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    Wednesday, March 24, 2021

    VALORANT Add Tents into Deathmatch

    VALORANT Add Tents into Deathmatch

    Add Tents into Deathmatch

    Posted: 24 Mar 2021 08:32 AM PDT

    Add Tents into Deathmatch

    As many of you know, valrant got a mode called " deathmatch" where You can shoot guns. As a experinced valrant player for maney years, Before i start playeing a competive Spike rush match, I always practice the fundamentels of Valrant to always improve: watching the Mini map for the red spots, Turning on my sound Volume to maximum to hear enemyes foot steps, and Running to the best corners/hideing spots depending on the map. However, this game mode is prety annoying to play beacuse it gets BOREING waiteing for people to Walk past so i Can use juge or Odan to kill them. It seems like nobody actualy wants to use mode: death match to improve there skills. All they do is run around the map with there crutch guns out (prime vandle and phantom)and get sniped every where. But expereinced valrant vetrans like me (Trust me i almost Got to rank: iran 2 last Season but there was so much hackers to handle) know hhow to go camping for kills to practice the true Fundamentles of the game, which is how it should actualy be played.

    One of the most requested ideas that people want is that riot gota add TENTS into deathmatch so when you camp its more comfortble. And it encourges more People to go campeing alot. Heres the idea: when you find a good Corner or hiding spot, You get ability called "Tent" which you can set up a tent to camp in. When your in the tent, your radar gets better and you can Wach the mini map so You can start shooteing your Odan before they go in front of you. Also in the tent You get buffed Heareing abilitey so when the red Spot on the mini map goes away, you Can still rely on your sound.

    Here is what the tent should Look like in the game:


    Overall, the only bad thing that gona happen when riot adds tent abilitey into valrant is that everyone Gonna get realy good very fast so it might be very Hard to rank up.

    submitted by /u/notJheck
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    Cthulhu Phantom - Another Valorant Fanmade Skin

    Posted: 24 Mar 2021 04:50 AM PDT

    Cthulhu Phantom - Another Valorant Fanmade Skin

    i surprisingly enjoy making these stuff lol, this one was inspired by Elderflame and Oni. what do you think? i'd love to hear some opinions.

    UPDATE : i have sent it to Riot, but sadly they dont accept creative ideas from players, kinda disappointing but it is what it is, i only made this for fun after all

    ALSO some people thought i should apply to work with Riot Games, all i can say is i can not :")))) im still in high school, 10th grade


    some color variations

    submitted by /u/kalkurae
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    Boombot takes Fall Damage if thrown from enough height.

    Posted: 23 Mar 2021 05:01 PM PDT

    Has anyone else encountered low elo bots that are controlled by macro scripts?

    Posted: 24 Mar 2021 04:44 AM PDT

    Has anyone else encountered low elo bots that are controlled by macro scripts?

    I'm in Iron 1 (no I'm not a smurf, I'm just dogshit at the game ;-;) and I've encountered several instances where I would have 4 bots on my team and 4 or more on the other team IN A COMPETITIVE GAME. I reported them all, but this is just not okay. I've attached some screenshots as evidence, but I made sure to leave out names to keep my post compliant with rule 13.

    Proof that it was a competitive game

    More proof. 13*5=65 so this means I got all 5 kills every time (and that's not really possible for a non-bot team)

    Come on, guys. Who on earth would waste their life on bots like this. I am not a software engineer so I honestly have no idea how this could be fixed, but I hope that it could be done at some point. Maybe it could detect repeated patterns or detect when the player never travels more than 20-40 meters from their spawn-in point? These bots are just destroying my motivation to play, and I really don't want that. I wake up early JUST for a morning Valorant game before class, and there's a chance that I'll end up in this game?

    I love Valorant and I don't want to see the game go downhill. I've had this "bot problem" several other times, but I didn't think to screenshot and post here. Has this happened in other Elo rankings? Has anyone else here in the community experienced this? I don't want to post the video clips I've got HERE, because of rule 13, but if you DM me and want more proof I'd be happy to send them.

    submitted by /u/DaSkyfox
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    This helped me understand why rotations are important

    Posted: 24 Mar 2021 09:26 AM PDT

    What if Valorant had an opening (Evangelion Parody)

    Posted: 24 Mar 2021 07:46 AM PDT

    100T Responds to RIOT's Competitive Ruling

    Posted: 23 Mar 2021 04:57 PM PDT

    Thank You Devs for making free skins!

    Posted: 24 Mar 2021 08:56 AM PDT

    I love to see the skins one could get very easily. I fairly new to this game and i am loving it since then. I also love the premium skins devs make. But i don't really have money to spend it on. But because devs are so cared for the new players and who don't buy skins they make free skins.

    I recently unlocked the reyna pistol skin and i am loving every bit of it. I am also very near to unlock the other pistol skin from the BP which has very cool colours too(sorry i dont remember the name)

    Other games dont even give any skins and really i have been loving this game. Ty devs for the free skins and game :D

    Have a nice day :)

    submitted by /u/DemonAreGood
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    Singularity Vandal Concept

    Posted: 24 Mar 2021 04:49 AM PDT

    Singularity Vandal Concept

    Hello guys!

    This is a very rough visualization of what I had in mind if a Singularity Vandal ever comes to the game. If they decide to make a Singularity 1.1 or 2.0, and it has a Vandal, I wouldn't hesitate even once to pick it up from my rich enemies. It might even give us Aimbot like Prime.

    Lemme see if I can predict a singularity vandal too like I did with dat Prime karambit XD



    submitted by /u/RivalRudra
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    Hiko talks about Valorant esports meta

    Posted: 24 Mar 2021 09:33 AM PDT

    I made a movie poster for Omen!

    Posted: 24 Mar 2021 07:46 AM PDT

    Had some spare time today so I quickly made a poster for one of my favorite agents, Omen. I feel like he's one of the most interesting agents in the pool, what do you guys think? This was inspired by the poster of IT. Hope you guys like it!


    submitted by /u/robzta35
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    How to defeat toxic players (tutorial)

    Posted: 24 Mar 2021 07:01 AM PDT

    press escape on your keyboard

    go to match

    click mute on whichever players are being toxic

    if toxic players are throwing, select report.

    submitted by /u/Warm-Evidence
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    Retake B site on Ascent with recon dart

    Posted: 24 Mar 2021 06:21 AM PDT

    Which is the worst map?

    Posted: 24 Mar 2021 06:52 AM PDT

    In my opinion Ascent is where dreams go to die.

    I can't wait for more maps to come out so there can be a map pool, so we can choose to play which maps.

    View Poll

    submitted by /u/Big_Boy_Zach
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    Does this subreddit really need multiple “How I would fix Yoru” posts a day?

    Posted: 24 Mar 2021 09:12 AM PDT

    Seriously. Who cares?

    We don't need explanations on why you think Yoru is an underrated agent, how you should fix him and what changes you would make. There's more than 2 posts about this a day and it's getting stale. We understand Yoru is underperforming. If Riot is going to buff him, they'll buff him. I don't need Iron takes on what will make him better since half of these submissions are literally the same.

    submitted by /u/Goldfingger
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    11 Practical tips to make your ranked experience more enjoyable

    Posted: 23 Mar 2021 07:26 PM PDT

    1. Expect nothing but give everything.
    2. ''Nice try", "please" and "thank you" go a long way.
    3. Suggest, don't demand.
    4. If all else fails, remember the only thing you can control is you.
    5. Communicate your intentions.
    6. Make proactive comms (eg. "Hey duelist, I'll smoke showers, want to grab your ult orb?")
    7. Understand that you will not change a player in one game, but you can get a few percentage points more than their usual effort.
    8. Choose respect even when it's inconvenient.
    9. Learn to give feedback in a way that fosters conversation.
    10. Remember who stands to gain or lose "elo" before you say something that will clipped, chopped, and paraded around the internet.
    11. Your ability to maintain your composure is tantamount to your team's success, especially when someone is underperforming.
    submitted by /u/melancholic54321
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    Riot updated their competitive ruling on 100 Thieves

    Posted: 24 Mar 2021 02:10 AM PDT

    PETITION for riot games to add loot like cards, sprays, titles, pistol skins or buddies that you can buy with radiant points

    Posted: 24 Mar 2021 07:37 AM PDT

    A lot of people have RP from the battlepass but don t have premium skins to use the points.So they can add in the store things like cards buddies and even pistol skins.The cards titles and sprays for 20-30 RP , budies for 40-50 RP and pistol skins like the agent's ones for 100-150 RP. Let me know what do you guys think...

    submitted by /u/mateey637
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    Brimstone Molly Lineups Guide. Type: Postplant - Map: Bind - A Site - Default1

    Posted: 24 Mar 2021 08:14 AM PDT

    Cypher Moon, by my friend @Fizzy_Guts on Twitter!

    Posted: 24 Mar 2021 10:44 AM PDT

    Cypher Moon, by my friend @Fizzy_Guts on Twitter!


    This is a crossover art of Cypher and Sailor Moon, made by a friend of mine who thought it would be hilarious. All the credit goes to him, he just wanted me to post it, as he doesn't have a Reddit account! Enjoy!

    submitted by /u/OkamiWater
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    Low ELO try these if you are stuck.

    Posted: 24 Mar 2021 11:07 AM PDT

    Lowkey, I did a few lower ELO games with an IRL buddy. and most strats are very simple which isn't the issue. People are playing this game like COD. Run in throw some flashes and try to frag out. Hell silver? yall can frag I admit it. But no one uses there brain. its a simple 1-2 Connection and if it doesn't work just pull out the knife and rotate. I am not here to tell you how to be a decent human in Coms lol your mom is to do that.

    Im not knocking just trying to help. If you wanna play the run and gun style as Reyna that is fine I have no issues with it. But if there are people trying to push and get out of that hard stuck rank. you got to learn the in's and outs of the game.

    1. Feel out the round

    Feel it out literally. See what Util is being used. See where you are with your team. Do you have control of long and sewers? Ok are you guys swinging at the same time? is heaven smoked? CT smoked? is the UTIL being used a lot? Sova darts. Omen Smokes. KJ or cages popping. Just focus on what is going on around you and get a read of what is happening. is your backline lurking? Wait until he picks or get picked to make a choice. You can't just blind zerg in and hope to go 13-0 (unless smurfing)

    If you understand the Intel that you are your team are getting. you can now set up a play or have a plan to get site. If you STILL don't see a way into site. Rotate. This is where your Backline should start Re-clearing everything for you. He should be in Mid while you guys are still sitting long/sews. if the plan is to rotate he can clear Mid/Garage. and get some picks on them rotating while you run to C.

    1. Use your time.

    Use the full extent of your time if you have to. If nothing is popping up.. Don't freak out. just because a plan doesn't work the first 20 seconds doesn't mean you have to zugg something, keep composed and they might make a mistake you can jump on. You need to find the hole to poke. Is B site clear? is C? or is A clearing up? you don't need to straight up storm quickly down Long and out frag them. Sometimes sure, but most times? Play smart, clear your area of the map use your time.

    1. Never swing alone.

    Odd time I'll call out an EGO peak cause my shot feels good and if it works great if not. well bummer. But what I mean is, If you are going into an area you don't know. Mainly a Site... NEVER go alone. If I am a Duelist I have never had a problem entering a site first and dying. I ALWAYS had a problem entering alone and dying for nothing.

    someone 2-3 people even, if you are deciding to enter. Go with the duelest or your front line. MAKE SURE you are trading, that is your job. Duelist is trying to frag 1 or 2 kills if he does dope. but you need to be in a position where if you die that kill is getting traded.

    1. Hold your Angles/Give your Info.

    This one is like a two part one. This is when the round kicked off and its a fresh round. Or you have a fresh site and are on the Post plant game.

    Pretty simple, LOOK at your mini map! see where and what is placed. Are your angles covered? if there is an Open on is it supposed to be open or is that your area? like I said Post plan or pre round. this is what you should be doing. having 2 people hold long doesn't do much when then can walk through spawn and slap you in elbow right?

    Give your info - this is honestly. the second biggest thing on the list to me. if you die. Tell me where/when and if he is weak and who it was. your team NEEDS to know. I've seen SOOO many 1vX's that could be clutched. Even in silver, if the guy had the proper info... he'd clutch it.

    1. Look at ULTS

    Super Simple, Look at ults. if you see a KJ ult or brim ult. you know that is going to be a bitch of a retake specially when brim just ULTS bomb? or KJ just Ults site? so try baiting them or realize you need to go fast onto site cause they have the ULT right? Just a simple peak to make you aware of where you are at.

    1. Don't be afraid to give up site.

    another simple one. If you peak and see 3-4 guys. if you want to re peak that is your idea. but sometimes ill toss some UTIL slow them down to get some rotation and backup then just back off site. Give them short. you at least know where they are and can play around that right? the longer you stay alive the more of a pain in the ass you are to the team.

    Example - I played KJ on a bind. they storm into Hooka/long. almost kill one with turret/nades/peaks. I get seen but I go back off elbow. I am smoked out but I just sit and wait. I have control of elbow and spawn. Wait for rotate and simple retake. if I just ego peaked and killed hooka and died. it was a free site and a hard retake. Just don't be afraid to back off a gunfight. take the fights YOU KNOW you will win.

    Its funny, because well. EVERYTHING I listed can be done without Coms. if you are a mute. you can do every single one of these. even give the info. Pinging/typing ETC to let your boys know. this game isn't hard to understand. but has a high skill ceiling so if you learn the Maps/Agents great. but youll go so much further if you know how to learn each game as its own.

    Goodluck :P

    submitted by /u/Cadhik
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