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    Tuesday, March 23, 2021

    VALORANT Potential PC issues resulting from Recent Valorant Patch

    VALORANT Potential PC issues resulting from Recent Valorant Patch

    Potential PC issues resulting from Recent Valorant Patch

    Posted: 22 Mar 2021 05:44 PM PDT

    Hey all!

    Recently it's come to attention that there is a potential serious PC issue that can occur with the new patch. We know as much as you guys do, but the only thing we've heard is that it potentially effects Ryzen systems. Official word from Riot is that it's a Faceit issue.

    Please be aware of this and act appropriately.

    Also, please note, our subreddit does not host tech problems, if you wish to try and figure out a diagnosis with others, please utilize /r/ValorantTechSupport .

    Thank you

    Edit: Please note as we say countless times, the mod team has no Rioters on it, we have no ability to fix or diagnose issues.

    Edit 2: Potential fix, nothing confirmed, as always, please be cautious of anything you read https://twitter.com/Ska/status/1374166544683393026

    OFFICIAL WORD FROM RIOT: https://twitter.com/PlayVALORANT/status/1374174400803573760

    submitted by /u/PankoKing
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    try these shocks on bind, so many kills

    Posted: 23 Mar 2021 07:24 AM PDT

    Link your profile if you’re going to complain

    Posted: 23 Mar 2021 03:25 AM PDT

    I'm sick of all these people complaining about being stuck in "elo hell". Link your profile. Let's see if you are carrying every game but still losing.

    Can we make it a rule that you must link your profile? Kinda like WSB makes you post your position.

    It'll stop a lot of these posts where people have a good game and complain about their team because they know their profile will expose them

    submitted by /u/Stefan1180
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    People say I sound like Sova, So I showed the real Sova's voice actor. And he replied!

    Posted: 23 Mar 2021 05:27 AM PDT

    Buff Idea: Give Yoru a Loudspeaker

    Posted: 23 Mar 2021 10:01 AM PDT

    Buff Idea: Give Yoru a Loudspeaker

    In my opinion, one of the agents in valrant is Yaru. Even though riot says he is one of The sneakyest charcters in the whole game, He is probly the most UNsneaky people. Every time when I see a yaru in my loby, I gota turn my volume down To 3% so I dont loose my hearing from how loud yaru is from telaporteing every where. If you turn Your monitor off with Yaru in the loby, you Wouldnt be Able to tell if Your are playeing valrant or siting 3 Inches away from A jet engine. However, I think the best part about yaru is his hair style becuse its Blue and Also when yaru Is on the other Team its Basicaly like you have 6 player on Your team becase Yaru constantly broadcast where His team is the whole game with His loud abilitys..

    As we all know , Yaru need a big buff, and I got a idea: let Yaru wear a loud speaker that constantly dastroys the Ear drum of every one in the whole Loby. This could be his 2nd pasive ability because His 1st pasive ability is wipeing out the elo from everyone on his own team.

    This is what yaru LOUDSPEAKEr buff would look like in game:


    submitted by /u/notJheck
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    Yoru's Fake footsteps ability seriously needs to be buffed or reworked.

    Posted: 22 Mar 2021 11:13 PM PDT

    I feel its the weakest ability in the game. Whenever I play yoru or see someone else play him,its the least used ability because it just doesn't work as well as it should. In theory its a pretty good idea but the problem comes in the fact that yoru needs to be at the place where the footsteps are going to be placed down. So here is my idea on how to rework it. Give yoru a brimstone type smoke interface and allow him to place footsteps from anywhere in a certain radius around him. The first click could be where the footsteps start and the second click would be the direction in which the footsteps would move. This will make the enemy doubt their intel( what yoru was designed for) . I would like to hear what you guys would do to buff this ability.

    submitted by /u/emulatorguy076
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    Ask players with a bad connection are they sure they want to proceed to a competitive match

    Posted: 23 Mar 2021 04:04 AM PDT

    In the last game, I had a teammate with ping 200 who was frequently AFKing (probably connection issues), and who didn't follow the rest of the team and barely got any kills.

    While it's obvious that nobody can predict how their internet connection is going to be, I think that adding a neat feature for people with high latency would be very useful for the whole team.

    Simply, when they want to queue a competitive game, add an "Are you sure you want to continue to a competitive game? Your internet connection is bad" popup, just like there is a popup when you want to exit the game. This would be very useful because then the poor people wouldn't impact the whole team's rank.

    submitted by /u/Vengtan
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    Killjoy's potatoes should stop making noise after she is dead.

    Posted: 23 Mar 2021 06:46 AM PDT

    I mean, this is boring af. You are dead, stop making noise with potatoes and stuff lmao. It's kinda distracting.

    submitted by /u/SomethingSomewheree
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    A Killjoy ultimate caught out some new/returning mates of mine at the end of the round and I can't stop laughing at our disappointment

    Posted: 23 Mar 2021 07:49 AM PDT

    I've made a short summary of what each agent thinks of the other agents based on their voice lines

    Posted: 22 Mar 2021 01:10 PM PDT

    Short summary yet very long document. Sorry if I forgot anything. This is for those who want to know stuff about the lore but won't go looking for it.

    The order of the agents is in the same order they joined the valorant protocol. I've done everything, but I'm posting up to Cypher because of how long it got. If you guys want, I'll post the rest.


    • Viper: he definitely knew her before Valorant protocol. He respects her search for revenge. Upon killing her, there's a line where he says he hopes she'll find peace. He also has a line to an enemy Viper in which he says they didn't need to be enemies. He also calls her Sabine in a more recent voiceline. Viper calls him old friend as well and upon killing him, tells him to rest. Their relationship is pretty solid and good.
    • Killjoy: definitely knew her as well and likes her very much. It's confirmed that he's her guardian. When killing her, he says "sorry kid" or "you left me no choice, kid". Killjoy returns the feelings. She says it feels bad to think of killing the enemy Brimstone and asks the team Brimstone to watch over them. They have a really good relationship.
    • Omen: Generic voice lines. It's not possible to say whether Brimstone knew Omen or if he knows who Omen was before becoming a phantom. Omen also doesn't have any voice lines that implicate he knows Brimstone very well.
    • Cypher: Only one generic voiceline. Cypher also doesn't have a very specific voice line. He only suggests hacking into his bracelet.
    • Sova: Brimstone says Sova lost an eye for them and that's enough. He also calls him "soldier" which means a deep respect coming from a veteram like him. Sova returns the feeling. He likes Brimstone and seems to like to hear his stories.
    • Sage: Brimstone considers her to be second in command of the Valorant protocol. He has a line where he says that if he dies, she takes the lead, and she has the same line, saying she'll take the lead if he dies.
    • Phoenix: Brimstone thinks Phoenix brags too much. Phoenix makes fun of his age. Overall, they don't sound like enemies, nor good friends either.
    • Jett: Only mentions she should stretch before running. Jett mentions his age and acknowledges his leadership.
    • Reyna: Fears reyna, basically. Says he wants to keep his soul. Reyna criticizes his morality and is reluctant to accept his leadership.
    • Raze: Generic voice lines about Raze destroying things. Raze complains that Brimstone won't let her listen to music. There's also a line where she asks Killjoy to go "tinkering" with her and Killjoy says that if something blows up, she'll be the one telling Brimstone. So it's safe to assume they are good allies.
    • Breach: doesn't seem to like Breach at all. Even when Breach is in his team, he says "You did well, Breach, don't expect a hug". Breach is very, very annoyed by Brimstone. But he has a line saying that it could be worse than working together: facing each other. So they do have differences, being forced to tolerate the other. (Edit) Breach accuses Brimstone of protecting Kingdom in a new voiceline. Brimstone says he has no idea what he's talking about. Perhaps their beef comes from Brim working for Kingdom in the past while Breach has always been against them.
    • Skye: I don't recall a single voice line directed at her. She basically makes fun of his age.
    • Yoru: I don't recall a single voice line directed at him either. He makes fun of his age.
    • Astra: Doesn't have voice lines directed at her yet. She calls him boomer.


    • Omen: She seems to be the only person who knows who Omen was before becoming what he is. She knows his real name, calls him old friend, but apparently withholds information from him. When she lets his name slip, she quickly stops herself. Apparently, Omen can't know who he was. Omen also knows Viper real name, and never uses the codename Viper. He seems nostalgic of the past with her. When he kills her, he says "experiment complete" for some reason. He mentions that he and Viper became monsters, but she still has flesh to hide her horrors. They seem to have the most complex relationship between two agents.
    • Killjoy: Surprisingly, Viper seems to respect Killjoy a lot. She says the enemy Killjoy is too smart for her own good so she has to reprimand her. Killjoy also seems to respect her very much. Upon seeing an enemy Viper, Killjoy says it's a shame to rid the world of her mind, but she needs to rest. When Viper is in her team, she says she'll "do the tests today" because Viper is biased, no offence (because of her hatred). Viper also calls Killjoy "little mouse". In german, using animal names for people you care about is very common.
    • Cypher: She doesn't like that Cypher knows her real name and demands to be called "Doctor Sabine" if he insists on it. She never demanded such a thing from Omen or Brimstone. Cypher teases her about knowing someone's birthday on the 20th of March. They have an overall neutral-ally relationship.
    • Sova: Generic voice lines. It's hard to make up what they think of each other. Sova comments on how violent she is and wonders if there's another way to find peace.
    • Sage: that's a complex one. Viper is pissed at her. She says Sage failed her. Sage has a recent voice line where she asks Viper if she thought about her offer, and Viper cuts her mid sentence to claim she shouldn't even dream of helping her, because she can't help her, and she can't help "them". Upon killing her, Viper says "that's payback, Sage".
    • Phoenix: Generic lines about burning and stealing oxygen.
    • Jett: She seems to like Jett but their age difference is very discrepant. Viper comments on Jett's youth a lot. Jett doesn't say much about Viper.
    • Reyna: Viper comments that Reyna is just as vengeful as herself. Reyna loves that Viper is just as hateful as she is. Despite that, they don't seem very close.
    • Raze: Admits that Raze's tinkering is good, but not openly. Raze calls her on a "girls only" night, which is pretty funny. Seems like they are good allies, but Raze doesn't know the limits of their relationship.
    • Breach: Viper has a line where he says they hired Breach. She also tells him to help them breach the enemy open. Despite Brimstone's annoyance, Viper could be responsible for him being in the Valorant protocol. When Breach kills Viper, he says it's not personal, just business, further confirming this.
    • Skye: I don't recall voice lines towards her, but Skye doesn't like the poison in the air, alluding to pollution.
    • Yoru: I don't recall any voice lines towards him. He says she needs to die.
    • Astra: A recent tweet in the german Valorant page says she absolutely hates Viper. There are no lines directed at Astra yet.


    • Killjoy: Generic. Says he'll break her mind. She's also very generic towards him.
    • Cypher: Asks if he has seen under his hood. Weird. Cypher comments that he has the information Omen asked him, but it will come at a price.
    • Sova: Interestingly, Sova says Omen will find the answer he's looking for, and thus he won't be this way forever, which means Omen might go back at being Fred. Omen is generic towards him.
    • Sage: Interesting voice lines. He asks if Sage knows where the life she gives comes from. When Sage is in the opposite team, he says there's a radiant healer tipping the balance. Sage comments on the pain he feels.
    • Phoenix: Funniest voice line in the game. He says Omen knits. Omen says it helps him focus. That's pretty much it.
    • Jett: Very generic. Omen praises her like "well done".
    • Reyna: Omen claims he can hear the souls Reyna steals. Reyna praises Omen. But Reyna likes everyone who's a radiant, so that's not a big deal.
    • Raze: Omen comments on Raze being loud and misses laughing like she does. Raze is scared by him and is thankful that he's on their side (when he is).
    • Breach: Calls Omen a freak. Rude. Omen just says he'll silence him.
    • Skye: Omen calls her a force of nature. There's a line in which he wonders "what she would've become" but says it doesn't matter now. Not sure what that means. But he admires her powers. Skye is confused by his teleport in at least two voice lines.
    • Yoru: Omen really likes Yoru, probably because their powers are very similar. He asks if Yoru can feel parts of his soul being left behind as he passes through rifts. Yoru likes Omen for the same reasons.
    • Astra: no lines towards her. I don't remember a line towards Omen.


    • Cypher: complains about him stealing stuff from her lab and says his creations are very simple, like the things she used to do in her childhood. But calls him a genius in a voice line. Cypher admits to stealing her stuff and asks for materials. They seem good "spying and hacking" buddies. (Edit thanks to u/ISuckAtGamesHehe for reminding me) In a more recent line, Cypher seems very nice to her when she asks him help with the deep web and he is shocked and worried about "protecting her".
    • Sova: She wants his eye to see what it has recorded. Sova is generic towards her.
    • Sage: Calls Sage to hear her. I don't remember Sage mentioning her.
    • Phoenix: I don't remember any voice lines towards him. He calls her tech support.
    • Jett: Jett does admire Killjoy and is reluctant to face an enemy Killjoy if she's as smart as theirs. She says Killjoy's bots are good and so is she. Killjoy doesn't mention her, as far as I remember.
    • Raze: Killjoy and Raze seem very close to each other. It's probably the second most context-full relationship in the game, after Viper and Omen. Killjoy calls her "girlfriend" in german (which, just like English, could both mean as in girlfriend or girl friend). She also calls Raze little mouse, which is an affectionate way to talk to your loved ones. Killjoy also says Raze drives her mad and talks a lot about Raze tinkering with her bots, but at the same time says she did a good job on them. Raze calls her to go "tinkering" with her, and Killjoy accepts. I found a trivia in the valorant wiki page saying the bird in Killjoy's turret might be painted by Raze to look like the Brazilian soccer team mascot, known as "canarinho pistola". Additionally, Raze says "Killjoy, you and me till the end". Sweet.
    • Breach: he calls her nerd. She tried to improve his arms.
    • Reyna: Probably the most obvious antagonist relationships in the game. Reyna absolutely hates Killjoy. Killjoy doesn't seem to hate her back but fears her. Reyna says she saw what her creations did to someone, then cut herself and won't say who.
    • Skye: they tease each other a lot because one uses nature and the other uses hi tech.
    • Yoru: Killjoy thinks he's a cool kid.
    • Astra: no voice lines yet.


    • Sova: Cypher has both lines in which he thinks very dearly of Sova and as if they are big enemies. Cypher is probably the only agent Sova doesn't love.
    • Sage: Cypher seems to be interested in Sage's ability to revive people, probably because she could revive his family. Sage is very generic towards him.
    • Phoenix: Generic. The most expressive thing Cypher says to Phoenix is about being scared of how impressive he is. Phoenix is thankful for Cypher's stuff.
    • Jett: He's annoyed that she breaks stuff with her dash. Jett simply asks where they are so she can kill them.
    • Raze: Again, he's pretty annoyed that she breaks his equipment. Raze is sorry for that.
    • Breach: Says Cypher is worst than Interpol. Which means Breach was a hunted criminal before being hired by Viper. He's annoyed by Cypher's spying. Cypher has stolen stuff from his arm for his equipment.
    • Skye: calls people for a tea at Cypher's place, but doesn't know where it is. Praises Cypher. Cypher doesn't mention her.
    • Yoru: Doesn't like Cypher. Says he's invisible so he can't be seen by Cypher. Cypher thinks he's cool.
    • Astra: no voice lines.
    submitted by /u/biomessy
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    100 Thieves fined for breaking tournament rules

    Posted: 23 Mar 2021 01:11 PM PDT

    Valorant Fanmade Skin

    Posted: 23 Mar 2021 06:33 AM PDT

    Valorant Fanmade Skin

    hi this is my first post here (my first post on reddit, actually.) i made this recently and was pretty proud of it, thought i'd share this here! hope you all like it.


    this is some early designs (the only difference is the colors btw lol)

    submitted by /u/kalkurae
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    Introducing ValorScrim

    Posted: 23 Mar 2021 07:48 AM PDT

    Introducing ValorScrim

    Hey Everyone! Its RumbleMike or the Elo Guy. I was the guy behind the ValorantStreamOverlay during the beginning of the year.

    I recently launched a new program called ValorScrim, that allows players to host lobbies and invite players with codes instead of adding them as a friend.

    If you have any questions or concerns let me know!

    Tutorial: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xsv6ef55dD8
    Github Download: https://github.com/RumbleMike/ValorScrim/releases/latest


    submitted by /u/Rumblemike
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    Sova Lineup to Open Hookah Teleporter Doors From Outside Hookah

    Posted: 22 Mar 2021 07:04 PM PDT

    The battlepass should have an XP multiplier

    Posted: 23 Mar 2021 08:42 AM PDT

    I feel that in its current state, there really is no incentive to buy the battle pass early. If Riot rewards maybe a 1.15 - 1.25 multiplier, then it would give an incentive to buy early rather than wait. I feel that this change should be implemented especially with how "grindy" it is compared to other passes that do have XP boost, extra challenges, or enough premium currency to buy the next pass.

    Another problem I have come across is that most people will just wait to see how far they get before they decide to buy. By rewarding a player with an XP boost, they will not have to worry as much about not finishing it. The added XP goes a long way when completing the pass.

    submitted by /u/YoyoCaleb
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    Group selfie on split

    Posted: 23 Mar 2021 10:07 AM PDT

    unpopular opinion: we need valorant lore based comic

    Posted: 23 Mar 2021 05:06 AM PDT

    it may be just me and this crossed my mind as i read the post by u/biomessy about the agents' relationships to each other. it doesnt have to specifically be a comic but i will definitely read something that explains all about the agents backgrounds and the game universe

    +my apologies for saying "unpopular" opinion i never really met anyone else who wanted lore content made so i thought it was an unpopular opinion lol... wish reddit allows you to edit title :/

    submitted by /u/lettucespray_
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    How to Molly Hookah with Phoenix ?

    Posted: 23 Mar 2021 01:18 PM PDT

    Brimstone Molly Lineups Guide. Type: Postplant Map: Haven- A Site - Default1

    Posted: 22 Mar 2021 03:38 PM PDT

    4k Nebula Omen wallpaper.

    Posted: 23 Mar 2021 06:06 AM PDT

    Made a Omen wallpaper inspired by the Nebula collection, hope you like it!

    4k Nebula Omen wallpaper

    submitted by /u/Hunter47xDZx
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    For a duelist what is more important :

    Posted: 23 Mar 2021 04:23 AM PDT

    I really want to know the answer cuz last 3 games i have been told that why r u not top fragging as raze or reyna and why r u dying very early in attack (sometime) even though i have 4-6 first blood

    View Poll

    submitted by /u/Additional-Act7234
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    Omen smoke on 'A' Split to throw off opponents for easy picks or even a 5K, learned from r/OmenMains

    Posted: 23 Mar 2021 08:39 AM PDT

    Please have the Infantry Guardian 'Garand Ping' sound happen whenever you reload instead of just when emptying the magazine.

    Posted: 23 Mar 2021 10:32 AM PDT

    I feel like its such a cool part of the skin, and one of the main reasons I bought it, but with the way you use the Guardian there are very few times it every fully unload your mag in game. It just so satisfying and wish I could hear it more without forcing my self to never reload even if it makes sense.

    PS: Infantry 2.0 better have a AK-47 and a shovel or we riot.

    submitted by /u/Glogtrot
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    Overtime has a huge flaw in a 4v5 situation.

    Posted: 22 Mar 2021 03:51 PM PDT

    My team was in a 4v5 for the last few rounds. We pulled it into overtime and managed to bring it to 13 / 13. When the option to draw or play on came up, we noticed that it required 5 votes to draw. We have 4 people. Of course the enemy is not going to want to draw since they are an entire man up. This seems like a massive oversight. If a team that is down a man can tie it in overtime, they 100% deserve the draw the game on their terms. We got stomped in the last 2 rounds when they figured out how to counter our cheese strats. Just wasn't fair at all.

    submitted by /u/macarmy93
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