• Breaking News

    Wednesday, March 17, 2021

    VALORANT LPT: If you are in a low rank, you can use flashy skins like a prime as bait.

    VALORANT LPT: If you are in a low rank, you can use flashy skins like a prime as bait.

    LPT: If you are in a low rank, you can use flashy skins like a prime as bait.

    Posted: 17 Mar 2021 05:29 AM PDT

    I have played many games before in lower ranks ( bronze, silver ) and the moment a little kid sees a reaver vandal on the floor they pull out their knife, run over to the gun, only to get caught in crossfire of the enemy and instantly die. These teammates who do this are usually botfrag duelists who don't entry.

    So, I did a little experiment. A few rounds per game in different locations, I would drop something as simple as a Cavelier vandal on a dead body and camp there. Half of the time someone would fall for this the first time. Make sure the gun is low on bullets so they will reload when they pick it up. Hide behind a corner, and the moment you hear the gun pickup and reload, swing and get your free kill.

    I know this is a really stupid idea of killing people, but it actually works if you don't overuse it. Have fun, and this works best with expensive skins.

    submitted by /u/nxfxrious
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    I programmed a Discord rich-presence implementation for VALORANT! It even supports inviting other players to your party

    Posted: 16 Mar 2021 05:31 PM PDT

    Astra form trick. Ctto to Keeoh

    Posted: 17 Mar 2021 09:22 AM PDT

    A match replay system would be appreciated

    Posted: 17 Mar 2021 04:21 AM PDT

    Having the ability to play replay matches would be fantastic, especially in a competitive FPS game such as Valorant. It would give players the ability to improve much faster as we would be able to analyse and break down our bad plays and ask ourselves what we could've done better.

    So a match replay system would be very much appreciated if implemented into the game.

    submitted by /u/Leaf7_
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    Educational: Icebox Mid Boiler Attack TLDR While crouching you will be able to see the defenders head and also making it difficult for them to see you. Hope this helps.

    Posted: 17 Mar 2021 07:33 AM PDT

    I made a music video with Astra's voice lines and 3D model in Ableton and Blender.

    Posted: 17 Mar 2021 05:28 AM PDT

    Educational: How to get a Headshot on Icebox looking at A Rafters. Hope this helps.

    Posted: 16 Mar 2021 05:11 PM PDT

    Disable fullscreen optimization again guys!

    Posted: 17 Mar 2021 03:46 AM PDT

    I just noticed the recent update unticked the setting "disable fullscreen optimization" for VALORANT-Win64-Shipping.exe. This could be a reason why some of you have seen a performance decrease post-update.

    Re-apply this setting again to make sure you are running the game in exclusive fullscreen. If you don't know where or how to do this, the default location is pasted below. The location for the Riot Games folder could vary some.

    C:\Riot Games\VALORANT\live\ShooterGame\Binaries\Win64

    Right-click on the VALORANT-Win64-Shipping.exe and press Compatibility, press "Disable fullscreen optimizations" and "Run this program as an administrator".


    submitted by /u/hyperswyper
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    TSM new roster

    Posted: 17 Mar 2021 12:31 PM PDT

    Valorant Map Teaser analysis

    Posted: 17 Mar 2021 07:51 AM PDT


    If you haven't seen it already, click here: https://twitter.com/VALORANTar/status/1371853775091171332. VALORANT Arabia released a video on their Twitter with an Arabic-looking map and a voiceover saying "In the time of the battle, be ready for grenade sounds"; and a text saying "Brace up" in the end. I think this is a new map and I analyzed this clip.

    Starting with the video, you hear Arabic oriental music and the scene starts by looking down a corridor that leads into an area. However, more interesting here is the Radianite generator in the background, which looks similar to the generator on Bind. i.e. https://prnt.sc/10oa4fm

    Many would say this is Bind, however, if we take this generator and "measure" the distance, it looks too distant from the scene, and the next thing also "proves" my point.

    In the center of the scene, you see an area pilled with containers, perhaps these are the Radianite containers like on Bind, however, on Bind they're green, but we just see black containers. What interests me are these arches https://prnt.sc/10oa8xm, if we compare this "map" to some maps in CS Community like de_kabul or de_dust/dust 2, we'll see these arches reappearing from time to time, especially in de_dust4ever, it's just an Arabic architecture.

    From a gameplay standpoint, this looks like a connector/entrance to a site on a map that has arches as a decoration. This forklift https://prnt.sc/10oabkj supports my idea because if it was just a clean venue to get into the site, then there'd be no point defending that chokepoint.

    This is just an opinion, you're free to correct my opinion if you find more details.

    submitted by /u/Mirsad1992
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    Skye Self-Heal Buff?

    Posted: 17 Mar 2021 11:32 AM PDT

    My understanding is that Skye has a low pick rate and is considered a weak agent. Now, before the Skye mains get mad at me, know that I am part Viper main and drop Game MVP on Bind all the time but just because we can make an agent work doesn't mean they are well-balanced.

    I play Skye sometimes and I find that her heal can be frustratingly situational, especially as an initiator since I often find myself at 20 hp with my teammates all at full health. In my opinion, this could be balanced by allowing her to self-heal with right-click, like Sage, and it could be offset by having the heal either be slower or cost more healing points per second or both. At least this way the skill could be used in a pinch.

    What do you all think? Does this seem reasonable, or would this allow too many different agents the ability to self-heal?

    submitted by /u/dr_gaymer
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    Valorant agent pick rate, E2A1

    Posted: 17 Mar 2021 12:11 PM PDT

    Here's a graph I made of the agent pick rate for the most recently completed Act. What's it going to take to get Skye and Viper into the mix? Why do Renya and Jett dominate so hard?

    I picked Platinum 3 as a nice middle ground for competitive play between the half of all players in Bronze/Iron and the hyper competitive tiers.

    submitted by /u/Dathadorne
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    Interest in "How to win WITHOUT Aim" - Style video?

    Posted: 17 Mar 2021 12:01 PM PDT

    Hey /VALORANT peeps!

    Usually the search for improvement in Valorant leads to "HOW TO AIM" videos. And yes, I could definitely use that myself...
    BUT...How about educational style videos with tips and tricks on how to climb WITHOUT aim?
    If it has interest I'd make one for sure, and if you have ideas to add to my list below, let me know and we'll incorporate it :)

    I honestly have the most inconsistent aim, HOWEVER, I got to Diamond 2 still!
    So thinking it could be of value for some people, especially as many are complaining about being stuck with good aim in low elo. Perhaps I could learn some of your aim and you learn what people without aim do to cope - The combination could be DEADLY

    Here is a short list of ideas, feel free to add to it some ideas you might think of - it's much appreciated <3
    - Economy, because snowballing an economy can lead to so many won rounds just off of better econ=weaponry

    - Playing off of teammates, instead of alone

    - Watch minimap and fast rotate (TenZ had a talk on stream about this especially being important in Valorante)

    - Communicate! Even, or especially, if your teammates aren't! Just look at Hiko's stream. Even sometimes calling stuff for other teammates who don't communicate

    - Dealing with your own tilt and teammates. Big one! You or teammates tilting or just creating a bad astmoshpere can lose games. But you guys already know this, and we could go on for a long time about this topic. I am actually also a trained health professional and I might have some mental tools to teach others, if people are willing ofcause.

    - Game sense. Well, that's kinda broad. Perhaps something like timings. Do you know how long it takes for the last guy you're holding in B garage on Split to rotate to B Heaven and peak you there?

    - Reading opponents and playing off their "routines". They have a heavy lurker? Make a mental note. They like to setup with an extra man on a bombsite? Remember that so you know a bombsite might be open after some kills.

    That's just a quick list, perhaps this sparked some thoughts - let's hear, however big or small. You can also dm me on twitter: @ Lydigzen

    submitted by /u/Fivezhot
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    Behold court of law. Evidence #1234123 of Yoru's incompetency.

    Posted: 16 Mar 2021 10:18 PM PDT

    Behold Exhibit A:


    This is a clip from Rebo from andbox playing an immortal ranked game. The Yoru uses his ult at A for information but runs into the attacker's squad so what are Yoru's options?

    Obviously get mercilessly shoved around like a poor crying child.

    Yoru's ultimate turns Yoru into a TASTY SNACK for playground lunch money shakedowns.

    The counter for this is to simply just shove him into a corner with the squad and flush his head into the toilet.

    Just to add insult to injury, in order to safely get away from this situation he has to pre-invest another use of a Gatecrash and hope that the enemy team whiffs the window needed for him to successfully teleport out? Bro good luck with that.

    What an expensive ult for such a cheap weenie.

    For Riot's attempt at making this a progressive game, all it does is encourage cyberbullying.

    submitted by /u/unsupervisedchild
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    Valorant should post notification when an update is available.

    Posted: 17 Mar 2021 07:27 AM PDT

    I know this is not a big issue, just a small feature request.

    I don't play this game regularly. I have to find 40-50 minutes out of my schedule to play. But if there is an update pending, it takes an hour to install it, and thus I cannot play for that day.

    If Valorant asks to update as soon as it is available, then I could update while I am doing something else.

    submitted by /u/babyshark128
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    Hey guys , im doing an how to cypher series with unique one ways and setups ,and i would really appreciate it if you go and check it out

    Posted: 17 Mar 2021 10:15 AM PDT

    How Come I Can Click Heads In Deathmatch and Escalation, But Not Unrated or Comp?

    Posted: 17 Mar 2021 03:06 AM PDT

    As the title. Little bit of background (I've posted here a couple of times before, and people have been awesome). Previously Plat 3, first ever PC shooter. Took 8ish months off to play other things, came back. Still *pretty* good, placed at Gold 2, placement matches were CRAZY. Played against Diamonds and ex-Immortals. No idea why. Won 3/5, went pretty well.

    I have to play a lot on a smurf, which is currently Silver 3, as most of my mates are out of range of my Gold 2 account sadly. I've noticed that I have an issue with consistently landing headshots when they matter. So, as a result, I've been hopping into Deathmatch and Escalation a lot in my downtime to practise my 1v1 engagements and landing consistent headshots. I've been pretty shocked to find that when I put my mind into it, I'm a pretty brilliant shot. Sounds braggy, but even in Deathmatch, with everyone running around like a nutter, I'm able to finish top three just using a sheriff and going HS only. I'll get the 'overkill' streak thing chaining headshots with minimal effort,

    Jump into unrated or comp? Suddenly my headshot percentage drops like a stone. Even though I'm consciously attempting to aim for the head. Now, I know that in comp the calibre of player in these two modes is going to be a little higher on average than in the more casual modes. But I'm often the better player in a fair 1v1. I'll win a lot of duels, but that'll come down to spray management instead of precise headshots. I know that as my mates start to climb (as they already are, thankfully), I'll be able to jump onto my Gold 2 account which will drag our matchmaking up, so I need to learn how to one tap reliably with a Vandal or pistol when it counts. If my aim, and by extension crosshair placement, isn't the issue, then I'm not sure the easiest way to improve my headshot accuracy in ranked?

    TLDR: Aim is fantastic, except when it actually counts.

    submitted by /u/zackdaniels93
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    How do I become less agent dependent?

    Posted: 17 Mar 2021 07:49 AM PDT

    Hello from your neighbourhood intstalock Phoenix main currently playing in Gold Elo. Coming to shooters for the first time in my life, 4 months ago, my aim is clearly not the best. I started playing in Episode 1 Act 3 and placed Iron 3... So, I have come a long way and worked on becoming the best Phoenix entry I can be. Yet, I find myself stuck and unable to play any other agent besides Phoenix or Breach. I don't think I've had a positive KD as sage in quite a while. Perhaps I rely too much on flashes to get easy kills? Especially with the new dodging penalties, I'm likely forced to learn a new agent like sage or omen. How do the fill mains out there, who switch agents every other match, not play their agent wrong (ie running it down as sage or baiting as phoenix).

    submitted by /u/Jerlin2437
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    Non-Stop Bind in Comp??

    Posted: 17 Mar 2021 10:43 AM PDT

    In 14 games.... I've got bind 10 times.. 3 split and 1 icebox. My playgroup has seen this as well in their games so im curious if this is common rn

    submitted by /u/thesecondpope
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    OMEN Art by me

    Posted: 16 Mar 2021 03:39 PM PDT

    Tried to recreate riot's artstyle as much as I can and this is the result. I hope you guys like it!



    submitted by /u/kenato123
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    A comprehensive walkthrough for Astra setups on Haven

    Posted: 17 Mar 2021 09:29 AM PDT

    I came up with a couple Astra setups for each site on attacker and defender side on Haven. Hope it helps anyone who wants to play Astra!


    submitted by /u/Chill_Mickelson
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