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    Monday, March 22, 2021

    VALORANT Let Sage give out Bandaids

    VALORANT Let Sage give out Bandaids

    Let Sage give out Bandaids

    Posted: 22 Mar 2021 07:41 AM PDT

    Let Sage give out Bandaids

    One of the most frustrating things that happen when you play sage is everybody thinks your a healing SLAVE. It doesnt matter if someone get shot in the toenail for 3 damage, they gota BEG sage for a heal for at least half the round until you realize that Sage muted you 15 mins ago and plus already used the heal… And then , because sage sometimes waste heal on USELESS player like: Rana, and Pheonoix (who BEGING half the game even thogh they Can heal them selves, ) you got people like Cifar, Oman, and brime stone(whos Got to much games on his ipad Anyway) takeing a full prime vandle magazine To the face, and crawling out of Mid and paralized from the waist down, who gota wait another 45 seconds for sage to Heal them.

    Well… I have a solution for this: Let sage give out BAND AIDS to people! They should cost maybe $7.89 for a full pack and your alowed to use it when someones crying for a heal after baiting half the team and takeing 4 chip damage in the process. Then, sage can save the heal for the actual crippled teammates

    Heres what bandaid ability would look like:


    As you can see, the Rana gets bandaid while Sage still got her heal saved up!

    submitted by /u/notJheck
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    An Introduction Video I Made to Teach People ROTATION & MAP CONTROL for my video "Iron to Immortal The Tutorial"

    Posted: 22 Mar 2021 01:52 AM PDT

    B info recon and Double Shocks for Orb kills (w in game example)

    Posted: 22 Mar 2021 04:05 AM PDT

    A spectator change I think is ABSOLUTELY NECESSARY going forward into masters #2 and beyond.

    Posted: 22 Mar 2021 06:33 AM PDT

    A spectator change I think is ABSOLUTELY NECESSARY going forward into masters #2 and beyond.

    The valorant viewer experience has been enhanced time-in and time-out as the game progresses as an esport. The new HUD from Masters #1 was great to see! However, one area I find it really confusing whilst watching is the RADAR. Is that the defense trapwire? Is it the offense's trapwire? I cannot tell!

    Yes, usually you can tell via 'context clues' based on where the barriers are. However, as more utility is added to the game, it's only going to get more and more wild. Imagine how it will look with astra stars all over the map! My suggestion is, the icons for the abilities on the minimap should be color coded, matching the team colors!

    Example of color coding the utility icons

    Again, I know you can usually tell where an attack/defense cam is based on location, but valorant esports is meant to bring new people in, and if it's confusing for newbies, they won't be attracted to the game. Adding colors (or even just an outlining ring) to show what team utility is loyal to would enhance the viewing experience going forward. (Assuming riot fixes the overlay lag / issues that plagued NA the last few weeks)

    P.S. - Please ignore my trashy photoshop skills....I tried to get high res images of the utility but it was near impossible.

    submitted by /u/McLoosTa
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    How to get ontop of Icebox Tube as Sova

    Posted: 22 Mar 2021 09:59 AM PDT

    Weapon Skin Concept : Overgrowth Vandal

    Posted: 22 Mar 2021 05:20 AM PDT

    Weapon Skin Concept : Overgrowth Vandal

    Hello guys! Another skin concept:)

    Many thanks to u/LemonadeSauce3 for helping me out in this project

    This time I decided to create a nature/forest themed skin concept. Behold, the Overgrowth Vandal. It consists of curved tree trunk wood as its base and some bushes as foliage. Also, flowers and fruits! (fruits only on vfx level tho)

    Design inspired by [this](https://quianadang.co/valorant)

    Hope you like it!









    The whole bundle will be posted on/by u/valorantconcepts

    Also, a nature themed finisher?! pls gimme ideas

    submitted by /u/RivalRudra
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    really simple mid arrow, super easy

    Posted: 22 Mar 2021 04:14 AM PDT

    Yoru is not so duelist.

    Posted: 22 Mar 2021 08:29 AM PDT

    I think Yoru's ability to teleport is not very duelist-like.

    Compared to jett's dash which is a quick snap, reyna's orb, phoenix's snap flash, and raze's satchel in. Yoru is nothing to be compared.

    Yoru's teleport is the same as Omen, it has delay time. So, if you peek someone, and pressed E. They can still catch you for a trade. Even for ult, ULT+E is not really a good combo since they can still catch you teleporting away.

    For instance, if jett peeked you and she dash, just hope for ping diff to be able to catch her.

    Yoru's E should be as snappy as jett's dash (E), reyna's dismiss (E), raze's satchel.

    I really dont think Yoru is a duelist that can be use to duel other duelist. He's just an initiator agent with a teleport.

    Well, if the teleport of Yoru became snappy, that's a duelist. Its not unfair because Reyna could go behind you without seeing her, or even jett's dash at your back. But its fine because we were used to this agents abilities, that's why we can counter it.

    Instead, this will create more complexity in game. Still, Yoru's portal is still visible. Even if he's snappy as hell. He can still be caught.

    Use skill with precautions. Just like any other duelist.

    You dash on a wrong spot, you die. Dismissed on a wrong spot, you die. Yoru's teleport. Wherever you put it, you die. Lol.

    submitted by /u/curiousdog69
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    Nearly 1 year later and Radianite is still absurd

    Posted: 22 Mar 2021 05:38 AM PDT

    For real, I bought 3 Glitchpop skins in the last two weeks and for me to fully upgrade them and get one variant for each it would cost 135 RP. If you buy the BP and reach the last level, you can get 160 RP, which doesn't sound that bad, but you have to take into account that is ALL radianite you can get for 2 - 3 months, and you have to be married to the game to get it.

    I'm currently on level 29 on the BP, so even if I played VAL fulltime and grinded it to the last level I wouldn't get enough to upgrade THREE SKINS I ALREADY BOUGHT. If I try to buy the radianite required to upgrade these three skins it'd cost 1/4 of Brazil's minimal wage only to upgrade the goddam items LMAOOO (R$250 out of R$1000)
    If Riot is gonna keep this braindead system at least sell each radianite for 10 to 30 VP like come on.

    submitted by /u/Gusaxd
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    Neat Ascent A Attack arrow

    Posted: 22 Mar 2021 06:28 AM PDT

    Sage needs voice lines when her heal is on cd

    Posted: 22 Mar 2021 11:40 AM PDT

    Replying to the quality shitpost posted earlier today, the bandaid idea is good and all, but if you think about it, you can ping your ultimate status ("My ultimate is not ready/My ultimate is almost ready/My ultimate is ready"), so when Sage taps her Heal key when its on cd Sage should say something similar ("My heal is almost ready" or something). Yes, you can press Alt and see if Sage's heal is on cd or not, but that neat trick doesnt help you if you are the one playing Sage and your 4 bronze teammates doesnt know about it.

    Thanks for coming to my Sage Talk

    submitted by /u/The_Cluster01
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    Pleasantly surprised with how kind the player base is here

    Posted: 22 Mar 2021 10:12 AM PDT

    I switched from Overwatch to Valorant and the community is much less toxic! I'm a woman and am used to all sorts of disgusting comments from Overwatch guys. I want to commend Valorant for being a much more positive space! I've been playing unranked on the European servers. I've had one or 2 guys give me shit (mostly English guys), but it's mostly been great! I don't feel as scared to talk in chat. I've seen some racism and sexism, but other people in the chat will quickly shut it down. I've found a lot of players will congratulate you if you get kills or if they see you're at least trying your best, and they'll try to give you tips to help you improve. I've had people suggest how to aim and how to improve my cross hair. I hope the community continues to be a great environment!

    submitted by /u/jeffgoldblumisdaddy
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    My drawing of Jett

    Posted: 22 Mar 2021 06:04 AM PDT

    Started playing valorant again and decided I wanted to draw Jett. Hope you like it :) https://twitter.com/korin1408/status/1373973694800793603?s=09

    submitted by /u/Kylcc
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    superior german technology (killjoy comic)

    Posted: 22 Mar 2021 01:03 AM PDT

    link to comic!

    thanks for taking a look and lmk what you think :D inspired by my friend who is the most cracked kj player I know.

    submitted by /u/mayhemune
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    great AFK detection.

    Posted: 22 Mar 2021 07:30 AM PDT

    why do people play like this?

    all 4 of them were active, just walked forward to the wall (or maybe just had go forward on macro program) , yet if I left the game I'd get penalised.


    submitted by /u/moxieGGs
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    Am I stupid or are lower ranks just better now?

    Posted: 21 Mar 2021 10:17 PM PDT

    Obviously it's unrealistic that everyone's a smurf so I'm left with two options. Either bronze and silver, and consequently every other rank, has gotten wayyy better at the game recently or I'm literally declining in skill. I wasn't even that good but I was silver 1 last act but this act I'm actually struggling to stay bronze 2. And I'd even go as far to say that I've gotten better over the last act so I'm genuinely confused why I cannot for the life of me rank up. And sometimes I go on a losing streak and it takes 10s of games for me to get back to bronze 2. I mean, I'm actually being sweaty in these games so maybe I just suck :/

    submitted by /u/other-world-leee
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    How can we still NOT download our own game matches?!

    Posted: 22 Mar 2021 08:03 AM PDT

    Watching your own demo provides insight on your mistakes and what you could've done instead etc etc. It boggles my mind how you still CANNOT download it in valorant?? I personally watch a lot of vods from my own matches in other games, to adjust my mistakes and become a better player. Smh my head to think it still not here yet.

    submitted by /u/azndkflush
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    My Friend is a Baiter

    Posted: 22 Mar 2021 09:49 AM PDT

    I primarily play valorant with a good irl friend of mine. We have a lot of fun playing, but we also "play to win" as much as we can. We've been coming to an issue as of late. My friend exclusively plays Reyna and baits everyone out.

    It's annoying because I want to play on a site with him and utilize our comms, but he's the most passive player on defence. He sits in corners, won't peak to help anyone etc.

    He's always the last to rotate onto site for retake, choosing to take huge flanks slow walking all the way.

    On attack he's always lurking, barely entries and sometimes even baits people with the flashes. For instance, when pushing a site, he will flash out and then just not follow through. Entire team will be dead on site and he's still just at the door way.

    I try and give him constructive feedback but he really won't listen and thinks he's a better player than myself. I'm not amazing but I was the rank below global in CS and played some faceit so I know how these games works. In contrast, I think his highest rank was MG?

    Overall I witness him lose game after game for us by throwing rounds baiting everyone. I lose us games too sometimes (everyone does) but it's becoming apparent that my win rate would be far higher without him. In fact when I do play solo I have a way better chance of winning.

    Idk what can I do to try and improve his outlook / game sense? He's good mechanically, but the way he plays the game is becoming a limiting factor in us leaving plat.

    Edit: it will be really common for him to get a 3k when everyone is pretty much dead and the round is over and he'll say "shit guys you couldn't just get 2 do I have to do everything". And I just cringe lol.

    submitted by /u/BudgetGovernment
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    Huge Visual Glitch - Has Anyone else seen something like this?

    Posted: 22 Mar 2021 12:01 PM PDT

    It would be cool if you could spawn bots in custom games

    Posted: 22 Mar 2021 10:46 AM PDT

    The majority of people use custom games to practice lineups or new strats maybe bugs even so it would be cool if we could spawn bots to test them out with. For example I was testing out a bug I found and see if worked or not but my friend couldn't get on that day so I just had to wait a day to find out if it worked. I don't think it's absolutely necessary or anything but it would be cool if we could spawn bots.

    submitted by /u/Additional-Guest1526
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    Made an Evangelion opening parody for a YT video, thought you guys may like it too

    Posted: 22 Mar 2021 11:59 AM PDT

    Brimstone StimBeacon buff concept, making it follow him. [image concept

    Posted: 22 Mar 2021 07:54 AM PDT

    Brimstone StimBeacon buff concept, making it follow him. [image concept

    Brimstone's StimBeacon should stay in his back and move with him, without making he unequip his weapons. I think one of the biggest reason for why his pickrate is slow is because of him having a ability that is completely useless


    submitted by /u/Deva_Way
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