• Breaking News

    Thursday, April 15, 2021

    VALORANT Radiant ranked Valorant cheater, Solista, banned on stream

    VALORANT Radiant ranked Valorant cheater, Solista, banned on stream

    Radiant ranked Valorant cheater, Solista, banned on stream

    Posted: 15 Apr 2021 06:56 AM PDT

    Another "Raion" Smokebite. How to kill someone on Haven A Long in the first 5 Seconds with Viper

    Posted: 15 Apr 2021 07:08 AM PDT

    Saw someone messaged Sova’s Voice actor since he could do the lines pretty well, and I’ve been told I do a decent Phoenix, so I messaged Phoenix’s voice actor, Afolabi Alli! Super nice guy!

    Posted: 15 Apr 2021 11:02 AM PDT

    Allow players in deathmatch to choose headshot only mode in the ESC menu

    Posted: 15 Apr 2021 10:07 AM PDT

    To clarify, turning this on would make it so YOU have to hit headshots only or it wont do damage, this obviously wont affect other players when they shoot at you. For most people, Deathmatch is warmup for ranked and it can be annoying to try to go for 1 taps but you end up getting a kill via a chest shot on a low health enemy. Let each player choose if they want their shots to only do damage on headshots at the start of the round, thanks rito.

    Edit: theres a reason headshot only death match exists in csgo and there are hundreds of pros and youtubers that agree is training is beneficial

    submitted by /u/angeredduck
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    Vision Strikers loses its first ever match against F4Q in qualifiers

    Posted: 15 Apr 2021 06:53 AM PDT

    Coaching slots for esports coming in next patch 2.08

    Posted: 15 Apr 2021 08:45 AM PDT

    Any news about Deathmatch

    Posted: 15 Apr 2021 09:38 AM PDT

    We all know that the current deathmatch is terrible. I miss the community deathmatch in cs go every day. I can't wait for it anymore.

    When are we going to get a better deathmatch that especially high rank players are waiting for. A deathmatch where you get constantly aim duels anywhere on the map, no winners, free join/leave, instant respawn, headshots only, pistols only....

    The game has been released for 8 months and Riot gives us spike rush and escalation instead of making first a good deathmatch for the players who play this game the most.

    submitted by /u/roooooyal
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    Draws where one team is down a player should need less votes

    Posted: 15 Apr 2021 06:19 AM PDT

    Just had a match where we were down a player cause he left at like 10-7 to us. We managed to draw but only after several rounds of overtime and we shouldn't get a chance of nearly losing what should have been a win just because of an disconnect.

    submitted by /u/mikeusslothus
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    I know it's a legitimate part of the game, but I love that the community promotes no tilt = success

    Posted: 15 Apr 2021 09:09 AM PDT

    Basically title says it all - it's a great thing to promote to the younger generation, and hell, even to the "boomers" such as myself. Staying positive for not just yourself, but for your teammates can really go the distance.

    As a lad growing up, I always seemed to get severely tilted - at myself mostly, and looking back on it, I can't even imagine how poorly that affected my play. Coming over to valorant, those old tilty habits started to show themselves again.

    With the promotion of self and team positivity over the last year here, I have seen the effort not just from myself, but from random teammates.

    To all the young guns and old vets who can't help but tilt naturally, positivity is the way, and believe me, there is a way - even when you're down 11-2 on icebox and it's the third time in a row you've played the map, and my God im 4-13 I am absolutely dog sh- nah.

    Try your best, and never stop saying nt. Good day

    submitted by /u/Srimnac
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    Valorant needs a vote to kick option, badly.

    Posted: 14 Apr 2021 07:43 PM PDT

    Just completed a comp game in Bronze, and I spent the entire game with a Phoenix trolling our team by:

    Trapping us in a corner.

    TKing us after trapping.

    Blinding us.

    Giving the other team our location.

    AFKing if they were last in the game.

    We couldn't surrender, because he kept cancelling the vote. I couldn't leave, because I would get a penalty for doing so, and the only option was to report. The game needs a vote to kick option, or a better way to surrender. There needs to be some sort of option to combat these types of games. Some of us only have an hour or two to play Valorant a night. I shouldn't have to spend 30 minutes of that time having to deal with something like that.

    submitted by /u/SuperSubwoofer
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    Climbed from Gold 3 to Immortal in 1 month.

    Posted: 15 Apr 2021 04:33 AM PDT

    Climbed from Gold 3 to Immortal in 1 month.


    Solo queued my way from gold 3 to immortal in about 1 month since I don't really have any friends that play valorant (I'm not friendless they just don't play valorant lol). Wanted to share this with the community to show that you can improve vastly in a short amount of time and you can definitely solo queue to a high rank and to never give up!

    I don't want this post to come across as boastful and self-absorbed, the purpose of this post is to potentially have lower ranked players ask questions or even become inspired to put the time and effort in to climb.

    I would say I am fairly proud of doing this too and would love to help people if anyone has any questions on how to do it themselves!

    forgive me for not activating windows too lmao

    Valorant profile: https://blitz.gg/valorant/profile/j4yyy-ilyau

    submitted by /u/jAY2K-
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    Not sure if this had been found, but maybe a useful viper wall for A site bind, blocks short and helps contest showers!

    Posted: 15 Apr 2021 09:43 AM PDT

    I hit plat!

    Posted: 14 Apr 2021 04:52 PM PDT

    I know no ones cares but i finally hit plat yesturday! Ive been trying to get plat since like the release of the game! Anyway ik no ones cares but im just really happy. Have a ncie day!

    submitted by /u/tqstin
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    Open the teleporter on Bind as Yoru

    Posted: 14 Apr 2021 05:09 PM PDT

    Astra Glitch Insta-Stuns Enemies + Breaks UI

    Posted: 15 Apr 2021 02:15 PM PDT

    Basically, right when the round ended (during those 6 seconds before the next round starts) the enemy Astra would activate a suck orb in our spawn. This would carry over to the next round, and as you can see it not only sucks us in but it also breaks our UI.

    Fun fact, with this glitch its impossible to not make sound even while walking. I tried walking and it still made the running sounds.


    submitted by /u/sterling-js
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    The Problem With Afkers

    Posted: 15 Apr 2021 07:48 AM PDT

    3/5 games I played yesterday had afkers that left either early to mid game for unknown reasons. Regardless, while trying to rank up, I'm being rewarded 14-17 points per win and losing 20-24 points per loss. Of those losses, they were all caused by being forced to play 4v5 which in my eyes is an unfair advantage.

    Why can't Riot reduce the points lost due to missing teammates and redistribute the Afker's points upon winning? I think it's highly unfair for people that leave to be rewarded if the team they left wins and the team being punished for a leaver.

    submitted by /u/JanitorWithBadAdvice
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    cNed is Actually Crazy

    Posted: 15 Apr 2021 09:02 AM PDT

    ColorBurn // Anime Opening \\ Valorant : Rought Cut.

    Posted: 15 Apr 2021 08:54 AM PDT

    Playing Astra on 4:3 resolution

    Posted: 15 Apr 2021 07:26 AM PDT

    Title speaks for itself. I had a teammate who was requesting stuns and pulls while I was playing Astra, and he kept saying my stars were in the wrong spot. Then he asked if I was playing 4:3, which I do, and he told me that messes up Astra star placement. Can anyone tell me if this is true or not?

    submitted by /u/Prophetss
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    I’ve never seen this many smurfs in my life

    Posted: 15 Apr 2021 12:44 PM PDT

    EU, silver 3

    my experience since the last match is that in 80% of my matches there is 2 smurfs, one in each team. the funny thing is that usualy we call them out and they acknowledge it. i feel like the amount of smurf games i have is ridiculous rn and its never been this bad.

    so anyway whats your experience?

    submitted by /u/ShiverTimbers
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    [IDEA] What do you think of Valorant Play(s)-of-the-game or Squad VODs?

    Posted: 15 Apr 2021 10:41 AM PDT

    Hey r/Valorant what do you guys think about having automatically generated play(s)-of-the-game or action packed Squad VODs? EG:

    An automatically clipped highlight montage of users in a squad for a particular match. Think "Play(s)-of-the-game" but for your Squad/party.

    Sample Valorant Play(s)-of-the-game

    A full match VOD that shows the person's POV where the (most) action is happening. Think automatic spectator mode.

    Sample SQUAD VOD

    View Poll

    submitted by /u/DerekSquadOV
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    If we can only queue +/- 3 ranks, our teammates should be within that range as well

    Posted: 14 Apr 2021 08:40 PM PDT

    It's absolutely absurd that you can as a plat 3 have a gold 1 on your team in matchmaking. What is the philosophy behind that? The gold 1 is just going to get consistnetly dunked on, and his whole team is going to be at a disadvantage. Why is this even allowed in MM? If there's going to be 5 rank disparity with randoms, then we should at least be able to queue with people that are 5 ranks above/below

    submitted by /u/McLoosTa
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