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    Friday, July 30, 2021

    VALORANT Climbing & Improving Ranks Megathread

    VALORANT Climbing & Improving Ranks Megathread

    Climbing & Improving Ranks Megathread

    Posted: 12 Jul 2021 08:01 PM PDT

    Welcome to the "Climbing & Improving Ranks" Discussion Megathread, where you, the community, get to ask your questions and share your knowledge on climbing and improving in competitive play.

    Not sure which part of your gameplay needs improvement? Share a video!

    Looking for some resources or streamers to help get started on your improvement journey? Ask or share away!

    This thread is a place for players to ask questions and get help or advice from more experienced players. So, don't hold back, get your competitive related questions ready and post away!

    Tip: Including a video or a player profile may make it easier for people to provide helpful or tailored advice.

    Edit: This is not a rant thread to complain about your teammates or the MMR system. Unhelpful comments of this nature may be removed to prevent the Megathread from drifting off-topic. This thread is for players seeking help from each other in order to improve at the game.

    submitted by /u/Whytro
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    Killjoy Statue made by me. What agent should I make next?

    Posted: 30 Jul 2021 07:44 AM PDT

    Should Valorant have "Play of the Game"?

    Posted: 30 Jul 2021 04:46 AM PDT

    Hello. Before playing Valorant, I used to play Overwatch, not seriously tho. Overwatch had an amazing feature, in my opinion, that's the "Play of the Game". Each end of the match, showed up a 10-15 seconds clip of the best "play" in all match, normally would be some double or triple kill did by someone. Idk if this would work in Valorant tho, because Overwatch is a fast game, while Valorant isn't that much.

    Drop your opinions down there! I'm curious to see what you guys think about it.

    submitted by /u/Draco2505
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    Here some new stuff I added to my Valorant agents selection menu

    Posted: 30 Jul 2021 09:22 AM PDT

    (Broken) Floating Sova Recon? Graphics Settings are at Max.

    Posted: 30 Jul 2021 05:46 AM PDT

    Venting about a game I am currently in.

    Posted: 29 Jul 2021 11:57 PM PDT

    I am in a game, the reason that I can text this while in the game, is that I and my friend are literally being held hostage. All three of our teammates don't care about trying and our opponents only care about killing my friend and I. Then after we die, they just sit there dancing for the rest of the round. We've been in here for 40 minutes. But, we cant just leave, because then we will get afk punished.

    This is just ridiculous and I hate it.

    Thank you for coming to my Ted Talk.

    Sincerely, JadedTurtle1

    submitted by /u/TheJadedTurtle1
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    Levels in valorant

    Posted: 30 Jul 2021 06:21 AM PDT

    My main is lvl 162 and constantly get matched against lvl 20s who are incredibly toxic, I should be allowed to turn off level visibility its only a reason for others to be toxic it provides no rewards. I have to have chat always disabled and always have everyone muted because of how toxic everyone is. I play unrated to relax and chill and not get added after a game to get told to commit or called slurs because im garbage compared to my lvl. G3 btw

    submitted by /u/CozyKozzy
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    Riot’s taking next week off to disconnect and recharge

    Posted: 30 Jul 2021 05:47 AM PDT

    how can i play again

    Posted: 30 Jul 2021 10:29 AM PDT

    my account is suspended and it says it will allow me to play on 6/30/2121 9:04

    is this a glitch or will i get it back in the year 2121

    submitted by /u/boy-zap
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    Would a team deathmatch be better than deathmatch?

    Posted: 30 Jul 2021 05:34 AM PDT

    I reckon over half of my deaths in deathmatch come from being shot at from angles I wasn't looking at. It doesn't resemble competitive Valorant closely, imo, because in that you can usually rule out some of the angles. In deathmatch, someone can just spawn in behind you and get free shots. As someone who plays only a few times per week, I would like to have a solid warm-up option, but deathmatch feels just a guessing game.

    So, do you think a team deathmatch would be a better option? Having fewer enemies on the map might be a negative, but if it's a 10v10 with both teams spawning on their side of the map, I think it would be a better experience than the current deathmatch mode.

    View Poll

    submitted by /u/artmorte
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    God-like RNG!

    Posted: 30 Jul 2021 06:18 AM PDT

    Now, this is some Good RNG! But it makes me kind of sad that almost no one else got their Night Market as good as this. The worst part about it is that I am not gonna buy anything anyways.

    submitted by /u/Grapehool
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    Two different Viper rotation lineup for Breeze, A side

    Posted: 30 Jul 2021 01:53 AM PDT

    Sova dart for vipers usual B site post-plant on ICEBOX.

    Posted: 30 Jul 2021 12:21 AM PDT

    How to get better colors

    Posted: 30 Jul 2021 11:48 AM PDT

    I wanted to try Nvidia Freestyle to make the colors pop more, but it doesn't work with valorant. I can't change the saturation in Nvidia Control Panel ( the setting simply isn't there). Also tried ReShade and VibranceGUI.

    Any other way to increase saturation/ make colors pop? Thanks

    submitted by /u/gocrazy_gostupid
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    Enjoy an omen video wallpaper. The art isn't mine but the editing is.

    Posted: 30 Jul 2021 01:25 AM PDT

    Quick questions for Imm+ players

    Posted: 30 Jul 2021 07:29 AM PDT

    1. Do you prefer playing slightly away from your team to create more map presence at the risk of your team dying without you/your abilities? Or do you prefer sticking with your team and committing to a bombsite?

    2. If the attack looks like its going to fail (enemy Sage wall to create tight chokepoint, your entry dies to a Jett in the sky, 2 enemies on site) do you follow your teammates to force a trade or do you fall back and look for openings elsewhere at the risk of seemingly baiting your team?

    3. Do you switch up positions regularly on defense in an even game or do you let your team stick to and familiarise themselves with the same positions? I find that as the better player in my games, I have to switch up regularly on defense otherwise I lose winnable games because I get figured out when playing the same position 10 times or I can't play aggressive as often as I'd like while I can play aggressive every round and look for picks if I play different positions all the time.

    Regarding 1, one problem I have with Valorant is agent abilities just force everyone into predefined roles. It feels stupid to play away from my team unless I'm a smoker. People expect Sage to wall during executes, initiators to provide all the intel, duelists to entry, flashers to flash, sentinels to carry bomb. Who the fuck then gets to lurk and creates map presence and discourage enemy from instantly rotating as they always do in low elo? Global smokers only? You pick Sova or you pick Jett and you have to stick with your team at all times otherwise they are upset.

    submitted by /u/Kurdock
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    Made Omen in paint because I was short of 50VP for an Ion OP purchase

    Posted: 30 Jul 2021 01:46 PM PDT

    I am not a good artist but I think riot will accept it

    submitted by /u/Cronos993
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    Ion energy sword looks different on the VALORANT Stream?

    Posted: 30 Jul 2021 11:43 AM PDT

    Ion energy sword looks different on the VALORANT Stream?

    I'm 100% sure Derke has upgraded his ion claw, so I'm wondering why the upgraded version looks slightly different on the VALORANT stream to what it actually looks like in-game (see below).



    submitted by /u/Syhmmetry
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    IP bans should be an option depending on the offence

    Posted: 30 Jul 2021 01:19 PM PDT

    I believe this would fix most of the problems with cheating/toxicity and it would make it significantly harder to make a new account. It should be based off of number of offences, severity of the offence and the amount of proof of the offence. As it stands right now if you haven't put any money into your account it's incredibly easy to just make a new email and really discourages reporting in the first place if you take this into account

    submitted by /u/Visual-Excuse
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    A general guideline for saving in VALORANT

    Posted: 30 Jul 2021 11:04 AM PDT

    Raze Family picture

    Posted: 30 Jul 2021 05:00 AM PDT

    Raze Family picture

    Lovely Raze family. Just took this picture in a replication match. Dom Toretto would be proud of what've achieved :)

    The Whole Family

    submitted by /u/Gerike27
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    Thoughts on Forcing After Losing Pistol

    Posted: 30 Jul 2021 02:24 PM PDT

    Interested to know whether I'm missing any major points on the decision-making behind a force on round 2, or general thoughts on the format of my writing, or anything else that could be improved. Thanks in advance!

    When should you force buy after losing pistol round? You should generally force when your economic disadvantage relative to the other team is minimal. Suppose you started on attack, planted the spike, but lost the round. The 300 extra credits that each teammate received for having planted the spike enables each player on your team to purchase spectre + light armor at a minimum, enabling a decent force buy. Suppose your team started on defense, lost the round, but killed 4 out of 5 players on the other team and prevented the other team from planting. The 200 bonus credits per kill, coupled with the fact that the other team was denied the bonus credits for planting often make a force buy worth investing in.

    It is worth mentioning that the decision to force should be agreed upon by the team. Excluding hero rifling, which is not relevant in the context of forcing against an anti-eco buy (and deserves further exploration in another piece), the level of economic investment should generally be equal across your entire team. If your team is heading into the second round with enough credits for a good force, make sure that everyone is on the same page. Your likelihood of getting a return on your investment decreases drastically with each player that decides not to invest, which can lead to a damaged economy far beyond round three, where you would typically hit your first full buy. Keeping your team's economy level through group buys and saves will prevent the frustrating scenarios in which you play two or more consecutive rounds without everyone on your team being able to afford a full loadout.

    After winning a pistol round, be conscious of the other team's economy (you should be doing this every round, not just after winning pistol). Can they force? Would you force if you were them? Take into consideration the level of investment possible for the other team. If they were to force, what is the best weapon they could afford? Your anti-eco strategy, individually and as a team, should be contingent on the threat that the other team could pose. Once the round starts, it will soon become apparent whether or not the other team has invested, and you can adjust your strategy accordingly. Your best course of action against five classics is drastically different than against a full spectre buy, and it's best to figure out which you're facing before taking reckless duels.

    This is an excerpt from my free newsletter which can be found at glizzy.substack.com.

    submitted by /u/GlizzyStevens
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