• Breaking News

    Wednesday, March 10, 2021

    VALORANT Gameplay Clips Megathread: Share your plays, montages and other videos here!

    VALORANT Gameplay Clips Megathread: Share your plays, montages and other videos here!

    Gameplay Clips Megathread: Share your plays, montages and other videos here!

    Posted: 10 Mar 2021 02:05 AM PST

    Welcome! As part of our video trial weeks, we'll be using a central megathread this week for you to share your gameplay clips.

    This thread will be replaced daily.

    Share your clip by linking it in a comment! You'll need to upload your clip first. You can do that with a site such as YouTube or Streamable, or you can upload it to Reddit and then copy the resulting video URL.

    Want to only see videos? Adding ?depth=1 to the end of the URL will only show the top-level comments.

    Is your video a clip of an eSports event or does it have educational content? If yes, you may also post the video directly!

    Top-level comments that do not contain a video will be removed. If you want to discuss the megathread, please give us feedback here instead.

    submitted by /u/AutoModerator
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    Sinatraa has been suspended from competing in Masters this weekend

    Posted: 10 Mar 2021 10:15 AM PST

    Sinatra's ex speaks out.

    Posted: 09 Mar 2021 09:02 PM PST

    Sinatraa has been suspended from Sentinels while they launch an internal investigation on the situation.

    Posted: 10 Mar 2021 10:37 AM PST

    EDUCATIONAL : SOVA's post Plant double shock dart, can work on any open-sky site.

    Posted: 10 Mar 2021 06:58 AM PST

    Holy fuck reyna makes me uncomfortable

    Posted: 10 Mar 2021 07:55 AM PST

    I just won a game as reyna and then she "screams" at the end: "this isn't who I was meant to be". For some reason I find this creepy. Thank u for coming to my TED talk.

    Edit: just realized she says this IS who I was meant to be

    submitted by /u/unique_ubername
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    Unpopular opinion: I like level 2 of the Prime 2.0 Karambit

    Posted: 10 Mar 2021 07:19 AM PST

    Okay hear me out on this pls. First of all skins are personal preference and no one should be judged for it. Also, I myself didn't like it at first, but after looking at it for some time I decided to upgrade it and I perfer it this way! There are multiple reasons for this:

    1. The right click and inspect animation still do that spinny thing so it is refreshing to have another animation with the knife.
    2. The blade with the glow is just too clean.
    3. It was designed this way and I can see why, the draw spin animation doesn't work as well with it as it does with the ruin karambit. Also the way it unfolds makes it seem super sci-fi which is basically what this set was going for at first.
    submitted by /u/MrApplejuic
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    Please either add more maps or make it so you can deprioritize one map

    Posted: 10 Mar 2021 07:31 AM PST

    There's way too few maps, it gets repetitive really quick, and if you dislike a map you get forced to play it all the time sometimes even repeatedly.

    This is a videogame, you don't need to be proficient a everydamn map, if you dont like it, you dont like it and that's about it.

    As I write this i'm realizing i'm getting icebox for the fourth time in a row FML

    edit: 5th time in a row, are u happy riot god?

    edit2 :

    be me: leave game gotta do some work

    -do work come back hours after
    -gonna chill play some nice valorant


    -guess what map I got?

    -whatever, play

    -2 smurfs

    -whatever, shit happens

    -que another game

    -chill mood, gonna go get a glass of water

    -be back

    -sees icebox

    -insta rage


    -move on with life

    submitted by /u/ashiente
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    You're allowed to have an off game as a duelist.

    Posted: 10 Mar 2021 12:32 PM PST

    Just a PSA. You aren't automatically trash, despite what your teammates might be yelling at you. Keep fragging homies.

    submitted by /u/Btupid_Sitch
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    Why do we bother showing act ranks before a game loads if we don't show them in a lobby any more?

    Posted: 10 Mar 2021 08:19 AM PST

    I much preferred the old system regardless of the dodges it caused. At the plat level it's insane how different each game can be, you can be the only high plat/diamond player and somehow get a full silver/gold team with no comms. I'm tired of the "hurr d3 act rank isn't carrying me" gold/plat players. All it does it create an environment where lower players think they're getting a free win/loss depending on the team they're on. And then if they don't they're toxic beyond anything about it.

    At the very least if you KNOW your whole team is gold you can play different than you would at diamond.

    submitted by /u/mozraell
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    You can jump normal box height with breach

    Posted: 10 Mar 2021 11:40 AM PST

    Will there ever be more symbols in a kill?

    Posted: 10 Mar 2021 12:03 PM PST

    I wanted to know if in future updates if there would be more symbols in a kill such if we get a kill through smoke it would have a smoke symbol or if it was a noscope kill with an operator. I think it'd be kind of cool to implement this in the game.

    submitted by /u/starlightfnbr
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    Agent Concept: King [Initiator]

    Posted: 10 Mar 2021 11:26 AM PST

    Agent Name: King

    Blurb: The master gambler from Switzerland, King shuffles his deck and plays his cards right, leading to certain defeat for his enemies. Following suit and flushing his enemies out, King won't lose a wager to anyone.

    Role: Initiator

    Signature Ability: 1 charge. 25s cooldown.

    Voiceline: Raising the Stakes

    House of Cards- Throw an expandable holographic card that expands on impact. This creates a moderately large maze of cards that block vision, that can be shot through and destroyed easily and destroyed when walking through. When the cards are destroyed, it creates a small updraft of wind, slightly lifting enemies. This lasts 10s.

    Ability 1: 2 charges. 200 creds.

    King of Hearts- Equip a card. Fire to Shoot a card forward that can stick into any surface. Interact to activate it, flashing people for 2.25s. Secondary fire to equip a mode that shoots the card curved either way, similar to a Pheonix flash.

    Ability 2: 2 charges. 100 creds.

    King of Spades- Equip a card. Fire to Shoot a card that can stick into any surface. Interact to activate it, concussing enemies near it for 4 s and bouncing them backward 1m. If an enemy gets close to it before it sticks into a wall, it explodes then. Secondary fire to equip a mode that shoots the card curved either way, similar to a Pheonix flash.

    Ultimate: 7 ult points.

    Voiceline for Team: A Card up My Sleeve

    Voiceline for Enemies: Let's see your hand.

    Black Joker- Shoot a Joker Card that collides with a wall, Opening up a passage between the two sides of the wall, allowing bullets, abilities, and agents to go through. Agents can only go through very slowly though. This lasts 8s. Enemies cannot see the passage until a bullet passes through it.

    This is my 32nd Agent Concept. Check out my other ones here. https://www.reddit.com/r/VALORANT/comments/lexg7a/a_collection_of_30_agent_concepts/

    submitted by /u/SilverWolf8662
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    Oni Vandal Concept

    Posted: 10 Mar 2021 01:07 PM PST

    Duelists good performance is not KDA based

    Posted: 09 Mar 2021 05:17 PM PST

    Most of you think that the duelist has to drop 30 frags every match

    What is a good performance from a duelist?

    A good performance Is going to a site first and getting frags 50% of the times you are going to join, if you will die you need to be traded from someone you're calling for peeking with you

    What is a God performance? You are going to get consistently entrys

    What is a poor performance? You are not going first and It doesn't matter how many kills you will get

    The toxicity around duelists around their KD is not helping the guys playing that class, these players are scared to join because they're scared to be judged as bad players if they have not many kills, in competitive it's common watching duelists playing raze and doing 8 20, duelists need to be baited as well.

    Kda doesn't mean anything on this game (except you're 4 20). I have like 80% win rate with duelists and I rarely drop High kill games, if I'm getting 15 kills with 4\5 First Blood i have more impact than 25 kills with 0 First blood

    submitted by /u/Bandikoott
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    Toxicity really hurts, please just dont say it to your teammates.

    Posted: 09 Mar 2021 06:57 PM PST

    I remember seeing a post where someone said that letting off steam and complaining about your teammates was okay, but only when you aren't actually talking to them.

    For my story, i just finished a 5-12 comeback and was super happy because that was literally the greatest game of my life. My teammates at first didn't care about the game and werent trying, but when it came to 5-12 and my team did a surrender vote, i said to myself, "No, we're going to finish this game no matter what, its only going to be one more round." And i voted no. We continued the game, I commed constantly and led my team, and we slowly kept on winning every round. When we won OT 14-12 I turned on my mic and congratulated my team, and they talked back saying the same. i could have went to bed right there and been satisfied.

    Unfortunately, i decided to queue another rated and when i got it, my team seemed alright at first. We were on bind, and i talked to our raze to come B with me so he can entry on defenders. We lost, and i continually lost gunfights that i knew i should have won. As i was beating myself up for some lost rounds, our breach started telling me off, and the raze joined in too. It immediately got rougher and they called me names, calling me and saying what i should've done every time i lost a duel(i was bottomfragging as sova) and died. I wouldn't have been able to finish the game without crying if it wasn't for my team's jett and phoenix(thank you IKS Observer and splorps)

    Please don't yell at your teammates, you can call them names and swear at them through the screen at no cost to yourself but it really hurts some people. Just dont turn on your mic, simple as that.

    Edit: to the peeps telling me to get better, i already am good. I was really tired after my last win because i had to put a lot of focus into my teammates, but i thought that i might've been able to play another game.

    submitted by /u/berusk
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    The game won't end

    Posted: 10 Mar 2021 01:43 PM PST

    Ok so my team did an experiment in a public match where we die in the buy round, yes you heard it right the first 40s before the match starts and well apparently the round won't end even if all of us are dead so now the other team has to go through the whole round with out doing anything

    Ps: we jumped to death from b heaven on split

    submitted by /u/BanditxMoon
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    Bite the bullet?

    Posted: 10 Mar 2021 10:54 AM PST

    Game is telling me that there is a connection problem and to restart my client but if i try to quit it tells me leaving my "in progress match"

    submitted by /u/RYSSSLAKTARN
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    I'm "offline" or "not ready"

    Posted: 10 Mar 2021 01:05 PM PST

    I don't know why it does this, but it's been doing this for the past week or so. Continuously. No matter how many times I start or restart the game.

    • Friends List tells me I'm offline
    • Friends List tells friends I'm offline
    • Can't receive or send out invitations
      • Can accept invitations when they're already present at game start (previous session's invite)
      • Can join open parties, but doesn't show me that I'm joining them, they do see it
    • Can't accept friend requests (button changes to "accepting", then gets stuck for a while, then goes back to "Add friend" or whatever)

    After finishing a match, my status is either "offline" or "in game" and that won't change until I restart the game. After that, though, I run into the above problems all over again.

    submitted by /u/jxxxxa187
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    New Glitch?

    Posted: 10 Mar 2021 11:54 AM PST

    Immortal teammate was dropping tons of Shorty's causing low server fps and tons of lag. Has this always been a thing or is this new?


    submitted by /u/Shooter964
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    Unpopular opinion.. Let Astra pick up her stars before round starts

    Posted: 10 Mar 2021 09:39 AM PST

    Hear me out.. Astra should be able to pick up her stars that were placed within your spawn limits before the round starts. I don't know if this would be a complex thing to do and a lot of people already say this same thing about Killjoy's swarm grenades (as some of you say mollies) being able to be picked up before round stars.


    submitted by /u/ktivee
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    Sovereign 2.0 Vandal Concept Art

    Posted: 09 Mar 2021 07:40 PM PST

    Sovereign 2.0 Vandal Concept Art

    Heres a concept i made using the Marshall barrel, Guardian body, stinger stock, and knife for the clip LOL


    submitted by /u/nocleanmemes
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    every valorant tips and tricks video ever **Parody**

    Posted: 09 Mar 2021 10:02 PM PST

    Breach > Jett

    Posted: 10 Mar 2021 01:45 AM PST

    You know the trick when you jump half a second after you activate breach ult? Yea, cool. Did you know you can get almost anywhere as a jett can. I know it´s not that easy and it costs more, but for some funny highlights. And if you want I can do whole montage of those spots. And for discussion, if someone does this in your game do you think it´s bug abuse, even if it´s that big investment?


    submitted by /u/Lohy69
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    deathmatch shouldnt end when someone wins

    Posted: 10 Mar 2021 01:59 AM PST

    i think its more fun if you can compete getting to 40 kills instead of just competing to be the first to 40 and then closing the game. if you let maybe 5 people get to 40 kills before you close the game, then the odd Radiant player wont ruin the experience by being 30 kills ahead and ending the game in 2 minutes you feel me hemmy.

    submitted by /u/talivvvvvvvvvvvvvvv
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