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    Tuesday, July 13, 2021

    VALORANT Climbing & Improving Ranks Megathread

    VALORANT Climbing & Improving Ranks Megathread

    Climbing & Improving Ranks Megathread

    Posted: 12 Jul 2021 08:01 PM PDT

    Welcome to the "Climbing & Improving Ranks" Discussion Megathread, where you, the community, get to ask your questions and share your knowledge on climbing and improving in competitive play.

    Not sure which part of your gameplay needs improvement? Share a video!

    Looking for some resources or streamers to help get started on your improvement journey? Ask or share away!

    This thread is a place for players to ask questions and get help or advice from more experienced players. So, don't hold back, get your competitive related questions ready and post away!

    Tip: Including a video or a player profile may make it easier for people to provide helpful or tailored advice.

    submitted by /u/Whytro
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    Good Viper ult that i saw someone do in the EU Qualifier last week. + i found a pretty decent lineup for it aswell.

    Posted: 13 Jul 2021 09:41 AM PDT

    "They call me a monster. Shall I prove them right?" Viper Fanart :3

    Posted: 13 Jul 2021 07:55 AM PDT

    This piece is for all my Viper mains. This was inspired by Viper's swoop peak mechanic. I always love playing with this so I thought it would be fun to make this. Enjoy!

    Twitter: vile_jp


    submitted by /u/Vile_jp
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    The DC's are getting ridiculous

    Posted: 13 Jul 2021 12:17 AM PDT

    This is the 3rd day that this has happened. The whole team including myself is DC'ing in a rank game. Is this issue ever going to be addressed? People are getting issued bans and MMR loss. For a competitive game, radio silence on this serious issue is unacceptable.

    submitted by /u/TheDirtyAsian
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    New Jett Dash? Idk I'm New Here

    Posted: 12 Jul 2021 05:54 PM PDT

    Low Elo Val Tournament! Free Entry, Open Sign-Up, $100 Prize!

    Posted: 13 Jul 2021 06:58 AM PDT


    The Ice and Fire Amateur Division is a tournament hosted specifically for the lower elo players of Valorant, who are often left out in the competitive scene. Solos and pre-mades are all welcome to submit. If you are a pre-made team, please make sure all members submit a form.

    Below are important links regarding the tournament. We host a low elo tournament every month, so I recommend you join our Discord so you don't miss out on any! Feel free to also follow our Twitch in advance if you're interested in watching the event live from July 24th-31st from 4:00-9:30 PM CST.

    Sign-Up Here (submissions close July 19th): https://forms.gle/qV18ve3TMEnZkX7r6
    Discord (for updates): https://discord.gg/bXGeScWefB
    Stream (to watch ALL games): https://www.twitch.tv/icyfllames

    If you have any questions, please feel free to DM me on Discord, or reply to this post.

    submitted by /u/IcyFlqmes
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    Getting kicked out of games

    Posted: 13 Jul 2021 02:16 PM PDT

    Getting kicked out of games

    Just got kicked out of a ranked game, several times. anyone else having this issue? Looks like several people on my team have it....


    submitted by /u/Qwappy
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    SoloQ Commandments that will increase your %Winrate

    Posted: 13 Jul 2021 11:38 AM PDT

    SoloQ Commandments to increase %wr:

    1. dont push alone against an eco, play long range to punish pistols
    2. dont buy a Vandal/Phan on round2 unless you have full shield as well. Always have a teammate next to you for him to pick it up
    3. after death insantly comm where is the opponent and how much dmg you did, swear to yourself afterwards, keep the anger to yourself
    4. If you are a duelist, you need be the frontline. communicate you are pushing site so you can be traded.
    5. If you are a Jett player that doesnt dash to site on attack and you are just hiding with an OP - you are doing it wrong. Please consider using a different agent. Its fine on defense but not on attack.
    6. If you are not a duelist, YOU NEED to follow the duelist when they enter the site. If you dont trade them, its a wasted execute and you are playing the game incorrectly.
    7. DONT BE AFRAID OF TAKING DAMAGE OR DYING! Sometimes pushing through a smoke and molly is a correct decision if your teammates need help. You wont win the round if half of the team is dead and werent traded!
    8. Learn to use proper smokes even if you dont play smokes. Link to my guide in comments.
    9. Dont relay on postplant lineups! Your team most likely needs you more on site to fight then to sit passively. Use your util to push people off and buy time.
    10. Communicate with the team to always have the same approach when it comes to buys: full buy, half buy, full eco, force!
    11. If you have an advantage in defense, dont push! Play default and let attackers do their job.
    12. 4v4, 3v3 2v2 is an advantage towards attackers! Thats when you want to combine numbers and punish one site!
    13. Wait for your defender teammates when retaking site. Dont allow yourself to get killed without a follow up/trade.
    14. Dont use your utility if you have no intent/reason to. Always think what you gain from it.
    15. Always be close to your teammate so you trade him insantly! If it takes 2 seconds for you to avenge someone - you are a baiter.
    16. If you lurk, wait for the team to execute. If you push before that, that means you are attacking alone which is essentially inting/griefing your team. Your task is to catch opponents rotations and gain map control!
    17. BE PATIENT! You can occasionaly push on defense but it shouldnt be your routine! Dont grief your team by constantly pushing the same angles.

    I posted this on twitter if someone would like to share


    I will be also doing a series on my youtube about fundamentals of SoloQ because as I see on twitter, there a lot interest in those basica.

    submitted by /u/LotharHS
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    Can we get ranks to show in after match scoreboard for DEATHMATCH?

    Posted: 13 Jul 2021 09:49 AM PDT

    Its good to know if you're being destroyed by immortals, or if you were doing really good, was it against irons. I was once unable peek without getting headshot, asked rank, 3 people say immortal. It was 4 at night so I get unbalanced DMs, but its good to know if I suck or they suck. It doesn't feel good killing with 10 bullets(instead of dink/double dink) cause the enemy is looking at the ground and ADSing and moving.

    submitted by /u/AdiSoldier245
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    Skin beggar is annoying

    Posted: 12 Jul 2021 07:47 PM PDT

    For obvious reason, i buy weapon skin to please myself. I kinda get ppl want to tryout my skin and it's fine at first. But when it happen almost every round and when i dont give what they want, they start to be toxic.. it's just so annoying, just buy the skin yourself!

    submitted by /u/Raizhin_Mistborn
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    Deathmatch right now is nothing short of an embarrassment

    Posted: 13 Jul 2021 11:38 AM PDT


    More than 4 months since this AMA.

    Countless posts in here and across all social media platforms about how DM in this game is awful. Every single pro saying that it sucks, literally noone likes it.

    And yet we still can't get them to do anything about the mode. It's literally pointless and useless. Second most important mode in the game and we're still in the same situation we were in more than 9 months ago, the last time they did anything about DM.

    Was it really more important to create replication, snowball fight and escalation only for them not to be playable two thirds of the time? Embarrassing.

    Noone is saying it needs to be perfect right after the next update, but this is next to unplayable. Beyond awful. And I'm saying that as someone who always gets 35+ kills. But vast majority of those are as good as shooting bots in range because no duels are actual duels, just shooting people in the back.

    Spawns are so bad that if you play DM too much, you'll play worse in actual games because awful spawns force you to take ridiculous pathing to prevent getting shot in the back while you're running up B long Bind for the 8th time in a row.

    submitted by /u/valorantfeedback
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    Here's a clip from a Dutch charity tourney I played, clutch or kick right?

    Posted: 13 Jul 2021 01:02 AM PDT

    New sticker idea

    Posted: 13 Jul 2021 09:48 AM PDT

    New sticker idea

    Had loads of fun making this in photoshop keeping in mind the going on pandemic. Let me know if you guys like this as a sticker idea!

    Stay Safe sticker

    submitted by /u/BakaetPSD
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    The bots in the range drop spectres when killed. The spectres use the old model before the suppressor was added. (sorry for the bad quality and background noise)

    Posted: 12 Jul 2021 09:21 PM PDT

    Useful tips for VALORANT

    Posted: 13 Jul 2021 10:24 AM PDT

    Valorant Tips:

    #1. Don't get mad: If you get mad, you play worse, which makes you madder, and you get even worse. Try to stay positive!

    #2. Don't be toxic: If you are toxic, your team will get worse, and you will lose. If you want to criticize at least use "constructive criticism" rather than saying your trash. Try to say something along the lines of "good try man" even if it wasn't a good try because the teammate will be encouraged to continue to try. It's all about attitude.

    #3. Losing is okay: You learn more from losses than wins

    #4. If you do get mad, take a break: As mentioned, mad=worse, so take a break when you get mad

    #5. If you see people in game not following these tips, do your best to change their attitude, it may win you the game

    Remember, this game is all about the attitude. You can be the best player in terms of game mechanics, but you must have a good attitude and good energy within your team to win games. Skill alone is not enough.

    submitted by /u/DieselFalcon
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    Why don't I see any of the people I report banned EVER

    Posted: 12 Jul 2021 10:21 PM PDT

    So I am very curious why I report and I report yet nothing, literally just finished a game with a duo that queued up just to troll. Sova started the game by grabbing the bomb and saying BRB 10 Minutes, and proceeded to afk but not really because he was moving so the game wouldn't flag him as afk. Every subsequent round his duo Phoenix would grab the bomb and throw it on him so we literally couldn't even attempt to win as well as use abilities on people while they were reporting this kept going and going and yet I know I wont see these people banned. Why is it riot needs to install a highest priority kernal for Vac but cant track these people ban their ban accounts this literally ruins the game for people who want to play.

    submitted by /u/MukKingCrow11
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    TSM just signed this KJ turret

    Posted: 13 Jul 2021 01:22 PM PDT

    Stop surrendering after 6 games

    Posted: 13 Jul 2021 10:56 AM PDT

    I'm absolutely done with this. I'll probably never finish the battle pass because of this. I just played 4 games in a row where we went 6-0 or 0-6 and everyone immediately surrendered. Why? What's the point of surrendering? Both teams lose out on any xp they might have gotten, and it wastes everyone's time. Unless you're getting absolutely stomped and it's an 8+ point difference, don't consider surrendering. I've seen an entire team almost surrender in ranked, and when it failed 3 of them left, leaving me and a rando with a 2v5. Surrendering should always be the last thing you try.

    submitted by /u/Dantegram
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    Craziest comp game I've ever played

    Posted: 13 Jul 2021 12:26 PM PDT

    Our team is awful. No comms, no coordination. The other team is really good. They were winning 11-3. And then they started throwing, telling us they wanted to give a few charity kills. They totally threw a few rounds until the score was 11-8. This was when their economy was low and everyone on my team had odins. They still continued to troll us saying they would throw until we were tied, and soon after we did actually tie. That's when they all bought odins themselves and tried to take back the game, but we managed to hold them off and actually won the game!!! I've played games when people throw a couple rounds but I've never seen anything like this before.

    submitted by /u/fishingdonuts
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    Why you should hide your Act Rank

    Posted: 12 Jul 2021 10:10 PM PDT

    I have an Immortal Act rank and currently in D2 right now. Whenever Im in full Plat/Diamond lobbies and show my act rank, everyone becomes SO TOXIC. The enemy team calls me boosted or a one-trick, and my teammates expect me to carry. Every kill I get is met with BMing from the enemy team.

    After hiding my Act rank everyone becomes much more pleasant, and I can play without any hostility directed at me. Thank you RITO for allowing us to hide Act ranks

    submitted by /u/tomphz
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    Why are people so toxic?

    Posted: 13 Jul 2021 12:23 PM PDT

    This is probably an issue that a lot of people have, but seriously, every time I miss or make a bad play I immeddiately get spammed with messages or people screaming. Also, I come from CSGO and I don't get half the hate I'm getting.

    submitted by /u/laranjasebananas
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    5 Omen Tips for New Players | Beginners Guide

    Posted: 13 Jul 2021 05:33 AM PDT

    finally plat one

    Posted: 13 Jul 2021 06:09 AM PDT

    I know its not that impressive to most of you but i finally reached platinum. its been my goal basically ever since i started playing the game. ep 1 act 2


    submitted by /u/d0uppii
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    I missed a defuse by less than 00.00 seconds

    Posted: 13 Jul 2021 02:03 PM PDT

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