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    Monday, April 19, 2021

    VALORANT Just Found This Icebox Easter Egg

    VALORANT Just Found This Icebox Easter Egg

    Just Found This Icebox Easter Egg

    Posted: 19 Apr 2021 06:01 AM PDT

    Why you should be playing Sova, not duelists. A recommendation for easy RR and Rank-ups from a Radiant Sova who knows 0 lineups.

    Posted: 19 Apr 2021 12:50 PM PDT

    Do you hate the pressure of entry fragging? Would you rather site back and let your team win games for you? If you said yes to both of those questions then its time to start playing Sova (Not on Split).

    1. Playstyle. The name of the game on Sova is STAYING ALIVE. Simply put the longer you are alive each round the more info you can get.

    • Bait your team ... for trade kills (Insert Hiko copy pasta). Sova is not a entry fragger, he is a drone pilot. Brrrrrrr
    • Be the team leader aka babysitter. Your teammates are going to be dumb so be the voice of reason/coordination. Saying something as simple as "Ill drone you in hookah Jett" gives your team the structure they are lacking in there life.

    2. Ability Usage. Sova is unique in what he brings to the table. Its why we see a almost 100%play rate by pro teams. Sova excels at gaining risk free map control while also eliminating off-angles/5050s opponents might be playing. Sova's utility does the guessing for yourduelists/entries.

    • Owl drone: May be the single most useful ability in all of Valorant if used properly. It can check entire bomb sites with 1 button press. I see 90% of Sova players using drone incorrectly. As a general rule "Info is useless unless its acted on" - BlairCool. So dont drone into site when there is no one who can capitalize/follow up on the info owl drone gets, except if you are looking for a pick with Ult. Always have someone following the drone to trade if the opponent decides to shoot it or you mark someone.
    • Shock Dart Shock Bolt: I seriously thought they were called "Shock Darts" wtf. Think of shock darts as a better, more precise, more versatile Raze grenade. Flushing people out of corners or stopping a predicted rush are what I primarily use them for. You should learn lineups for post-plants and for certain plant spots but its not necessary and I find myself "free handing" 99% of shock darts. Shock darts can seriously be used in countless different ways, so they need a bit of in game practice to get used to.
    • Recon Dart Bolt: Arguably another one of the best abilities in the game. With such a cooldown of 35sec they can be used 3-4 times a round. 1st use should be at the very start of every round, 2nd use should be used to gain info while your team is entering/retaking onto a site then, 3rd should be used for post plant, and 4th for those final moment clutches. And HOLY FUCK STOP USING LINE UPS WITH RECONS. Shoot them up high where you predict a enemy might be playing and make it hard for them to shoot, thats it. Knowing a lineup from A site to C site on Haven does fuck all so stop thinking you need every AverageJonas lineup to play Sova. Another way to use recon reactively, wait for the enemy team to execute/lay down smokes then shoot a dart high up on a wall as they enter the site and wait for your free kills as you sit in a smoke.
    • Hunters Fury: Possibly the most diverse ult in the game. It can be used for picks, post plant delay, info, and most underutilized when a teammate sees someone on radar. With Sova's playstyle revolving around staying alive I highly recommend playing ult orb simulator. More ults = more kills = more wins. Also never ult a Jett, fuck Jett.

    3. Weapon choice. Realistically you have 3 choices. Vandal, Phantom, Odin. The only exceptionis on Ascent where I can see the Ares/Guardian being a viable choice.

    • Phantom: Dont use it while playing Sova. Even though it has the same penetration value as a Vandal it does less damage.
    • Vandal: My go to choice while on attack side. On defense ill use the Vandal about 60% of the time. More consistent wall bang damage and better ADS for long range.
    • Odin: You will be degraded by the enemy team for using this, which only makes using it even better. There are only 3 maps I recommend using the Odin which are Ascent, Bind, Haven but only on defense side. Never buy a Odin on attack unless you have a specific read on the opponent.

    Sova is seriously one of the most fun and skill expressive agents in the game. His versatility gives Sova players a sense of sandbox usability. Riot has not touched Sova ever sense the beta, which is good news because he wont be nerfed/changed any time soon.

    P.S: Yes I know my formatting and grammar are awful.

    submitted by /u/alexanderh24
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    Opinion: You should keep getting weekly challenges if you complete your "set" for the week.

    Posted: 19 Apr 2021 09:05 AM PDT

    Opinion here but i really think it would help people (like myself) with late season grinding.

    I took a two week break from valorant to focus on school and exams, and when i came back i was about rank 30ish on the battlepass. Ive been grinding non stop for the past 4-5 days or so and completed 2 sets of weeklies in that time span and its helped me rank up alot... but now i dont have any of the weeklies available until the refresh and its really hurting my chances of hitting lvl 50 before the season ends. Im sitting at rank 42 and has me not wanting to play if i dont have the weeklies to grind for in order for me to rank up... I really want to hit lvl 50 but the lack of xp from normal games and the lack of challenges really hurts... so why not keep giving players weekly challenges if they complete them? it incentivizes grinding, helps with late season grinders like myself, doesn't hurt the casual fans, rewards playing the game, and is a great way to keep people in the game to grind for xp and battle pass. I feel like this would be a no brainer for riot but im welcome to hear any other opinions on this.

    submitted by /u/maxinatoro
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    Here's a retake arrow from A site > B site on Haven. Enjoy, and I hope you can find use for this in your games! Follow chat and cursor for lineup instructions

    Posted: 19 Apr 2021 05:21 AM PDT

    I guess valorant isn't movement shooter game.

    Posted: 19 Apr 2021 01:59 PM PDT

    No new agent for next act?

    Posted: 19 Apr 2021 08:32 AM PDT

    I do not see any Easter eggs or hints of a new agent anywhere in game. Will there be one? or are they just keeping this next agent really secretive?

    submitted by /u/ksobeit
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    Our Whole Team Got Disconnected Mid Game

    Posted: 19 Apr 2021 01:13 PM PDT

    This was on Mumbai Server. The Whole Team Got Disconnected at the same time and we lost due to it. We were not able to rejoin and it showed error VAL 7. The first one was 12-8 and then we lost due to this.

    submitted by /u/Shaurya_Saxena
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    can i get a heal sage?

    Posted: 18 Apr 2021 07:20 PM PDT

    Killjoy "Catjoy" Art

    Posted: 18 Apr 2021 04:52 PM PDT

    Killjoy "Catjoy" Art

    Here's an insane art made by my friend Mango inspired on the standing cat that everyone recently have been using on Twitter. I hope you guys enjoy it!

    For all the Killjoy mains out there, feel free to use it as your profile picture as long as y'all give her credits. Much love <3

    Killjoy \"Catjoy\"

    Inspiration for the art

    submitted by /u/acyval
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    "We are currently looking into ways 5 stacks can play together competitively", VALORANT dev says

    Posted: 19 Apr 2021 02:37 AM PDT

    Corruption happening in the MENA region

    Posted: 19 Apr 2021 10:48 AM PDT

    Hello, long story short a big org in the MENA region has 3 players known for previous elo boosting & probably still do, proof was shared on twitter, but their founder responded that he has connections with powerful people, i hope this can reach a big rioter in EU or NA so they can look into this.

    submitted by /u/umustbtripn
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    We lost? Out of nowhere?

    Posted: 19 Apr 2021 12:30 PM PDT

    So we were 12-7 ahead in the game and suddenly one by game my teammates started disconnecting and i was the last one to disconnect, so i relaunched valorant and it said we lost 12-7? What happened here?

    submitted by /u/smartin998
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    raze ult masks the sound of the defuse

    Posted: 19 Apr 2021 12:42 PM PDT

    I Made a Jett Pouch Bag

    Posted: 19 Apr 2021 04:40 AM PDT

    I was wanting more simple designs for Valorant merch so I decided to make some for myself. I posted it on Redbubble is anyone is interested in checking out other products the design could be on. The name is Simple Jett by ValorantFreak. Thank you for your time :) https://ih1.redbubble.net/image.2129715180.1342/pr,150x100,1000x-pad,1000x1000,f8f8f8.jpg

    submitted by /u/blue_macaroon
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    My aim is getting worse...

    Posted: 19 Apr 2021 09:09 AM PDT

    At the start of this act, I was gold and honestly thought I could make it to plat...well in the past week or so my aim is terrible. I was never good at one taps, but I had enough accuracy that after 2-3 shots I could get a headshot. Idk if I've been playing the game too long and I need a break, but I've avoided playing comp as my aim has gotten so bad I've been demoted to silver. If I do hit a headshot nowadays its down to pure luck.

    I've watched so many youtube videos on best aimlab courses and my score is very similar to what it was a month ago, but even in unrated with reyna im constantly getting .5 kd's and my aim is just dreadful, I wouldn't even put me in Silver anymore, more like a bronze. I guess my question is, has anyone else had thise problem where the aim significantly gets worse? Do I need to take a break? Or are there any specific aimlab courses that helped you? Another thing to note is that whenever I change my sens by .05 or .1 my aim gets temporarily better for a few games but after that it's just as bad. To me that doesn't make sense as sens is something you learn, not something you pick up in the first hour of changing it.

    submitted by /u/Puzzleheaded-Bid-557
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    fps drop after a patch

    Posted: 19 Apr 2021 12:00 AM PDT

    so i have been playing since episode 1 act 3, i haven't gotten any issue of my fps but lately (specifically patch 2.05) had been dropping from 200+ to below 60. does anyone experience this or my pc is just bad

    submitted by /u/j3kser
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    Activatable abilities issue.

    Posted: 19 Apr 2021 12:24 PM PDT

    Every single ability that can be activated like Killjoy's nanoswarm's, Yoru's footsteps and Astra's stars were changed a few patches ago, now you need to look DIRECTLY on the ability to activate it, this is annoying for Killjoy players like me who want to activate both mollies at the same time but have trouble due to needing to flick to the second molly, I need to position myself in weird angles to be able to activate both at the same time.
    I can see why they did this though, it was most likely for Astra because she has more abilities to worry about in her view, maybe keep the change with Astra but revert the current change off of Killjoy and Yoru?
    I have seen other Killjoy players complain about this.

    submitted by /u/IgorIsNeato
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    It sucks being stuck in Silver because there’s a smurf in nearly every other match

    Posted: 18 Apr 2021 10:15 PM PDT

    Having a Jett go 30/8 while the rest of her team is 11/10 just completely ruins the match, for both sides honestly. The smurf team just has their Jett do all the work so they don't improve, and the other team gets shit on by someone who is just better. You can't improve at all because you're dead before you get a chance to shoot.

    And, for the record, it's VERY obvious to tell a smurf vs. a random pop off game. Their movement, aim, game sense, ..etc is just leagues above everyone else in the lobby.

    What sucks the most about a smurf in a game like Valorant (never play CS, but I'm assuming it's the same) is that as a true Silver player, killing someone who is Plat+ is really just luck. You have maybe 1 second to click heads or else they'll just beat you to it, unless you get behind them of course. The only thing you can do to stop a smurf is stack a site and hope they get cocky and you can 1v5 them.

    If Riot can make accounts be linked to phone numbers or something else that can't just be recreated or spoofed smurfing would go down and I can actually lose matches to players of my own skill. Losing against a smurf does nothing except make me tilted and not want to play.

    submitted by /u/AngryRaccoon44
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    Do you think operator buff ( if any ) will ruin beginners experience and casual system of Valorant?

    Posted: 19 Apr 2021 01:21 PM PDT

    Hi. I have great respect for Valorant for having a great Operator; not OP and you have to think 2 times before buying it.

    I have been to CS Go and one tapped 30 to 35 people with AWP. I have realised just how toxic the gun mechanic is. I hated as a beginner to get 1 shot by AWP because I can't force others not to buy it. Beginners rage and throw a fit over a person who AWPS everyone because he practiced AWP for a week or so. It ruins games. I left CS GO because AWP in CS go ; after round 4 got so OP and toxic.

    Valorants Operator is underpowered and that's a good thing in my books. Pros may need operator buffs but I have realised ; many of the pros are greedy in a sense that they have 140 to 160 Ms response time ; Operator falls right in their courtyard. What about the others? Since when do 100 pros decide changes for millions of new and casual players?

    I asked this question as a gesture of thanks to Valorant Devs for making a balanced beautiful game! Please dont copy CS Go. It's a dying breed of game with a lot of toxicity. 95 percent of friends switched to Valorant because it's a lot more welcoming and friendly :)

    Thank you!

    submitted by /u/YouAreAWizardHarry__
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    From Silver to Gold/Plat

    Posted: 19 Apr 2021 01:17 PM PDT

    Im a fairly new player, I started around March and Im also a very slow learner so I know it will take me like 7 more months of playing to be actually decent. But I do feel like I made progress but my gold/plat friends keep saying I belong in Bronze/silver elo and sometimes call me a bot. While that might be true, I eventually do want to be gold/plat some day. I solo queued myself to Silver 3 but then had a series of just BAD games in a row that caused me to de-rank to silver 1so I feel extremely discoutaged. How do I know if Im carrying my own weight? And what what makes gold/plat people better than bronze/silver? I feel so overwhelmed sometimes with all the micro mechanics in this game :(

    submitted by /u/Key-Yogurtcloset5429
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    found a way to bypass the insta-death at bottom of map on range

    Posted: 19 Apr 2021 12:18 PM PDT

    one way to counter phoenix's ult using yoru's ult

    Posted: 19 Apr 2021 05:50 AM PDT

    Apologize if this idea has been said before-but why can’t we swap characters in the selection panel after we lock in?

    Posted: 19 Apr 2021 10:54 AM PDT

    I think if there was a system that allowed us to swap characters after we lock in, similar to league of legends, we would avoid a lot of dodging.

    Edit: I strictly mean swap characters once you're locked with another player that is already locked in. Not pick any other character.

    In League of Legends there is an option to request to swap characters after lock-in with someone else's locked in character.

    The purpose for it may be different than Valorant, but I think one of the positive impacts is the ability for instant lockers to swap or for players who have change of heart swap with another player in the last few seconds of character selection.

    I couldn't see any draw backs that this would have. I can only think it would reduce the amount of dodging that takes place.

    submitted by /u/Scuba_naut
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