• Breaking News

    Monday, July 5, 2021

    VALORANT Found a glitched cam spot in the range and that you can make cypher dance xD

    VALORANT Found a glitched cam spot in the range and that you can make cypher dance xD

    Found a glitched cam spot in the range and that you can make cypher dance xD

    Posted: 05 Jul 2021 02:41 AM PDT

    I made this Jett Bongo Cat for streaming

    Posted: 05 Jul 2021 01:56 AM PDT

    Valorant Guide (Everything I've learned from Silver 2 to Immortal 180 rr)

    Posted: 04 Jul 2021 08:41 PM PDT

    Hi guys I've been playing Val for a very long time (EP 1 Act 1) mostly solo queue up until I hit immortal and I wanted to make a guide for people who are new and don't know where to start and/or work on. This is mostly targeted towards Iron to Low Diamond. ALL the links are the same links I've used to help me climb. SHOUTOUT RON RAMBO KIM!!


    https://docs.google.com/document/d/e/2PACX-1vTr8LGbfKqnH2lE1ovS4kA0fOgE2uA_O79-n218YnLttWcWh0Q6qNBhoYX8z3pnvNSxU8vAT4z8f2Iu/pub (Google Docs said bc the audience is too large I need to publish the guide lol but damn the outline is all messed up)

    (Sorry this guide is better to look at if you're on a pc rather than a phone)

    submitted by /u/ske3zy
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    Molotov of the Week. Im planning on releasing a video of all the molotov lineups i have on bind would you guys be interested in that ?

    Posted: 05 Jul 2021 06:33 AM PDT

    Skye Bongo Cat

    Posted: 05 Jul 2021 03:31 AM PDT

    Nightmare where Reyna and Sova killed me with Chainsaw

    Posted: 05 Jul 2021 07:09 AM PDT

    I had a terrible nightmare which felt so real that I was trembling in my sleep.

    I am a cypher main and I dreamt that I was fighting Reyna and Sova on bomb site B in Ascent. I was between the green main bomb boxes and the boat house while shooting at Reyna who was on the other side of bomb box (betwen the bomb box and the control wall). Sova on the other hand was standing in the corner boxes between the speedway and control wall.

    The fight between Reyna and myself was intense where you play around the boxes to out smart your opponent while Sova was shooting me with his shock darts. And, I was trying to get an angle on Reyna I slipped and did a faceplant into the mud. Before I could get up Reyna took out a chainsaw! (I know right?! but it was a dream so there is that). I heard the chainsaw starting and she put it on my neck and I felt the tooth digging into my neck from the back. This is the point where I started trembling in real in my sleep and woke up my wife. It was just for a couple of seconds and my eyes opened. She immediately said, "that was a crazy one". I decided to stay quiet and go back to sleep cause she wouldn't understand what I just dreamt about. You guys are the only people that will understand what the heck I just went though and how tough it was and wont judge me for being crazy. Right? Right?!

    submitted by /u/najafce
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    MCC showed the industry how battlepasses really should function (would be great for Valorant)

    Posted: 05 Jul 2021 07:19 AM PDT

    I took a break from Halo MCC and when I returned, there were 4 new battlepasses ready to grind, all with cool stuff to unlock. It's really exciting knowing no matter when I play there will be neat stuff to earn. Granted, MCC battlepasses are all free, but that's besides the point, I'm not asking for Valorant BPs to be free and I know they never will be.

    However.. it really would be pretty sick to be able to grind all existing BPs, as in.. you would have to pay the 1000 points for each BP separately, but you could choose which BP is active, kind of like how you choose which agent contract is active.

    It's a win-win; players get more stuff to earn, Riot gets more profit through Valorant points. Though I expect this post to be downvoted because of gatekeeping - people who have the old BPs don't want anyone else to have them, even if they also have to pay the same amount and grind the same amount.

    submitted by /u/PD2CWE
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    we changed the background of the game

    Posted: 05 Jul 2021 11:17 AM PDT

    Deathmatch is more aggravating than aim training

    Posted: 04 Jul 2021 05:59 PM PDT

    I feel like there is too many people in deathmatch for there to be a valuable 1v1. I know you are supposed to use it as aim training, when you get shot in the back of the head while your lining up your shot it doesn't really provoke a friendly response.

    14 people is way too much for a deathmatch just because of how cluttered the map is. Going back to 10 people in deathmatch just to unclutter some of the maps would seem like it would fix that issue. Or better yet, make it so that separate maps have more or less people depending on the size of the map.

    The spawns in Deathmatch is atrocious, example on haven, there is a spawn in c cubby. if you try to move from that position there is a 50/50 shot you either get killed from the flank or get away in time. another example is Split, that spawn where you are placed on the attacking side spawn that makes it look like you are entering into A. that walk is so painstakingly long and there is usually someone there to meet you at ramp or main A that know you're coming. thank you for coming to my ted talk.

    submitted by /u/theonlymeme
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    "Hey Phoenix, if you die, I call dibs on your jacket" - Fanart I made after hearing that line.

    Posted: 05 Jul 2021 11:15 AM PDT

    "Hey Phoenix, if you die, I call dibs on your jacket" - Fanart I made after hearing that line.

    I wanted to do a selfie on Instagram. Me and my friend were thinking about some usernames and what kind of stuff we could put into Jett´s bedroom. I like to think her other post would be her with Phoenix's shoes. Also, I see Sova looking for his sova.



    submitted by /u/Ywiaris
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    Jett Finally!

    Posted: 05 Jul 2021 06:55 AM PDT

    Okay so my main is Jett and I was really putting of drawing her as I was scared she wouldn't look cool enough or good/simular enough. But I think I did a pretty good job hihi. And who's your main/mains? Jettfanart

    submitted by /u/SavvyAwe_art
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    Interview with dicey on his return to VALORANT

    Posted: 05 Jul 2021 09:33 AM PDT

    It's not like anyone gonna fall for that?

    Posted: 05 Jul 2021 09:57 AM PDT

    Not sure why this is still in the game and I'm like there's no way anyone gonna fall for this thing especially in an immortal lobby, well guess people are just stupid.

    submitted by /u/FalconuHD
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    The voice comms glitch is a perfect example of why a pause command in competitive would be useful

    Posted: 05 Jul 2021 04:57 AM PDT

    Each team should be able to vote for a 1-2 minute pause for when someone dc's, has to restart the game from a bug such as the voice chat bug where you can't hear anyone or use voice chat yourself or whatever else might happen. One pause per team per game or maybe half.

    submitted by /u/AsianPotatos
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    I think a lot of throws can simply be avoided by just not being toxic to them if they make a bad play or having a bad day.

    Posted: 05 Jul 2021 10:51 AM PDT

    I dont really think there are a lot of people who just wake up que a competitive game with an intention to throw before even the match begins.Even if its their smurf.I see a lot of people playing normally but if they just make a bad play or just not having a good day a teammate will say something like "wtf u doing".If they whiff once he will say "wtf is that aim.You got boosted?".Theres even a lot of passive aggressive comments that can make someone tilt.And you know the usual toxic things these type of teammates say.And these will make them triggered and they start throwing.Most of them throw cos its their smurf and they dont wanna give win to a teammate like this.I know if anyone is toxic u can just mute them but i guess they wanna take "revenge" and teach the toxic teammate a lesson as they dont really have anything to lose.I have even seen guys with skins do this on their main.Someone having a bad day but still playing is way better than someone sitting afk on base and telling a everyones location.And u get absolutely nothing by making such comments when ur teammate plays bad other than a potential throw.

    submitted by /u/niloy123
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    The phantom is statistically better than the vandal, but

    Posted: 05 Jul 2021 09:27 AM PDT

    Is it just me or does it feel as if the phantom's recoil reset takes much longer compared to the vandal? (About 30% imo) Very noticeable in long range combats. Yes, the vandal is supposed to be better for long ranged fights because of its one tap potential. But is it also because the recoil resets faster? (For tap firing)

    submitted by /u/imgoddamnlost
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    Ability focused agent with abilities that help with gunplay

    Posted: 05 Jul 2021 01:01 PM PDT

    So right now I am G1 and play sova and kay/o and I've been losing a lot of engagements where I play it right but I die in 1v1 gunfights. Is there an agent that has impactful abilities but also has abilities that can get me the upper hand in gunfights? I usually play a more IGL type role and I soloq from time to time but mainly duoe/trio queue

    submitted by /u/SltySptoon
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    OP OMEN Blind on SPLIT

    Posted: 05 Jul 2021 11:01 AM PDT

    The trust has been broken

    Posted: 05 Jul 2021 04:00 PM PDT

    PSA: No Game Is A Lost Game, Until You've Actually Lost!

    Posted: 05 Jul 2021 03:51 AM PDT

    The TLDR of this is that no single game of Valorant is lost, until you've actually lost. Avoid flaming teammates (or responding to toxicity with MORE toxicity), because you never know when something will swing in your favor. Don't go for an FF unless you're a man down for some reason (leaver, ping, thrower, etc).

    Here's the game, and my account if anyone is curious: https://tracker.gg/valorant/match/9b79992c-94ce-49b3-91da-00a0a633908e?handle=SeriouslyAverage%238943

    (if anyone looks closely at my account, don't hate, it's been a rough ride haha)

    Now for the full post:

    Last night I was in a game with two mates and two randoms on Bind, and it was going bad. Really, REALLY bad. We were 4-8 down at half time, which doesn't sound too bad but we fluked a couple of rounds with ultis - in reality we were getting spanked, considering the FF as many would. At 0-5 our KJ started flaming, insulting our team in the /a chat, calling us baiters etc, etc. You know the type, gets flashed and domed once and starts rage typing in the chat, saying 'GG' and 'trash team'. Enemy team join in, calling us trash, saying "go next", and everything else you expect.

    Our Phoenix was having a rough game, at one point going 0-8, just getting rolled repeatedly. It happens, we've all been there (hell I know I have). Obviously he becomes the target of our Killjoy's anger, and things just escalate from there. Phoenix asks if we want to forfeit, or stick around.

    Being Bind, my exact words were "maybe, we'll see how attack goes because I find attacking Bind a bit easier, especially with our comp.".

    Our second half goes 9-1, and we win 13-9. Phoenix manages to nab some important kills and plays in post-plant situations and I (Breach), manage to top our team after an average first half because I'm better on offense on Bind.

    Me and my mates decided to ignore our Killjoy and change up our focus for attack, concentrating on lurking the aggressive peeks and flanks, and waiting out the surge of utility. It worked, and we rolled them.

    Moral of the story? Flaming your bottom fragger - no matter how 'bad' they're playing - DOESN'T HELP. At best it'll cause the player to play more reserved (normally leading to 'baiting' comments), at worst they'll quit/ rage/ afk/ play even worse. Likewise, raging out just because you're losing isn't going to help anyone, least of all yourself. Tilt is a real thing, and it affects you the most.

    Every single game is winnable, until you're in the post-game lobby. Thanks for coming to my Ted Talk.

    EDIT: Appreciate the Awards <3

    submitted by /u/zackdaniels93
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    Jiggle peeking

    Posted: 05 Jul 2021 03:34 PM PDT

    What is jiggle peeking? I'm kind of a beginner. Also, how do u do it? When I barely try to peak and counterstrafe at the same time, I always die and miss my shots. Can I get an explanation of how to do it and why I'm doing it wrong?

    submitted by /u/r59b1
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    I just realized a button on my mouse changes the dpi whenever I press it.

    Posted: 04 Jul 2021 05:19 PM PDT

    I have had this mouse for almost 2 years and never knew what this button under my scroll wheel did. I thought it wasn't binded to anything since nothing happened when I pressed (or so I thought) so I just forgot about it. I would press it on accident or just do it mindlessly sometimes.

    When I started playing Valorant I noticed that sometimes my sens felt off sometimes and I never knew why. I played like this since beta and it wasn't till today I realized that that button changes my dpi of my mouse SUPER noticeably. I don't know how I didn't think of this or notice it until I tested it. I don't think it effected my skill that much because I hardly even noticed it, but it still annoys me lol.

    submitted by /u/pixel_5
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    cypher cage to get free kill on retake on the guy at graffiti ;-;

    Posted: 05 Jul 2021 07:01 AM PDT

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