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    Tuesday, August 17, 2021

    VALORANT The depressed brimstone main epidemic: A 60 Minutes investigation

    VALORANT The depressed brimstone main epidemic: A 60 Minutes investigation

    The depressed brimstone main epidemic: A 60 Minutes investigation

    Posted: 17 Aug 2021 05:55 AM PDT

    ShaZam is hands down the reason sentinels are so good.

    Posted: 17 Aug 2021 04:16 AM PDT

    I am open to criticism but my man ShaZam is one of the most underrated players in Valorant. He grinds really hard and frags out a lot in all the scrims. Besides that, he is literally the coach and brains behind all the strats for the team. And we cannot forget how he was able to bring out the best in TenZ. Obviously, TenZ is cracked but even he admitted to Shaz being the reason he could do so well with sentinels. I don't wanna take anything away from the rest of the squad since all of them are so good but I personally think they work so well because they are led by ShaZam and his style of IGL'ing

    submitted by /u/gsagemj2107
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    When is VALORANT 2 coming out?

    Posted: 16 Aug 2021 02:18 PM PDT

    After grinding for six months, I finally finished VALORANT with most side quests completed. It truly is a fantastic game with an incredible storyline. My favorite part is when Sova does the big brain five head dart Odin cheese on ascent B. Oh also the inting yoru who always tps into crossfire is also quite comedic.

    Now that I've finished VALORANT, I'm wondering when VALORANT 2 is coming out. Does anyone know? I can't wait to see what exciting characters are gonna be in it. Pls lemme know if you have insider info. I'm kinda desperate.

    submitted by /u/Summertony717
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    Despite no mention in patch notes, Sage's wall duration nerf appears to have been reverted for almost a year

    Posted: 17 Aug 2021 08:56 AM PDT

    Despite no mention in patch notes, Sage's wall duration nerf appears to have been reverted for almost a year

    (TLDR: According to patch notes Barrier Orb should be 30 seconds after a 1.0 nerf, however it's actually 40 seconds and has been this way for almost a year without any mention of a revert. It could have been that the notes forgot to mention a compensation revert to go with other nerfs, it could also be an accidental ship)

    So I've been testing stats and values on VALORANT abilities in order to update their wiki articles to all have stats tables and correct values. I got to Sage today but just as I was about to finish her abilities by updating her main article, I noticed the ability section claimed Barrier Orb's duration was 30 seconds, even though I had recorded it as 40:

    40 second Barrier Orb

    Now there have been a few incorrect values on wiki ability pages for a while, but this was quite a big difference compared to other errors. I went to Barrier Orb's update history to check if it was just a case of people forgetting to update the value after a buff but it turns out the only documented change for Barrier Orb's duration is its 1.0 nerf to 30 seconds. Which means according to the patch notes, Barrier Orb's duration should be 30 seconds.

    So is this some recent bug? Maybe it was an accidental ship like the recent Viper Ult bug, but it's certainly not recent. 40 seconds Barrier Orbs post-1.0 nerf can be seen happening after 1.07 (Pop Flash final was 1.06 and has a 30 s wall, Blast Invitational final was 1.07 and has a 40 s wall), meaning this has been live for almost a year now. This might make sense as this was the patch Barrier Orb got its fortification effect. The notes themselves state they wanted to reduce the strength of the wall during reactive use, so maybe Riot felt the previous duration nerf was no longer necessary for other situations, now that enemies could more easily destroy and get past the wall if Sage only used it during reactive use.

    However, there's no mention of a compensation revert in the notes, and several other sites have been saying the duration is 30 s because of it. The wiki lists every ability's update history and usually updates its stats with new patches so it used 30 s until today, Mobalytics's page on Sage also states 30 s, and though Liquipedia's page states 40 s it's contradicted by version history only listing the nerf to 30 s (this is probably because the person who added the duration did so about 2 months after 1.07 went live).

    I wondered if maybe I missed a comment from a Rioter stating this was a missing change, and maybe this might still be the case, but all I can find are news articles that only show the documented 1.07 changes. Not even this Riot comment talks about a duration revert to go with the changes, which is why I don't want to be too confident in saying this must be an undocumented revert, it could be a mistake that somehow hasn't been noticed for a long time (again, maybe I missed something that talks about this so please let me know if I did). Whatever the case, it's been around so long that I don't think this is going to be like the Viper's Pit bug and have a "revert for the revert", not without further discussion anyway about whether it's problematic (with Viper's Pit they had reasons for it having to cast from Viper's location).

    submitted by /u/Straiteis
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    What’s the point in harassing girls?

    Posted: 16 Aug 2021 08:34 PM PDT

    Left in the middle of a comp game for the first time. I had one guy following me around for the first part of the game and kept using his flashes to blind me or running when I was walking to revel my location and use me as shield. When I called him out he verbally harassed me, then continued to follow me around/harass me because I was a girl.

    Honest question, what do people get out of that? It makes the game awful for everyone involved and takes away two players from the team. It's ridiculous.

    submitted by /u/Madster24
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    So it's 2021, can Valorant have an "Accept" button before loading into a match?

    Posted: 17 Aug 2021 10:08 AM PDT

    This solves a lot of issues, League has one, idk why Valorant doesnt have one? I load into like 5 spike rushes lobbies only for people to be afk while character select is happening. Ill have a party where someone actually had to leave and we auto queue too fast. I'm happy the game is popular and Im able to queue fast, but this is just a problem instant queues can cause. There's really no downside to this either. If someone isnt around to accept they wouldnt be around to pick their character anyway.

    submitted by /u/AxelCS
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    Unneccesary Valorant Lineups

    Posted: 16 Aug 2021 03:16 PM PDT

    You guys loved the Jett Knife my sister made. Here is the ruin dagger!!

    Posted: 16 Aug 2021 09:24 PM PDT

    You guys loved the Jett Knife my sister made. Here is the ruin dagger!!

    Because of everyone's nice comments last time when my sister made the Jett knife, she has now made the ruin dagger, as requested by some of you guys!! :D She can't wait to hear from you guys to see what to make next!! Super proud of her and it looks awesome!

    I've posted more of her art work on my profile :)


    submitted by /u/WillofDAce
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    Just found out that Raze's satchel can launch boom bot to the air

    Posted: 17 Aug 2021 01:48 PM PDT

    I'd like a way to socially review and score my team mates post match

    Posted: 16 Aug 2021 10:52 PM PDT

    It would be great if there was a way where I can rate members of my team in how good or bad they were socially after each game. I've played in lobbies where people are super nice and supportive and lobbies with toxic, screaming and abusive players. I can report players for abuse, etc but I'd also like to promote good players for their behaviour. A hidden social score that's community driven would be great as this way, players who are often voted for being toxic and abusive can be lobbied with players that are also toxic and abusive and likewise, rewards players who are supportive and positive to lobby with players of the same mindset. Similar to hidden MMR in terms of game skill but in behaviour. I've certainly muted and reported toxic and abusive players before but I'd also like to reward team mates who were incredibly supportive, positive and fun to play with as well.

    submitted by /u/Filoboi123
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    "Sheriff Only Youtube players" In ranked

    Posted: 17 Aug 2021 12:53 PM PDT

    I HATE split. Most hated map for me so its high on the dodge list...every now and then I que into it. It doesn't help having a Reyna lock in.. Not use ANY abilities. AFK till the rounds starts and ONLY using a sheriff. When Nicely asking

    Me -"hey Reyna do you mind playing the game bro?"

    Reyna - "Sorry Phone call its just a game dude RELAX" <--- #1 BS remark cause its every round. Not to mention it was in some weird twangy voice changer.

    Me -"OFC I get it, just curious if you can legit play now we need the 5th"

    Reyna - "I am doing sheriff only for youtube"

    Me - "Why? can't do it in Unrated? can you try and play proper for a bit? Or at the very least buy others"

    Reyna - "Nah Sheriff only in ranked im that good" While sitting at capped money.

    Continues to AFK few seconds into the round play the 1v5's and do nothing. Eventually I muted and just played cause somehow we were in it. but honestly. These people are the worst types of players.... I Remember these types of people in the good ole COD MW2 lobbies... at least then it was just a PUB not ranked game and 1 dude can win with a KS. Just a little silly specially when he had to pull out the phantom last 5 rounds to try and "go even"

    But in all honesty Valorant is for fun. no denying that, but in a competitive setting if you sit here and go for "clips" for the next 20 rounds. Your team probably despises you and that doesn't help your channel. Not to mention I've never seen a "Sherriff only player" do well on social media lmao.

    I can't be the only one who thinks these people are #1 trashiest teammates.

    EDIT - Plat lobby. if that matters.

    submitted by /u/Datthen
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    How have the potato spec players been keeping up recently?

    Posted: 17 Aug 2021 03:52 AM PDT

    So I'm on a work trip and stuck with my potato laptop and tried to run the game and holllyyy does it not at all run like it used to like 6 months ago. I heard the updates were bad but didn't expect THIS bad. Straight up went from 120 fps to a 50 with nasty drops. How have low-spec folk been optimizing your game lately?

    submitted by /u/peepeecollector
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    I found all (or most) of the little characters on Breeze.

    Posted: 17 Aug 2021 12:54 PM PDT

    I found all (or most) of the little characters on Breeze. submitted by /u/timing_snow
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    How SEN SicK DOMINATES Icebox with Sage | Pro Plays

    Posted: 17 Aug 2021 06:06 AM PDT

    Valorant is getting boring, But still i want to play it every f**** day. Why?!

    Posted: 17 Aug 2021 06:09 AM PDT

    Soo, Valorant is my first multiplayer fps and i really love the game. But for the past 3 weeks, Valorant is getting very boring, that i cant play more than 1 game per day. I also uninstalled the game yesterday, thinking of installing it next act again after taking a few days break. switched over to splitgate and Apex Legends, was enjoying them...

    UNTIL TODAY.... I installed Valorant again cuz i couldnt resist my urge to play one match. I played one match got bored again and started playing Splitgate again.

    Is this normal? i am scared

    Edit: I want to stay away from this game, bcs its exhausting but i cant. HELP!!

    submitted by /u/GODLIKE2795
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    Ex CSGO players what rank did you get after switching to Valorant?

    Posted: 17 Aug 2021 10:14 AM PDT

    I was MG in CSGO and have been placed into silver 1. I'm currently stuck at silver 2. Is that normal? Idk silver sounds kinda like I'm a really bad player xd. I probably am. But it's so hard to win games for me. I'm trying my best and I still get 50% of my games where I lose round about 2-12. And the other 50% of my ranked games are just meager wins like 12-10 or so. What's going on in Silver xd?

    submitted by /u/armascool
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    the highlight of my career (opponents won 10 straight games in a row)

    Posted: 17 Aug 2021 02:28 PM PDT

    New gamemode + new map

    Posted: 17 Aug 2021 08:01 AM PDT

    New gamemode + new map

    Ok so hear me out guys i have been enlightened what if riot would make a new gamemode where you would play a 2 vs 2 on a map that would be similar to nuketown from call of duty it would look a little like this


    the game would be first to 6 and the rounds would be a little shorter ofcourse riot would need to balance the amount of credits you get and the amount of ult points you get but i dont think that would be too hard let me know what you think

    submitted by /u/00izka00
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    Movement clutch for the win

    Posted: 17 Aug 2021 02:43 PM PDT

    I drew Sova at the Beach in Anime Style Fanart

    Posted: 17 Aug 2021 07:44 AM PDT

    I drew Sova at the Beach in Anime Style Fanart

    Hi guys I drew Sova at the Beach because Sova is my favorite agent and my favorite map is breeze. Hope you guys like it :>


    submitted by /u/SuddenDust
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    New Yoru vs Phoenix player card?

    Posted: 17 Aug 2021 01:34 AM PDT

    New Yoru vs Phoenix player card?

    Is this the player card which will be coming out with the new battleplans? Or is it already in the game. Please correct me if I'm wrong.


    submitted by /u/New-Tech28
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    B site take Viper lineups

    Posted: 16 Aug 2021 04:47 PM PDT

    She could've at least knocked.

    Posted: 17 Aug 2021 02:46 PM PDT

    Do We Know Why the RR is so inbalanced?

    Posted: 17 Aug 2021 02:21 PM PDT

    Not much else to say mid plat positive wr team mvp lose 24 vice versa ill gain 15+3 for a win with performance bonus I do not understand why it works like this its doesnt make sense

    submitted by /u/90CaliberNet
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