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    Monday, May 24, 2021

    VALORANT VALORANT Champions Tour 2021: Stage 2 Masters - Reykjavík

    VALORANT VALORANT Champions Tour 2021: Stage 2 Masters - Reykjavík

    VALORANT Champions Tour 2021: Stage 2 Masters - Reykjavík

    Posted: 24 May 2021 07:30 AM PDT

    Masters Reykjavík

    VALORANT Esports | Liquipedia | vlr.gg

    Everything you need to know about VALORANT Champions Tour

    Today's Matches

    Fnatic vs. KRÜ 8:00 AM 11:00 AM 17:00 1:00
    Version1 vs. Crazy Raccoon 11:00 AM 2:00 PM 20:00 4:00
    Sharks Esports vs. NUTURN 2:00 PM 5:00 PM 23:00 7:00
    • All matches are Best of 3


    On-Air Team - English

    Onsite Host
    James "Dash" Patterson
    Analyst Desk Host
    Alex "Goldenboy" Mendez
    Mitch "MitchMan" McBride
    Lauren "Pansy" Scott
    Jakub "Lothar" Szygulski
    Michael "hypoc" Robins
    Tom "Tombizz" Bissmire
    Seth "Achilios" King
    Clinton "Paperthin" Bader
    Rivington "Rivington" Bruce Bisland III
    Daniel "ddk" Kapadia
    Christine "Potter" Chi
    Alex "Vansilli" Nguyen
    Doug "EsportsDoug" Cortez
    Loviel "Velly" Cardwell
    David "prius" Kuntz
    Heather "sapphiRe" Garozzo
    Nicholas "Yehty" Tesolin


    • 10 participants
    • Double elimination bracket
    • All matches are Bo3, except Grand Final which is Bo5.
    • All maps apart from Breeze are eligible.
    • Bracket seeding
      • The top seeded teams from the two regions with the largest player base, North America and Europe, were seeded into the second round.
      • The remaining teams were randomly seeded with the requirement that teams from the same region could not be put on the same side of the bracket in order to avoid matching against each other in the initial rounds.


    submitted by /u/Kappaftw
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    A message to silver players

    Posted: 23 May 2021 06:30 PM PDT

    I am by no means a pro or even a good player but there is one thing I want to tell you. Please stop caring about your kda. Get impact kills not post-plant 1v5s after you were flanking instead of supporting us. I'd rather have a 6/9 player who helped us win than a 16/1 who got all his kills after we died and still didn't clutch a single round.

    Thank you for coming to my ted talk

    submitted by /u/ChadCheeems
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    VALORANT - Masters Reykjavik opening momment

    Posted: 24 May 2021 08:15 AM PDT

    Things I’ve Noticed as a Cypher Main (Positives/Negatives/General Comments/Advice for Cyphers & Teammates)

    Posted: 24 May 2021 10:02 AM PDT

    1. Cypher is depressingly under appreciated in ranked. Considering 90% of Cypher's value doesn't show up on the scoreboard, and his in-game benefits are not blatantly visible to teammates as they would be for example: a Sage Res/Heal or KJ Molly/Ult. This makes it incredibly hard for cypher players to feel appreciated for the things they do. Which leads me to my second point.

    2. It's nearly impossible to be an effective sentinel as cypher with teammates that: A) don't have comms B) ignore comms or C) acknowledge comms but don't act on it. His abilities revolve heavily on being able to direct teammates and giving call-outs once information is available. It's incredibly frustrating when you're giving call outs for your teammates and them peaking/not peaking a corner and dying. This honestly makes it feel like you've just wasted your time trying to warn/pass along information to help your teammates.

    3. Cypher is much more helpful when he's not carrying/planting the bomb. Cypher is way more effective when setting up and making call outs of where the enemies are coming from while the bomb is being planted. This can help your teammates that aren't planting to properly defend the teammate that is planting. Having cypher use his cam/wires during plant can help the post-plant mayhem of teammates not knowing where to look/be for incoming enemies.

    4. Cypher is one of the most complex agents which makes him difficult to use, especially in low-elo. Why? Cypher has a ton of freedom and requires a lot of creativity and outsmarting. Since you need to be constantly thinking of new strategies to outsmart/trick your enemies, it's almost impossible to have a fixed routine such as a Sage wall or KJ turret at a choke point/entrance. This makes it hard for someone with little game sense to use cyphers utility effectively and not die on every site push. But...

    5. Cypher's creativity and freedom are also his biggest powers. Enemies have to be on constant alert of changes in wire/camera placements and need to move slowly/cautiously when getting on site. This provides you with a few extra seconds to gather info/ get kills off your utility while your teammates rotate to help.

    6. Cypher does not need a buff, he needs eco tweaks. His utility is balanced and isn't overpowered/underpowered BUT having to buy the tripwires/cages every round is detrimental to your eco especially as a lot of setups are done pre-round. This makes it really hard to full buy as often as your teammates. Tripwires are really easy to hear/see if you're looking out for them and thus easy to destroy; not to mention they can be destroyed by your teammates (@ all the raze mains 😉) Personally I believe if the tripwires don't catch enemies/aren't destroyed, you should be able to pick them up and reuse them for the next round. Keeping the cages non-reusable is fine as they function exactly as all the other agents' smokes.

    7. There seems to be a misconception regarding Cyphers and watching flanks. Teammates 99.9% expect to never get flanked if there's a cypher on the team, and if you are flanked, it's exclusively cypher's fault. I'll explain why this is a pretty terrible mindset to have when there's a cypher on your team:

    A) Characters like Jett, Raze and Yoru can get past Cypher's trips pretty effortlessly without setting them off. Utility is needed but the positives of flanking an entire team relying solely on trips for flank watch outweighs the negatives of using the utility.

    B) While Cypher typically frags far more effectively playing off his utility, having Cypher watch flank near his trips instead of helping on attack reduces the chances of successfully getting onto site.

    C) Cypher's camera can be used to watch flank too, but his camera can be really helpful when getting on site during plant/post-plant as mentioned in point #3.

    Point to take away from this is: While Cypher can help reduce the chances of getting flanked, that should not be his sole purpose on the team and you should still be wary of flanks by characters able to bypass his trips.

    That's all I have for now :) I know it's long but I hope this helps people get a better understanding of Cypher for both people that play him and play with him 🤍 PS. please feel free to add your own opinions/advice, things I might have missed or things you disagree with!

    submitted by /u/alyle11
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    Replication is simply the best fun game mode

    Posted: 24 May 2021 06:28 AM PDT

    Replication is simply the best fun game mode

    I love how most people are so laidback and chill.

    I present me & the boys after I solo picked sova


    submitted by /u/b_sousa
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    Killjoy Fanart by me

    Posted: 24 May 2021 04:13 AM PDT

    Killjoy Fanart by me

    Back at it again with another fanart featuring Killjoy this time! I'm currently working on Reyna right now and I'm planning to actually do all of them, but it'll take quite a while.

    If you guys don't mind, I'm just gonna drop my instagram here. Please do drop a follow if you guys would like to see more art other than Valorant from me. I'd still continue to post Valorant stuff here tho :DDD

    Anyways here's KJ!


    submitted by /u/kenato123
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    Split Mid Double Shock-Dart Lineup! Note: Wait 3s after you shot the first arrow!

    Posted: 24 May 2021 04:43 AM PDT

    So today I played with one of those "I get MVP every match butI am stuck in plat" players

    Posted: 23 May 2021 09:30 PM PDT

    I played with a friend on my alt. He was complaining to me on how he always gets MVP but can't climb out of plat. below are my observations

    - plays duelists only

    - baits

    - does not entry

    - ego peek too much

    - lurks when not needed (the whole team is executing a site and dies, hes the last one alive and kills 1 or 2)

    - does not comm except complaining

    - keeps pushing when he gets a kill on default

    To those duelists only mains thinking they should be in diamond but stuck in plat with MVP every match: your kills don't matter, they are not impact frags, they are baiting/lurking frags and your actions contributes nothing to the outcome of the round/match

    Please learn to play as a team, this is a 5v5 , not a "first to 30 kills wins" game

    submitted by /u/ALEX_D_D
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    CRAZY RACCON prove why they are here

    Posted: 24 May 2021 11:47 AM PDT

    [IDEA] Hours played on career

    Posted: 24 May 2021 06:22 AM PDT

    I feel like hours played would be a good addition to the career tab, especially if you can hide/unhide it for other players. It's there on most games and a feature which should not require a 3rd party application. Since devs often roam this subreddit, I thought of suggesting it here. If there's anything against this idea, do clarify.

    submitted by /u/Mytee68
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    Casual Jett 1v5 in Replication

    Posted: 24 May 2021 07:06 AM PDT


    Edit - My instant replay was turned off (Due to CS:GO Faceit). My friend was nice enough to record this for me!

    submitted by /u/mukhijaparth
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    Why is my mouse refusing to work when i open valorant?

    Posted: 24 May 2021 06:44 AM PDT

    my bluetooth mouse usually starts out working when i open the game (sometimes it doesn't even do that) and then will randomly stop working. After it randomly stops working, the game receives 0 input from my mouse no matter what i do. When i restart it usually fixes the problem, but sometimes my mouse remains useless. I don't think its the mouse's fault- a few patches ago it was working completely fine and when i close valorant it works like normal. its a macbook on bootcamp btw.

    submitted by /u/Burneraccount595459
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    Why the fuck is everyone in bronze cracked?

    Posted: 24 May 2021 10:20 AM PDT

    I've been hardstuck bronze for like half a year now, and I know I'm nowhere near the best player, but for christs sake why is everyone so good at aiming? I peek a corner for a millisecond and someone blows my head off with a sheriff. Like holy shit, why are you in bronze? I understand if I miss every shot and someone kills me, but why are bronze players pulling tenz flicks on me? It's not even just the enemy team, I've seen people on my own team going full Rambo on 1v3 retakes. Am I just the only person on the planet who can't aim?

    submitted by /u/ChickenWLazers
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    (Iceland Spoilers) Breaking Down FNATIC'S Haven Fake vs. KRU [VCT Masters]

    Posted: 24 May 2021 10:56 AM PDT

    Why can't I turn down teammates voice volumes?

    Posted: 24 May 2021 11:50 AM PDT

    Everytime I try to lower it, it just goes back up to 50. I dont want to turn down the incoming volume cuz my friends voices become too low.

    submitted by /u/polardiya
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    Hosting a tournament for lower-ranked players! Application in the comments!

    Posted: 24 May 2021 11:06 AM PDT

    Hosting a tournament for lower-ranked players! Application in the comments!


    Hey there, to make sure you are signed up for the upcoming tournament use this link to sign up. PLEASE read the instructions and make sure you qualify for all the rules and have fun!

    Link for signup:https://forms.gle/XNrsXd5mGbeGpdaq7

    Discord - https://discord.gg/6HZ2fcTW

    submitted by /u/d8i_
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    VCT Masters Reykjavík - Live thread?

    Posted: 24 May 2021 11:13 AM PDT

    In other subreddits when a live game/tournament is going on there will be a "Live Thread" to comment on during the match. Why doesn't this sub have that? It'd be appreciated by most I'm sure...

    submitted by /u/Sh1eldandSword
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    Redundant crosshair setting?

    Posted: 24 May 2021 05:01 AM PDT

    Turning the setting "Show inner lines" off doesn't actually turn off inner line for the crosshair. Only changing the opacity of inner lines to 0 can actually make it disappear. Is this an oversight or am I a fool for missing something out? Outer lines doesn't have a "show outer lines" setting for that category, so what makes inner lines different?

    submitted by /u/lapse23
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    Performance bonus???

    Posted: 24 May 2021 01:01 PM PDT

    Performance bonus???

    So, me and my friend got an amazing game ending with 13-0, I increased in rank by 32 and he 35. He got 5 performance bonus and I got 4 (like the star thing) but how is this possible?



    How is this possible? I did the best in the round 10 out of 13 times? I also had the highest kdr rating... Does anyone know how performance bonus is given?

    submitted by /u/TM_Crystal
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    I'm a hardstuck bronze player, can't get past Bronze 2/3.

    Posted: 24 May 2021 02:27 PM PDT

    I cannot tell you how frustrated I am.

    As the title says, I literally can not get past Bronze 2 or 3. I am pretty good at Bronze 1, I start top-fragging like crazy and assuming the leader role in the team, if I say "rotate" my team rotates, etc.

    But, in Bronze 2, that's a whole different story. I bottom-frag immediately and die stupidly, I provide intel to the team, but that's it.

    I mostly play support characters, such as Cypher and/or Sage. However, I am aggressive when I feel like I need to. I am pretty smort and I am able to predict enemy rotations and act upon them, I sometimes even manage to read the enemy as if they were a book. But that's it.

    I feel like I have a decent aim, I can flick and track players decently. I can hit headshots too, but something is just holding me back.

    I am paranoid about having my crosshair where an enemy could be, I am basically paranoid about my crosshair placement. And I also have a decent crosshair placement.

    But the game says "NO, YOU SHALL NOT PASS" And that's what happens, I don't rank up.

    And what's up with the Top-fragging Reynas? I always get one in my games, are they smurfs? Or are they simply good?

    Help me please, I can not tell you how frustrating this is. Hopping into a Comp match just to lose, and lose, and lose...

    I play on a 1024 x 768 4:3 resolution with 45 in the game scaler, if you didn't know, you can scale the amount of pixels the game has in the game files, that way you can get a couple extra FPS at the cost of a poor screen resolution. I play at 60 FPS most of the time, but sometimes my game lags whenever I peek or do something, it just freezes for .5 seconds and then I appear out of cover just to get killed. Does that happen to you?

    Are my FPS holding me back? What's happening? Pls help me, your help will be enormously appreciated.

    Note: I am by no means toxic, I mostly give callouts, but I don't flame my teammates ever.

    submitted by /u/DanielFloyk
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    Masters Reykjavik GOD DART

    Posted: 24 May 2021 02:24 PM PDT

    Here's Sage Orb Lineups that make her busted on Breeze

    Posted: 23 May 2021 04:37 PM PDT

    Sensitivity check thread

    Posted: 24 May 2021 11:20 AM PDT

    What sens are you playing on currently? Do you prefer high or low sense? I'm currently playing with a 1.05 at 1000 dpi because my mouse sucks and has a very low IPS

    submitted by /u/knightfall0
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    New agent

    Posted: 24 May 2021 12:03 PM PDT


    I think we are approaching a point where Valorant will release a sneek peek of a new agent. What type of agent do you think it'll be?

    Personally, I don't want it to be a character that has flashes. I would rather wan to see a new sentinel.

    submitted by /u/yungkevsta
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