• Breaking News

    Thursday, March 11, 2021

    VALORANT Gameplay Clips Megathread: Share your plays, montages and other videos here!

    VALORANT Gameplay Clips Megathread: Share your plays, montages and other videos here!

    Gameplay Clips Megathread: Share your plays, montages and other videos here!

    Posted: 11 Mar 2021 02:05 AM PST

    Welcome! As part of our video trial weeks, we'll be using a central megathread this week for you to share your gameplay clips.

    This thread will be replaced daily.

    Share your clip by linking it in a comment! You'll need to upload your clip first. You can do that with a site such as YouTube or Streamable, or you can upload it to Reddit and then copy the resulting video URL.

    Want to only see videos? Adding ?depth=1 to the end of the URL will only show the top-level comments.

    Is your video a clip of an eSports event or does it have educational content? If yes, you may also post the video directly!

    Top-level comments that do not contain a video will be removed. If you want to discuss the megathread, please give us feedback here instead.

    submitted by /u/AutoModerator
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    VALORANT Champions Tour 2021: North America / Stage 1 Masters / Day 1 / Live Discussion Thread

    Posted: 11 Mar 2021 12:16 PM PST

    VALORANT Champions Tour 2021: North America

    VLR | THESPIKE | Juked

    Today's Matches

    Envy vs Gen.G 12:00 PM 3:00 PM 21:00 4:00
    XSET vs FaZe Clan 2:30 PM 5:30 PM 23:30 6:30


    Envy @Envy food crashies FNS mummAy kaboose
    Sentinels @Sentinels ShahZaM SicK zombs dapr TenZ
    Immortals @Immortals Genghsta jcStani ShoT_UP NaturE Kehmicals Gunba Packing10
    XSET @XSETGAMING thwifo AYRIN BcJ PureR Wedid SyykoNT
    FaZe Clan @FaZeClan corey ZachaREEE Marved babybay Rawkus Trippy
    100 Thieves @100Thieves Hiko nitr0 Asuna Ethan FrosT
    Luminosity @Luminosity aproto stellar thief YaBoiDre moose trainer
    Gen.G @GenG gMd huynh MkaeL Shawn koosta mCe


    On-Air Team - English

    Mark "boq" Wilson
    Loviel "Velly" Cardwell
    Alex "Vansilli" Nguyen
    Christine "potter" Chi
    Daniel ddk Kapadia
    Doug "EsportsDoug" Cortez
    Rivington "Rivington" Bruce Bisland III
    Sean "sgares" Gares
    Nicholas "Yehty" Tesolin
    David "prius" Kuntz


    Double-Elimination bracket

    All matches (excl. Grand Final) are Bo3

    Grand Final is Bo5

    • Prize Pool

    • 1st $60,000

    • 2nd $30,000

    • 3rd $15,000

    • 4th $15,000

    • Prize Pool: $150,000 USD

    • Liquipedia Tier: A-Tier


    submitted by /u/PankoKing
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    I wouldn't be so smug, Jett... Fanart in Riot's art style !

    Posted: 11 Mar 2021 05:08 AM PST

    I wouldn't be so smug, Jett... Fanart in Riot's art style !

    This has been a big change from the art style I'm used to working on. Hope you guys like it! Kind of wanted to tell the story of what happens AFTER the spike has been detonated. And wondered if exit frags are "canon" in Valorant's lore. Let me know what you think :D

    P.S. Can you spot the Omen?


    submitted by /u/rexel325
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    TenZ playing for Sentinels in Masters Stage 1

    Posted: 11 Mar 2021 11:51 AM PST

    Today I learnt you can use Breach's ult to jump onto head height boxes

    Posted: 11 Mar 2021 08:24 AM PST

    Why is 'got 3' censored?

    Posted: 10 Mar 2021 08:39 PM PST

    I do not understand why 'got 3' is censored in the chat?


    Is this some insider joke that I cannot figure out, please someone help me?


    I am trying to tell my friend how I got 3 rejections by 3 different girls and it is censored. Are you trying to troll me riot ?



    "got 3, got three, Got 3, got Three, Got Three" are all censored.

    submitted by /u/joshgc
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    An unorthodox Viper Ultimate on Icebox

    Posted: 11 Mar 2021 05:53 AM PST

    Tenz Explains why popular Sage Wall on B Split is bad

    Posted: 10 Mar 2021 02:45 PM PST

    TenZ officially joins Sentinels

    Posted: 11 Mar 2021 12:15 PM PST

    Sinatraa’s response to the allegations

    Posted: 10 Mar 2021 07:27 PM PST

    Skill disparity in gold is insane

    Posted: 11 Mar 2021 01:41 AM PST

    The title says it all basically. Some of the games in gold you'll play will be extremely fun, close, tactical games where everyone knows what they're doing and your actually competing. You feel like everyone is relatively evenly matched and what I would call a high quality game. What the ranked experience is supposed to be. Then, the other half of ranked games in gold your queued with players that are very new to the game and are still trying to figure out the core fundamentals. Realistically speaking, I shouldn't have to be explaining how the gunplay in this game works in gold. Or what trading / refragging means. This makes the ranked experience in gold extremely frustrating. I am a former plat 3 player. For the first time in my ranked career I am hard stuck fluctuating between gold 2 and 3. I just really don't understand why it's possible for me (gold 3) to be match made with a silver 1. Why? Literally why. On the flip side. If I am gold 3, why do I have to compete with a plat 3 to climb out of my rank? Shouldn't I be better than other gold 3 players instead? I feel like this sort of matchmaking is prevelant in all ranks, however it is most noticeable in gold as the jump between silver and gold is the largest in terms of understanding of the game. Anyways, it feels as though something seriously went wrong this act. That or my 2500 hours in csgo (supreme) and 2 acts worth of plat 3 Doritos magically left my brain and I am actually just a gold player.

    submitted by /u/SlaKer440
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    Tips & Tricks from an Immortal 2 Player

    Posted: 11 Mar 2021 12:00 PM PST

    Really difficult, but really stinky sage one-way wall

    Posted: 10 Mar 2021 03:14 PM PST

    PSA- purchasing Astra stars does not count towards completing the ‘purchase abilities’ mission

    Posted: 11 Mar 2021 04:19 AM PST

    I am not sure if it is a bug but i just played a game as Astra and it did not count towards my mission at all. I think its because Astra's stars are technically not abilities but now i know not to play Astra if i want to complete the 'purchase abilities' mission

    submitted by /u/killeromega6
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    Radar feature request and PSA on Eye Health

    Posted: 10 Mar 2021 11:25 PM PST

    Example summary diagram.

    Hi everyone, I'm requesting that radar can be on the left or right side, and I have a writeup here on monitor ergonomics with a simple experiment you can do at home to see why it's recommended.

    So I would like to request for Radar to be able to be set to the right side or the left side, so users could place the radar closer to their dominate eye. A quick google search reveals 67% of the population have a dominant right eye. The radar is small and full of important details that need to be quickly checked and analyzed. My hypothesis is a person can more quickly analyze radar with their dominate eye over their non-dominate eye.

    Referencing the example summary diagram, when the right eye is looking at an object that is off center to the left, it must rotate more than the left eye to look at the same point because the right eye is a further distance away from the object than the left eye.

    Jumping now to ergonomics, eye strain and fatigue is increased when the monitor is placed in a non-ergonomic position. You can test this yourself by holding your gaze on a point that is above your eyeline. Within a few seconds, you can feel the muscles in your eyes contracting to hold that elevated position. Now relax your eyes for 5-10 seconds, then look at a point that is below your eyeline and notice how your eye muscles feel relaxed and comfortable. I think it has to do with the shape of the eye and where the muscles are attached, it's harder for the muscles to push down against gravity to tilt the eye up.

    Adding these two concepts together, say you are right eye dominate, and the radar is on the left and above your eyeline. Your right eye must move a greater distance than the left eye to see the radar while also at the same time holding your gaze above your eyeline. Your right eye is getting a serious workout every time you look at the radar. For this reason, I hypothesize right eye dominate players look at radar less and miss more details than left eye dominate players.

    Thanks for reading! I hope this is helpful, and maybe we can get this feature added to Valorant!

    submitted by /u/al_to_the_val
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    Unfair Draw Vote Needs Change

    Posted: 10 Mar 2021 06:36 PM PST

    Unfair Draw Vote Needs Change


    Forced into double OT. Really unfair matchmaking issue if you have a player leave. You are unable to call a draw even when your entire team wants to draw. It forces you to have 5 votes. Needs to be changed to 4 when down a player. No reason for it not to. Who can I talk with.


    submitted by /u/WhoAmlToJudge
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    This game, Can be SOOO rewarding. Yet SOOO punishing.

    Posted: 11 Mar 2021 09:52 AM PST

    I swear...

    So i've turned my main game into Valorant. first season ever I was gold 3 then I quit. I'd usually just get my 5 placement games out of the way then leave till the next season. Anyways... I was hard stuck bronze last season for some reason. kept being called a smurf... its not like I wanted to be there. I was forced. Anyways. New season drops and I launched myself into Plat and now I deranked into gold 3 I play almost every night and god damn. I got from raging my heart out to laughing my ass off to just being soo chill likes its nothing.

    Last night I probably had the most rewarding game I've ever played. Its either pure domination from my team or the other team... we get a few rounds but its VERY rare we or the other team pull it back.

    Acent start as a Attacking I am playing with a 4 stack, I hover over Reyna since I popped off last game. 1 guy speaks up "I only main reyna" I respond "I can Jett/Op also" Next guy "No I main Jett" I respond "Okay I can also do Pheonix,Breach I am just shit with Cypher/KJ and Omen and if needed I can sage but I prefer not to on Acent cause I've gotten demolished playing her" Meanwhile I still hover over Reyna... and we have about 10 seconds to pick.. I just pick reyna and say okay lets get it since no one fully commited.

    They filled around me. So, We start the game literally 0-4 I have 0 kills. and im like "fuck here we go" We managed to sneak one round, then win our next 3 tieing the game 4-4 Meanwhile there is next to no communication other than the "Reyna WTF are you doing" or the "Reyna where are you" like its my fault I don't know what you guys are doing. (Disclaimer? if you 4 stack talk to your fucking 5th) we end up pulling it back 6-6 as attacking since I am trying my hardest to play around them and only spoken to when they are bitching.

    Defending side we essentially win our first Pistol round then drop another 4. its 7-10 then its 7-11 super fucking demoralizing... Specially since one guy was raging hard on there team and tried to FF Meanwhile after my abysmal start. I've started Popping off chaining kills and just solo holding sites. holding a 2.Something . Made me feel good because I am a SoloQ and top fragging against/With a 4 stack. I had that game where your shot is just always on the guys head Super crisp. Flicks/Peaks everything and anything you were doing were just the right plays. Every site I went they were there and dropped 2-3 of them then just held mid or rotated back. Long story short... we ended up pulling it back and winning 13-11 gaining 27RR and the 4 stack saying "Good reyna pick man"

    This was the most rewarding win of my life cause after dropping 4 rounds in a row literally twice.. we ended up winning.

    I dunno I guess my point here is just anything can happen.. Don't FF unless you have too.. and this game.. is JUST FUCKING WILD. the way things can play out.

    I am going off memory but I was about 32-18 I think by the end of it.

    Edit - in the final round I didn't even frag. our Jet got a 4K and just held bomb while our Sage just sprayed down CT on A.

    submitted by /u/Cadhik
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    I used the coordinates to find all the maps' locations.

    Posted: 10 Mar 2021 09:28 PM PST

    The next agent will be a Pirate.

    Posted: 10 Mar 2021 07:09 PM PST

    The next agent will be a Pirate.

    We already know that Tier 48 is the battlepass teaser for the next agent.
    This is because of the pattern of the teasers in the battlepass so far.
    Episode 1:
    Act 1 : Tier 48 (KJ) Act 2 : Tier 48 (Skye) Act 3 : Tier 38 (Yoru)
    Episode 2 :
    Act 1 : Tier 38 (Astra) Act 2 : ? Act 3 : ?
    The pattern seems to be going by groups of 2, so 2 48s, then 2 38s, and the 38th card in this new battlepass is a frenzy card, so tier 48 has to be it.

    So we know that it's called "Lost at Sea?"
    However, keep in mind that the card is posed as a question, as if someone was asking if you were just floating around on a ship, or "Lost at Sea?"

    So clearly, the ocean is important to the new agent in some way. I believe this because all the other cards have been named as general nouns or concepts, like "Secret Lineage." This is the first time a teaser card has been a phrase someone is saying.

    We can also find 1 other sea-related item in the battlepass, although their importance or relevance to the next agent is just pure skepticism at best.


    Correlation? Probably not. But that's the only stand-outish seafaring theme I can think of. Especially that rad hat, and oddly artificial looking feathers.

    submitted by /u/Chroip
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    I made a document to memorize Sova's arrow Charges & Bounces per lineup

    Posted: 11 Mar 2021 06:41 AM PST

    I've recently started to play Valorant more seriously and now learning how to play Sova.
    The thing that is hardest for me about the Recon Arrow lineups is not remembering the lineups itself but is remembering how many charges & bounces are needed for the specific lineup. That's why I've made a document with information about the charges & bounces of each arrow I could find on sovalineups.com and for Icebox specificly from a YT video.

    Here is the link to the google document. I hope this helps some of you out with the same problem as I have. Credits to sovalineups.com and Average Jonas.

    submitted by /u/cSnipu
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    If you can't queue with a rank, they shouldn't be put in your games.

    Posted: 10 Mar 2021 05:30 PM PST

    I'm plat 2 rn, played 3 games today. First had a decent mix of plat 2-g3. Ok.

    Second game I top frag with Sage, ace, then get a 3v1 clutch and lose. Check the scoreboard, oh wonderful a silver 3 bottom frag Reyna.

    I can't even queue up with this guy, why is he in my games? I understand his "true MMR" may be around plat but jesus christ how broken is the system that this big of a disparity is ending up in games?

    submitted by /u/ElementaryMyDearWut
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    Has Battlepass grind been improved? (returning player)

    Posted: 11 Mar 2021 10:41 AM PST

    Hi, I played Valorant in Beta and Act I and was 100% burnt out from the game after the absolutely bonkers grind it took for me to grind the BP back then. So much so that I hadn't touched the game until yesterday and it's kinda fun again. I'd be interested in the battlepass, but only if there is less grind needed now.

    TLDR: Do battlepasses still need as much grind as they did?

    Thanks :)

    submitted by /u/Luke_sein_Vater
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    Found a cool Sage wall parkour course in Split B

    Posted: 10 Mar 2021 11:32 PM PST

    are there people who don't main a certain agent?

    Posted: 10 Mar 2021 11:29 PM PST

    personally, i don't have main agent that i instalock. i play killjoy, omen, sage, raze and sova depending on what i think the team comp needs, or what playstyle i feel like going for.

    sometimes it works out for me, sometimes it doesn't, but mostly i just have fun.

    people get surprised when i tell them that when they ask who my main is.

    are there people out there who do this too? obviously, i know that having a main is good because you get because you get more experience with their utility and playstyle under your belt. but what if my team lacks a controller, or a duelist? will it harm my performance long term to play flexibly with agents? should i just stick to one or two?

    submitted by /u/sunstellations
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    Quick tips and tricks for Low ELO players

    Posted: 11 Mar 2021 12:18 PM PST

    Recently climbed from S2 to D2 and I've noticed a lot while climbing

    1. Dont be afraid to die! - time and time again I see people standing around near spawn on attack waiting for the defending team to do something or 1 of the duellists to entry. Any character can entry! Everyone has guns don't be afraid to use them

    2. DONT BAIT TEAMMATES - This goes hand in hand with the first tip. Please for the love of god peek together with teammates. If 1 person dies don't get scared , kill the person that your teammate was fighting so you can even out the playing field. 2 guns is better than 1!

    3. Utility is your Bestfriend - Try to use your utility whenever possible! Before entering a site or after once spike is planted to slow down the defending team. Vice versa for when you are defending. Use the any means to slow down a push even if you hear just 2 pairs of foot steps, throw that slow orb or smoke down. The closer the clock runs down the easier it is for attackers to make mistakes. I see so many people die with utility that could've helped them make a play to win the round

    4. Backseat gaming - Stop making unnecessary calls and or controlling demands. You're only being a detriment to that player and your team.

    5. Flame - just no. Doesn't help. Lose more games. Stop. Positivity is key to keeping morale up, Valorant is essentially 25 rounds in comp. That's a very long time. Anything can happen , and tearing down a teammates morale can cause them to make more mistakes or even stop trying. Just be nice and you'll win a lot more: if not Atleast you aren't being an ass hat and ruining someone's day

    submitted by /u/Yeunhat
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