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    Monday, August 2, 2021

    VALORANT Sky is the most broken character in the game and it’s not even CLOSE

    VALORANT Sky is the most broken character in the game and it’s not even CLOSE

    Sky is the most broken character in the game and it’s not even CLOSE

    Posted: 02 Aug 2021 03:24 AM PDT

    First off I'm radiant, I'll post my tracker in the comments. I'll give you my line of thinking but first let's address why sky was created… to counter oppers, the op was so oppressive they made who's abilities are all tailored towards flashing oppers and dogging oppers off of hard angles.

    But ops have been nerfed, jett has been nerfed and now we are left with a character in the game who has a self pop flash that's lasts for 3 seconds. The flash is controllable, can be popped within .2 seconds of deploying and regenerates. All noobs always say just shoot the flash.

    If she is pop flashing and you try to shoot it it will pop before your bullets register, if you turn away there is a chance they won't even pop the flash which allows her teammate to free peak on you. Oh you thought that was bad? Her flash Also tells her wHen someone is flashed which allows her to get info. And on top of all that her flash regenerates, which means skye can flash up to 5 times a round. Now her information gathering

    Her dog gains huge amounts of info, clears out an area , does damage and stuns. Her flashes get insane information and her ult literally tells you where three people are and the only way to avoid it is to shoot it which gives away your position anyway.

    Sky can be a balance character but right now all of her abilities have no drawbacks

    submitted by /u/Equivalent_Ad505
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    Agent for "I want to instalock reyna but I feel bad about locking so I hover but then someone else instalocks her and baits"?

    Posted: 02 Aug 2021 08:48 AM PDT

    I love love love reyna, being able to solo q risk free hold off angles is amazing. I don't even care about the heals, and not worrying about flashing teammates is great. But when you lock reyna, unless you top frag, you are "that reyna", and I feel guilty if I perform poorly.

    And she's in high demand, she has the highest pick rate, so I want to get a niche agent. I actually like cypher more, but you can't lurk in solo q.

    submitted by /u/AdiSoldier245
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    I know we're supposed to post on ValorantTechSupport but the FPS issues have gone unresolved for months and Riot is not doing anything about it.

    Posted: 02 Aug 2021 08:41 AM PDT

    countless of posts about fps drops and bad game optimization have been posted on techsupport subreddit yet the issue remains unsolved.

    What the hell is going on with the game being so awful compared to other titles

    submitted by /u/Raxion
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    Inside the mind of a Sova Player

    Posted: 01 Aug 2021 04:11 PM PDT

    Suggestion: combat report should show whether flashes full-blinded or micro-blinded enemies/allies

    Posted: 02 Aug 2021 12:00 PM PDT

    Currently the combat report only tells you the number of enemies and allies blinded by your flashes. This isn't as helpful as it could be because after the flash changes, a micro-flash is effectively closer to missing the flash than full-blinding somebody.

    Enemies - if people are consistently turning away from your flashes, knowing this allows you to adjust how you're flashing for better effect.

    Allies - flashing behind teammates is a legit strategy now but full-flashing your team is obviously a major mistake. Knowing which one happened after each round would help people learn how to be better flashers.

    Also self-flashes shouldn't show up in the "allies blinded" stats. Intentionally flashing behind yourself to peek currently displays the same text as if you full-flashed a teammate. We're all painfully aware of the times we flash ourselves. There's no real reason it needs to be in the combat report at all and currently it just muddies the picture of the effect our flashes are having on the match.

    submitted by /u/WhatTheChef
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    I Collected some Good Fan Arts of the past year (Credits to each in comments)

    Posted: 01 Aug 2021 10:06 PM PDT

    Maybe people know this already, but I found a hiding spot on B site Breeze for KJ's grenade this afternoon. Players with higher elo than mine probably wont fall for it, but it has been putting in work for me.

    Posted: 01 Aug 2021 09:50 PM PDT

    Just comebacked a 5-10 match, enemy team started trashtalking us. It felt so good!

    Posted: 02 Aug 2021 10:39 AM PDT

    TL;DR: Enemy Sage started trashtalking in 5-10. We managed to comeback 13-11 and spammed "ez sage ez" in chat. Feels so good.

    This must be the most memorable Comp match I've ever had, and fun too. We're down 3-9, I was playing Omen, we were all ready to give up but thankfully, Raze made us motivated and positive. Sage keeps calling us noobs and demanding us to surrender already but we didn't.

    After switching sides, enemy Sage started trashtalking again, but we didn't let ourselves get caught up with their toxicity. They then told us we were shit because we are down 5-10, Raze still told us not to initiate with the toxicity they were giving, they still keep trashtalking until we reached 10-10, all Sage can do is repeatedly saying "hahaha" in chat and calling me names, I then called them immature, but they called me a kid for being toxic even tho they started the toxicity, so we all just stayed calm and enjoying the game while laughing about the fact we are beating them.

    Now it's 11-10, Sage still won't stop talking, then they started trashtalking about my KDA, 10-14, while Sage has 14-9, second fragging. This just proves how immature they are, still, we didn't let the toxicity consume us. Then my aim started getting better since I feel so happy for what was happening. I got 3k in 12-10, then 2k in 12-11, now, I'm overfragging Sage since on the remaining rounds, they always get killed first cause her not to get a kill. Sage still won't stop calling us noobs, until finally we finished the match and started spamming "EZ sage EZ" in chat. We can't stop laughing after the match and we lived happy ever after.

    Lessons I learned? Don't give up even if you think you're gonna lose. Don't be too negative and stay having a good mindset. Don't let other people's toxicity consume you, and finally, don't start talking shit about your enemies even if you still didn't win, you're making yourself a joke.

    submitted by /u/PacifistHoovy
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    After being in bronze/silver since beta I finally cracked into gold

    Posted: 02 Aug 2021 10:40 AM PDT


    I had accepted maybe I was just going to be low elo forever, but after some intentional improvement I finally hit gold. Mostly solo queue, but the good teammates I had along the way, thank you. Hoping I can continue the climb!

    submitted by /u/FPierce
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    Getting out of Iron

    Posted: 02 Aug 2021 10:40 AM PDT

    Hi everyone, can I make a question? I do i get out of iron if my mmr after winning 8/10 is [lose = -28 points, win = 10 points (+6 for performance)]? Also counting I continously find trollers and smurfs? Is not a rent, just a serious question, should I ACE every single round being in Iron3? Also i got from Iron 1 to Iron 3 with this MMR, doing my best. Thank you in advance for the replies

    submitted by /u/Xadan94
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    after won pistol round --> Full armor + SMG or Light armor + Vandal?

    Posted: 01 Aug 2021 04:00 PM PDT

    I'm confused because both of the variants have an pros and cons...

    I've tried both variants multiple times and both seem to work pretty well. So what should I purchase after a won pistol round? And can you give me the reasons for it? Or is it very depending on map and range I'm at?

    edit: I read through all the comments. I've come to the conclusion that I'll stop the trolling buys of mine with the vandals/phantoms in 2nd rounds. I'll now instead go for full armor + spectre because of the full armor advantage and the not so high risk of losing the spectre.

    Before I almost always bought vandal + half armor. When I didn't survive the round or even gifted the vandal in 2nd round to the enemy with in the worst case full armor, I pretty much threw away so many 2nd rounds in which we should've had an advantage. Thx guys for the many responses. Currently in silver 1. My goal is Gold.

    submitted by /u/armascool
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    hnA TACFPS Kovaaks Routine so you can Aim Good in Valorant

    Posted: 02 Aug 2021 07:50 AM PDT


    This routine is not made by me but is made by a friend of mine. Feel free to ask any questions down below or in the discord server and someone will answer your questions.

    The document firstly gets many misconceptions out of the way when it comes to aiming in tacfps and aim trainers. The routine is really effective ONLY when you do the scenarios listed in the correct way.

    AIMLAB routine is currently in development, apologies for it being currently kovaaks only

    submitted by /u/replace_
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    So I went into my Valorant game files...

    Posted: 02 Aug 2021 02:12 PM PDT

    Just witnessed a 400IQ play

    Posted: 02 Aug 2021 11:25 AM PDT

    Dude started shouting during breeze loading screen and someone instantly dodged. I think breeze is ok but would like to see it change in some way but I don't hate it as much as this guy.

    submitted by /u/ares_god5
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    Counter-Strafing gives barely any advantage in Valorant (Counter Strafe Test)

    Posted: 02 Aug 2021 09:50 AM PDT

    Account Level Idea: If your account level is over 100, then have an option to show your level at level 100 or current level.

    Posted: 02 Aug 2021 11:44 AM PDT

    I've been seeing some posts about people getting flamed for being such a high level with. I propose the above to fix the problem.

    It just seems to suck to play and enjoy playing the game, and then to have this change. Now you're faced with a new level of negativity. This would alleviate that problem. We'd see a lot more some more level 100's.

    submitted by /u/Scrub_Randall
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    Why do people hate the Odin

    Posted: 01 Aug 2021 09:50 PM PDT

    Why do people like to hate on Odin users? Whenever someone dies to an Odin they'll spam things like "Odin spammer" or "Odin noob". I mean the gun is there to be used. It's not that person's fault you can't counter it or you can't aim on the head

    submitted by /u/reshav27
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    FNATIC and Liquid had an amazing Grand Finals, here's a breakdown of an important round!

    Posted: 02 Aug 2021 01:15 PM PDT

    Sova recon drone glitch/exploit?

    Posted: 01 Aug 2021 09:25 PM PDT

    Matchmaking or performance inconsistency?

    Posted: 02 Aug 2021 01:40 PM PDT


    Hi, I started playing Valorant everyday and I've been hard stuck bronze 2 for about 1-2 months now. My profile: https://tracker.gg/valorant/profile/riot/Nothingness%233569/overview

    As you can see, my last two comp games were 8-13 and 2-13, with me going negative KD in both of them, but the day before I had 3 games where I dropped 20 frags, with one being 37-19. Is this an inconsistency in matchmaking or personal performance? Btw I soloQ

    (Sorry if my English is horrible, it's not my mother tongue)

    submitted by /u/Superior0422
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    I edited my friends as their Valorant mains!

    Posted: 01 Aug 2021 10:45 PM PDT

    I'm not the best at photo-editing (or Valorant tbh) but today I really wanted to try turning my friends into their main agent of choice from Valorant!

    I like how it came out, it's bad but to me that makes it so much better!


    submitted by /u/dozyhoe
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    unable to install

    Posted: 02 Aug 2021 02:07 PM PDT

    unable to install

    Please help me I no longer know what to do I knocked if the laptop is running games but I can not play league valorant who can send me solutions please


    submitted by /u/NeckNegative5546
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