• Breaking News

    Sunday, August 8, 2021

    VALORANT INSANE New Sova Drone Boosts on Ascent (more in the comments)

    VALORANT INSANE New Sova Drone Boosts on Ascent (more in the comments)

    INSANE New Sova Drone Boosts on Ascent (more in the comments)

    Posted: 08 Aug 2021 11:33 AM PDT

    You can break the Ascent doors with a single satchel, but only if you throw it at the top of the door

    Posted: 08 Aug 2021 12:34 PM PDT

    my friend says he doesn’t deserve bronze and that he needs a higher rank…

    Posted: 07 Aug 2021 03:57 PM PDT

    Unpopular Opinion: There should be stricter penalties for people who Sabotage their team.

    Posted: 08 Aug 2021 11:15 AM PDT

    I think there should be stricter penalties for people who sabotage the team. I don't know about you guys but I had a sabotager on my team today and when I reported him, he later replied with a, "Well, 3 day holiday for me." and that got me thinking, do sabotagers only get 3 days penalty (I'm not sure if it's true) ? I think there should be a different penalty in which you are banned from ranked matches for 1 or 2 weeks but they can still play unranked game modes. What do you think?

    submitted by /u/MilanTheMyth
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    New cosmetics?

    Posted: 08 Aug 2021 06:35 AM PDT


    I was wondering, do you think that Riot should add more type of cosmetics (Agents skins, Stickers, etc)?

    and if yes, wich one would you like to see integrated ig?

    I would personnally love to customize my skins with some stickers.

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    submitted by /u/Hurdenn
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    Some cool haven sage walls :D

    Posted: 07 Aug 2021 10:02 PM PDT

    For beginners looking to improve: there are a ton of guides from CSGO that can directly apply to Valorant.

    Posted: 07 Aug 2021 09:39 PM PDT

    If you're looking to improve and don't know where to start, chances are your first instinct is to search up on youtube "Valorant tips and tricks" or "Valorant beginner guides."

    While some videos there might be useful, it's just flooded with channels that make ten different videos repeating the same, obvious facts like "aim at head level" or "go learn how to peek." sometimes even saying wrong facts.

    If you need something more specific than that, something that actually tells you how-- look for small valorant channels or look for CSGO guides that go into detail about the same thing.

    CSGO has a goldmine of content that can also get translated into Valorant, as they are fundamentally similar. Better yet, a lot of this content is made by pros themselves.

    I mean, just search up "Crosshair placement csgo" and "Crosshair placement valorant" and try comparing them. They go into detail on the same things, except the csgo ones actually go more into detail and do not say the same things like "use map markers" and "don't look at the floor." Oh, and they are much shorter, often less than 5 minutes, and are actually made by people who have actual experience in the highest ranks.

    Here are a few examples:

    How to aim better - Made by steel, a current Valorant pro in 100t. Talks about aim in general and how you can improve it.

    Launders' POV: How good was swag's crosshair placement? - Analyzes and teaches how to improve crosshair placement. Highly recommend this one.

    Crosshair Placement Tricks - Aiming Just Became A LOT Easier! | CS:GO - Teaches crosshair placement for beginners in less than 5 minutes.

    CS:GO Movement: How to peek & win aim duels - Teaches basic peeking in less than 5 minutes.

    Get INSANE Movement (NO BS) | Valorant Movement Guide - Teaches more advanced and detailed peeking and movement inside of Valorant.

    It's something I wish I learned when I was a beginner, and I hope that it will help many in this sub as well.

    submitted by /u/VoiD199
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    I created an Ion Vandal for Valorant

    Posted: 08 Aug 2021 11:32 AM PDT

    Invisible floor in the sky on Bind

    Posted: 08 Aug 2021 08:48 AM PDT

    New agent teaser?

    Posted: 08 Aug 2021 09:49 AM PDT

    Best Guardian Skin in the game?

    Posted: 08 Aug 2021 07:30 AM PDT

    I've been looking forward to getting a skin for the Guardian but I can't decide which one to go for. What do you guys think? What's the best Guardian skin according to you?

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    submitted by /u/Andrew0258
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    Over-controlling team members.

    Posted: 07 Aug 2021 09:23 PM PDT

    Anyone else have problems with team mates that will think you're complete shit at the game unless you do exactly what they want, when they want it.

    Oh and don't forget if you can't read their mind you're an automatic failure and should uninstall the game.

    submitted by /u/Vymoikane
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    Matchmaking/competitive changes need to be made!

    Posted: 08 Aug 2021 05:27 AM PDT

    Matchmaking/competitive changes need to be made!

    We are all aware of the hidden elo/mmr system Riot has in place to "benefit" the matchmaking experience, but the only thing it does is match players that are extremely higher or lower in rank, which puts someones skill level into question each match even if it is a win or a loss!

    There is nothing more irritating than queuing into competitive in 110 RR Immortal to only be matched with Plat 1&3 one D1, and expected to carry as a controller because I believed that I was going to be matched with other competent players so I chose a support role, but I get teammates that dry peek, run through smokes and die at the beginning of every round. This happened because the person on the other team queued on his smurf with his extremely lower ranked friends so the matchmaking system gave me teammates that were matching in their skill level. This has happened to me so many times and it is completely unfair to me, and it is all thanks to the hidden elo!

    There is no point to grind all the way to the top to only be matched with and against people that are such a lower rank than the player that it hurts the learning curve experience and creates bad habits for them as well, I am personally a player that constantly makes mental notes of how people are playing/behaving at my current level so I can be prepared for the next engagement/match, and if I'm constantly being matched against a slot machine equivalent of skill groups then I have no way to gauge if I'm doing something correctly or if I'm creating a bad habit because that player is nowhere near my skill level.

    Everyone values their ranks and views that as a reflection of their skill level. However... when you are constantly being matched against players that are a much lower skill because some loser wants to boost his friends and you win, go to the match screen on your match history, and see the atrocity of the mismatched ranks and skill levels, it is confusing to say the least, it also puts your skill level into question... "Was I matched at this level because I am bad?" "Have I actually earned my rank?" "Was it just smurf accounts?" "What should I be doing differently?". The same questions are asked with a win OR a loss.

    As a result, ranks are meaningless and carry no weight since we aren't matched against people that aren't our own or close to our rank.

    I personally don't have a absolute end all be all solution to this, but I have ideas that can certainly make this happen a lot less than it currently does.

    You should ONLY be matched with people in your rank tier in solo queue, no exceptions.


    Golds will be only matched with Gold 1-3, Diamonds will only be matched with Diamond 1-3


    I'm sure queue wait times are a concern, I have asked everyone that I know that plays this game, me personally and everyone I know would rather wait and have a better competitive experience then to be thrown into a unbalanced match where one person on each team is supposed to do literally everything.

    "Only solo queue players will benefit from this fix! What about me and my friends from different ranks and skill levels?"


    Here's an example to fix this as well, if a B3, S3, and a G1 queued together, they ONLY can be matched against/with people within their respective rank tiers! It's not an absolute fix but it sets a standard/expectation for what you will be guaranteed to experience in competitive.

    Q: "What about smurfs/alt accounts??"

    A: Only match with players within 20 account levels above or below you, this is just one example of how an account level can be used to prevent smurfs, however I'm sure there is a better way.

    It is a pretty easy fix to not get smurfs as long as your account level is 100+ they generally range from level 1-40ish. (There is of course the losers that have several smurf accounts that are shared amongst lots of people that can be level 100-150ish, but you cant fix everything.)

    Q: "So I have to grind 100 levels to not get smurfs??"

    A: It is the only solution I can think of with every system that is currently in place.

    Since smurf/cheater accounts are so blatantly spotted when you get ferrari peeked 1 tapped across mid on breeze by a level 3 account that already has 4 aces 6 rounds into the game, it really gets put into question as to why they aren't only matched against other very low level accounts.

    If you read this far I truly appreciate it, thank you for your time.

    Any suggestions or constructive criticism is heavily encouraged, this needs to be discussed!

    submitted by /u/morphieee
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    Didn’t know this was possible

    Posted: 08 Aug 2021 02:01 PM PDT

    Looking at minimap too often

    Posted: 08 Aug 2021 02:56 AM PDT

    I played mostly league before I started playing Valorant right as it released, and since day 1 I've always paid alot of attention to the minimap. Although these days for some reason I've started to wonder if it's harming me just because of how often I look at it. In the split second I look at the minimap an enemy appears in front of me and I'm too slow to react because my focus was elsewhere.

    It's still important to check it though, information is key and the minimap gives more information than can be gathered simply from what you see in front of you. That being said, should I look at it less often? Are there times when I should strictly focus on what's in front of me rather than the minimap?

    submitted by /u/boiifyoudonut
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    Need some advice on not playing aggressive to the point of playing dumb.

    Posted: 08 Aug 2021 11:59 AM PDT

    So I am currently a bronze 1 player. I find that I'm inconsistent and way too aggressive. There will be some rounds where I drop 3+ kills, and some where I die with 0. No in between. I feel like this is due to how aggressive I play and I want to be more consistent and not as aggro. Kind of feel like I'm playing Fortnite arena and w-keying, even though it usually doesn't work. Anyone else have this same issue? If so, what was your fix?

    submitted by /u/obliczonyyt
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    This is my own retake arrow for A Haven, feel free to use it in ur own games :) Gl hf

    Posted: 08 Aug 2021 01:48 PM PDT

    I have never seen people stack like this

    Posted: 07 Aug 2021 02:02 PM PDT

    Why can't I accept any sensitivity?

    Posted: 08 Aug 2021 07:48 AM PDT

    Note: I am a wrist aimer Also this post is a little bit long...

    I have been playing Valorant since Chapter 2 and have gone through many sense changes and I always feel like there is something off. I tried high sens because I didn't like slowish movement (as I'm from CoD background).

    But soon after, I saw that, I would constantly overshoot, that's why I shifted to a kind of average sens (not too low, not too high), but then I would have to move my arm a little bit. But after considering the fact that changing sens too often will obstruct building your muscle memory, so I sticked to it.

    But, again after sometime that medium sens also felt high so I lowered it to 0.279 @800 dpi (Current Sens), now here it first felt slow, then the next day it felt kinda fast but I still sticked to it but I still like to aim with my wrist rather than my arm at this low sens. Also this is kind of the lowest I can go without giving up my movement but still it feels tough to micro-adjust

    In conclusion, I want a sens which is the middle ground, not too movement-oriented and not too aiming-oriented. I have also tried several methods of finding the right sens but nothing worked for me.

    I tried explaining it all as if you have found your perfect sens then it would be easy for you to understand my problem. It would be great if you can offer me any help. Thank you.

    submitted by /u/arnavdwivedi18
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    Looking for opinions, Reyna’s flash vs Skye’s flash?

    Posted: 08 Aug 2021 12:52 PM PDT

    Me and my brother disagree on this so I'm curious to hear more opinions. I think Reyna's flash is superior because it persists for a short time which (if played properly) basically forces the enemy to peak and destroy it or wait for it to go away which allows you time to push forward. He says skye's is superior because you can get information from the flash and it's more versatile with more charges and more control options. Looking for more opinions on this.

    Edit: Guess I shouldn't argue with someone with more experience than me. Also quite possibly I am a fool.

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    submitted by /u/Yackasone
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    Best YouTubers to watch?

    Posted: 08 Aug 2021 11:23 AM PDT

    Just wondering who you guys like watching. I don't really watch anything other than pro games on Twitch so I'm looking for people on YouTube. Any sort of content, doesn't matter what it is.

    submitted by /u/god_rolled
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