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    Thursday, July 29, 2021

    VALORANT VALORANT Champions Tour 2021: Europe / Stage 3 / Challengers 2 / Day 2

    VALORANT VALORANT Champions Tour 2021: Europe / Stage 3 / Challengers 2 / Day 2

    VALORANT Champions Tour 2021: Europe / Stage 3 / Challengers 2 / Day 2

    Posted: 29 Jul 2021 08:19 AM PDT

    VCT Europe Stage 3 Challengers 2

    Valorant Esports| Liquipedia | vlr.gg

    Everything you need to know about VALORANT Champions Tour

    Today's Matches

    Upper Bracket PST EST CET KST
    TENSTAR vs. Team Liquid 8:00 AM 11:00 AM 17:00 01:00
    Giants Gaming vs. Fnatic 8:00 AM 11:00 AM 17:00 01:00
    Lower Bracket
    Fnatic vs. Team BDS 10:00 AM 1:00 PM 19:00 3:00
    TENSTAR vs. Rix.GG Thunder 10:00 AM 1:00 PM 19:00 3:00


    • All matches (excl. Grand Final) are Bo3

    • Double Elimination bracket

    • Top 2 qualify for Challengers Finals


    On-Air Team - English

    Yinsu Collins
    Iain Chambers
    Harry "JustHarry" Russel
    Mitch "MitchMan" McBride
    Lauren "Pansy" Scott
    Vincent "Zescht" Talmon-Gros
    Tom "Tombizz" Bissmire
    Jakub "Lothar" Szygulski
    Michael "hypoc" Robins
    Ryan "RyanCentral" Horton
    Jessica "Jess" Bolden
    Geo "Geo" Collins
    John Allen
    Beatriz "kaquka" Alonso
    Matt "Twiggy" Twigg
    Ghassan "MiloshTheMedic" Finge
    Rafael "raveN" Gilberto
    Jason "Salty_Jayy" Batzofin
    Melanie "Melanie MHS" Hoi-San
    Heather "sapphiRe" Garozzo
    Luke "xilv" Davis
    Harrison "Hariboe" Barber-Scargill
    Felix "Synga" Regitz


    submitted by /u/Kappaftw
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    I made this animation as a practice, what do you think?

    Posted: 29 Jul 2021 11:38 AM PDT

    Dear Viper mains, I have a gift for you! (forgive the poor edit I was forced to use my phone)

    Posted: 29 Jul 2021 01:47 AM PDT

    If Valorant wasn't free to play would you still purchase the game?

    Posted: 29 Jul 2021 07:45 AM PDT

    And what other features or things would you want added in the game if it wasn't free to play? Just putting it out there CS:GO wasn't free to play back in the day.

    submitted by /u/HEISWALKINGONFIRE
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    How to Fix the Night Market for Everyone!

    Posted: 29 Jul 2021 12:27 AM PDT

    As you know, the Episode 3 Act 1 Night Market launched today & just a few hours later Twitter, Reddit, Instagram, and Tiktok are flooded with people upset about their Night.Market items. What's new? Nothing, and that's the problem.

    Everyone gets upset when there are no "good" items in their Night Market. But the other suggestions I've seen floating around don't seem fitting.

    Choose your skin? No shot Riot would spring for that. Guaranteed get a high-tier skin for your most used gun? Eh.. wouldn't really fix the issue because you'd still end up not getting what you wanted.

    What if the solution was to make the Night Market rotate? Lasts 15 days total, your market rotates every 5.

    This would give everyone 3 Night Markets, with shorter buying windows. That way, if your first one sucks.. don't worry you've got two more chances! And this suggestion doesn't impede on the item shop's notorious "FOMO tactics". In fact, it might even entice users more.. After all, waiting for one of your later markets could be risky, because what if they're worse than what you have now?

    This suggestion may not be unique or new, but I do think it could really be a fun change. & It would certainly make people happier. After all, Night Market doesn't come very often. Would be nice to have a better chance at getting some value out of it!

    Would love to hear any comments from u/Riot_Usury, u/Riot_Preeti, u/Riot_R4kiya, u/aeneia!! Thank you :)

    submitted by /u/DrSlimeBogle
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    Two dumb aces in one round

    Posted: 29 Jul 2021 06:45 AM PDT

    Lol I got the dumbest ace today and so did the guy on the enemy team. We had both gotten a 4k so far so it was the race for the ace and I lost so he got and ace but after I died he fucking jumped off a platform and gave me the ace. Both of us got the ace sound as well.

    submitted by /u/gingerbreadman322
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    The "gg go next" mantality is awful for everyones experience and it should stop

    Posted: 29 Jul 2021 06:49 AM PDT

    From my personal experience soloq'ing all season it seems that as soon as the game seems hard to win a majority of people just give up and it makes it hard to wanna play the game.

    For example if its merely 1-6 most players just stop communicating and cooporating after this point and some just complain for the rest of the game.

    IMO this kind of mindset a lot of the times prevents comebacks and makes the whole experience awful ,even if you think its a lost cause you could just stay quiet and let people focus.

    It just makes me sad and it happens too often i only que if im ready to go until the end and when people just quit so easy it makes me not want to play the game.

    So if you think this way maybe reconsider thinking its a lost game and perhaps look at it as a possible comeback because many times they really arent lost casues.

    submitted by /u/laza1313
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    Valorant is ruining my life

    Posted: 29 Jul 2021 10:34 AM PDT

    I started playing this game almost a year ago. It's one of the first competitive online FPS game that I've invested so much time into. But now I feel like it has completely taken over my life. I spend roughly 10+ hours a day playing Valorant. My happiness and self worth is tied to my performance in game. I'm so addicted I'm not able to get off. I'm at the point of having mental breakdowns after a loss streak. Please help.

    submitted by /u/GasolineMonkey
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    What do you those games where you feel like you get insta 1-tapped as soon as someone enters your screen

    Posted: 29 Jul 2021 02:34 AM PDT

    So I'm Plat 3 and I main killjoy and some games I do just fine but sometimes when I play it feels like the opponents play perfect valorant and just run around 1-tapping everything. I have good aim but in some games, it feels like I never get to use it. Like when it feels like I'm playing 2v4 retake every defense round because every time I switch sites they just 5-man the site I just switched from and when I change back that's the round its time to start pushing the site I was on. And on attack, they do the perfect thing to counter you every time almost.

    And then when you lose the game you go into a dm and everyone is behind you or perfectly double swinging you or sitting in random corners or holding off angles and you don't get one clean fight the entire deathmatch.

    It's like what do you do I really want to be good at the game but I just don't know how to progress. It's like I know I'm far from the perfect player and I know my weakness is not my aim (although it could ofc improve too) and my comms wins me games although I want to be able to win the games where my team doesn't listen to me as well. But I don't know how to train the other aspects of the game.

    submitted by /u/mogram_leg
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    Teamkilling needs an immediate punishment

    Posted: 29 Jul 2021 11:15 AM PDT

    Why do we not have a system in place to punish people for teamkilling? In CS:GO, you are immediately kicked and given a leaver penalty for killing teammates three times, even if it is accidental. I had a game yesterday where the Sova went around shock darting and ulting the team every round to ensure we could never win. Shock darting players defusing bombs or anyone who took a trade. Our only recourse was to 9x them and let the team 13-0 us causing the losing team to lose 30 points of rating. This is just wildly unacceptable. Even if our reports are seen and action is taken, they can just create a new account and start teamkilling immediately again. I would much rather my chances in a 4v5 than deal with someone killing teammates the whole game.

    submitted by /u/xNyquill
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    An Unusual B Site to A Short Bind Recon Dart

    Posted: 29 Jul 2021 12:57 AM PDT

    Sometimes things in life just line-up perfectly

    Posted: 28 Jul 2021 01:20 PM PDT

    Adding an "invite to lobby" in the post match

    Posted: 29 Jul 2021 06:54 AM PDT

    Why is there not an option to invite a player / players you've just played with after the game? Or an option like "Play again?" So that team mates have a choice to party up.

    I understand the concept of having to add someone as a friend to invite them if you haven't played a long side them before, but surely after playing a game of comp / unrated, it would make sense to invite them to your lobby if you wanted to.

    Not only would this be a fantastic way of playing multiple games with a team if you've just played really well, but there are far too many people playing Valorant at the moment who refuse to use their mics, or instalock an agent in comp and then mute everyone for the rest of the game.

    I also get that some people don't feel comfortable with themselves online when using voice communications and at the end of the day it is the users choice whether they speak or not, but surely you would want to give the players who care about communicating and want to compete to the best of their abilities every game the chance to avoid these micless players, as Valorant is such a teamwork orientated game.

    I think this would be a great way for players to quickly build friends in game, it encourages people to be better team mates on the hopes of being invited to duo/trio/squad it up in comp games and just opens up the social aspect of games.

    submitted by /u/CallMeIbra
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    I’m so inconsistent

    Posted: 29 Jul 2021 10:20 AM PDT

    One game im doing fine one game and then sometimes just after that game I play like I just picked it up. And sometimes I play like dog shit for over a week and it's so frustrating.

    submitted by /u/Orb_bit
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    Almost had the my first 6K Clutch :(

    Posted: 28 Jul 2021 04:49 PM PDT

    Inconsistency with the ropes in VALORANT?

    Posted: 28 Jul 2021 04:47 PM PDT

    Any Loki fans in the house?

    Posted: 29 Jul 2021 01:48 PM PDT

    Heyy! I made this skin by enhancing the dot exe ghost and adding some epic stickers on it. I also added the loki buddy with the weapon! (Ignore this because i am just typing it to reach the minimum word req or it'll get deleted by the bot lol) ps: I used PicsArt on my mobile to edit this. dotexe x loki

    submitted by /u/cry22stal
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    Who are the most popular pro players?

    Posted: 29 Jul 2021 03:39 AM PDT

    I know this might sound like a stupid question but I've been living under a rock the past couple of months and don't watch streamers or pro play. But now I am getting competitive and want to watch some pro players but don't know who to watch. Who are the most popular pro players? Underrated pro player suggestions are appreciated.

    submitted by /u/MerakiLovesU
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    Putting too much priority on rank.

    Posted: 29 Jul 2021 12:36 AM PDT

    Hey guys, I have many friends and players that take their ranks too seriously. I mean they have alt accounts and only play one match a day on the main when they are feeling it, they get toxic when losing and instantly switch accounts.

    This is not going to help you at all ! The only time we play best is when we're just having fun in the game, you can't be thinking about your rank every match. I have one account, I never play unrated and I have pretty decent rank. I get losing streaks, but I just practice and get over it. Forget about your rank for a while, instead of playing on alt accounts go into the range for 10 minutes.

    Worried about getting deranked after the match ? Don't, just go into the lower rank and pop some heads and you'll feel much more confident. Get comfortable playing comp without the pressure of rank and you'll eventually get better ranks too.

    submitted by /u/404Rishabh
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    Standard and PBE should have separate setting configurations.

    Posted: 29 Jul 2021 01:21 PM PDT

    No doubt you have heard players complain about their settings in the normal game being changed to the settings of the PBE (Oh, and if you have used the PBE, check your network and gameplay settings. You will thank me later.).

    Default network buffering on the PBE is maximum because of the loosened MM settings. I found this out after my shots would visibly hit someone but deal no damage, people started teleporting around, among other weird network jank. One you have probably heard about its enabling stats in the top right.

    While these are easy to fix, they are not always obvious and could easily go unnoticed (but as is the case with higher buffering, drastically harm gameplay). Thusly, they should not transfer automatically between the two. The first time the PBE is opened by a user, yes (so sensitivity and such are the same) but after that they should be treated as separate configurations.

    submitted by /u/theoreminegaming
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    A new Night.Market is live NOW!

    Posted: 28 Jul 2021 05:05 PM PDT

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