• Breaking News

    Wednesday, April 14, 2021

    VALORANT i dont know if someone find this before , but here is a smoke with viper that cross all over the map

    VALORANT i dont know if someone find this before , but here is a smoke with viper that cross all over the map

    i dont know if someone find this before , but here is a smoke with viper that cross all over the map

    Posted: 14 Apr 2021 07:03 AM PDT

    1 in a MILLION Op Shot on Haven + HOW TO

    Posted: 14 Apr 2021 11:44 AM PDT

    Ahoy! Viper mains! I have organized and created a list of molotov, smoke orb, and one way lineups for every map! I didn't make this with the intention of sharing it with others, so some of the descriptions of where to stand might be iffy. (I DO NOT TAKE CREDIT FOR THESE LINEUPS!) I simply organized.

    Posted: 14 Apr 2021 04:24 AM PDT

    Yoru Buff Concept Explained

    Posted: 13 Apr 2021 11:47 PM PDT

    My friend gifted me with an art of myself as Cypher!

    Posted: 14 Apr 2021 09:45 AM PDT

    My friend gifted me with an art of myself as Cypher!

    My friend did this drawing as a gift to me and I wanted to share with you.

    My squad often says that my Cypher gameplay is sneaky and dirty, so they often compare me to a rat (I love it). I also like to hold plenty of Operator angles so that's why he is holding an AWP (we came from CS).

    I hope you will enjoy too! If you want the check other works you can find his Instagram by "nunezeero".


    submitted by /u/Imagomorttis
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    Riot August (known for Jhin, Jinx, Vi, among other LoL champions) is now working part-time with the Valorant team on a new agent

    Posted: 14 Apr 2021 11:44 AM PDT

    VALORANT's Creative Director sprinkled some lore today, let's break it down!

    Posted: 14 Apr 2021 02:42 PM PDT

    Hello again everyone!

    When I woke up this morning I was met with the pleasant surprise of seeing David Nottingham, Creative Director at Riot, answering some questions and chatting with the people over on the VALORANT Lore // Art Discord.

    Although I've already done a quick summary in this Twitter thread I thought I could make a more thorough one in this post. I'll leave a link to each Discord message for full context, so join the server if you want to see them for yourself.

    Without further ado, I present you with a beautiful wall of text!

    Things further confirmed

    A couple of things that were already known were revisited and reconfirmed, namely:

    • Breach is a congenital amputee, meaning that he was born without arms (message)
    • Skye is from the town of Nimbin in Australia (message)
    • There are to main agent categories: Radianite tech users and Radiants (message)

    About the universe and the maps

    The VALORANT universe is seen in two different ways. First is the universe in-game, more restricted in order to work nicely with the core gameplay. This is different in the cinematics and other media outside the game, where there is more liberty when depicting lore elements. (message)

    This can be better seen in the Duelists cinematic where Jett is able to clear a canal with her dash and jump to the roof of a building, which cannot be done in-game. Despite this, the agents and the universe are represented in such a way that stays true to the concept. (message)

    Focusing more on the map side, David talked about how the maps are a great vehicle for storytelling and a focal point for the universe. They work hard on each map to make sure it convey a story. (message)

    We got some information regarding why the maps are devoid of people when the agents appear. The first answer was quite simple, the inhabitants of each map do not like being around a gunfight. The second one gave us confirmation on something that has been theorized for some time, the maps are evacuated before the agents arrive. (message 1, message 2)

    About the agents: Cypher, a bit of Astra and a smidge of Omen

    As we previously knew from Cypher's voicelines Nora is a person of great importance in his life:

    "Nora… I will see you again."

    David developed on this, confirming that they have a history together, longing for something. The question proposed by David, "A person loved and lost?", supports the suspicion of Nora being a dead relative of Cypher, be it his wife or daughter. (message)

    In a later question Cypher's loss of his family is brought up again with the following voiceline:

    "I must survive to protect my family. I can't lose them. I can't feel that pain again."

    David comments how this loss is a very important part of the watchdog's life (message)

    We also asked about his eyes, more specifically if the mechanical blue eyes we see in Cypher's mask are implanted into Cypher or if they are simply a part of his mask. No concrete answer was given for this one, but David shared an excellent drawing of Cypher without his mask. (message)

    After joking about the motives the Cypher in the drawing has to hide his face given how good he looks (which I 100% agree with), he mentioned that the watchdog definitely has something to hide. (message)

    Between the previous two messages David dropped the line "Eyes are the window to the soul" (message). I am unsure of how to interpret this: a generic wisdom or relevant to the lore? I'll leave that up to y'all.

    Sprinkled in later is a message with the more or less common theory that Cypher is a robot. David's answer was straight to the point, saying that "Cypher is not a robot". (message)

    Moving on to the Astra part, one of her voicelines reveals that she knows who Cypher is:

    "Why, Cypher, like, you think I don't see you. I know who you are, man"

    David commented how the Moroccan is a mystery and how Astra knows something not only about him, but about the other agents as seen in her sketch book. (message)

    Although we wanted to know more about the Ghanaian agent David was quick to redirect the conversation to something else, telling us that she will play a bigger part in the lore (message). Yeah I'm pretty hyped about this not gonna lie.

    There was also a comment about Omen which's answer's only created more mystery surrounding the wraith. What a surprise. The question was what we all want to know, "What happened to Omen". The reply was short "It is a heavy question with a heavy answer. Multilayered" (message). What does this mean? Unfortunately I can only speculate and that is out of the scope of this breakdown.

    When speaking about the agents as a whole we are reminded of the fact that although the VALORANT Protocol is a group, each person within it has a mind of their own, which explains the hostility between some of them. (message)

    Regarding Radianite

    Whenever there is a talk about lore Radianite comes up, and this time was no exception. First was the confirmation that the tech in the VALORANT world is powered by Radianite. (message)

    When asked about the possibility of having agents not as closely related to Radianite as the current ones (Radianite tech users and Radiants) David responded stating that the current narrative is largely focused on Radianite and there is no plan to change as of right now. (message)

    The placement of Radianite boxes was also brought up. The weird locations in which some of them are is due to bad organization on Kingdom's part, similarly to explosive barrels in other videogames. (message)

    A recurring topic in lore discussion is whether the ultimate orbs are canon. This was also asked and the answer was akin to it not being relevant (message). So now you know, the ult orbs are just part of Gameplay™.

    On fan projects

    Great appreciation was shown towards fanart and the creativity surrounding the agents and the universe, and David said although he can't ensure Riot's green light of the Agents of Romance fangame (which you can learn more about in Cynprel's and Bee's socials!) he can't wait to play it. (message 1, message 2)

    The future of lore drops

    For the final part of the breakdown we will take a look at the hints David gave us in relation to how they plan to reveal lore in the future.

    The aim of the VALORANT team is to lay out small parts of the lore but not just through teasers, always expanding on ways of adding to the lore while pushing the possibilities of storytelling of VALORANT play style. David promises more content is coming, with a "meaty drop not too far in the future" (message 1, message 2, message 3)


    There is one aspect I would like to remark, which is the differences between lore and gameplay. This is something that results in confusion very frequently and that David's comments are great for this debate: the abilities and maps we see in cinematics (or outside of the game in general) do not necessarily reflect to perfection what we see in game because it gives the team room for a more extensive creative process.

    Same thing applies for a lot of gameplay elements. Not everything in the lore can be translated completely into gameplay, so a compromise must be reached. This compromise Can results in overlooking part of the lore for the core mechanics of the game.

    That being said, with today's answers and yesterday's Breeze teasers we have a lot of content to be examined, and I hope this breakdown help you all in this process. Again, join the VALORANT Lore // Art Discord to get the full context and discuss lore more in depth.

    I hope you all enjoyed this read and do tell if you want to see more like this! See you on the next one.

    submitted by /u/NotToDisturb
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    Getting hit by viper decay allows sage to heal you?

    Posted: 14 Apr 2021 07:35 AM PDT

    So if viper decay gets u below 100hp your sage can now heal you... Doesn't really makes sense since it actually dont boost decay regen time or removes it... It's just your sage ending up wasting heal.. Dunno if it's a bug, or what the meaning with it is? I don't know if same thing happens to Skye, dont think so since her heal isn't a single target but area effect.

    What is your opinion? I think they should remove/fix this..

    submitted by /u/Razz_Tw
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    I made Jett's abilities in Minecraft (idk what else to flair this as)

    Posted: 13 Apr 2021 07:50 PM PDT

    Please have an unrated queue that is 24/7 breeze on release.

    Posted: 13 Apr 2021 06:10 PM PDT

    When this new map comes out it really needs to have its own unrated queue that only has that map on it, and let the other queues be how they have been. Adding weights to the RNG map selector (like they did for icebox when it came out) doesn't feel very good IMO.

    submitted by /u/kazuyermagicc
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    Getting back Jett Knives after a kill in open range.

    Posted: 14 Apr 2021 09:14 AM PDT

    It's kinda annoying how after you kill the bot with Jett's knives, you have to get another set out. Hard to practice her knives that way. Hopefully Riot adds this someday so we can practice without trouble.

    submitted by /u/McNuggetRice
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    A store for banners.

    Posted: 14 Apr 2021 05:53 AM PDT

    I do not know if its just me... But I would really like a store for banners. Maybe like 2 banners on sale everyday and they rotate. Personally, I really like some of the banners, but have missed them. Wouldn't it be a great marketing idea to put them on rotation like the guns?

    It would not be 4 banners, but probably 2 banners on sale. And they cost 400-500. I feel like that would be something people would buy. Would anyone else here like to see one?

    submitted by /u/Invalink
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    Game sense is a huge topic, i've made a video detailing the decision making and awareness part of it so people know what to focus on when working on improving their game sense!

    Posted: 14 Apr 2021 08:23 AM PDT

    You can use Breach's ultimate to reach places you can't reach normally.

    Posted: 14 Apr 2021 10:57 AM PDT

    Give us the ability to use cypher cam as a cheat in custom games

    Posted: 14 Apr 2021 02:42 AM PDT

    The idea: a cheat option in settings that lets you pull out a cypher cam and place it as any agent. This would be great for figuring out lineups, as you can check to see where your abilities are landing.

    submitted by /u/CaptionDog
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    Cypher cage A site on split I just found

    Posted: 14 Apr 2021 06:47 AM PDT

    Cross map Sova lineup on bind. Goes from A site to B site

    Posted: 14 Apr 2021 05:56 AM PDT

    Went from Silver 2 to Plat 2 this season, and I honestly don't notice a difference

    Posted: 13 Apr 2021 03:47 PM PDT

    You still get Jett's that go 4-17. You still get entire teams that never use voice chat. Still get running one-tapped across the map. Still seeing the same strategies that I saw in silver. I don't feel like my aim is getting any better, nor is my game sense. The only difference is that it takes me 5x longer to find a match now. It only ever took 30 seconds or less to find a match in silver and gold, now it takes over 3-4 minutes to find a match in plat. This rank system feels so arbitrary, that the only difference between silver and plat just happens to be how good your win percentage is, which doesn't factor in skill or game sense at all, it's just luck that's based on whether you have smurfs on your team or not.

    Coming from CS:GO, there's such a noticeable difference between silver, gold nova, and master guardian, that you can almost tell even without seeing their rank. Hopefully they rework the rank system soon, because it really doesn't work in its current state.

    submitted by /u/jasonxtk
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    my first 6k ace (dia/immo elo with 0 killsteals)

    Posted: 14 Apr 2021 01:48 PM PDT

    My previous video gives context. Just like the vandal, the guardian has a RNG pattern pick for the first 3 shots and maybe more(3 is just a round number I do since most people burst fire 3). Once again no set bloom pattern like many believe. Idk why they did this even for a semi-auto weapon.

    Posted: 14 Apr 2021 08:02 AM PDT

    Friend and I are making the Glitchpop axe. Here it is pre-painted

    Posted: 14 Apr 2021 12:15 PM PDT

    Battle pass skin collection ideas [concept art]

    Posted: 14 Apr 2021 05:48 AM PDT

    (It's my first post here and I'm want to address already that English isn't my first language and that I'm still learning it, so any mistake sorry) So, since every battle pass has 3 different skin collections, I think that they could do one, at least, based on the agents' sidearm skins! (Of course without the sidearm one, since we already have it) So I made a concept based on the Spitfire Frenzy (Phoenix's sidearm). I made it only with the vandal, but a thought about the entire set, and could be Vandal, Judge, Marshal and Ares. The idea with it is that every battle pass we could have a different agent collection. Hope you all enjoy it!!

    Spitfire Vandal

    submitted by /u/bryaig
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    SoloQ to Diamond 1 in 3months

    Posted: 14 Apr 2021 03:52 AM PDT

    I started Valorant January 1 , 2021 . As i was new i was trash at the game. I Reached Silver 2 in 1 week and then got hardstuck.My teammates will go afk/throw/make radiant level plays in silver lobby,i lost all hope to play the game,i came across some reddit post comment which said"if you wanna win , you gotta hard carry , dont Expect anything from your teammates". i felt that,i started going through YouTube videos for basics to work on them from scratch , i came across a youtuber named "bumpaah" , he had a great video about crosshair placement and movement. That helped me a lot.I kept on improving and improving and got hardstuck again at gold 2 , where i acutally felt the -30s and +18s, i was demotivated again ,i would win a game and then lose the next and this just kept going on , I was omen main all this time,Then I saw a video of which agent is best for your playstyle and i realised i like to play aggressive and then i came across the best agent in the game "Reyna".I played a little bad as i didn't knew how reyna worked, soon i got a hang of her and guess what i started getting multiple match MVPs as reyna suited best for my playstyle and i was performing well, i would just go take fights as much as i could , it worked till i reached plat 2 , i was harstuck again now for an entire act, now i didn't lose hope as all i needed to do was improve and improve,i knew now i cant just go aggresive and take all favorable/unfavorable duels , so i worked on game sense, positioning , and i found myself doing big brain plays soon enough. Well i reached Diamond 1 this way. Since i was playing better and winning more games my hidden mmr was also fixed , i lose 16-19 while gain 18-22 now.

    The best way to improve is to play the game not spend countless hours on aimtrainers. Communication is the key to win if you cant hard carry.

    I play on a 60hz monitor with 60fps capped. I have 386 hours in the game

    Thank You

    submitted by /u/DecroitPlays
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    Allow us to ping things like damage in the chat!

    Posted: 14 Apr 2021 07:57 AM PDT

    Similar to how league does it, it would be perfect if you could press things with your cursor after dying to ping dmg dealt e.g "[player]: Raze -140". I feel like it would save the trouble of shouting down the mic or writing as fast as you can, plus it would help chat banned people and those who feel uncomfortable talking in game. It already exists in another Riot game and works great there so i don't see why Valorant does not have it.

    This could extend to pinging weapons and other things, nothing excessive like in league where close to everything is "pingable", but it would be a useful addition to the game for everyone.

    Edit: After you're dead*

    submitted by /u/dacawi
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