• Breaking News

    Monday, August 9, 2021

    VALORANT I got tired of waiting for Riot to add loadout profiles, so I added them myself

    VALORANT I got tired of waiting for Riot to add loadout profiles, so I added them myself

    I got tired of waiting for Riot to add loadout profiles, so I added them myself

    Posted: 09 Aug 2021 09:18 AM PDT

    When is the revert back to previous skin level? Regret level 3 option of Singularity Spectre, minimalist level 2 is my sweet spot :(

    Posted: 09 Aug 2021 03:14 AM PDT

    It finally happened.

    Posted: 09 Aug 2021 08:16 AM PDT

    Some of you may recognize my username.

    I've been fairly active on the sub since launch until one or two months ago.

    Every once in a while I'd comment about how I've never seen the Sakura Vandal in my store, which bummed me out because it was the only non-Battlepass skin I was interested in buying.

    Well today, after 355 days of wait, the Sakura Vandal finally graced me with its presence.

    Don't lose hope.

    The skin you want will come. But it will come at a time when you'll have almost abandoned the game, and yiu are not gonna buy it.

    submitted by /u/5i5TEMA
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    Why blame the bottom frag for everything?

    Posted: 08 Aug 2021 10:36 PM PDT

    hello fellow redditors!

    I am new new to the fps genre and wanted to discuss why blame everything on the bottom frag?

    dosent the sova voiceline ' If your not a good shot today, dont worry. There are other ways to be useful.' I experienced this while playing as sage in a game where i was being a pokemon sage. and I only had 2 less kills than the mid frag. but why blame everything on the bottom frag if you just rush mindlessly and die?

    submitted by /u/satwikgup
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    A Judge 2k is not what you expect to see in a tournament grand finals...

    Posted: 09 Aug 2021 09:12 AM PDT

    Finally got out of iron after 12 months!!

    Posted: 09 Aug 2021 10:06 AM PDT

    Finally got out of iron after 12 months!!

    So i've been playing on and off for a year now. I only get to play 4 or 5 matches per week so i haven't been able to improve too much. Nor did i have time to work on my aim. I just played omen and tried to outplay the enemy. Finally reaching bronze 2 makes me so happy. Just wanted to share coz i dont have many friends who play valorant.

    My Comp. Career

    submitted by /u/HunkyWarrior
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    Ascent B Entry Market Reveal

    Posted: 09 Aug 2021 03:55 AM PDT

    I really hope RIOT puts a block option

    Posted: 09 Aug 2021 04:39 AM PDT

    I started playing Valorant last month so I'm still getting the hang of it. Over the past few times that I've played, some people have been either harassing me, body blocking me, and insulting me because I'm a girl. There was this team that I randomly matched with during competitive and they were pretty nice and made me feel welcomed to the game. Two people were in a party and the rest of us were solos. We had good communication and it was all good!

    When the two guys friended me, I didn't think much of it(this was my mistake). So I've accepted it and joined their party. After that, we've done a bunch of competitives together and decided to share discords(also my mistake).

    One of the guys in the party(let's call him Z), was the first to ask for my discord. And I didn't think much of it and thought why not because they seemed pretty cool. And the other guy(let's call him G), couldn't join us in games sometimes because he was busy and stuff. So it was just me and Z most of the times.

    I began to realise that Z isn't the nice, respectful teammate I thought he was. He would keep texting me on discord, asking me if I want to play with him. I didn't find any harm in it until it started to get more annoying. He would want to play with me most of the time and I want to make time for other things.

    He began to spam me in discord and call me weird names like "pretty" and "beautiful" (he didn't know what I looked like btw) and it got pretty awkward. I got uncomfortable. He later on kept asking me how old I am, where I'm from and what he can call me because my username is super long. I gave him a fake name and he stopped calling me weird nicknames but continued to spam me. It was then he texted me to stop playing a mini game that I played for a little while. I got creeped out and realised it was my discord revealing what game I'm playing. So I just played it off.

    Once, I was playing a different game in the afternoon. It was a pretty chill game and I enjoy playing it. At night, Z kept spamming me again and @ing me on discord to make sure I got the message. He began to spam call me. I got frustrated and refused to pick up the call. I decided to just play one unrated game with him to make him shut up for a while.

    I regret playing with him then. He asked me too many personal questions and had been making me super uncomfortable. I just tried to play it off and at some point, I had to mention a boyfriend(I lied) just to get Z off my back for a few minutes in the game. That was until later on, he had asked me to play another game with him and I told him I want to sleep. Then he confronted me and said that I play my different game every night. I was wondering how he knew I was playing that game and how he knew I play it every night. It was then till I realised my discord was connected to my games and found out he had been borderline stalking me on discord.

    Since then, I've blocked him on discord and unfriended Z on Valorant. I've also unfriended G because he was friends with Z. I felt bad but I know I needed to cut ties with them and I didn't want G finding out. Z found out I've unfriended him and had been requesting to friend me many times till now. I decided to report him for spam and such but it doesn't really do anything. I really hope RIOT fixes a block option because this is straight up creepy.

    submitted by /u/DorkyLiteratures
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    Some Easy Ascent Satchel jumps :)) ( P.S sorry for the video quality)

    Posted: 08 Aug 2021 08:19 PM PDT

    Reminder: Report the AFKs

    Posted: 09 Aug 2021 09:30 AM PDT

    I just got off an easy win where the enemy team had an AFK. I basically got most of my frags from running to enemy spawn and backstabbing the AFK.

    The enemy team asked us to report him, but I didn't because the AFK was helping us win. My teammates were trashtalking and I found it funny.

    In the end, the enemy surrendered and I got some easy RR.

    Karma must exist in some form, because next game, well I GOT THE AFK PLAYER. Same dude, same instalock Reyna.

    Well lets just say its not as funny when you're the one who has the AFK.

    I knew from the get-go he was going to AFK. He just walked forward against a wall and stared at the wall. I messaged all chat, asking the enemy team to report my AFK, and lo and behold, the enemy team trash talked and laughed at us. One of my teammates eventually got into an argument with the enemy top frag, because my teammate believed that we could win if we didn't have an AFK, while the enemy top frag trash talked us and told us to derank so we won't waste his time.

    We got shitstomped. We didn't surrendered, and lost 1-13. I lost more ratings than I gained.

    So yes, report your AFKs no matter what team they're on. Do us all a favor, and don't be stupid like me.

    Would my report have added anything? Maybe not. But if it had gotten the Reyna temporarily banned from ranked, I'd probably have a better chance of getting a proper 5v5.


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    I think knife kills should have a death animation

    Posted: 09 Aug 2021 09:33 AM PDT

    I mean they r still kills, plus they r expensive af if u buy them separately, I think they should have a custom animation for knife kills and AT LEAST have the finisher for their skin

    submitted by /u/statiK4225
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    Is it only like this in high elo or?

    Posted: 09 Aug 2021 01:55 AM PDT

    Hello, took a break from valorant for 3 months, got back like a week ago, climbed back to immortal and somethings didnt change at all.

    • High elo has about 30% players not using mics and not giving any info.

    • Every game there has to be atleast one guy throwing.

    • Instalockers are commonly bad with the agents they instalock.

    • Toxic people all over the place.

    I want to hear your opinion guys

    submitted by /u/sarkehh
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    I severely dislike the "go for the knife" call-out.

    Posted: 09 Aug 2021 10:38 AM PDT

    Full disclosure, I'm only in Plat1, so maybe this is far more effective at higher level play. I might just be an idiot, or maybe my examples of knife attempts that I witness are all wrong. Still:

    I hate the "knife him" call-out.

    Like, yeah: it's awesome for damaging their money, hurting their headspace... it makes for a great clip! IF YOU HIT IT. But do you know what often happens? You miss the knife stab, or the player happens to look behind them and you're stuck with your knife out, or maybe even you slash by accident and they just flick right to you and instantly headshot you. And even if you do everything right, and you SHOULD have hit the knife? Valorant's shitty knife system fucked you over and it didn't register.

    Now, you've lost the round, you're in a worse headspace for throwing the round/the knife not working properly, and you lose out on money for your teammates and yourself. This is why, since CS:GO, I've always said: fuck going for the knife. It almost NEVER works out outside of popular clips.

    This also applies to other types of aggressive plays.

    • You and your teammates kill 4 of their squad, you get bomb dropped! One guy left, should be the easiest win of your career. BUT FOR SOME REASON everyone decides to 1v1 the best player on the enemy team thinking they HAVE to kill them. Everyone dies one by one, enemy team wins the round.

    • Your round win is guaranteed but your team desperately wants to stop the last player from saving OP. Again, awesome if it works... but not awesome if we lose three guns in the process, even if we win the round.

    • Talking aggressive toxic trash on the enemy team that gives the enemy team the motivation to stage a comeback.

    It reminds me of this clip that was posted today in WCGW. I know I've seen so many clips where someone close to winning decides to show off and fucks themselves over. Just like this clip screws over a sure win for the runner, showboating and over aggressive playstyles fuck over an easy round win in Valorant.

    Just, please: Go for the headshot you muppet. Don't show off.

    submitted by /u/MovieTrailerReply
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    What's the thing you've learned to improve your gameplay that you wish you knew before?

    Posted: 09 Aug 2021 06:11 AM PDT

    Watching my oldest gameplay videos I can easily point out stuff that now cringes me and I had no idea before. I remember I wanted someone to watch my videos and tell me what I was doing wrong and guess what, this person is future me.

    I wish I knew how terrible my crooshair was and that it did impact on my aiming. And I wish I knew how important it is to know a couple of boombots pixels to clear specific areas instead of throwing them and hope for the best.

    I also wish I knew that when people said that lower elos don't press shift, it didn't meant I'd improve if I pressed shift all the time, even when my teammates are clearly making a lot of noise so the enemy already knows where we are.

    What did you wish you knew before?

    submitted by /u/biomessy
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    Bind Hooka single shock dart

    Posted: 09 Aug 2021 06:43 AM PDT

    How Sentinels set up their attack side for success on Breeze

    Posted: 09 Aug 2021 12:40 PM PDT

    How Sentinels Set up their attack side for success on Breeze

    In this video I went ahead and analyzed the SEN vs NV match on Breeze from challengers 1 where I was interested in finding patterns in how they played their offensive side of the map as they had a dominating 9 to 3 half.

    I found a lot of patterns and in the first half of the video explain how they used their agents and utility on their "B default" where they would focus on maintaining map control. In the second half of the video, I show 4 rounds which are good examples of how they utilized this set up to great effect.

    submitted by /u/SlCKXpT
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    Why people throw so many rounds to try to get one more kill?

    Posted: 09 Aug 2021 07:48 AM PDT

    After being stuck in bronze/silver I started aim training in DM and watching my VODs and got myself to plat a couple of months ago.

    I thought people would be smarter in here but nope. We literally lose 3-4 rounds on average PER game cause people get greedy and want to get more kills.

    We enter a site, plant and we are 4v3 and instead of securing the round, playing post plant and crossfire they just push ct looking for the kill on the rotation (once it's fine but they expect you after doing it 4 times).

    And ofc you can't say anything cause then they start being mean and sometimes they start inting which is 100% a lost game.

    submitted by /u/tyrellrummage
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    Knifing needs a buff

    Posted: 08 Aug 2021 10:04 PM PDT

    I really don't understand why for the entirety of the time I've played valorant. knifing has always been bad. I can never recall a time it was good or useful. like, look at this clip as an example.


    submitted by /u/Majesty1337
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    A completely overengineered and utterly useless double shock for bridge on Breeze

    Posted: 08 Aug 2021 03:36 PM PDT

    Yoru is broken apparently

    Posted: 08 Aug 2021 06:49 PM PDT

    I just had a whale of a game where I won a 1v5 as Yoru to tie the game in OT. The enemy team then said I was being carried by a character (Yoru). This had me in stitches:



    In another lobby, my Omen accused me of throwing because I chose Yoru. Here is the scoreboard after the game:


    Yeah man apparently Yoru is broken if you win with him, and you're also throwing if you pick him!

    submitted by /u/tomphz
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    I made a promise last act, did the same this act - now I've climbed to Gold.

    Posted: 08 Aug 2021 08:51 PM PDT


    Last season, I promised myself that if I climbed to silver, I would buy a bundle. I finally did it and I ended up buying the Ruination bundle as my reward. This act, I wanted to climb to gold and I figured - why not, same bet. Well..... I hit gold.

    This has been my first real shooter that I've invested myself in and I'm stoked about it. So... yeah thanks for reading!

    submitted by /u/Exherm
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