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    Thursday, August 26, 2021

    VALORANT More "glitchpoppy" Glitchpop Butterfly Knife Concept

    VALORANT More "glitchpoppy" Glitchpop Butterfly Knife Concept

    More "glitchpoppy" Glitchpop Butterfly Knife Concept

    Posted: 26 Aug 2021 08:31 AM PDT

    More "glitchpoppy" Glitchpop Butterfly Knife Concept

    I recently saw this concept by u/antxochdesign (twitter). I read some comments and thought to myself that it could be emitting a more glitchpop feel. Left is antxoch's original concept and right is my addition to it. I matched the colors to the original glitchpop colors.. even though I prefer the pop in the original concept more, I am just trying to show what it would more realistically look like. I'd love to hear your guys' opinion and show the original creator some love!


    submitted by /u/whostoleBATTERY
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    Cant queue after new update

    Posted: 26 Aug 2021 11:53 AM PDT

    after the update today with new bundle and stuff i cant queue for anything and im not banned. it just says queue disabled. when i click start, it puts me in queue for 5 seconds then it dequeues me and i cant queue again until i restart valorant

    submitted by /u/_Hyperlyte_
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    Can riot do something to prevent queuing into the same map again

    Posted: 26 Aug 2021 12:41 AM PDT

    I just played 5 games of Ascent in a row and getting pretty annoyed on playing the same map over and over again.

    submitted by /u/LegendBob24
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    No comms always in solo queue

    Posted: 26 Aug 2021 11:42 AM PDT

    Is it just me? Am I just unlucky af? for the past week I only get 1-2 games where people talk and give out comms while the rest no one talks but me. Its so annoying specially when it comes to breeze/icebox

    submitted by /u/EshiEx
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    Valorant Spray Challenge !

    Posted: 26 Aug 2021 10:02 AM PDT

    Valorant Spray Challenge !

    So I've been having fun with with this Jett spray and testing out how a spray will wrap around most round objects if you hit it in just the right spot. If you do it correctly, you can create a mirror image of just a portion of a spray. Its hilarious with this spray, and many other like the Dan Penguin and most character sprays. I would like to see other funny sprays people might find with doing this.


    submitted by /u/EdgeDN
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    Butterfly knife, but I don't know how to do tricks

    Posted: 25 Aug 2021 03:46 PM PDT

    Wow... Playing with a broken mouse, and hit one of the most random noscope wall bangs. You can tell I was struggling just to aim. Cheers! (Someone from game wanted to see)

    Posted: 25 Aug 2021 07:48 PM PDT

    Riot Mobile will launch on October 4th

    Posted: 26 Aug 2021 09:26 AM PDT

    I tried learning Viper and I'm not very good but I love Viper so much

    Posted: 25 Aug 2021 05:29 PM PDT

    I tried learning Viper and I'm not very good but I love Viper so much

    So I decided to dedicate my first Valorant fanart for her. I like Raze and Sage too, so I plan to sketch them next!


    submitted by /u/aliceyoons
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    Death delays in Death Match amount to up to 1.5 minutes of wasted time per game!

    Posted: 26 Aug 2021 04:46 AM PDT

    1. Since DM goes to 40 kills, the absolute maximum of time wasted in death delays could be 40*3 seconds = 2 minutes if someone actually died 40 times. I can't pull up my stats now, but 20 should be close to or slightly higher than average amount of deaths in DM. Thus, average amount of time wasted per game is about 1 minute.
    2. Of course there has to be a good reason to justify wasting all this time, but finding any meaningful reason for this is extremely hard. Delay is a punishment for death. Obviously, it can only come from a mindset that DM is a mode people should try to win as opposed to viewing it solely as warm-up and training routine. Already a dubious goal to sacrifice everyone's time for. But what does it achieve? To a small degree it encourages people to play more cautiously. It also makes camping a viable strategy... The only silver lining I can think of is that being more cautious could lead to building less bad habits. That is, if 3 seconds would make you more cautious, which I highly doubt. It's noticeable in the grand scheme of things, but in the moment you only see it as a small, but annoying inconvenience, not something that would affect your strategy.

    P.S. I haven't checked the new patch that's probably already live, but it probably doesn't change this situation. This is a repost of 15 days old post deleted by some moderation filter.

    submitted by /u/sergrojGrayFace
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    I found out there is 3 different animations for the left click of the Butterfly Knife (Audios messed up sorry)

    Posted: 26 Aug 2021 10:48 AM PDT

    Feel like this act has been much worse than other acts ranked wise? for me at least

    Posted: 26 Aug 2021 01:14 PM PDT

    Used year worth's of luck and Got the most insane store I have ever seen.

    Posted: 26 Aug 2021 09:43 AM PDT

    Proof on generally how unlucky I am: This is on an alt account which I barely play on xD.


    submitted by /u/puhash3
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    How to play OMEN in IMMORTAL /5 *with notes* *educational*

    Posted: 26 Aug 2021 08:10 AM PDT

    How long have you guys had to wait for a skin you wanted?

    Posted: 26 Aug 2021 07:25 AM PDT

    I've been wanting prime spectre and hoping it comes within my shop soon. How long did you guys have to wait for a skin you wanted? For my first skin (oni phantom) it came in the shop the day I bought vp, maybe I used all my luck there.

    submitted by /u/Average-ThrowerZz
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    Omen Split Tips!

    Posted: 26 Aug 2021 11:07 AM PDT

    Valorant Stats, Strats, and Routine

    Posted: 26 Aug 2021 06:08 AM PDT

    Valorant Stats, Strats, and Routine

    Hi everyone,

    We made this and believe it'll help everyone playing Valorant keep track of their metrics and improve. Its in Beta state and we will be improving the site slowly but surely! The routine generator will be based on data soon (psst. coming Thursday) to help you ace the game!

    The link is: https://swiftskill.gg

    Sample One (For each match)

    Sameple Two (Historical Data)

    Feel free to drop any questions/suggestions you may have.

    submitted by /u/Excellent-Image1437
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    Viper Glitch... { Riot Fix This }

    Posted: 26 Aug 2021 01:42 PM PDT

    Looking for players & teams for a new tournament tomorrow night! [NA-Central/East]

    Posted: 26 Aug 2021 08:38 AM PDT

    Hey guys, I'm a long time CS player (boomer) and used to play in lots of lans in the early 2000s before e-sports was really a thing. I've been having a lot of fun with Valorant over the last ~year since it came out, and I've always wanted to host tournaments, so I finally decided to do it!

    My vision is not just to host tournaments, but to create a community where people of all skills can compete. In other words, have some skill based divisions where silver players can play in a tournament with other silver players, plat against plat, etc.

    In addition to that, I also want to create as close to the 'e-sports feel' with these tournaments as we can with amateur talent / limited budget lol. So that means decent stream production, finding casters, etc. To that end, if you are interested in honing your casting skills and getting practice in with the e-sports scene, we would love to have you join us!

    I'm starting small with an 8 team / 3 round tournament tomorrow night, mostly to gauge general interest and also to help refine rules / process. It's free to join and $100 winner-take-all 1st place prize. We will use Texas & Chicago servers to start so you will want to have decent ping (that means probably no west coast, sorry)... but we hope that in the future we will be able to have multiple tournaments each week for different regions and skill levels.

    For clarity this is not trying to be a business and I'm not making any money (I'm putting up all the prize money myself, don't worry I have a decent job haha), I just want to create a cool tournament community within Valorant!

    If any of this resonates with you and you want to get involved, or if you want to be one of the first teams to compete tomorrow night, please join our discord and get in touch! If you don't have a team you can also join as a 'free agent' and we will put together teams from the free agents if we don't have enough teams.

    Element Zer0 Discord: https://discord.gg/d988Brt85R

    (p.s. we have a website too https://ez0.gg/ but I'm still working on it, you can sign up if you want but you can't really do anything else yet, more to come soon!!)

    submitted by /u/dr3wtime
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    Not hearing own footsteps?

    Posted: 26 Aug 2021 08:51 AM PDT

    I have Equalizer APO for my headset and I decreased the bass a little bit and increased the treble. Now it seems I can barely hear my footsteps, even Brimstone's footsteps. I can still hear enemy footsteps, better than pre-eq, but just not as prominent. Any suggestions. TIA!


    submitted by /u/DrRejected
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