he plays solo and everyone makes fun of him for picking duelists and being a squeaker. Little do they know this kid hits every shot and plays extremely smart.

    A few days or a week later we're just playing unrated and someone else locks in cypher before me. He's really laid back and we're just shooting the shit. I show him my favorite pistol round cypher set up and he was geeking about it for a few rounds talking about how he's going to use it in ranked now. This kid also only solo queues. I asked for his rank and he also just hit diamond. This kid sounds a bit older, maybe 16. He asked our ages and this dude is also 13. As I'm dying because I suck im watching this cypher play. Dude is just ice cold with his aim and pressure around his utility.

    I convince them to play ranked together because with their agent picks and their duo synergy they can probably make waves. Both of them just hit immortal and now they're just 2 best buds. As someone literally twice their age I am just so happy to see this connection. I feel like this is the origin story to a future duo that will dominate the competitive scene in 3 years.

    submitted by /u/meatcookie-
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    I gave my hardstuck Gold 1 friend my account and he match mvped/promoted me back to Immortal

    Posted: 16 Feb 2021 02:50 AM PST

    I gave my hardstuck Gold 1 friend my account and he match mvped/promoted me back to Immortal

    This really shows that rank means nothing in this game. Players with good game sense and aim can be held back because of how bad the experience is for lower ranked players. Platinum and below you are basically asking to get giga smurfed on if you decide to queue up with friends. The amount of boosted kids in gold/platinum and other factors like throwers makes the ranked experience horrible. There is zero punishment for throwing games, getting boosted or for boosting. Why should players have to play through smurf/thrower lobbies and be told to just get better and carry. The ranked system needs real changes to improve the experience for the majority of the player base who actually gets effected by these issues.



    Game Played on their Main Before the Diamond/Immortal Lobby

    submitted by /u/redditisforlosers54
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    When you've got nothing to do while waiting for your AFK friend to come back

    Posted: 16 Feb 2021 10:35 AM PST

    What’s wrong with Viper?

    Posted: 16 Feb 2021 07:54 AM PST

    So I'm starting to get back into Valorant after taking a couple months off and I'm realizing that NO ONE picks Viper. People are telling me she's "useless and they're better agents to pick"

    So here are my two questions: 1- What are the pros and cons about using Viper? 2-Should I just learn to use a different agent?

    P.S. I hope you win all your games today 💪🏼❤️

    submitted by /u/ASAPDOOBIE
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