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    Thursday, March 25, 2021

    VALORANT Petition for wingman in valorant

    VALORANT Petition for wingman in valorant

    Petition for wingman in valorant

    Posted: 25 Mar 2021 08:57 AM PDT

    The 5v5 game mode is very fun on the competitive side, but there's nothing exciting for the casual side. Sure you could argue that unrated is fun but it's just not it. Wingman (2v2) would really help casual players enjoy the game more instead of aim training 30 mins joining a game that's 30 mins and being bored because they used up 1 hour of their time for 1 game that's 18lp and teammates that just might be toxic. But with wingman it should be a 15 to 10 minute game that's enjoyable. (and also wingman needs a ranking system)

    submitted by /u/Kirka1421
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    try these split shocks, so many kills

    Posted: 25 Mar 2021 12:01 PM PDT

    Draw/continue voting is in a bad place right now.

    Posted: 25 Mar 2021 09:01 AM PDT

    Draw/continue voting is in a bad place right now.

    I had a game today in which 2 of my teammates dc'ed. My viper was basically dc'ed from first round, but he came back in 2nd round but with 1000 ping and we couldn't remake. My jett dc'ed after round 16 cuz we were losing 7-9 and he had no hope of winning it.


    Well, basically what happened was, since it was a 3v5, the raze and me decided to try our best. We thought, we'll atleast go into overtime and Draw.


    We lost the first OT, then by a bit of skill and luck, I got a 3k and won the round. We vote for a draw for obvious reasons.

    Surprise surprise, we CANNOT draw because it requires 4 people to draw. The whole enemy team voted to continue cuz obviously they were at an advantage of a controller AND a duelist (and also 2 players).

    We won the 3rd OT round.
    And also the 4th one xD (we hadn't flanked once in this game so we flanked. It worked out ;))

    But this is still a big issue. First of all, my team is down 2 players (essential ones, smokes and stuff), second of all, even IF we tryharded our way to OT, we cannot draw, making an unfair game, even more unfair.

    Got only 19 RR tho. Nice.

    TL;DR: Voting is heavily skewed in the favour of the team with a man advantage, this disincentivizes even trying to go into OT. Voting needs to be taken a better look at, and the MMR bonus for a man disadvantage

    submitted by /u/hv_razero_15
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    C9 Keiti with an ace in VCT Game Changers

    Posted: 25 Mar 2021 12:24 PM PDT

    I spent about 6 months ranking up from Bronze 3 to Immortal, and I documented every single ranked game I played. If you're serious about climbing, this could be a very useful reference.

    Posted: 25 Mar 2021 12:50 PM PDT

    Spreadsheet link

    Hey there Reddit, I'm a brand new FPS player with background in other competitive games (Rocket League, League of Legends, Starcraft 2) and I set myself the goal of hitting Immortal within a year of learning tactical shooters. This act I have managed to secure 14 wins in Immortal, thus completing my first ever Immortal act badge! I peaked at top 3000, with 120RR.

    Along the way, I recorded a significant amount of my own gameplay. You can go see for yourself just how terrible I was when I first started playing this game! I hope this spreadsheet can serve as a valuable reference to anyone else who is trying to climb on their own. Here are a few of my personal opinions about how to best climb in rank:

    1. Have a dedicated schedule

      • My schedule was 15 minutes of aim training (Kovaaks), followed by 2 deathmatches, followed by a best of 3 in soloQ.
    2. Review your own gameplay

      • Try to isolate mistakes you see yourself making, and work on improving on these areas in future games. Track your progress by watching your future games to make sure you're improving.
    3. Don't pay attention to your rank at all

      • If your personal skill is increasing, your rank will naturally follow. Worrying about ranking down/ranking up will have negative affects on how you play the game. Many games are unwinnable/unloseable. This doesn't matter to me, all I care about is improving my own personal skill.
    4. Learn from the pros

      • I would watch a ton of professionals streaming soloQ and try to identify why they were making the decisions they were making. I'd recommend the following streamers for the agents I play: TenZ for Jett, Subroza for Phoenix, Freakazoid for Smokes
    5. Communicate

      • There are 3 things you should always be communicating to your team no matter what, at the minimum.
        • Enemies you see or hear
        • Utility you are about to throw
        • Utility your enemies have thrown (especially smoke locations, these don't show up on the minimap for your teammates)
    6. Get help

      • Identifying your own mistakes in VOD review can be really difficult at first. If you can find someone who is at least diamond in rank to take a look at a replay for you, it can help expedite the process significantly.
    submitted by /u/Sokusan_123
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    Valorant needs a prime (verifiable phone number) matchmaking system

    Posted: 25 Mar 2021 10:25 AM PDT

    I recently started playing Valorant after switching from CSGO. It truly feels like half my games have a smurf at the Silver and Gold level. Either a player on my own team admits it, an enemy player admits it, or someone in the lobby is 31-3 as Sage. I understand smurfing is going to happen but anything that adds another barrier is a plus in my eyes. It's a motivation killer to our group when it feels like smurf after smurf in our lobbies.

    Edit: *Prior to the ability to purchase Prime status on CSGO*, you had to verify a phone number. This allowed you to only play against other players who have also verified a phone number. If I remember correctly, VOIP numbers like Skype do not work so getting another phone number is not as simple as it seems. In my experience, this greatly reduced the frequency of smurfs since a phone number can only be used once to verify an account. It's not a perfect system but it seems to help.


    submitted by /u/KOMcyclist
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    I don't know if is just me, but i have the sensation that everyone in Silver/Gold has turned into an aimbot machine. It's a freaking chaotic rank IMO.

    Posted: 24 Mar 2021 07:29 PM PDT

    And i'm not talking about smurfs (which is reality but i don't want to be the 3567124º person to complaint about that). My take is from the "normal situation". I was Gold 2 and got demoted to Silver 1, but my "Silver 1" lobbies are harder than my previous Gold lobbies. My sensation is that everyone form Gold and Plat are getting demoted and seems like every Silver is a 8-hour Aim Lab machine and that's really frustrating for a casual player.

    Do you people also feel that everyone in your rank is better than you? I don't have any confidence in my aim unless i make a good start.

    submitted by /u/Vanuchi
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    People need to stop 1vs1! Especially when your team has man advantage.

    Posted: 25 Mar 2021 02:18 AM PDT


    I am currently plat 2 and i was Diamond 2 last season. I see this happening all the time and i get so mad when it happens. Lets take Ascent as an example: a player(often jett and/or reyna) looks in B main as a deffender and see nothing. pushes alone and get two kills. In my head "Good job i guess, that was a risky move but it paid of". She wants MOOORE, pushes out mid and dies. At the same time the reyna in pizza/mid thinks to her self "what, jett is stealing all my kills, I HAVE TO PUSH!!!!!!! Its the only way!" Pushes put mid get insta killed. Now in 5 seconds the round has gone from 5vs3 to a 3vs3. And often these two fuck ups results in someone wanting to be a hero and save the round and push from cat or something and end up dieing aswell. Now its 2vs3 and we are split up. Lets say we are probably gonna lose that round.

    This is just one example. This happend to me in a match where a raze and a reyna did this 5-6 times as deffenders. They had 16 and 17 kills and i had 6 (playing cyper on A). They think its my fault for loseing.

    If you are pushing and manage to get a kill as a deffender (and even as a attacker most often) fall back and think about what your enemy is doing. If you hear nothing more that was probably a lurker and now they know you are there. If you survive this Will make it so much harder for the attackers to clear that site with all the angles.

    Sorry for long post. I wanna give potato but i no have. I poor.

    submitted by /u/vhund5
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    Why is using a microphone such a daunting task in ranked?

    Posted: 25 Mar 2021 06:50 AM PDT

    I get it in unrated, but in ranked, especially for a team-based game, simple callouts go so far. I'm on a streak of games with maximum 1 person other than me giving callouts, and it just become stressful. We then lose and at the end someone uses their mic to cuss me out and say that I'm trash.

    I don't think it's asking too much for people to just say who they see and where they see them, at the least just ping.

    I guess my point in making this post is to ask, if you're one of the people that doesn't talk in ranked. Why?

    submitted by /u/shags_takeda
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    [Satirical] Guide on how to deal with smurfs

    Posted: 25 Mar 2021 08:23 AM PDT

    1. I learned a very cool tip from many of my random teammates. If you press alt+f4 on your keyboard then the smurf is just gone! Its pretty crazy and I see a lot of people in my silver games doing it.
    2. If you want to eliminate the possibility of being smurfed on entirely then you can make like all my best friends and not play the game anymore.
    3. Climb to radiant. In radiant you will find no smurfs (Unless shroud is in your lobby), Not sure how Riot did it but you can't find a single smurf in radiant. A tip to climb is to never lose and click a lot of heads before they can click yours.

    submitted by /u/SomeBoredRedditGuy
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    New Valorant Gun?

    Posted: 25 Mar 2021 03:56 PM PDT

    So what happend with Riot and their Statement to go to war with peekers advantage?

    Posted: 25 Mar 2021 01:07 AM PDT

    I remember seeing the first trailer of Project A where they announced that they would "go to war" with peekers advantage and they would go big on Netcoding.

    Imo peekers advantage and the netcode are currently the biggest problems in the game. Did we ever had a announcement from Riot that they pretty much failed to make peekers advantage less impactfull then in other fps and that their netcode isnt good either? Maybe even a announcement that they are working to fix it? I would even say that Valorant is currently the FPS game with the worst peekers advantage that i have ever seen. This is a problem that should really take bit priority with fixing.

    EDIT: Maybe with a replay system we could see how fuked up peekers adv is? hmmm

    submitted by /u/CommanderSF1
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    Educational: How to get a Headshot on Haven (Far) C Window. Hope this helps.

    Posted: 25 Mar 2021 12:07 PM PDT

    When you have soo many hours so the Bots make it easy

    Posted: 25 Mar 2021 07:02 AM PDT

    Uummm rather uncommon I guess. But its soo fun in the range , so it was during my daily practice routine , where this unexpected occurrence happened XD edit:- its not spawned like this but i saw that they lined up mid practice.


    submitted by /u/ARTHisHERE
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    why can the Raze roombot spot you if it can't reach you?

    Posted: 25 Mar 2021 07:03 AM PDT

    Like this ability has to be the most bugged and broken ability in the game?

    look at this: https://streamable.com/v22tl7

    and this: https://streamable.com/97i9bj


    submitted by /u/PrizzyFizz
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    Viper Line Ups For All Maps

    Posted: 24 Mar 2021 04:35 PM PDT

    Is it possible to damage respawning (for next round) enemies?

    Posted: 25 Mar 2021 10:08 AM PDT

    I was running around enemy base end of round and saw that the enemy team respawns a split second before the round ends like so. Has anyone ever managed to hit a perfectly timed shot on them?

    submitted by /u/CrucialPie
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    How to give callouts for your teammate to clutch in plat lobby

    Posted: 25 Mar 2021 11:40 AM PDT

    For anyone who is gold or lower rank and obsessed with climbing here is my story Iron>Diamond

    Posted: 25 Mar 2021 10:58 AM PDT

    Today, i reached diamond, my dream rank. For most of you this is not something to brag about im sure but for someone like me it was a big thing and i know that someone out there may be in same situation as me so i felt like i needed to share my journey. For starter i need to say; im playing with my 60hz monitor laptop, cheapest equipments and that was my first competitive shooter game so there is no way someone is lower than me and anyone can do it. I mean anyone really.

    I forgot to add; i only played soloq.

    Since my english is not great enough i want to keep it short as possible.

    For iron,bronzes ; I deranked to iron in last summer, that was my beta account and i didnt want to change my account because of that but iron was nearly impossible for someone who cant kill 30-40 enemies in a game so i just opened new account. If you was silver and deranked to iron, if u didnt bought any skins just open a new account. You need to learn the game in silver because no one is playing game seriously on iron. Just open new account that was my solution.

    For these ranks; best way to rank up is playing the game. Not lowering your sens, not counter-strafe, not anything. Play the game. Play it and improve your game sens, game sens was the thing that got me diamond. If you have toxic teammates just mute everyone and focus, think about what can enemy do, think about if youre the enemy what will you do but think fast. Play it until this will become your reflex and you will be silver.

    For silvers; this is where the thing starts, especially in silver 3. Still you dont need to change your sens if you dont want to but here is what you need to learn;

    What got me to the gold was the holding angles. Watch some videos, i dont know how to explain but your crosshair should be a little bit far from the angle youre holding, not in the wall. Watch some videos about holding angle and you will see it probably my english is not good enough for to explain this. Watch some videos about how to rank up etc. and you will see it.

    To be honest. That was the only thing got me to the gold. When i see some enemy, i just clicked and they died. Really that was the only thing. If its not good enough for you and youre silver, just read the gold part too.

    For golds; to be honest i still feel like gold and i have a gold aim. As i said what got me to the diamond was my game sens not my aim. Well, i dont know i played some cs with my friend who was eagle and i dominated a little so maybe i improved my aim i dont know.

    I was gold for 5-6 months probably. This is the stepping stone for ranking up.

    1- Learn counter-strafe.

    2-Lower your sense(yes i think this is a must). Find your ideal game sens by watching the TenZ's video about finding your aim. Guys if youre still reading at this point here is how i got used to lower sens; i was playing with some 2008 mouse and i didnt know my dpi but probably most of you have some mouse with adjustable dpi so here is how i got used to; i lowered my dpi to 400. I used it with every game, on google etc. and at some point i just got used to it.

    3- You dont need to play duelist. Learn every character.

    4- Learn how to smoke, actually this was one of the biggest impacts on my rank just watch some videos about it.

    5- Train your aim! This is the one sole thing actually, do aimlabs, dms, practice..

    6- In practice room, there is not just shooting range, actually this might not help everyone but for me it worked. Do the parkour and all the other things in hardest mod of course they just helped me on going to plat. It might have the biggest impact probably cause after i did these for couple weeks i was plat. Im not sure tho.

    7- Give good infos, learn every places names this is vital.

    For plats; dude i dont know really. Most plats are better than me %100 so i dont know how to give you guys some tips but here is how i got to diamond.

    I played this game obsessively. I played 10-12 hours a day and while i wasnt playing i was watching tournemants, streamers, youtube videos.

    Keep your energy high, it effects your game. Have a good mental, if you had toxic teammates, trolls in your game just say next game.(even i couldnt do that and i was gold 2 couple weeks ago cause i trolled)

    Learn your role, if youre sentinel dont go first if there is no breach's flashing for u. And some extreme situations obv.

    If you cant get kills, dont play duelist.(some of you might disagree)

    Im sentinel main so last thing i can say is learn lineups, where to put your traps, wall etc.

    Sheesh that was long. These things got me diamond. Hope everyone can make it. But i need to say this. I was obsessed. I played the game 10-12 hours a day, every day is valorant for me from waking up to sleeping. Dont be like that. I wasted so many things. I will continue to study from now on and when my finals are finished. I will climb to Immortal and probably wont stop until radiant. Dont know how much it will take. See ya.

    submitted by /u/PoopMaster74
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    One for All in Valorant

    Posted: 25 Mar 2021 11:06 AM PDT

    If you play League of Legends, they have a rotating game mode called "One for All", basically you choose a character and that character has a % chance to be picked for your entire time. So yeah, what i'm saying is i wanna play 5 Breachs... It doesn't have to work completely like League maybe make it random to avoid Breach abuse, but i think it can be a really fun game mode for the casual community of Valorant.

    submitted by /u/BittexGaming
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    For all of those people who think they are stuck on “Elo hell”

    Posted: 25 Mar 2021 06:30 AM PDT

    This is going to be really short, because there isn't much to it. Most of you that say this usually are just running game after game, not looking to improve any aspect of what you are doing. Some of you might be getting those "high-quality" frags, but only because you let your team die and now you are playing clean up crew against enemies who are 10-50 health. Some of you are lurking while playing a duelist and don't help entry site. Others just need to revisit their mechanics and game sense.

    I'm not saying that any of you are bad, but most of you are doing things incorrectly for your team, no matter how many kills you get. It's a 5v5, not a death match. I Know that many people don't turn on their microphones in iron/bronze lobbies, so try to keep yourself informed by glancing at the minimap. You can also see where everyone is, what angles they are holding, and which enemies they see.

    Next point, pick the correct character for your play style. Trying to get a pick off the enemies rotate on b while your entire team is pushing a while playing a duelist? Ofc that's not gonna work. Playing a duelist you have the responsibility for going in and creating space so the team can push up behind you and take control of site. Don't just run in and die either. You need to check the corners and make sure that there isn't anything that could hinder your chance of winning. It isn't the duelists job of getting frags. No agent has that job. If you want to be lurking and also helping your team, play a controller such as omen or brim who's util could be helpful for your team. And no-one on your team should be lurking more that twice a game. That also includes you. It get repetitive and the enemies will know what exactly you are doing.

    I make the previous point especially if you are playing raze and complain that u are getting match mvp but you are still stuck in your rank. Play a deathmatch and win. You won't? That's what I thought. Just because you are getting kills with your util doesn't mean you are contributing anything. It maybe that there's that one well placed grenade or well shot rocket launcher that ends up killing half the enemy team, but that's because they are Just bad, and not because you are good. The point of your boom bot is to clear and locate enemies. Point of the nade is to clear angles. And then your ultimate does not need to be saved for the perfect time to get an ace. Just using it and not killing anyone can save the round.

    Another thing I would like the bring to light, is that you shouldn't be toxic. Just because you are top-fragging doesn't mean you should bring anyone down. Like, are you trying to lose or something? If the enemy is playing mind games with you, just don't talk to them. This still applies if you are winning 12-0.

    Next, I would like to ask the audience what they think they should do on defense. in the audience "Defend?" YES DEFEND. Why Are you pushing up at every chance you get. Are you really going to go and do a 1v5 just because you are impatient? I thought so. If you are defending, just stay in your spot and use audio cues to figure out what exactly is happening around you. If there are sentinels such as cypher and killjoy on your team, ask what they are doing, because they probably have something up their sleeve. You could profit off of what they are doing and by using their util to your advantage. This doesn't mean you shouldn't be peeking them while they get on site. Your entire job is to make sure they don't get on site. Try to put smokes, mollys, trips, potatoes, or any other util that might hold them off during those crucial moments where your team needs to rotate to your site. Also. Please. Do not say that they are all on your site when you only heard one pair of footsteps or only saw one person. It might be someone who is trying to flank your team thinking they all rotated to the other site. Which means calling your team to your site will let the 4 other enemies get ahold of the other site, making you basically lose a round.

    Post plant during defense is where the game gets nerve-racking. Especially when you are down in numbers. This means that you should be trading, and pushing together. Once should try to go heaven while the other pushes long. That will lead to chaos on site giving you easy picks. If you are the last one standing, go for those 1v1s in a safe environment. This is where the "aiming at the head" part saves the day, because you can one tap with a phantom or vandal at the ranges I am talking about. Bucky is also overpowered post plant. If you are dead, and someone on you team is trying to clutch, Then stay quite. Pretend like your playing instead of your teammate. If you saw a gun poking out of A nest and he didn't, tell him and become quiet again. If you hit someone 140, tell your teammate that he is one shot. Do not give him false information though, especially when you didn't hit them and say you hit them x amount.

    Postplant on offense is a different story. Try to hold off-angles that are relatively safe, and make it so you can trade with your teammates (if they are competent enough). Whatever you do, do not push the defenders. It may seem like a good idea, but you are just leaving site more vulnerable. Postplant is when you need your util too. Yes, I'm looking at you. Try not to use all of your util trying to push into site. It may seem fun and exciting, but you are just making it hard for yourselves. Not using up all of your util, such as mollys, smokes, ect. can save you the round in the long run.

    Next up is game mechanics. What your headshot percentage? 2%? Well it should be 0 because the only reason you get headshots is because of the recoil of the vandal. I would like to reiterate again, only getting kills with util is not what you want (Looking at you raze mains who don't know how to satchel). You want to be able to play Valorant CSGO style and still get decent frags. Play any agent that doesn't have util that does damage, and you will see a dramatic decrease in the number of kills you get. Its statistics honey, not me. Way to increase your raw mechanics is to go into deathmatch with a deagle(sherrif) and headshot the fuck out of people. Doesn't matter if you win or not, because you don't get anything out of it. Turn off your master volume and unbind your shift key too if you want to get better at reacting quickly. Run deathmatch for 2 hours or so, and you will see a good improvement. The next day you should try to use guardian. The day after that go to the vandal. Practice makes perfect people. Also, DO NOT SPRAY. I repeat, DO NOT SPRAY. If you have a vandal or phantom, just do some light bursts, because if you followed what I said, you would be hitting a headshot and a body shot.

    Last thing I want to talk about is game sense. Basically, you need to know what is happening around you without being a bitch. Look at the minimap, ask teammates for updates, listen for audio clues around you. If there is a gunfight somewhere, get a safe angle and end it. Don't reveal your location. Ect. These are really imporant aspects that you need to master because your team isn't always going to be reliable in these elos. I would recommend watching raw clips from streamers in order to see how they are doing things. In definitely helps.

    This is all I remember, and please feel free to add other things people that think they are stuck in "Elo Hell" are probably doing wrong.

    submitted by /u/TheMoonWalker_
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    Is it possible to get a septakill(7kills In one round) on spike rush?

    Posted: 25 Mar 2021 06:42 AM PDT

    Let's say you are sage, start the round with ult. Someone dies, you res them and you get an ult orb and ult them again. Has anyone got a septakill? Thanks

    submitted by /u/Sebpants
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    I feel like overetimes should make you lose less ELO than what it currently does

    Posted: 24 Mar 2021 10:22 PM PDT

    If your able to go into overtime with a similar matched team then i think the ELO loss for them games should be a lower impact that what they currently are

    submitted by /u/krymynal
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