• Breaking News

    Tuesday, July 6, 2021

    VALORANT New Jett + Sage wall speed glitch is too broken !! ( Found by Traxtop YT )

    VALORANT New Jett + Sage wall speed glitch is too broken !! ( Found by Traxtop YT )

    New Jett + Sage wall speed glitch is too broken !! ( Found by Traxtop YT )

    Posted: 06 Jul 2021 03:07 AM PDT

    How to climb the radianite boxes at Haven A site. (Heavy inspiration from one of Grim's tricks)

    Posted: 05 Jul 2021 06:26 PM PDT

    Will there ever be a Tactical Timeout?

    Posted: 06 Jul 2021 12:29 PM PDT

    Its one thing from CSGO I miss.

    Everybody, now and then, runs into some technical issue with connectivity, or simply needs to pop to the loo, and if you're afk for one round you get warned after the game... each team should get one 90 second team voted timeout per half in my opinion.

    submitted by /u/AlwaysTheKop
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    new jett boost (from 1 side to the other in 1 second)

    Posted: 06 Jul 2021 05:21 AM PDT

    I drew jett from valorant in casual clothing! I hope you'll like it!

    Posted: 05 Jul 2021 10:08 PM PDT

    I drew jett from valorant in casual clothing! I hope you'll like it!


    I had a lot of fun drawing this! havent drawn a full illustration piece for a while. If you want to see more of my art my twitter is https://twitter.com/leireail

    submitted by /u/Leireail
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    New skye tech discovered!!!!

    Posted: 06 Jul 2021 01:24 PM PDT

    For those who want to change Valorant's Home screen background!! IMPORTANT

    Posted: 06 Jul 2021 08:41 AM PDT

    **Response from a Valorant Support Employee**

    Hey there,

    First of all, thanks for writing in! I understand you might be interested in doing the same, and I'll try my best to sort things out for you!

    To start things off, while we don't strictly condemn the use of third-party modifications or modifying the game files, doing so can be pretty risky, indeed :/

    Now, I can't exactly tell you whether a particular third-party modification is against our Terms of Use or not, but you can follow these general guidelines:

    · We identify and suspend accounts for using third-party programs intended to offer a competitive advantage by affecting gameplay in any way

    · We cannot control what a third-party developer makes or changes, so a program that was once acceptable may have versions which violate the Terms of Use

    · Some third-party developers may not have your best interests in mind, so please be aware that these types of files can contain keyloggers, viruses, and malware.

    · Third-party modifications may affect your game in unexpected ways, so if you're having technical issues, try uninstalling these programs before doing anything else.


    That said, truth is this isn't something that is readily available to players - as it involves relying on a method that we aren't aware of and have no control over :(

    It might be best if you don't modify these files, just to be on the safe side.

    I'm sorry if my response was rather vague, but I do hope I was able to clear things up a bit at least. Of course, if you happen to have any other questions, please don't hesitate to let me know. I'll be here.

    Thanks again for reaching out, and I hope you're having an amazing day! Take care!

    submitted by /u/redditpeek
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    KAY/O Song Parody (you suppressed in the wrong neighborhood)

    Posted: 06 Jul 2021 11:49 AM PDT

    Valorant Community Tier List: Vandal Skins | Send in your submissions now!

    Posted: 06 Jul 2021 08:25 AM PDT

    If you would like to participate in the voting, please vote through the Google Form below!

    All submissions must be submitted before 9/7/2021 11:59PM GMT+8

    Every skin will be ranked averagely through the accumulation of votes from the google form.


    submitted by /u/iBananaTeo
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    Patch 3.01. When?

    Posted: 06 Jul 2021 07:18 AM PDT

    Normally there are 2 weeks between each patch so in theory is today.

    Any news about it? Is it today?
    The current boundle ends in two days I don't remember if normaly the boundles are syncronized with the patch.

    submitted by /u/FelioEmeraude
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    Does India have the potential to open its esports scene in Valorant?

    Posted: 06 Jul 2021 08:00 AM PDT

    After "word.exe" incident back in 2018 CSGO event, optic gaming left India and all the esports gates were closed for India. It really struck me when I read why India doesnt have an esport scene and I hoped that it does open up one day. Now Valorant looks like that one ray of hope. I witnessed many Indian streamers playing Valorant. Even on this subreddit there are a few of them. Do you think an Indian roster would appear in Valorant events?

    submitted by /u/Diwakar404
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    i am now actually afraid of solo queuing

    Posted: 05 Jul 2021 05:41 PM PDT

    valorant solo q is actually scary to me now. i've gone up against way too many smurfs and dealt with so much toxicity its actually scary to me now. ranked is something i actually want to grind, but all the problems with the game is actually worrying me.

    does anyone else have this problem or am i just being fucking stupid?

    submitted by /u/thememed24
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    Ranked Distribution as of Patch 3.0

    Posted: 05 Jul 2021 07:25 PM PDT

    Ranked Distribution as of Patch 3.0


    VALKING.GG just released Ranked Distributions as of Patch 3.0 and I was wondering what the general consensus was. Personally I believe that having ~77% of players in Silver and below, although probably making the quality of games at higher ranks better, creates an incredibly frustrating and chaotic environment in the lower ranks, which is where most new players find themselves.

    I mainly only play with friends who are new to tactical FPS's and FPS's in general, and they can get extremely demotivated and tilted simply because of the immense skill range there can be in bronze-silver. In their eyes it just feels unfair and unfun. Do you think these things are related or not?

    Do you think the current distributions are a good balance? Or does RIOT need to make some changes?

    submitted by /u/Brilson
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    Raze x Killjoy Chibi

    Posted: 06 Jul 2021 06:56 AM PDT

    Raze x Killjoy

    I did a cute little chibi fanart for this cute little techies that i always play in the game! I love how they're such a contrary pair, the cool and calculating killjoy and the Bubbly and wild Raze. Hope y'all like it 😳

    [My insta] https://www.instagram.com/xxnegativeinfinityxx/

    submitted by /u/Puzzled_Wind_6700
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    Riot prepares to launch token and collectible NFTs. They made a patent/brand application in Brazil

    Posted: 06 Jul 2021 06:14 AM PDT

    new jett dash trick on haven

    Posted: 06 Jul 2021 02:24 AM PDT

    Just low-elo things.

    Posted: 06 Jul 2021 09:44 AM PDT

    Just low-elo things.

    I think there should be a remake button like the surrender button even if it's for the first 2 rounds. People in low-elo have no idea about that feature or the proper command to do it.


    submitted by /u/KevEpic
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    How do you feel about KAY/O so far in terms of balancing?

    Posted: 06 Jul 2021 11:33 AM PDT

    I reckon most people have already played against or as KAY/O.

    He is really fun to play IMO. I'd say his high point really is his E, it is really strong.

    View Poll

    submitted by /u/AllianceOrTheHorde
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    What are some basic rules to when to check a corner?

    Posted: 06 Jul 2021 11:24 AM PDT

    I've been playing a lot of Valorant and I realized that I check way more corners than I see higher ranked players do, and I wanna know what makes a corner not have to be checked.

    submitted by /u/littleja1001
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    I started to learn drawing again, here is our beloved Fred as Frog!

    Posted: 06 Jul 2021 07:21 AM PDT

    Cypher's Lament

    Posted: 06 Jul 2021 01:17 PM PDT

    Cypher's Lament

    I decided to make this in Source Filmmaker because I got bored and wanted to play around with lighting. Hope you enjoy, and if you have constructive criticisms, please feel free to voice them!


    submitted by /u/SouljaIsSpy03
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    Shop modification

    Posted: 06 Jul 2021 12:00 PM PDT

    Currently I've been waiting for some items to come into my shop for months, never seeing either of what I've wanted since my search began. Lately, I've been trying to consider why the shop is set up the way it is. Where each day you get a random selection of 4 skins and the current bundle. I feel like this form of shop could be modified in the following ways. First off, since there isn't a resell value for any of the items, I don't see why making every skin (besides bundle skins) buyable through the viewing section in collection would cause any harm, on top of that I feel the shop should be re-utilized to give discounts for 4 random skins that would continue to reset every day. My reasoning behind this change, is in the beginning there was only a small amount of skins making obtaining them possible, now with the amount of skins there are, it's become nearly impossible to get some skins. Depending on their rarity and how lucky you get. Like I mentioned earlier, since there really is only a market value, I don't see why making all the skins buyable (not including battlepass skins) wouldn't be a successful alternative at this point in time.

    submitted by /u/CliqueYT
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    Since some of you asked for a whole video of all my molotov lineups on Bind.... here you have it my first youtube video/tutorial. Also dont be so hard with me and give me some constructive criticism. :D

    Posted: 06 Jul 2021 05:59 AM PDT

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