• Breaking News

    Tuesday, June 15, 2021

    VALORANT RETAKE, But It's Made in Valorant... (Side by Side Comparison)

    VALORANT RETAKE, But It's Made in Valorant... (Side by Side Comparison)

    RETAKE, But It's Made in Valorant... (Side by Side Comparison)

    Posted: 15 Jun 2021 06:42 AM PDT

    Valorant Mythbusters #05

    Posted: 15 Jun 2021 05:16 AM PDT

    How To Resolve an Agent Dispute

    Posted: 15 Jun 2021 04:41 AM PDT

    Sunglasses Need to be Added into the Game

    Posted: 15 Jun 2021 06:51 AM PDT

    To be honest, whenever Im am in a match, it is hard for me to tell whether Im playeing valrant or Stevie wonder simulator. Especialy if there is a breach, sky, yaru, or phonix, its realy frustrateing that I gota book a appointment with my eye doctor to make sure my corneas didnt fry after staring into the sun for half the game. I feel realy bad for charcters with eyes becuse they might not be able to play valrant much longer becuse there vision is so bad.

    Fortunately, there is always a solution: riot gota add sunglasses into valrant ASAP as posible. You would be able to buy sunglasses in the shop dureing the buy round and if your team mate or enemy dies while weareing them, your alowed to pick them up and wear them.

    Here is the stats for sun glasses:

    Weapon type: no Cost: 173.24$ dolars Special abilitey: sunglasses

    Also becuse riot likes money there is diferent skins that you can buy for sunglases, so if you wana flex your walet on the enemy team you can buy guci sunglasses or if your a modest person then you can get walmart ones.

    submitted by /u/notJheck
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    Posted: 15 Jun 2021 05:04 AM PDT


    This project took me months to finish and I'm very happy with the result!

    The project comes with 2 fake characters, a splash art/loading screen, and more!

    Big thanks to my 2 best buddies Edwin and Mathieu for their help and the support on this project that took me soo long to make!

    submitted by /u/orson29
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    Posted: 14 Jun 2021 03:32 PM PDT

    for a game named valorANT there aren’t enough ants in the game

    Posted: 15 Jun 2021 11:23 AM PDT

    like I should be seeing ants everywhere! on the pizza at pizza in ascent, in the sand in breeze and bind, frozen in ice on icebox, etc.

    shoot we should even have a character that's an ant! or maybe one that's multiple ants

    maybe some ant lore hidden in the game? like how queen ant victoria led her ants to a victory in war against the wasps

    just a suggestion

    submitted by /u/theoreticalcash
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    Completed the bp to get my first skin :D

    Posted: 15 Jun 2021 08:44 AM PDT

    I finished the bp just in time to get the free frenzy skin and now i use frenzy every pistol round. I have recently gotten into valorant and i loved the skins but my broke ass cant afford anything.

    I just would like to thank the devs for making skins for the f2p players

    Also i am very close to completing the reyna contract too so then i would have 2 pistol skins.

    Have a great day everyone :)

    submitted by /u/fellowcheapgamer
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    Yoru But Jotaro

    Posted: 14 Jun 2021 09:46 PM PDT

    Yoru But Jotaro

    I made Yoru but he is Jotaro. it took me way longer that it should cuz i dont have much skills in photoshop. Im wasting text space so my post dont get removed.


    submitted by /u/MRza3ter
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    Quick Tip: never play after 16:00 (4:00 PM) during weekdays

    Posted: 15 Jun 2021 10:37 AM PDT

    I usually play around 22:00 (10:00 PM).

    But today i decided to start playing inbetween 16:00 - 19:00 and the difference is just unbelievable.

    So many freaking children. I've never once had someone game-throw or be toxic in my games this act until today. I'm nearly 100% sure they're kids that just came out of school.

    They were being toxic, game-throwing, giving up on round 3 and leaving, and intentionally using abilities against teammates.

    I keep seeing people mentioning toxicity in this game but i just thought that it had died down after not seeing it for so long but it turns out it's still very active across all ranks during the after-school hours.

    I had a team where 2 french players (obviously, who else) started game-throwing because we didn't force during the 2nd round. They didn't call the force and didn't say anything during the buy phase and only typed it after we lost the round. Reyna dry peeks mid and dies and leaves the game for like 5 rounds, came back just in time to have our sage leave as well after being tilted by our reyna leaving.

    So now we have a french raze and a french reyna intentionally game throwing and me and killjoy are just stuck trying to win 2v5. Eventually in the last 6 rounds our killjoy started gamethrowing too by taking the spike and dying with it and intentionally not surrendering.

    So there i am, stuck in a 1v5 as Sova. This has actually never happened to me before in this game until today, just un freaking believable.


    Don't play after school hours, save yourself the headache.

    submitted by /u/apikebapie
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    What Hiko thinks about the judge

    Posted: 15 Jun 2021 10:03 AM PDT

    Is it just me or is the ranked system weird?

    Posted: 14 Jun 2021 07:08 PM PDT

    Ok, I'm not saying that I deserve a higher rank or anything, but I want to point out how difficult it is for me to even attempt to gain elo.

    Right now I am ranked at Platinum 2, where I have been at for most of my time in valorant. I have been D2 at one time and also S1 when I started (I don't know if this has anything to do with this). For the entirety of this year, my elo gains have been awful, and I mean awful. Games that I win with match MVP gets me +17/18, whereas a loss gives me -24/-23. Maybe the game thinks I don't deserve my rank, but that wouldn't make sense as it often puts me against diamond and previously immortal players (I see these act ranks often) and it makes ranked very difficult for me. I somewhat appreciate this as I am able to improve by going against better players, but I do not get the insanely low gains I get from winning. To even maintain my elo, I have to get a positive win rate, and it's often in lobbies like this. My friends want me to play on an alt account as whenever I queue with them, we have diamond-level players often going against us (most of my friends are gold).

    For those who do not think the elo gains are very low, it adds up in the end.

    It is around a 55%-58% win rate, so I have to win about 4 games for every 3 losses. At first, it doesn't add up to much, but as more games are played, it adds up. The difference between win/loss is -5 to -7. So in 28.5 to 40 games (with a win rate of 50%) I would lose 100 points of elo, basically a rank.

    I understand the intention of elo gains, as some people that are in high elo do not deserve to be there and should de-rank, but in my case, I have yet to de-rank as I have been maintaining a positive win rate, but it is getting way too difficult especially since I am stuck in lobbies with people who have very high act ranks (basically they are highly skilled players who are in lower elo) in addition to these poor elo gains.

    One of my friends also have these issues, being in gold 2 and being a very highly skilled player (able to perform very well in immortal and diamond, amazing guy), and I know one issue is that he loses much more elo from a loss than he gains from a win. I wonder if any of you guys suffer a similar situation.

    submitted by /u/insgarud
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    to the people saying that they're hardstuck bronze or iron it's not a bad thing

    Posted: 15 Jun 2021 06:19 AM PDT

    your rank is not some sort of trophy very few people will care about your rank the ranks are just there to balance matchmaking so if you're hardstuck just accept it and keep practicing in that rank

    submitted by /u/chonky_boiiii
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    Anyone notice Brims mini map now has written map locations

    Posted: 14 Jun 2021 03:48 PM PDT

    Anyone notice Brims mini map now has written map locations

    Or have they always been there? Only been playing the game 2 months and I main Brim and have never noticed them.


    submitted by /u/NastyNinja
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    how do you deal with sudden bad aim?

    Posted: 15 Jun 2021 01:37 AM PDT

    i have this problem of doing 21-4 in the first like 6 rounds & suddenly not being able to get a single kill.

    it's an awful feeling if people depend on you & suddenly you're losing lol

    how to avoid this mid game change?

    submitted by /u/soviet-mushroom
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    Is the Phantom a better rifle than the Vandal?

    Posted: 15 Jun 2021 10:58 AM PDT

    My cousin and I (hes iron 2 I’m bronze 1) both think we should be higher ranks so we 2v1d his immortal friend...

    Posted: 15 Jun 2021 07:22 AM PDT

    We ended up losing 13-3. His reaction time is insane and he also has insane aim. I can barely peek a wall without getting immediately one-tapped. How do people in higher ranks do it??? I have over 300 hours in this game and I'm still really bad.

    submitted by /u/merothecat
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    Matchmaking in Silver-Platinum Needs Serious Work

    Posted: 15 Jun 2021 12:57 PM PDT

    Hello, I am your average silver-3-to-plat-2 player. The mm in these ranks is, suffice to say, atrocious; there are smurfs galore, elo punishment, and the most absurdly mismatched games I have ever seen during my time gaming.

    Starting with smurfs, I honestly don't know how they will address it. HOWEVER, they have to do something. Smurfing absolutely plagues lower ranks and I would honestly argue that I likely see 1 smurf per match which automatically makes the entire 30-minute game a joke one way or the other.

    Second, elo-punishment. I understand what they were going for with their ranking system, I really do. With that being said, losing more than you make (by 20% too!?) makes it impossible to escape ranks and prove your skill. If you are stuck in silver and MVP every game but only make +18, it takes 6 games to jump. However, one loss is -30. Given that you are not at a crazy 70% win-rate, it's gonna take 12-13 games PER TIER and often times even more. To say that's player-friendly is ruthless to the people who cannot spend 60 hours a week climbing.

    Finally, the mismatches. I think most people in ranked will understand this complaint. It is either stomp or be stomped. 3/4 of my games are absolutely absurd 13-4 or 4-13 romps which are pointless wastes of time. The hidden mmr along with all of these other over-engineered systems have led to a system that can't seem to make a balanced match to save its life. I assume that Riot will die by its matchmaking but they should at least know that there are other successful alternatives that would improve game quality (Rainbow 6/chess Microsoft trueskill, for example).

    TLDR; I, along with other people in the middle ranks, cannot consistently get a good (or even okay) experience in this game.

    submitted by /u/After-Vegetable533
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    How has been your ranked experience been in this act compared to the last?

    Posted: 15 Jun 2021 07:50 AM PDT

    For me, it got a lot worse. Silver is a random shitshow, I have games when I face 5 cracked one-tap machines with almost perfect aim/game sense. The skill gap in this rank is just way above any competitive game that i ever played. My guess is that Silver has many demoted Golds and Plats but also has many promoted Irons and Bronzes. Other guess is that Valorant still a playground for ex-CS players so when they start they just got 20 kills+ based on raw aim. It's very difficult to play without losing your sanity.

    View Poll

    submitted by /u/Vanuchi
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    Why do some people still say Valorant is easier than CSGO?

    Posted: 15 Jun 2021 01:12 PM PDT

    Imo Valorant is a lot slower and more punishing. In CS the movement is so fast and it's easier to get out of bad positioning or to rotate. People use the "b-b-b-but you don't have to learn anything like lineups" but in Valorant lineups are just as important. Valo has more complexity due to the abilities and ults and adds more layers that CS doesn't have while also making the game more fun and easier to watch.

    submitted by /u/iBanditss2
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    Family photo in ranked game :)

    Posted: 15 Jun 2021 03:17 AM PDT

    I was playing in Asia diamond lobby when we had 3 disconnects, so we decided to take a fun family photo. Faith restored in Valorant community?


    submitted by /u/Beefofterror
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    why is this game so toxic

    Posted: 15 Jun 2021 11:46 AM PDT

    I was in a comp game with toxic players just a minute ago, and the other team was toxic. from the way they played to what they said in chat,all toxic. the sage was camping attacker spawn with op and the raze was spamming nades. they would all say "ez, go back to fortnite, uninstall the game" and such. even my own team was being toxic "never lock sage again" (though I will admit that locking sage w/o going into more unrated games to learn her was a stupid move). my problem is that there is no need to be toxic,so why are people toxic?

    submitted by /u/glopertop
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    News to the ranking system from EvrMoar

    Posted: 14 Jun 2021 10:24 PM PDT

    I searched but noone posted it here


    " There are changes to ranked coming, and we are wrapping up our plans on how to discuss those changes - we will talk about them on the Episode 3 Live Stream June 21 at 10am PT. Episodes are when we have our bigger ranked resets. "

    " There is no hard reset planned, I've talked about this on random threads but it's just pure chaos and won't achieve the results people expect. We will have a very harsh reset that will squish ranks, and will effect MMR(along with our other planned changes). "

    Someone asked "why no hard reset?" the answer from EvrMoar:

    "If you don't make changes to the core system, ranks would end up in the exact same place they are now. If people put their Skill/Gameplay into our system, the system spits out their skill rating. It will still spit out the same skill rating. This is because MMR is a ladder.

    So not only would people end up in the same place, for the first Act. You would be hoping that you got the former Radiant/Immortal player on your team and not the Iron/Bronze players. Every match would be a coinflip until the high ranks grinded MMR over everyone.

    In fact sometimes games put mechanics in place to combat "Game/Ranked Launch" so that people are shot outward. It helps but it still isn't accurate and causes its own issues(but it's better then starting fresh if you do it right). So you then have to develop/do that.

    By soft reseting, pushing people down, we get the effect you want(making sure people don't get boosted to ranks/hard stuck). Also since ranked is a ladder as long as the math checks out you just have to perform better then others to climb.

    We don't need you to start over, we just need to make sure the math is doing what it's suppose to. Then, on top of a soft reset, the ladder system will move you up and down accordingly."

    submitted by /u/pFe1FF
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