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    Tuesday, March 9, 2021

    VALORANT Gameplay Clips Megathread: Share your plays, montages and other videos here!

    VALORANT Gameplay Clips Megathread: Share your plays, montages and other videos here!

    Gameplay Clips Megathread: Share your plays, montages and other videos here!

    Posted: 09 Mar 2021 02:05 AM PST

    Welcome! As part of our video trial weeks, we'll be using a central megathread this week for you to share your gameplay clips.

    This thread will be replaced daily.

    Share your clip by linking it in a comment! You'll need to upload your clip first. You can do that with a site such as YouTube or Streamable, or you can upload it to Reddit and then copy the resulting video URL.

    Want to only see videos? Adding ?depth=1 to the end of the URL will only show the top-level comments.

    Is your video a clip of an eSports event or does it have educational content? If yes, you may also post the video directly!

    Top-level comments that do not contain a video will be removed. If you want to discuss the megathread, please give us feedback here instead.

    submitted by /u/AutoModerator
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    Blue Prime Axe Variant Concept

    Posted: 09 Mar 2021 05:33 AM PST

    Hear me out... BLITZ mode

    Posted: 09 Mar 2021 12:16 AM PST

    BLITZ game mode

    First to 6 wins Similar rules with unrated except the credits you get is increased by 300

    Unlike spike rush, you buy your own guns instead of it randomly being picked for you

    Who would like this? The people that are too busy for an unrated but would still want to play a quick match that feels like unrated. I myself am this person lol.

    submitted by /u/Sagelokc
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    I wish Valorant had an "honour" or "commendation" system

    Posted: 09 Mar 2021 06:54 AM PST

    Just for those games where that one guy who comms his heart out and carries the whole team by keeping everyone positive or the guy that picks Sage/Smokes when everyone else instalocked duelist

    submitted by /u/mozraell
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    Honest question : why can't Killjoy take back her nade ?

    Posted: 09 Mar 2021 05:15 AM PST

    At least during buying time.

    Characters as Viper, Cypher, Astra (not during buy time for her) can retake their stuff to align better or change when going to another site.

    As a Killjoy main, if I decide to throw a swarm nade on B split on a stair, it can bounce off for no reason.

    Same for Bind on B on some spots in the sand.

    Is there any official reason for this? Would it make her too strong ?

    submitted by /u/ludgea
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    Girlfriend made a Reyna sketch

    Posted: 09 Mar 2021 08:24 AM PST

    So for a little backstory, I was playing Valorant, she saw Reyna, said "damn, step on me" and now I'm posting her quick sketch.


    submitted by /u/kikiclark
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    Brimstone Molly Lineups Guide. Type: Postplant Map: Bind - B Site - Default1

    Posted: 09 Mar 2021 05:29 AM PST

    The netcode is in its current state seriously broken and I've yet to see riot acknowledge it

    Posted: 09 Mar 2021 08:05 AM PST

    Remember the beta, when Riot told us they try to mitigate peeker's advantage down to a minimum?

    Well, I can only say that this is actually the worst form of peeker's advantage I've ever seen. I get like 16ms to Frankfurt servers and whenever there is an enemy team with a few players from cis/turkey, you have literally zero time to react. You have this in CS too, but not that heavy like. Good example here is Xantares, who couldn't adapt his playstyle on his first lans cause he was used to that advantage and playstyle and you can't blame him for that.

    Half of EU including most of turkeys (dia+ atleast) player base (almost 2000km distance..) is queeing on Frankfurt servers to abuse it and I can't really find a reason why this isn't more public.

    That's one of the biggest reasons why this game feels inconsistent on a game to game basis and since I really like playing the game, I'd like to see Riot acknowledging it and atleast give us a rough estimate, at which time we can expect improvements.

    A short time solution could be, that if you have servers in your list with sub 40 ms, you can't choose any with more latency. This game can feel so fluid with an awesome hitreg.. but as soon those 70ms players show up, it just feels crappy. Of course you can adapt your playstyle to it, but it's not like I always check the pings of everyone on the server first.

    I also heard streamers talk about this and I think this needs to be more public and heavily addressed. It can't be, that you are in disadvantage for having a good connection.

    submitted by /u/svN1337
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    Skins for dummies (This one's for u/Boryalyc)

    Posted: 09 Mar 2021 11:28 AM PST

    The saga continues. Undeniably, skins make up a significant part of the game despite having no actual bearing on the gameplay (other than your teammate looking at the ground because "ooh, shiny" and then getting shot). Let's see if I can make them funny.

    Pricing: Before analyzing the actual skins, I felt that this was a major topic. Everyone and their mothers complains about how expensive the gun skins are, especially compared to the skins of the similar game, CS:GO. "I can't believe this spicy lizard gun costs $25! I could buy ten decent skins in CS:GO for that money!" However, there is a perfectly justifiable reason for Riot to charge so much for these quality skins. In Valorant, a quality skin completely changes the model shape, sounds, and even adds a final kill animation. In CS:GO, a quality skin is the masterpiece of a high school graphic design student going through an edgy phase. There is quite visibly a difference in the time and effort it took to make the skins.

    Select tier: The cheapest gun skins. You're tired of plain black guns, but you spent all of your other Christmas money on Fortnite skins. Mostly just texture changes, but nothing too distracting or eye-popping (except for the sensation bundle, why don't you just rub cake frosting in my eyes while you're at it, Riot?). Anyone that sees you with this type of skin will think "That's a skin" in the most neutral way possible and then forget about it as soon as they look away.

    Deluxe tier: The neat gun skins. This is the second lowest skin tier, but it's already getting fancy. Model changes, moving textures, and the sakura bundle is there too I guess. This is just based on how I feel about the skins in this tier, but the people that buy skins in this tier are already avid skin collectors and they happened to vibe with one of the bundles in this tier. They aren't the nicest skins, but they are nice skins, y'know?

    Premium tier: The clickbait gun skins. "THE NEW GLITCHPOPS GAVE ME AIMBOT!!!" "I CAN ONLY ONE-TAP WITH THE REAVER VANDAL" "THE PRIME SET IS PAY2WIN!" These are the skin sets that everyone freaks out about, because they're the flashiest, most flamboyant skins, not including the two other tiers that everyone equates to the premium tier in quality anyways. These are the skins people will ask you to give them in the buy phase, these are the skins that draw your teammates' attention to the ground, these are the skins that draw in the big bucks, because everyone wants them. They come with variant colors, final kill animations, both shooting and killing sounds, even tiny details like transforming bullet holes into nerf darts. Some of the skins even come with the placebo effect, making people think the gun is better because the "bang" is a lower pitch when they shoot. Nutjobs.

    Ultra tier: The. . . it's just elderflame. There are no skins in the ultra tier except the elderflame skins. It's difficult to determine what separates the ultra tier from the premium tier since there is only one skin set in it, but I'll try anyways. The elderflame guns aren't just guns with a laser effect or a spooky effect or a toy effect, they're living, breathing creatures. That is, the whole model is moving all the time. You aren't shooting people with guns, you're recreating How to Train Your Dragon as violently as possible. Ironically, what makes this skin better than most others is what makes some people think its worse. Apparently, wielding a wiggly, wriggly wyrm weapon is too distracting to be efficient in combat. Other than that, the ultra tier is very similar to the best skins of the premium tier.

    Exclusive tier: The. . . dammit, again? It's just the singularity skins. Ok, yadda yadda yadda, only one skin, blah blah, hard to determine differences, whatever. No one dislikes the singularity skins. The reason the singularity skins are two tiers better than the likes of the prime and glitchpop guns is because the designers took every step of making a premium tier skin and cranked them up to 11. The model is elaborate, the reload animation is unique yet slick, the final kill animation is massive, hell, even the inspect animation makes cool spacey noises. It's technically another laser gun, but it's a cool-ass, cosmic, magical laser gun. In sum, the exclusive tier is the premium and ultra tiers, but over-the-top.

    Battle pass skins: The random assortment of gun skins. These are technically the cheapest gun skins since you can get 10 skins for $10. However, if you only want one of them, you have to get all of them, like buying a jar of various jellybeans because you really only like the cherry ones. And if you want all of them, you have to play for hours to get all of them, like trying to justify buying a big jar of jellybeans all for yourself. You also get some random junk like player cards, titles, sprays, and buddies, but buying a battle pass just for those is kind of a waste.

    Agent contract skins: The "IT'S FREEEE" gun skins. Literally anyone can get these with a little patience. Half of them aren't too bad either and a few are even better than some select tier skins. These skins are only for pistols though, so if you don't buy any skins, you can only impress your teammates for the first round, and then they'll know you're not a real gamer for the following rounds.


    If this god-awful shitpost is extra god-awful, it's because I wrote it with half awareness at random intervals of time. Skins are dumb, love 'em. Maybe I'll make a "for dummies" for specific agents next. Rambling done.

    submitted by /u/SupremeMemeRegime
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    kingdom tower in minecraft

    Posted: 09 Mar 2021 03:27 AM PST

    Instant respawn in deathmatch warmup is better than 3 seconds in the mode itself

    Posted: 09 Mar 2021 09:04 AM PST

    I wish the warmup in Deathmatch would be unlimited.

    When I play Deathmatch, I want to practice my aim as efficiently as possible.

    More encounters = better practice

    The 3 seconds respawn time are bad for the flow of the game.

    The deathmatch warm-up(time) is basically a better deathmatch than the mode itself.

    For what reason is the respawn time 3 seconds?

    submitted by /u/roooooyal
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    Why is this Valorant glitch still in the game???

    Posted: 09 Mar 2021 01:16 PM PST

    How Do People Wrap A Corner and One Tap Immediately? Genuine Question - I'm Not Bitter, I'm Curious

    Posted: 09 Mar 2021 02:22 AM PST

    As the title really. In the first season I climbed from Silver 1 to Platinum 3 (literally one or two games from Diamond, forever mad about that), with Valorant being my first ever PC shooter. This had positives and negatives. Clearly I was good at the game, at least to a point, but at the same time I lacked the mechanical muscle memory of those migrating from CS:GO, which left me severely mismatched against those players. It's probably part of the reason why I tanked down from Plat 3 to Gold 3 - and eventually stopped playing. I just didn't know how to AD strafe, counterstrafe, etc, etc.

    That brings us to now.

    I'm playing pretty much every night, with anywhere between 2-4 regular teammates. My main account, the one I peaked on, is putting me against Diamond 2 and 3 players, despite having not placed yet, (not kidding, it's brutal, you guys are mental). My first smurf is Gold 1, my second smurf is Silver 2 currently. I'm ONLY smurfing because two of my buddies are Bronze 3 and I'm out of range. I'm definitely not the Plat 3 player I once was - the side effect of taking 8 months off or whatever, so I'm not raid bossing every game or carrying.

    Here's the point.

    What I'm seeing down in Bronze and Silver is a BUNCH of smurfs that can seemingly wide or close peek a corner and one tap me instantly. No-one ever owns up to being a smurf, so I never know what rank they are; I'm assuming quite high. These aren't slow peeks either, I'm talking basically sprinting. I'm often dead before I can even get my reticle on target, head or otherwise. I know that stopping resets your aim but, I assume down to server latency, it appears like they're still moving on my screen when I die - that's how fast I'm getting domed.

    Being of a highish rank previously, I can obviously hold my own pretty often, and usually end up doing well. But there's consistently one or two players on the opposite team who can seemingly one tap on demand, and it's hard to know what I'm doing wrong when I die in a split second to a Vandal from a peek. Four out of five players will play to their rank, and the fifth will be going 27-5 or something, with multiple aces/ four bombs. Nearly every game.

    I don't regularly lose to the carries, one great player is rarely enough to consistently win a whole game, but I WILL lose every fair 1v1 with that player without fail. Doesn't matter the angle I hold, how close or far, or what weapon (aside from Operator, that shit is broke), I cannot survive a peek of any kind from these players, which is making it very hard to actively improve.

    Example (we lost this game):

    Defending on Bind as Phoenix, point B. Raze is their carry, at this point nearing a 20 bomb after the first half. 6 or 7 rounds in a row she deletes both me and my Cypher all on her lonesome - killing me specifically with headshots with a Vandal, on the peek. I hold a different spot every round so as to try and win the duel (hookah, CT, arches, etc) but it didn't matter. She still swung a corner and domed me effortlessly. I almost called hacks, but I'm aware that's not very easy on Valorant - she was probably just very good at the game. She finished on nearly 40 kills.

    Thing is, as I'm sure other Bronze/ Silver players will know, this isn't an isolated incident. I can't recall a game recently where there hasn't been a hard carry doing this, and I don't know how to handle it. Flashes, smokes, CC, hiding, close range, long range, I still find myself losing the 1v1 9/10 times.

    It probably sounds like I'm bitter or raging, but I'm not! I just want to get better and I feel like I have zero leeway to do so. I've tried aim training, I've practiced in the other modes, but I still get wrecked in these matchups! Do I just not need to worry about losing these duels? I'm often the most valuable player on my team to some extent, so I feel like I'm letting the side down getting ruined in these matchups. My aim isn't inherently bad, but I'm aware that some aim training might help.

    Any advice is appreciated! Mine might be a unique problem, where my game sense and aim is okay/ good, but I'm vastly outclassed on the peek.

    submitted by /u/zackdaniels93
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    FOR THE LOVE OF GOD, give me an option to not be placed with premades larger than 2.

    Posted: 09 Mar 2021 12:17 PM PST

    80% of my games I get placed with a 4 man stack on our side and the enemy side. I top frag and still get blamed by the toxic 4 man gang on my side, while the other side is a smurf stack.

    Just give me an option to enjoy the game PLEASE.

    submitted by /u/scapego4t
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    This subreddit should have a monthly rank poll

    Posted: 09 Mar 2021 11:46 AM PST

    Since Riot doesn't put the stats out, let's do it ourselves. It would be cool to get an idea of rank distribution every month. Obviously, some people will lie but whatever. Thoughts?

    submitted by /u/SouthNorth6840
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    Deadzone accuracy abuse must be patched out.

    Posted: 09 Mar 2021 12:04 PM PST

    Tenz recently made a video about deadzone accuracy abuse . Currently deadzone accuracy is at 30%, thus even without counterstrafing perfectly as long as you are 30% speed of total run speed, you are accurate. This means that if u A-D without "stopping and shooting", somewhere about 2-3 bullets are perfectly accurate, but from the opponent POV you are visible for just a split second, While in full sprint the other side.

    I suggest decreasing the deadzone to about 10%, ideally only 1 bullet should be accurate while counterstrafing. But I understand riot wants some forgiveness for lower skilled players so im not sure of the exact value.

    I think the recent running accuracy nerf is a step in the right direction but this too needs be addressed.

    submitted by /u/f1_nut
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    Please don't join ranked while in "school"

    Posted: 08 Mar 2021 01:01 PM PST

    I can't tell you how many times I have had kids leave my ranked games because they are in school. With COVID, all these kids are doing online schooling and they decide to join a ranked game only to have to leave right away or halfway through for whatever reason. If you think there is a chance you will get caught playing and have to shut it off or any other reason that will cause you to have to leave the game, please just play Unrated.

    submitted by /u/Olieson
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    Why do people play deathmatch so annoyingly?

    Posted: 08 Mar 2021 08:37 PM PST

    Maybe its just me but I feel like people just manage to play in the most annoying way possible. Kept running into people pressed up into sides of hallways waiting for me to come by so they could clothesline my ass because they could hear me from 20 miles away.

    submitted by /u/A_stupid_chair
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    Add a leader board for friends

    Posted: 09 Mar 2021 11:06 AM PST

    It's nice to be able to see the leaderboard but I think it would be cool for an option to see a leaderboard of your friends to see who's the highest and stuff. Like overwatch if anyone's played that

    submitted by /u/we-love-fortnite
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    Next night market date?

    Posted: 09 Mar 2021 07:51 AM PST

    Hey, Ill keep it short, does anyone know when's the next night market? Like does it have a set date each time or do they just bring it back at random?

    submitted by /u/SaymouKun
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    You shouldnt be blind when the flash is popping behind you

    Posted: 09 Mar 2021 10:13 AM PST

    Why do I get flashed when there is a flash behind me?

    If you get flashed in your back or try to flash around a corner and you throw the flash behind you, you will be flashed, not for the full duration, but enough to make that play useless.

    You should be rewarded if you manage to quickly turn away and flick back at the enemy and be able to still win the aim duel.

    That requires a lot of skill to do especially to kill the enemy after the 180 degree turn.

    if you can do that, you should be rewarded with an aim duel and not with a 600ms blindness.

    It should be like in cs when you self-popflash in your back around a corner.

    submitted by /u/roooooyal
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    Valorant deathmatch is shit and needs work

    Posted: 09 Mar 2021 12:45 AM PST

    Deathmatch needs work, I literally will get spawned looking at someone or vise versus. And that's maps werent just not made for deathmatch but are just terrible for it, I can't have a gun fight with some for more than a second because if I do one of us will get shot from the other 3 angles where someone spawned. It also feels like it try's to make you have re-matches with people, if I die to someone I almost always spawn in a spot to engage them again, and if I die that second time it spawns me across the map. No one wants a re-match in a deathmatch. Fix spawns, make a deathmatch map, Please.

    submitted by /u/GayExeption
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    Blastx collection has an Easter egg?

    Posted: 09 Mar 2021 07:42 AM PST

    I was playing with a fully maximized blastx phantom that when I pulled out, showed a golden box instead of red, blue, or green. Is this a visual glitch or an Easter egg

    submitted by /u/X9enigma4life
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    Y’all need to add a singularity 2 set so I can die happy

    Posted: 09 Mar 2021 08:57 AM PST

    Seriously, a vandal/ghost/op/karambit set would have me taking a loan from the bank to purchase that. The original was the best skin set in gaming history, we need another one since we are doing re-runs of the prime and glitchpop.

    submitted by /u/Ajattelit
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    We can all agree that viper lineups should be easier to make right?

    Posted: 09 Mar 2021 12:32 AM PST

    I know this has been mentioned in every viper post here already, but trying out lineups with viper in custom games just feels so tedious, and this comes from someone who loves experimenting with lineups.

    Just make it so that the poison orb doesn't have any cooldown, and that when you toss a new one, the old one dissapears instantly so you don't have to go pick it up. Do the same for the wall, so you don't have to end game phase every time you want to make a pixel difference in the wall setup, please.

    submitted by /u/EmJoshMusic
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