• Breaking News

    Sunday, July 11, 2021

    VALORANT Smoke lineup for Viper on C, Haven

    VALORANT Smoke lineup for Viper on C, Haven

    Smoke lineup for Viper on C, Haven

    Posted: 11 Jul 2021 11:08 AM PDT

    I discovered a crazy new 1 way wall bang on spilt.

    Posted: 10 Jul 2021 04:09 PM PDT

    Jett Art

    Posted: 11 Jul 2021 03:52 PM PDT

    Jett Art

    Here's the Jett art too since you guys liked the killjoy one :D I love all her abilities a lot and her design is cool too. I appreciate the fact that she is also Korean which gives me a bigger excuse to main her B)


    submitted by /u/JuYoon11
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    Killjoy Art

    Posted: 11 Jul 2021 01:09 AM PDT

    Killjoy Art

    I made some killjoy art today, thought I would post it here! Killjoy has been my main agent along with Jett since her release, while they are both so different I feel like they suit my preferred playstyles so well. I made a jett one earlier this week I may post it here as well later if you guys would like it :D


    submitted by /u/JuYoon11
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    Valorant Asia and Sea server are getting crashes

    Posted: 11 Jul 2021 08:21 AM PDT

    Before you come on here and post about the game crashing, just some hours ago some reports of server crashes especially concentrated in this both regions started to pop out, just in the last hour there was a partially total crash, note that this crashes have been happening in other places in the recent past, but this regions are the ones being affected just now, riot is probably looking into it as some ranked queues have been disabled and you can mostly hope for any penalties to be deleted for your history once is fixed ( there is some precedent for rr retribution in the past but you gotta be patient as this is the worst crash we've experienced ) We dont know what's the issue, how's the progress on fixing it nor we have much info directly from riot, it's frustrating but will eventually get fixed, and due to how much this issue blew up it can set a precedent for further crashes this massive as we haven't had a crash so massively affect ongoing matches.

    Pls restrain form playing untill further notice, or some time has passed, I'll update if report stop coming in, pls inform of Amy crashes outside this region.

    submitted by /u/Riv4l5
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    The weakest agent is...

    Posted: 11 Jul 2021 11:14 AM PDT

    Based on the "March Madness" polls I've been conducting in the past week or so, we finally have a winner! The "Weakest agent of patch 3.0" is officially:


    With the runner-up being:


    Keep in mind that there was some randomness involved with these polls so these results may not reflect your personal feelings about the agents right now. However, feel free to discuss in the comments what you think and if you agree with these results?

    What should Riot do about Yoru?

    Does Omen still have a place in competitive play? And if not, what can they change about him to get him back in the meta?

    Who else needs a buff badly?

    submitted by /u/Chiperooski_the_croc
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    It's kinda crazy how much better it is to repeatedly peek an angle rather than holding it.

    Posted: 11 Jul 2021 12:16 AM PDT

    Hello everyone, since I started playing Valorant I always had trouble on defense for some reason. I would finish the attacking side with 15/4 score and then after defense I would finish the game at 20/16 or something like that.

    For a long time I had no idea why so I started watching pro games to see what they do on defense and I realized that they only hold angles from really weird off-angle positions, when they are not doing that they just hid and constantly re-peek it.

    This was a bit counter-intuitive for me as in every single fps that I played before the person holding the angle was by far the favorite to win the encounter. However, since I started doing it my defensive game has shot through the roof, it feels so much better even after the nerfs to run and gun.

    Personally I really wish this was not the case, and holding the angle would be far superior in every circumstance.

    But what do you folks think, has anyone noticed something similar and if so how do you feel about it?

    Thank you all for reading and have a great day.

    submitted by /u/Vealzy
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    Did anyone else place way lower than they feel they should have this season?

    Posted: 11 Jul 2021 03:23 AM PDT

    Last season I spent about 80% of my games in immortal and only dropped out towards the end of the season to diamond 2 when I was trying to learn to play Skye but like I said 80% of my games were in the immortal rank.

    I did my placements a few days ago and went 3 losses and 2 wins (one loss was because my power went out) and I placed in plat 1. But since then I've had about a 75% winrate in my games and have climbed to diamond 1 so far in the matter of about 4 days. I can't help but feel that I'm ruining some of the games I play in since I feel so underranked compared to my skill level and I've essentially wasted about 8hrs of game time getting to the rank that I feel I should've been placed at to start with. Anyone else have issues with where they placed?

    submitted by /u/Kuxtar
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    I created a Magepunk Phantom

    Posted: 11 Jul 2021 11:30 AM PDT

    Illumina is recruiting for competitive and casual gamers!

    Posted: 11 Jul 2021 01:53 PM PDT

    [NA] The goal of Illumina is to build a top-tier organization and community through positivity, innovation, and collaboration. We have tryouts bi-weekly for multiple teams in which you can improve your game, gain team experience, and make new connections. We also have a very active discord in which players are constantly grinding ranked together. We host Valorant community game nights every Thursday and possibly other games on Saturday nights. Add me on discord (Fredelous#5119) to find out more info!

    Players are required to abide by the following rules:

    Violators will be banned

    • No toxic behavior, passive-aggressive comments, or rage quitting/throwing.

    • Players are required to have good sportsmanship and willing to take constructive criticism to improve.

    Looking For

    • coaches/managers/GFX/VFX/content creators (contact Etkka#054 on discord)

    • top 1000 Immortal/Radiants high elo team

    • Diamond+ for ACAD team

    • Gold+ for watchlist

    • Any rank can join the community

    • Looking for \*FEMALE PLAYERS** to form female team also **tryouts Monday, July 12th*\**


    • Potential sponsorships and investors

    • VOD reviews/Coaching

    • Scrim experience

    • Non-toxic people to play ranked with

    • Weekly community game night (Thursday 10 mans)

    submitted by /u/Fredelous
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    Playing with friends to rank up instead of solo queueing

    Posted: 11 Jul 2021 11:04 AM PDT

    I have heard a lot of Pro guides and Immortal/Radiant players saying that players in bronze/silver should play with friends instead of solo queueing....

    Is this true? If yes what should I as a person with no "friends who play valorant" do to rank up then?

    submitted by /u/YP1731
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    Would you like to see a pick-ban system get implemented eventually?

    Posted: 11 Jul 2021 03:41 PM PDT

    I don't think a system like this would work right now as there aren't enough agents yet. But this whole getting into a game then waiting to see who insta-locks what is getting a little old.

    View Poll

    submitted by /u/StBlaize
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    valorantmobilebeta.com it's not official and not safe to download

    Posted: 10 Jul 2021 08:31 PM PDT

    I've seen this website pop up multiple times recently in YouTube comments, posts here and videos and just wanted to leave this here.

    For context valorant mobile was announced a couple of months ago, the Valorant team stated it's in early development and we haven't had any more notice, this website is not linked anywhere nor there is any official mention from riot of releasing a beta yet, furthermore the website uses a fake valorant account registration system that doesn't even link back to the real one and has terrible punctuation, and the apk itself is recognized as potentially harmful by android.

    Pls DO NOT install this and warn anyone who could fall for this, no matter how ovious it seems, 4 people I know have downloaded this potential malware.

    If you have installed it you should uninstall it and change your riot games account password if you logged in the website.

    submitted by /u/Riv4l5
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    KAY/O Bind Molly Lineups

    Posted: 11 Jul 2021 01:31 PM PDT

    TenZ biggest whiff, Shroud reaction

    Posted: 11 Jul 2021 03:18 PM PDT

    Dodging when there aren’t any mics?

    Posted: 11 Jul 2021 04:50 PM PDT

    In comp I can't stand when I'm the only one giving comms. We often lose because I don't know where they get killed from or if one person out of the whole team rotated to the other site just to lose a 1v1. Is it okay to dodge in a comp match because of no ppl willing to comm?

    submitted by /u/EstablishmentFar8465
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    [need Help] valorant sensitivity feels weird

    Posted: 11 Jul 2021 07:17 AM PDT

    Hello guys,

    First of all, I introduce my self, I am an old CS player who switched to Valo last year, I reached global elite on csgo and now I'm diamond 1 - 2 on valo.

    I would like to begin a training session but I'm afraid to do it with the wrong sens cauz till today, I have no idea about wich sens I should use.

    The problème is, I'm good with all sens between 0,48 and 0.94 on 400 dpi. With low sens I have good micro adjustment, with high sens I have a good tracking, flicking feel exactly the same on all sensitivities so I'm really confused. Should I play with the highest contrôlable sensitivity, or the lowest possible? Or should I just take a middle of those, like a 0.76 for ex and work on it?

    I tried PSA Calculator method and the result is different every day.

    Please let me know what do you think about it, and how did u choose yours?

    submitted by /u/BenziHips
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    Recently, Valorant Competitive has become less competitive and more unfair.

    Posted: 10 Jul 2021 11:13 PM PDT

    Smurfing seems to be running rampant in Valorant lately and it's causing a lot of lower-skilled players to quit.

    submitted by /u/jdcrispe
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    KAY/O instant revived with 300+ health from being down

    Posted: 10 Jul 2021 04:15 PM PDT

    What do you think about solo queue?

    Posted: 11 Jul 2021 04:05 PM PDT

    To be honest I had few short stints in Valorant, but because I have more time right now, I really wanna get into this game, especially after they added KAY/O.

    I have a huge experience from CS:GO, lately I've been playing Overwatch. Unfortunately, my friends are not really interested in Valorant, so I just wanna ask about experience in solo queue. There are so many discussions, someone says that solo queue is a hell, another person claims that they were able to climb etc., so I am quite confused.

    Also, from what I see, lots of players are saying that their rank got worse since new season started. What's the reason behind this? Is this a real problem or people just complain about a worse rank?


    submitted by /u/_IAmMichael
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