• Breaking News

    Friday, January 15, 2021

    VALORANT Killjoy cosplay by myself, GloryLamothe. Shamelessly sharing my own work because if not myself... who, lmao.

    VALORANT Killjoy cosplay by myself, GloryLamothe. Shamelessly sharing my own work because if not myself... who, lmao.

    Killjoy cosplay by myself, GloryLamothe. Shamelessly sharing my own work because if not myself... who, lmao.

    Posted: 15 Jan 2021 08:58 AM PST

    Killjoy cosplay by myself, GloryLamothe. Shamelessly sharing my own work because if not myself... who, lmao.

    Hi! I wanted to share here my Killjoy cosplay, It's been a while since I did it but I figured I could post it here as well. I loved working on this and I hope you like it !


    submitted by /u/GloryLamothe
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    You get fall damage if you jump before using Yoru's Gatecrash (this doesn't happen if you don't jump before using it)

    Posted: 15 Jan 2021 12:06 PM PST

    Extra tiers for agents

    Posted: 14 Jan 2021 09:38 PM PST

    This is just an idea and probably other people may have mentioned it too. The thing is that adding 5 more tiers for every agent with their final tier being a Primary Weapon Skin. The skin can be similar to their respective pistol skin. The rest 4 tiers can be of One black and white player card like regarding their past, 1 or more Title cards and Sprays.

    Does anyone from the community agree?

    submitted by /u/baboonicplague
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    Found a lineup you can use for Yoru's TP/flash on Ascent

    Posted: 14 Jan 2021 09:05 PM PST

    What is happening valorant

    Posted: 15 Jan 2021 07:13 AM PST

    Useful Life Hack for anyone that wants to find actual decent Valorant content on YouTube

    Posted: 15 Jan 2021 04:37 AM PST

    Useful Life Hack for anyone that wants to find actual decent Valorant content on YouTube

    When I attempt to search for watchable Valorant content on YouTube, my search results get infested with useless trash that I don't want to touch with 10 foot pole.

    \"Gaming Moments\", Streamers cutting up VODs and slapping them on YouTube, etc.

    If you're someone like me and you want to try and find Valorant content worth watching on YouTube, simply type Valorant in your search bar followed by channels you DON'T like with a minus behind it. For example, you'd type this into your search bar:

    Valorant -noted -protatomonster -curios

    and any other channels you don't want to see pop up! By doing this, I found a lot more content that I otherwise would've never found buried under all the mindless, effortless dribble being forced onto the platform.

    submitted by /u/Scrappy2k
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    Is Cifar BLACK???? [data anlysis]

    Posted: 15 Jan 2021 06:11 AM PST

    As a cifar main, one of the most poplar questions I get when playeing is: is cifar black??? Before I learned how to play the charactar I was unsure if the legeand was true. Lets just say I defanitely suspeacted it from the start, and after many years of playeing cifar (also almost got to BRONSE last season but their were to many hackers for cifar to handle on his own so lets Just say Im an expairienced cifar player...)) I can, with 100% certainaty confairm that cifar is actually BLACK!

    Data anilaysis:

    Over the coruse of 8 spike rush games i Played and 3 and a have rounds of practice range medium robot WITH shields(No afense almost close to geting 15 but my Mom was yeling at me), I recived enough data to make sure if cifar is actualy black. My method involaved waiteing in the spawn until My team died so They can spectate Cifar to get a beter look at him. Next, once evreryones spectateing you, put down the cifar webcam in front of you. If you look closeley, cifar is wearing a sombero so its hard to see, but When you use his ultra abaility he has no sombero, and you can see his skin coler. After doing this , you can see he is actualy BLACK and bald!!! I tryed this over the corse of many spike rush and medium bot armor mode in practice range(never Tryed easy mode thats only for NOOBS, and hard mode is only for profesionals with prime vandle(i only have the Black vandle skin).


    As riot continues to update the lore of the diferent agents, this revlation could have serious impact. Not many people before me knows that cifar is black, so who knows what riot has in store for the other agents. It could be posible that Killjay is a convictted felon or even Vipar has a secret gambleing adiction

    submitted by /u/notJheck
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    Sova Female Cosplay!

    Posted: 15 Jan 2021 09:31 AM PST

    Sova Female Cosplay!

    Hello everyone! I have a Sova Gender-bent Cosplay. I know it's not professionally done but I hope you like it! (You can follow me on Facebook Gaming/Twitch too!) ♡♡♡


    Better quality photos


    There are full body photos :)

    submitted by /u/zowie_zow
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    Penalties for character select dodging incoming!

    Posted: 15 Jan 2021 02:46 AM PST

    From yesterdays VALORANT Competitive Team, AMA:

    With the new Rank Rating system we're going to be issuing AFK Rank Rating penalties at the end of a match to dissuade folks from bailing in the middle of a game.We've also modified our system since launch so that players who do stick around and play out matches will be affected less by a match outcome when a player was AFK.
    edit* We'll also be issuing penalties for character select dodging :)

    This is the line that worries me a lot. Admittedly, I am a player that dodges games quite a bit (EU player). Here's how it goes:

    1. Your random teammates instalocked 4 duelists? Surely this is gonna be a very fun and competitive game and not complete waste of my time and MMR... :) DODGE
    2. Is someone extremely toxic in the character select already? Surely they are gonna be nice and polite once the game starts. Right? DODGE
    3. You notice 2-4 people don't have mics. Since I am an EU player that mostly plays Frankfurt servers, there's a pretty high chance those players are from Russia. Or toxic people that got chat banned and are likely to throw matches. Or simply don't have mics and won't be able to communicate with the rest of the team. In a competitive mode. DODGE

    So right now you might be thinking: "this guy is making stuff up". NOPE. I have experienced all of this, on a consistent basis over 300+ competitive matches, played during Episode 1. There is a pattern in this and it WILL affect your rank and enjoyment of the game.

    I have been a hardstuck gold 3 player for the first two acts and the first half of act 3. Started dodging matches, and guess what? Easy plat 1. I was still losing games in between, sure. But the quality of the matches was miles better when "selecting" the ones I wanna play (aka dodging). I will take the L no problem, if there is at least minimum teamwork and some comms. But having to play a ranked game without a single word being spoken and not a single callout being heard (or ignored) is just discouraging.

    Rito needs to understand that dodging isn't always a result of "bRuH, yOU tOoK mY MAiN" or "IcEBoX bAd mAP". And that at least two of my reasons for dodging could be fixed by:

    1. Region locking Russia
    2. Disabling competitive mode if you are chat banned. (Right now there is no real penalty for being toxic, other than not being able to communicate with the team for a few days. Which still hurts the teammates.)

    These two features have been suggested so many times by many players, but we are yet to get an answer that isn't "we know this is a problem and we are sorry about it". The lack of information on why people that are chat banned (or unable to communicate due legal reasons) are still able to join ranked matches is worrying.

    Thanks for reading this wall of text!

    PS: As for the mods of this subreddit - I edited a few words out and changed some sentences so it's better worded now. In case you decide to not approve this post again, at least notify me, what part of the post is not in line with the subreddit rules (I checked them all and it doesn't seem to break any).

    submitted by /u/VANR_
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    Yoru lineup to garden on Ascent

    Posted: 15 Jan 2021 03:06 AM PST

    Gun buddy reacting to kills ? maybe or maybe not ?

    Posted: 15 Jan 2021 01:21 AM PST

    i was thinking what about gun buddies that react or change colour when a player gets kill or maybe it would animate differently every time kill happens ?

    submitted by /u/rpgskitzo
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    Looking to reach out to someone from Riot about the skin prices and how they keep a free game while still getting profit

    Posted: 15 Jan 2021 04:49 AM PST

    I'm making a project for school for my final exam about the economy of modern entertainment. As Valorant has been one of my favorite games to play lately, I wanna know how they have been keeping this up (also seeing LoL as a free game). Could I come in contact with an official RIOT employee about this? It would mean the world to me (and I'd give you credit on my diploma) :)

    Edit: I wanna thank everyone for the fun articles and helpful responses! I'm actually more motivated to work on the project again haha :) thanks for all the responses!

    submitted by /u/Sharpheart
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    They've officially nerfed every part of Omen

    Posted: 14 Jan 2021 03:51 PM PST

    They've officially nerfed every part of Omen

    This one was done quietly but you can clearly see that the hitbox for his tp is much larger, meaning that he can't get out of situations as well.


    submitted by /u/F1re_Foxx
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    This new rank system has made ranked unplayable at the moment

    Posted: 15 Jan 2021 04:04 AM PST

    Ill make this quick and short. I was silver 1 at the end of last season, I was placed bronze 3 after my 5 placements. My first game after getting bronze 3, I already knew something was off. I was getting absolutely creamed by shit ive never even seen before. after losing 2 games in a row I started asking everyone on both teams what their rank was last season. Everyone that I was playing with was at the least gold 3 and at the most diamond 1. Not a single person I played with was below gold 3 and most people said they were platinum last season. Why the hell am I as a new player in bronze getting matched up with people that are 2-3 full ranks above me? Right now all I do in ranked is get creamed and lose elo. Not fun at all. Im always the weakest link on the team going negative every game when last season I would almost always be number 1 or 2 on the scoreboard. This is not fun at all.

    submitted by /u/Chance-710-
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    CSGO legend GeT_RiGhT left bemused after BBC call him "professional Valorant player"

    Posted: 15 Jan 2021 08:54 AM PST

    I made a Yoru fanart in the style of Valorant key art!

    Posted: 15 Jan 2021 06:40 AM PST

    I made a Yoru fanart in the style of Valorant key art!

    I'm in love with Valorant's key art style, so I wanted to practice it! I painted Yoru, trying to mimic the style, I hope you guys like it!


    submitted by /u/antivancorvo
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    I turned Reyna into an anime character

    Posted: 15 Jan 2021 06:20 AM PST

    I turned Reyna into an anime character


    Heyyy! Very new to reddit and I thought you would like to see the anime version of reyna. I have always wondered what the characters in valorant would look like if they were turned into anime characters xD

    Valorant has been my first fps and I absolutely love the community, it has helped me meet so many amazing people and has pushed me to create art in the first place. This game has literally changed my life, as crazy as that is xD

    I will be making more anime versions of each character so any support and pointers to help me improve with my art is appreciated so much!

    submitted by /u/CozyJozie
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    VALORANT Competitive Team, AMA on 2.0 update, including ranked, leaderboards, end of game, etc. (Here from 3:00-4:00pm PST)

    Posted: 14 Jan 2021 02:59 PM PST

    Update: We are heading out now as its 4:00pm, but we will keep an eye on this thread and continue to answer some more questions throughout the day. We also regularly review this Subreddit for feedback, so keep the feedback coming!

    Hey everyone!

    We're the VALORANT Competitive Team (this is Ian 'Brighteyz' Fielding writing), we are the team who works on ranked along with related features such as your end of game experience, leaderboards, match history, etc.

    This is your time to chat about our new major rank update for 2.0, or any of the above parts of the game!

    We'll be here from now until 4pm Pacific Time, and we will edit this post to let you know when we're signing off!

    This is us:

    Jon Walker, Designer, -EvrMoar

    Joey Messick, Insights -Riot TKDJoe

    Tea Chang, UX Designer - RiotGreenily

    Jason Salas, Quality Owner - Riot UPS3RGE

    Justin O'Brien, Software Engineer -Riot JustJob

    Ashley Tanski, Software Engineer - RiotBombBoBomb

    Eric Fink, Software Engineer - RiotPizzagram

    Alex Land, Software Engineer - RiotVanCoder9

    Yilin He, Data Scientist - RiotRiviera

    Ian Fielding, Producer -Brighteyz

    submitted by /u/RiotBrighteyz
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    Actual unpopular opinion. Duelists and elo advantage is overblown

    Posted: 15 Jan 2021 08:53 AM PST

    Alot of posts about how everyone should play duelists or is playing duelists because it allows greater Elo gain...here are some opinions

    1. More mechanically skilled players gravitate towards duelists which is why they always seem to be performing better

    2. Support characters actually have better opportunities to get frags by trading thier duelists on offense and getting easy picks on rotates and exit frags on defense.

    3. Everyone has the same weapons, maybe the duelists has an ability to initiate a gun fight but that can create and easy advantage for yourself as well if you know how to play with it.

    4. Everyone is entitled to play whatever kind of character they want, and tbh team comp doesn't even really matter unless it's a pro game.

    Alot of supports popped off hard during the December valorant pro tournament (steel comes to mind). Maybe work on your game instead of blaming things outside your control?

    submitted by /u/Htbaby90
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    Easier Yoru bind tp to attacker spawn

    Posted: 15 Jan 2021 12:50 AM PST

    A Battle Pass Tracker for EP2 Act 1

    Posted: 15 Jan 2021 04:13 AM PST


    I adapted a battle pass tracker originally created by u/Chao5 for the new episode and act.


    It incorporates the weekly and daily XP but since the weekly XP for the coming weeks is unknown one will have to update that manually. I believe everything should be functional otherwise, but if there are any unintended functionality I will try to fix it.

    submitted by /u/Theeoii
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    North african players can't play since the new update

    Posted: 15 Jan 2021 01:57 AM PST

    Region : North africa (Algeria)

    North african players can't play since the new update!!!

    first of all let talk about the high ping, i remember when they said welcom to north africain players with a (Bahrein) server i was like (but bahrein is 5000 km away from our region !) and the ping was +200 for all north africain players, the nearest server for us (north africa) is paris1, paris2, madrid & frankfurt and the best for me and my friends is paris2 (ping : 50-60)

    now let talk about the new update, me and my firends and all north african players can't play this game anymore, we can't even connect to the game and if we connect we have this probleme :

    pre game (lobby) : ping = 50-90

    in game : ping = +200

    and this probleme its hapening to all north africain players (source : facebook valorant groups).

    PS : the internet service is good, the download and upload and the ping test r good too and stable.

    and we dont have this problem in the other games.

    submitted by /u/Youssef_Djerbir
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