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    Monday, April 5, 2021

    VALORANT I would sacrifice longer queue times for it to be IMPOSSIBLE to have the same map twice in a row

    VALORANT I would sacrifice longer queue times for it to be IMPOSSIBLE to have the same map twice in a row

    I would sacrifice longer queue times for it to be IMPOSSIBLE to have the same map twice in a row

    Posted: 05 Apr 2021 10:46 AM PDT

    I feel like the probability of getting the same map two matches in a row should continue to decrease as you play the map for a longer streak. I think this will keep the game from getting stale IMO. I know this means it would make the matchmaker take longer to find a match, but I think I would be willing to wait for that

    What are your thoughts?

    submitted by /u/McLoosTa
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    Killjoy Post plant Ascent A. Just using fingers.

    Posted: 05 Apr 2021 09:26 AM PDT

    The 69 meter wonder arrow (Market retake arrow)

    Posted: 04 Apr 2021 02:58 PM PDT

    Off-duty Killjoy sketches :))

    Posted: 04 Apr 2021 08:52 PM PDT

    Killjoy Post plant Ascent now in B. Just using fingers.

    Posted: 05 Apr 2021 10:04 AM PDT

    My buff/nerf ideas for the agents

    Posted: 05 Apr 2021 08:50 AM PDT

    So, for some weird reason one of my favorite things to do happens to be thinking about and discussing balance changes. I find myself often thinking about the ways Valorant could change agents to either put them on the same level as other agents, or to just add interesting and unique features to them. And since I rarely see discussion about all the changes that could be implemented, I decided to make this post and use my ideas in order to hopefully start up more discussion about what could be done to make all agents compete well with their peers.

    Please note that I am not a developer nor am I a professional player, so don't expect all of these ideas to necessarily be good ideas. Also, if I suggest multiple ideas for changes to an agent, I am not suggesting that all of them should be implemented, I'm just giving multiple different ways that said agent could be buffed or nerfed. Lastly, for anyone wondering, the agents are listed in alphabetical order. If an agent isn't listed, then that means that I personally think that they don't need changes.

    -BREACH: Although Breach is definitely the most irritating character in Valorant right now, I do believe that it's important that Breach remains a viable pick in order to ensure a good counter to the Operator. However, his flashes are not only hard to dodge, but they also give virtually no punishment to Breach for using his flashes in the way that a Phoenix would thanks to the long amount of time that the flash lasts for. I think that the time it takes for him to pull out his gun after using a flash should be ever-so-slightly longer, in order to try and ensure that he's using his flashes to set his team up rather than using it selfishly for kills.

    -BRIMSTONE: Thanks to the 2.06 Viper buffs, I believe that Brimstone is currently the worst controller in the game. Not only are his smokes simply inferior to the free, recharging smokes that Omen has to offer, but the rest of his kit isn't nearly as influential as the other controllers kits happen to be. Even after a decent amount of slight buffs to Brimstone, I still see zero reason to pick Brimstone over the other controllers. There's thousands of changes that could be made to his kit, but I'm going to give what I think are the ones that could really give brimstone a chance to shine.

    First I'm going to address the biggest problem with brim, which is his stim beacon. Making your entire teams guns virtually 15% better sounds good in theory, but in a game where engagements rely on quick head-taps and spray patterns, the stim beacon often ends up being useless or even a detriment to the muscle memory of Brimstones teammates. So instead of the stim beacon buffing firing rate, I believe that the stim beacon should buff something of much higher importance: Movement speed. If the stim beacon gave increased movement speed to brim and his team, this would not only be potentially helpful when pushing into a site and engaging in combat, but it would now have a use outside of combat, allowing Brimstone to rotate his team to other areas on the map much faster.

    The second biggest issue that Brimstone runs into is in his smokes. Even though his smokes are good, due to the fact that he only gets three of them (and the fact that he has to pay for two of them assuming he uses all three), it often isn't worth it to use Brimstone smokes over smokes from other controllers since those other controllers all get their smokes for free. I think that a nice little touch that could be added to Brimstone would be to give him all three of his smokes for free. This would probably work well if the stim change mentioned above was also implemented, since I could definitely see the stim beacons price increasing to 200 after those changes.

    Lastly, both Brimstones incendiary grenade and ultimate could use slight buffs as well. I think the only change the incendiary would need is to make it last around 2 seconds longer, in order to further distinguish it from a snakebite and give it a respective strength. His ultimate could also be buffed to last slightly longer, or it could be changed to cost only six orbs. I personally would prefer the first change, but I think either one is fine.

    -CYPHER: Honestly, Cypher doesn't really need a buff, but if it turns out that he ever does need a buff, they could always make the camera a bit harder to spot while being placed in order to give his camera more potential to spot out enemies, especially when trying to use his camera offensively.

    -KILLJOY: For the love of everything good and beautiful in this world, let Killjoy pick up her swarm grenades. I don't see why she's not able to. Not only did Riot make changes to encourage Killjoy to move the rest of her utility rather then let it sit or be destroyed, but they even made her able to pick up her swarm grenades before the match starts now as well. As for the keybind, you can either add another one or just make it so that if Killjoy holds down her swarm grenade button for a second while looking at a placed swarm grenade, said grenade will be retrieved. If it does turn out that this is a massive change that needs balancing, they could always add a range for her swarm grenades, similar to how they added a range for her turret and detection bot. Those changes would allow Killjoy to fully encompass the role of a mobile fortress.

    -SKYE: If you pick Skye, let's be honest, your picking her for her flashes, since the rest of her kit is easily overshadowed by other abilities in the game. In order to balance out her kit, I think all she needs is a few slight changes that should hopefully put her on the level of the other initiators.

    First and foremost, let's talk about her flashes. Her flashes, for some odd reason, don't seem to be able to differentiate between an enemy being partially blind and fully blinded even though they should, which is why Skye should only say "blinded" if you fully blinded them (in order to avoid Skye/her teammates dying because they were only partially flashed for .2 seconds). If her flashes ever do end up needing to be nerfed, they could always give her a similar change to the Breach nerf mentioned above, or they could make the bird a bit easier to kill before it pops, although I doubt that they will due to drawbacks of Skye's flashes)

    Next up is Skye's tiger. It's very apparent that her tiger is easily overshadowed by Sova's drone. The reason Skye's tiger is worse is simple: Sova's drone is basically guaranteed to get value whenever it's used due, especially when it has the ability to tag enemies before it's death, while her tiger relies on more specific circumstances in order to be useful at all (not to mention the fact that actually concussing a enemy is almost sheer luck). The way I see it, there is almost no reason why her tiger should have nearsightedness. And even though at first, this might seem too big of a buff, remember that although Skye's tiger is faster, it also has a larger hit box, can't fly and won't be able to tag enemies before it dies, which can still leave it weaker then a Sova drone in some scenarios. Even if they don't fully remove the nearsight, they should at least allow her tiger to see more then what it can currently see. Alternatively, they could also make the tiger faster, although I wouldn't suggest this since her tiger is already harder to play off of then Sova's drone, and the speed increase would only make it ever harder for her team to keep up with it.

    A few other changes that would definitely help would be to allow Skye to heal herself, either from using her regrowth normally or from creating a right click functionality that only heals herself instead (although this could lead to the ability still being a bit weak). Seeing as she is one of the most team-based characters, I don't think anyone would object to giving her a bit of self-sustainability, especially when she's often the person in the frontlines right next to the duelists. Oh, and just improve the ultimate pathfinding. Sometimes it really does suck and it would be nice to have it function better/be faster when dealing with verticality.

    -VIPER: Post 2.06, I believe that Viper is in a much better place then she was on the release of Valorant. However, there are still a few more changes that I think would allow her to be a solid pick overall, and not just a very powerful pick in only some scenarios.

    Although we only have had a very limited amount of time to experience the 2.06 Viper buffs, I could definitely see them nerfing the new Viper passive, and I wouldn't object if they changed the number of the instant decay from 50Hp to something less punishing, like 35hp. That way, Marshall's wouldn't kill with a body shot, and the ghost wouldn't kill with a headshot. They could probably raise the decay per second back to 12 along with those instant decay nerfs, as to still make her poison orb and ultimate feel punishing to stand in.

    However, the biggest problem with Viper right now is that she may not get picked up often due to the difficulty of getting the poison orb, one of her two smoking abilities, into a spot that can properly block LOS. If Riot ever finds that the pick rate for Viper is still below what they want it to be, they could always make the landing location for the orb visible in real games, just like how it is able to be seen in custom games with cheats.

    Also her snakebite could probably use a slight DPS buff (From 24 DPS to 30 DPS), although seeing that viper might be in a good state right now, I don't see them implementing this buff in the near future.

    -YORU: Similar to Brimstone's stim beacon, Yoru's footsteps is known to be one of the worst abilities in the game, often failing to deceive enemies who are aware of how the ability functions. Many players within the Valorant community have argued that Riot should replace this ability for another one, but I think that the footsteps still do have some potential given the right changes.

    Although the footsteps themselves often range from a mediocre to terrible ability depending the map, one place where they always tend to shine is when interacting with other agent abilities. The power to confuse Cypher, Killjoy, and Raze utility alike in the way that the footsteps can is something that makes the ability unique in its own right. Thus, I think a valid direction to take with this ability could be to make it more of a counter utility ability. This could happen in multiple forms, ranging from having decoys appear as Yoru/His teammates to any camera utility (Cypher cam, Sova drone, Skye tiger, etc.) to having his footsteps break sage walls as if they were knifing them (it should probably make the knifing sound as well). Riot could also allow Yoru to choose what distance the footsteps travel by making it so that the footsteps will end where he was originally looking when he used the ability. That way, it would be less likely that the enemy would be able to see that the footsteps are fake. Of course, Riot could also make the footsteps anywhere from invisible to hard-to-spot, but I don't know how that would fare out so I'm not going to recommend it.

    If the footsteps are truly a lost cause, a possible replacement for the ability would be to give Yoru some anti-sound utility (similar to Omen's paranoia and Astra's cosmic divide). This would synergize well with Yoru's kit, not only due to him being a lurker at heart, but it would also allow him to further diminish the punishing (and silencing) noises of his gatecrash and his ultimate.

    On the topic of his ultimate, a possible buff to the ultimate would be to allow Yoru to send out his gatecrash while in his ultimate. That would allow him to play much more tactically with his gatecrash, and would also give his ultimate some sort of synergy with the rest of his kit.

    Also as for any gun changes:

    -PRIME ODIN & PRIME VANDAL: A 50% decrease in damage should be solid enough.

    If you like or dislike any of my ideas, feel free to voice your opinion. And make sure to spread any of the ideas that you like so that we could potentially see what I think are some great changes to underpowered characters. I'll try to respond to any comments.

    submitted by /u/TRFireKnight
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    If you are low elo play unrated.

    Posted: 04 Apr 2021 09:55 PM PDT

    Low elos like iron, bronze and silver, are full of people that get mad at their teammates, and always backseat gaming. I admit I used to get annoyed how my teammates' crosshair was on the floor, and not listening to what I'm saying. Last month I dropped from silver 3 all the way to bronze 2 and I decided to play unrated for once. After playing unrated I was shocked at how bad my teammates and opponents were, some of them didn't even know how to play the game(not knowing how to walk). I dropped a 40 bomb but we still lost, so I played another one. Next game I realised there's no point of me getting annoyed and tell them what to do, because they are all new to the game, and I shouldn't expect anything. After 10 unrated games in a row, with me not getting mad at my teammates when they do a bad play. I finally decided to play a competitive game, and I didn't get tilt at all. I realised at low elos I shouldn't expect anything from them, because I am in the same rank. So for anyone out there that gets mad at their teammates at low elos, just play unrated and you'll eventually understand that the people in your rank are new players and you shouldn't expect much.

    submitted by /u/Madefrom_a_buttbomb
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    Fully Blinded by Raze VFX Regularly

    Posted: 05 Apr 2021 07:11 AM PDT

    Fully Blinded by Raze VFX Regularly

    I have had so many times since beta where raze effects totally block the person I'm shooting at and this was the final straw. I cannot see a fucking thing, it lasted for a good 5 vandal shots btw but I can't post a video because of arbitary rules. This shit needs to be toned down or made opaque asap. What's the point of outlines if not for cases like this?


    submitted by /u/Top-Self-2139
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    how to ACTUALLY fix valorant packet loss and ping spikes: a story of deceit and corporate abuse [this is the most likely cause of thousands of players connectivity issues]

    Posted: 05 Apr 2021 09:58 AM PDT

    Fanmade Chibi Omen Spray

    Posted: 04 Apr 2021 08:42 PM PDT

    Fanmade Chibi Omen Spray

    I thought that my old chibi art of Omen could be a spray. So I rehashed it and made this version

    Fanmade Omen Spray Preview

    Fanmade Omen spray on a wall

    GIF version

    submitted by /u/Familyfriendly1
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    New AFK farm EXP meta?

    Posted: 05 Apr 2021 08:45 AM PDT

    I have 5 or more recent match in deathmatch was with 5 or more AFK-boys, they kill some guys to have stats, maybe it's ok, but it's pretty suspiciously. Upd: that's guys was not same P.s. sorry if my English is poorly, im from Rus :P

    submitted by /u/W1nk9
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    Diamond/Immortal Valorant Coach Looking To Help You Improve!

    Posted: 05 Apr 2021 11:03 AM PDT

    Hi everyone! I will be doing another AMA as Ive gotten questions way after I stopped doing the AMA on my first post 2 months ago. I do read through reddit and see people still have many questions on their gameplay. Here is a reference to my first AMA. This is great reading material in my opinion. If you have time, feel free to read it. If you're active on Twitter and want free coaching tips via Twitter. I give daily tips there as well. Feel free to follow. I will be doing a giveaway which is 1 free 2 hour coaching session on my Twitter soon, so keep a look out on that. :)

    My name is KryptWalk! Call me Krypt for short. I'm a coach for ProGuides and I've been competitively gaming for 15 years. Within those years, I've competed and won 3 CSGO LANs in Philadelphia, PA. I've transitioned into Valorant while it was in beta to seek new ventures in my gaming career. I peaked at Immortal 2 with my favorite agents being Sage, Brimstone, Breach, Omen, Reyna, and Phoenix. I juggle between Diamond 2 - Immortal nowadays. However, I can coach any agent in the game. My passion is IGLing, tactics, and teamwork.

    How did I become a coach? I was first recognized by ProGuides while participating in their weekly 10 mans when an admin asked me to apply to be a coach because of how I always helped my fellow PG members improve. ProGuides gave me the opportunity to coach on their platform and I took it head on.

    What do I do now? I still am active on Proguides to coach students of mine and I am actively coaching a Tier 2 team of Radiant players which hit the Top 8 of NSG Monthly Tournament 2 weeks ago.

    I want to continue to give back and be more active within the community, so if you have any questions or want some advice, reply below with anything you need help with. I can focus on all topics of competitive and casual Valorant. This also includes duo/trio/solo or even a 5 stack.

    Whether you are a team or just a solo queue wanting to gain the highest rank you want achieve; maybe you want any advice with any upcoming tournaments. Let me know!

    submitted by /u/-KryptWalk-
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    Agent Concept: Melody [Duelist]

    Posted: 05 Apr 2021 08:23 AM PDT

    Agent Name: Melody

    Role: Duelist

    Blurb: An Austrian Legacy of previous music legends, Melody's music boosts her and her allies, building the confidence they need to reach victory. The party is on after she wins.

    Signature: 2 charges.

    Sonic Boom- Send out a pulse 30m in front of you that affects enemies based on the song you are listening to. It goes through walls. Deals 15 damage.

    Ability 1: 1 charge. 200 creds.

    Voiceline: Let's Party

    Rock Out- Unplug your speakers and let your allies hear your beats for 5s. Nearby allies receive the listening buffs of your songs for 12s.

    Ability 2: 2 charges. 200 creds.

    Shuffle- Switch to your other song.

    Ultimate: 6 Ult Points

    Team Voiceline: Harmonizing.

    Enemy Voiceline: Hear the Symphony!

    Death Tune- Set down a device that plays music in a large radius. Enemies that hear the music are affected with the tune. Enemies affected take 30 damage after they kill someone for 20s.

    Song 1:

    Break it Down- Listening Buff: Gain a 5% speed boost and a 15% fire rate increase for 10s after a kill. Sonic Boom: Enemies hit by the pulse have a 10% decrease in fire rate for 10s. You listen to this song at the start of the round.

    Song 2:

    Turn it Up- Listening Buff: Gain a harmony counter after every kill. After you get to 40 hp or below, instantly heal for 20hp for every Harmony counter you have. Sonic Boom: Enemies hit with the pulse get the Effect, Secret Aid, for 15s. When an enemy is affected with Secret Aid, Melody gains 30hp every time the enemy gets a kill.

    Thanks for checking out this concept. Check out all of my other concepts here.


    submitted by /u/SilverWolf8662
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    Unrated Matchmaking with higher skill levels.

    Posted: 05 Apr 2021 10:00 AM PDT

    Why is matchmaking so bad? I'm constantly going negative and getting my into games with people better than me. Noticeably better too. I'm low bronze high Iron. The guy in the game said he was low plat. I just finished a game where I went 6-22-4. This constantly happens with every lobby. How can I fix this?

    submitted by /u/ItzClockWork
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    shock dart to defend the spike in b of ascent

    Posted: 05 Apr 2021 01:35 PM PDT

    Steel sees cape through wall, kinda unfair ngl

    Posted: 04 Apr 2021 06:11 PM PDT

    New Agent Ability? - Smoke Diffuser/Purge

    Posted: 05 Apr 2021 11:44 AM PDT

    What if, instead of spamming through a smoke to kill someone defusing the bomb, one of your teammates had the ability to clear the smoke entirely?

    New Ability:
    An agent has a new smoke grenade with an alternate-fire. Their left-click throws a smoke, but throwing a right-click at an existing smoke (from either team) clears it over a 1-2 second period. Perhaps 2 charges per round, non-renewable?

    This could be used to expose someone defusing bomb, to clear a pesky one-way to enter site, open up a sight-line for your OPer, catch someone off-guard, or even to clear out a friendly smoke that is no longer needed.

    Thoughts on this? OP or balanced counter-utility? As someone who plays smokes often and generally likes to analyze the game, I think this would open up a bunch of new options and strategy considerations on both offense and defense.

    submitted by /u/doingMyBestHere05
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    Is there a correlation between non toxic players and the agent that they choose?

    Posted: 05 Apr 2021 11:05 AM PDT

    Piggy backing off a thread I saw a couple of days ago, I'd like to see if you remember if there are particular agents the least toxic players lean to. So players who are overall positive, nice and cheerful.

    EDIT: to make my question clearer lol

    submitted by /u/rodsepp
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    Cypher Cage

    Posted: 05 Apr 2021 11:04 AM PDT

    So I just got Cypher, and I've seen lots of people pick up his cage and throw it back down, but for me, I don't get the option to pick it back up. It only gives me the option to detonate it. I can't pick it up in the buy phase either. Can someone please help?

    submitted by /u/LateExtension3464
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    Why do people want to be able to choose maps?

    Posted: 05 Apr 2021 08:47 AM PDT

    Why do people want to be able to choose maps? In my opinion I feel like random maps are way more fun. I mean imagine playing one map all the time and you never get to learn about the other maps.

    submitted by /u/pinkcubs
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    Is there gonna be 2x exp to finish out the act? or has there been in the past?

    Posted: 05 Apr 2021 11:53 AM PDT

    is there gonna be 2x exp or something to finish the act? or has there been before? also do you think it's likely I can get 15 tiers in 21 days? I spent money for the 1st time on valorant, and then my pc has been broken for 2 weeks and I'm worried I wasted money. Thanks!

    submitted by /u/DeadAshPlayzz-on-yt
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    Shooting range and the game itself feels different in terms of gunplay, and its driving me bonkers.

    Posted: 05 Apr 2021 11:45 AM PDT

    Seriously. Why am i having these sub-second delays during the gameplay? Guns literally feel like projectiles instead of hit-scans, if i aim to the spot where i assume they are in their clientside, i somehow get the kill. Why are the servers so late to deliver me the info? If they are this late, why is the client not responsible for the hitreg? I swear cs doesn't feel this bad. After the movement update my game felt always out of sync with the server.

    submitted by /u/trefl3
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    Finished my Killjoy shorty inspired Nerf Takedown!

    Posted: 04 Apr 2021 06:17 PM PDT

    DM improvements

    Posted: 05 Apr 2021 01:52 PM PDT

    Everyone knows that DM isnt as good as it should/could be so here are a few improvements: 1)Instead of having to run over a dead body to get the heal instead have a heal that you get for 2 kills (like a jett dash) and once u get 2 kills then u press E and u go to max hp, cos the amount of times I will be really low after getting like 3 kills and then knife out running to get the heal and then dying is annoying and having the heal as an "ability" would be nice. 2)Remove spawn in audio, its just unnecessary and enables the max volumers in DM. 3) Add a hs only mode and/or pistol only mode cos tryna get better at using a ghost or whatever and ur in mid or spawn against a vandal is boring cos you know whats gonna happen.

    submitted by /u/jw_235
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