• Breaking News

    Monday, July 12, 2021

    VALORANT Plant Practice bots' hitboxes remain unchanged when bot is crouched for defuse

    VALORANT Plant Practice bots' hitboxes remain unchanged when bot is crouched for defuse

    Plant Practice bots' hitboxes remain unchanged when bot is crouched for defuse

    Posted: 11 Jul 2021 11:52 PM PDT

    Hot Girl Summer ft. Reyna, Jett, Viper and Raze

    Posted: 12 Jul 2021 08:18 AM PDT

    Hot Girl Summer ft. Reyna, Jett, Viper and Raze

    Had a ton of fun creating this on Photoshop. Let me know if you like this style of portraying the ops. Will make a version with the bois too.


    submitted by /u/aritraguharay
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    Shroud demonstrates the speed difference of using hold vs. toggle to scope in

    Posted: 12 Jul 2021 08:40 AM PDT

    Please do not start a match if you "have to go" in between.

    Posted: 12 Jul 2021 06:03 AM PDT

    Please do not start a match if you "have to go" in between.

    One left the game and the other started throwing cause we did not surrender a 9-4 lead match because they "had to go". The Yoru left and the Killjoy had time to throw but not play the match. He was not bad at the game as the enemy player mentions, he was averaging 2-3 kills each round before starting to throw.


    submitted by /u/0chillz
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    Impressed with val response time

    Posted: 12 Jul 2021 04:26 AM PDT

    Some guy in my game said the n word after i killed him, and literally like 3 mins after the game ended i got notified that a ban occurred

    submitted by /u/Glasswolf0
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    Sova icebox shock dart lineup against sage wall generator plant

    Posted: 12 Jul 2021 11:15 AM PDT

    Sentinels Fanart

    Posted: 11 Jul 2021 09:23 PM PDT

    Which team are you supporting? It is Sentinels for me^^. I wanted to draw the agents in a cool lighting setup so here it is!
    I hope the link works


    submitted by /u/slynxoxo_
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    Any idea what the highest account level currently is?

    Posted: 12 Jul 2021 08:21 AM PDT

    I played a game last night against somebody who was level 638. That seems astronomically high and it has to be one of the highest in the world. I've seen plenty of people in the low hundreds but 500+ is wild

    submitted by /u/CowsArentReal
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    Account level and smurfing.

    Posted: 12 Jul 2021 11:12 AM PDT

    This is probably me just being way to upset about the game, but when going a competitive game, i would expect to be queued by MMR and with this new feature, queued by level or something along this lines, but 60% of my games are just completely unbalanced, I'm at level 98 getting queued against accounts under level 15 accounts that absolutely outperform any of me or me teammates (solo queue), last week this went on for around 6-7 games in a row where the max rounds my teams were able to score was 7.

    I think some good solutions for this would be things like, queueing plays with similar or MMR and level or limiting competitive play for accounts above a certain level, similar to what CSGO had at level 21.

    I know level's is kinda of a new thing, but I'd expect that when working with levels, this would have a usefull feature right away instead of a "this feature is only so you can see how much time you have in game and how levels 5 still unranked outperform you by 25 frags".

    submitted by /u/SnooGoats1151
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    does anybody know why sage doesn’t get assists from her heal anymore?

    Posted: 12 Jul 2021 09:17 AM PDT

    i noticed this like a week ago but when you heal someone and they get a kill, it doesn't pop up as an assist anymore. is this a bug or did they mean to do this and why?

    submitted by /u/uwunuzzless
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    A commend system required in Valorant ?

    Posted: 12 Jul 2021 05:14 AM PDT

    For the people that communicate well and try to keep a positive environment. Recently I encountered 2 world class throwers on my team, both were partied and keeping the bomb in spawn and feeding info to the team. It began when our brim told them to peek a certain angle and they were like "okay I'm throwing". The opponent team were also really glad that they were throwing and were happily taking the info. I'm a real nice guy, I'm always supporting everyone even if they have 0 kills I always say it's okay this happens. But this got to my nerves, and I bashed the opponent team for not muting the chat and also our throwers, it did get a little bad. They mass reported me, and voila I got banned this afternoon.

    I always get requests from teammates, not because of carry, but just because I keep a positive outlook on the match. This is not justified, are we not even supposed to say anything when all this is happening ?

    submitted by /u/404Rishabh
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    Idea: No Comp Agent Instalocks for first 10 seconds

    Posted: 12 Jul 2021 12:43 PM PDT

    Competitive idea: No agent instalock. You cannot lock an agent for first 10 seconds of agent selection, AND you cannot lock if 2 or more have selected that agent. It will force people to discuss and decide.

    For myself, this isn't really a problem, because I can play a few agents. But sometimes in games, I get someone all tilted cause they "didn't get Jett", and "whoever got Jett sucks", and "we'd be winning if he/she had gotten Jett." Comms are super important in the game, so why not get people using comms nicely in the agent select. If someone says you better give me Jett or I'll dodge / throw, then I don't really want to play with that type of person anyways.

    There is so much discussion when I watch immortal / radiant streamers in the agent selection, and I feel this idea would force people to do the same.

    submitted by /u/chessdad_ca
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    Visualize sound option

    Posted: 12 Jul 2021 09:26 AM PDT

    Can a visualize sound effects setting be added pls I am half deaf so I can't hear directions and it would be really useful for people like me and deaf people

    submitted by /u/DutchJuulMaster
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    skye art

    Posted: 11 Jul 2021 06:31 PM PDT

    skye art

    I've got 950 VP and sent this beautiful and I think almost photo-realistic image of Skye to the valorant support team in hopes I can get a cheeky 50VP to get the battlepass.


    submitted by /u/Mythic1234
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    I have not received my year one stats email yet

    Posted: 12 Jul 2021 12:34 PM PDT

    I have not received the email on any of my accounts. I play in the SA region. I already checked my spam and promotions folder with no luck. Anyone has experienced the same or there is some step I am missing?

    submitted by /u/joseines
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    I wish there was a comm for "nice try"

    Posted: 11 Jul 2021 11:00 PM PDT

    I don't think the "Commend" option quite cuts it when you appreciate the effort someone put in but you still lost the round.


    submitted by /u/golderer
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    Molly Line-up for Cubby A Side

    Posted: 11 Jul 2021 07:48 PM PDT

    “pReCiSe gUnPLaY”

    Posted: 12 Jul 2021 03:14 PM PDT

    Getting reported for smurfing?

    Posted: 12 Jul 2021 01:52 PM PDT

    Can you be banned for it? 2nd game in a row all enemies say they are gonna report me. Its my main account and I just bought the new bundle, dont wanna lose it

    submitted by /u/mognoiswebscale
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    This new account leveling system just exposes how prevalent smurfs are

    Posted: 12 Jul 2021 11:47 AM PDT

    I dont want to complain but literally every game in gold (emphasis on literally) has 1 or 2 level 10s or 20s whether it be on my team or the enemy team. smurfs are a big problem in this game and no one can tell me otherwise lol

    submitted by /u/atl4nz
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    How do you guys deal with hate during the game?

    Posted: 11 Jul 2021 06:56 PM PDT

    So, I've just finished a competitive match that was honestly the worst experience I've ever had in this game. I was playing with 4 other random guys (I am a woman) and they started the match putting really loudly different, weird noises into their mics making it almost impossible to have headphones on (btw RIOT, fix the damn team volume settings!). But excluding that, once they found out I was a girl, the only things I was hearing was how I should uninstall the game, that girls should be allowed near computers (I was second in our team standings btw), that I should stay in the kitchen and make them sandwiches and so on. (They we're also really homophobic). And now, everyone say, "you should just mute them" yes, I can do that, but I am still playing a competitive match, and between the depressing stuff they were giving a bit of info. Women of this sub - how do you deal with this kind of stuff? I don't have a high self esteem so my motivation immediately went down. Yes I did report them, but what did that really do if my match was already wasted? Also, this one guy after he died was sending me a ton of party invites he was literally spam sending them) which was lagging my game like crazy. Shouldn't riot add an option to block this kind of invites? Or there is one but I couldn't find it? (Thank you for reading till the end, I needed to get this of my chest and sorry for my poor English)

    submitted by /u/Lagertha_xX
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    Gamer Girls

    Posted: 11 Jul 2021 08:00 PM PDT

    I'm just going to be real, I don't know how much of the time this occurs. But for context, I play on oceania servers. I've peaked immortal for the last two seasons and just played a few games today. In all of those games there was a female gamer in my team that was too scared to talk or communicate at high elo (which at high you elo you need comms) because or past experiences or just like actual toxic team mates. I love banter as much as anybody else but I feel like the toxicity around gamer girls playing in val is just next level. At high elo everyone has a ego I get that and I solo queue all the fucking time so it's understandable that things get heated sometimes but if you're a girl at that elo and you can frag + com + use utility well despite what the scoreboard says there shouldn't be people in the community trying to discourage other people. If you wanna climb ranks it's mainly team work that gets you up there especially when you solo queue, you gotta encourage people to play at their best and even if ur down 11-1, there's still a chance to making a epic comeback for the satisfaction of it. Point is: don't be a douchebag to female gamers, because if they end up in ur ranked up game. You don't wanna tilt them to the point of losing that game.

    submitted by /u/Big_Cartoonist_2117
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    Today I got the Glitchpop Classic 3x in a Row in my Shop. I would like to know the odds of this please.

    Posted: 11 Jul 2021 07:01 PM PDT

    Today I got the Glitchpop Classic 3x in a Row in my Shop. I would like to know the odds of this please.

    First Day

    Second Day

    Third Day

    I was never good at Mathematics, but i really want to know how "lucky" i got. If there is anyone that can help me with this i would really appreciate it!

    submitted by /u/zVanatic
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