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    Friday, August 13, 2021

    VALORANT Game Meta Discussion Megathread

    VALORANT Game Meta Discussion Megathread

    Game Meta Discussion Megathread

    Posted: 04 Aug 2021 07:07 PM PDT

    Welcome to the "Game Meta" Discussion Megathread, where you get to ask your questions and share your knowledge on the Valorant Game Meta.

    When do I buy the Odin?

    When do I coordinate an Eco round, Half Buy or an Anti-Eco, and how do I play against these?

    What team composition is good right now, and which weapons are meta?

    What's different in the competitive landscape in terms of the meta, and what's interesting?

    What agent or agent combination seems really strong right now?

    This thread is a place for players to talk or discuss the current meta. So, don't hold back, get your meta related questions ready and post away!

    submitted by /u/Whytro
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    How to Peek in Valorant - The Definitive Guide

    Posted: 13 Aug 2021 12:08 PM PDT

    Why LEO mismanages VALORANT Lore, steals content, and is an overall low effort channel.

    Posted: 13 Aug 2021 03:02 AM PDT

    Why LEO mismanages VALORANT Lore, steals content, and is an overall low effort channel.

    Most people who've been interested in VALORANT Lore must have heard of LEO.


    He's a pretty big channel who started off making VALORANT memes,but eventually shifted to making lore videos on VALORANT. There's a lot of information I want to share regarding the title, I'll get right into it.

    Exhibit A: Content Theft

    The original incident that prompted me to make this thread. I had uploaded a video on Astra's lore which didn't do very well. Cue LEO, uploading a video on Astra around a week after I uploaded mine. Here are some absurd similiarities I noticed in our videos.

    my script (ignore the typos, it's to help the tts pronounce shit correctly)

    LEO's subtitles

    Regardless of the fact that he's blatantly copied my script word to word, he also never credited dozens of other sources (including all the artwork he rips off for cheap thumbnails and editing) used until his video on Omen's lore. LEO did respond later when I reached out to him, and included my video link in the credits.

    lore video previous to omen's

    I'm 100% sure there's a lot more that he fails to credit people for, but the first incident was what made me realize how blatant his theft was. Even when he does credit people, it's so unintuitively hidden in the description under a great wall of text that I doubt anyone ever notices.

    great wall of text.

    Exhibit B: Misinformation

    Neither Douglas nor Clayton are female names lmfao

    Just how? Where's the damn proof?

    Ever since LEO started giving credit, I've had the oppurtunity to take a look at how reliable his sources/ research are. His videos involve stitching together reddit theories based off of voicelines in a haphazard manner.

    reddit non canon moment

    Exhibit C: Tag Abuse


    I think it's pretty obvious how 90% of these tags are irrelevant to the content he's uploading. This particular set of tags are used on every video of his.

    All in all, LEO's a decent person. He responded to me in a cordial manner and engages with his audience well. But his content is built on other people's ideas, which is quite an issue of content theft. I hope he will recognize this post and take the steps needed to make sure intellectual property is given credit when due in an appropriate manner.

    submitted by /u/SudhuJ
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    Ask me a question about valorant in the comments then edit it to make me look bad

    Posted: 13 Aug 2021 01:26 PM PDT

    I've seen this on about 1 billion other subreddits and I have been waiting for someone to post it here for ages but I decided to just do it myself. Let's go

    submitted by /u/memesman555
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    How to make a flying knife!

    Posted: 13 Aug 2021 04:02 AM PDT

    No more clearing boat house, KJ Ascent Lineup

    Posted: 13 Aug 2021 10:00 AM PDT

    How to mess with the game

    Posted: 13 Aug 2021 12:40 AM PDT

    Reyna and Viper drawing (Wallpaper in comments)

    Posted: 13 Aug 2021 07:57 AM PDT

    Someone make a Jett montage to this song LMAO

    Posted: 13 Aug 2021 12:04 PM PDT

    Riot should put "no-scope" and "killed through smoke" indicators!!

    Posted: 12 Aug 2021 10:02 PM PDT

    You can't imagine how many times players don't get acknowledged for the fact that they actually hit a no scope shot, and just cuz some players weren't spectating them, they don't believe it. Nope, it's not a big issue, it's just nice to have, to know how exactly a player killed his opponent.

    submitted by /u/SamindraNathRay
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    Riot should make the "remake" option last until round 2 or 3

    Posted: 12 Aug 2021 05:45 PM PDT

    So many times I've lost games because someone goes afk early on. The remake option is nice, but most of the time people think they have time for a game, and then by round 3 they disconnect.

    submitted by /u/iaredumbest
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    No prior PC or FPS experience. Iron I to Bronze II in exactly 50 ranked games!!

    Posted: 13 Aug 2021 08:12 AM PDT

    I was able to hit bronze II tonight all thanks to this subreddit! I just started playing in June and I feel like I have progressed so much. My one question is what tips you all have to break into silver?? Do I just have to keep grinding and pray for decent team mates?


    submitted by /u/Gawdlytroll
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    There is a minor problem with Valorant at the moment

    Posted: 13 Aug 2021 01:55 AM PDT

    There is a minor problem with Valorant at the moment

    Whenever we boot up valorant we expect the setting to be the same and not randomized each time, but this is an issue in the Video stats section and it really bugs me a lot, here are some pic's of the first boot and the second boot

    First boot

    Second boot

    I don't know the reason it does this but it has been doing this since the latest patch but lets hopefully find a fix to this

    submitted by /u/ProfessionalBoot5445
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    Anyone elses "Stats" settings not saving?

    Posted: 12 Aug 2021 10:27 PM PDT

    My "Stats" settings always reset when I relaunch my game, I tried Alt+F4 and regularly Exiting and Sign out & Exit and it's still not saving.

    Important EDIT: It's even inventing new stats that is not even an option in the "Stats" tab, Game to Render Latency.

    submitted by /u/ddd4175
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    We need an option to change our status while in game.

    Posted: 13 Aug 2021 03:38 PM PDT

    I think there should be an option via which we can change our status to offline/invisible from online and vice versa. Most of us wanna play solo sometimes or just don't wanna invite someone cuz of various reasons without making us look bad but it can't be done as there isn't option to make yourself invisible while you r in game.

    submitted by /u/Be_Simple
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    WARNING! Locking an agent + Alt F4ing will now give you a dodge penalty!

    Posted: 13 Aug 2021 03:13 PM PDT

    In the new act they patched the method where you can alt f4 after you lock in without a penalty but now its fixed. BE CAREFUL!

    submitted by /u/Fun-Ad-2505
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    Zombs Mum Thought Messi Is A New Sentinels Valorant Player

    Posted: 13 Aug 2021 04:14 AM PDT

    Where Should You Plant? Why?

    Posted: 13 Aug 2021 12:59 PM PDT

    Where Should You Plant? Why?

    The following is an excerpt from my free newsletter at glizzy.substack.com. Thanks to lcogan for requesting this topic. As I often say, this is not meant to be a fully exhaustive article but rather a collection of heuristics to help your in-game decision-making.

    Each site on each map has a "default" spot on which to plant the spike. Default plants are useful as they typically provide maximal cover to the planter on the typical site take, and because the majority of lineups that your teammates may know require the spike to be planted default. The default plant on B Split, for example, is behind the small box next to the pillar and provides cover from rafters, CT, and the majority of site. The white spots on the map below represent angles from which the default plant can be contested (contesting by swinging, not through utility usage).


    Default plants can be used in the face of some degree of pressure due to the cover they typically provide the planter. So why plant anywhere else? There are a number of reasons. For one, the safety provided by the default plant works both ways. While it protects you as the planter, it can also protect the person attempting to defuse. The default plant on A site Icebox sits in the small corner between the hop-up boxes and the rope for top nest.


    The white spots on the map above represent angles from which the defuse can be contested by attackers assuming they've given up site. If control of the site is given up in the post-plant, checking for a player defusing requires you to expose yourself to a number of angles with minimal cover (many players avoid these disadvantageous swings through utility usage). Swinging out towards fridge, using the rope to jump on 510, or walking through pipes and up to the spike are all risky plays.

    Another reason not to plant default is that seldom-used plant spots can confuse enemies on the retake. A majority of the experience that players will have on a retake is against a default plant, including the common angles and spots to check in response. By planting elsewhere, you decrease the degree to which the other player can rely on past experience to autopilot through a retake. Take the default plant on A site Haven as an example.


    The team retaking site, once they've cleared everything up to the spike itself, knows that the remaining players must either be cubby, short, or long, as no other angle has a clear view of the spike. If an attacker loops through B and flanks through link or heaven, they will likely have to make noise in order to put themself in position to contest the defuse. This makes things as simple as possible for the defenders, and as risky as possible for the attackers. Knowing that there are essentially two angles to cover, defenders with numbers advantage will typically have an easy time securing the defuse. Let's consider an alternative plant.


    Planting along the right wall of site, while potentially much riskier to pull off, has the advantage of making the defuse visible from every potential angle into site. Whereas in the previous example the retaking team had two angles to worry about, now they have a minimum of four. A late lurk will be considerably more effective in this scenario as the spike is visible from both link and heaven, in addition to being visible from short and long. Not only that, but the spike is visible from deeper angles on both short and long, meaning that attackers don't have to expose themselves as much to check the defuse. On the default plant, an attacker sitting long would have to walk halfway up the ramp before the spike would be visible. By planting along the right wall, he doesn't expose himself to anything other than a tiny sliver of site in order to check the defuse. While planting in such a spot is risky as it provides no cover, once the plant is secured it drastically increases your chances of winning the round. No cover for your plant means no cover for the defuse either (sage walls and smokes excepted).

    So how should you determine where to plant? If you are, or could be facing pressure, plant where you......

    For the rest of this article and access to more than 10,000 words (and counting) on Valorant strategy, subscribe to my free newsletter at glizzy.substack.com.

    submitted by /u/GlizzyStevens
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    Valorant store rotation idea

    Posted: 13 Aug 2021 08:39 AM PDT

    I'll keep this short and simple, I think that the current shop system is a joke and I think I have a way that could improve it.

    Instead of the current system where you can get any skin any day, I think it should change to a sort of "all skin rotation" where it cycles through every skin (at random) but you can't see the same skin twice before you see every skin. Let me know what you think!

    submitted by /u/Aquaticryan
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    Free VOD review by immortal player

    Posted: 13 Aug 2021 12:39 PM PDT

    Hey guys, I recently hit immortal and want to give back to the community. I'm also pretty inexperienced at VOD review but want to get better! I need VODs to take a look at, so if you would like your game reviewed, please leave a comment and I will link you my twitch (per subreddit rules I can't put it in the post). All reviews will be done live on stream and if you miss it all my past videos are public so you can just watch it there. All skill levels welcome.

    Edit: actually just add me on discord NuclearBacon#5200, I think that is allowed

    submitted by /u/NuclearBacon235
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    Guid Draken's 1v4 Clutch against Gambit Esports | EMEA Playoffs

    Posted: 13 Aug 2021 10:24 AM PDT

    Who is the best valorant player?

    Posted: 13 Aug 2021 08:10 AM PDT

    On this VCT Stage 3 Tournament, the PROS answer to who they think is the BEST Valorant Player in the scene right now, check it out on the youtube video

    Link: https://youtu.be/f0Uav18AhQI - Pros Answer who is the BEST Valorant Player

    View Poll

    submitted by /u/LifeguardStriking799
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    Knife battle gone wrong.... (funny clip - memes)

    Posted: 13 Aug 2021 05:30 PM PDT

    What key/button do you use for jumping(bunny hopping)

    Posted: 13 Aug 2021 09:57 AM PDT

    So I want to learn how to bunny hop and a lot of yt videos says to bind scroll wheel up/down to do bunny hop.But I use my scroll wheel to cycle weapons and to cancel equip abilities so I don't really know where to bind these actions when I bind my jump to the scroll wheel.

    View Poll

    submitted by /u/mattttt_69
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