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    Tuesday, August 31, 2021

    VALORANT spike teleported from base

    VALORANT spike teleported from base

    spike teleported from base

    Posted: 31 Aug 2021 06:49 AM PDT

    What's the worst ultimate to fail?

    Posted: 31 Aug 2021 05:55 AM PDT

    Is it whiffing your knives as Jett, enemy times out your renya empress or you just die immediately?

    Phoenix ultimate only to get flanked and double killed?

    There's some pretty sad ways to fail using your ultimate in valorant, I find it super interesting how unique it can be for each agent. What do you think is the worst way to fail using an ultimate?

    I have a contender, somehow whiffing your sova ultimate to destroy the killjoy lockdown when all your team is inside.

    submitted by /u/TheTechDweller
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    Respawns in Deathmatch (Discussion about rework in comments)

    Posted: 31 Aug 2021 09:21 AM PDT

    Shout out those who continue when your team is doing badly. You the real MVPs

    Posted: 31 Aug 2021 09:19 AM PDT

    So I'm a boomer with adult shit to do but I love a gaming session with the gang when time allows.

    Last night like any other quick DM followed by a couple unrated.

    Game 1: 4 stack I'm part of has a random instalock reyna. Gets 3k in rd1, proceeds to sulk the rest of the game when he flames us even though we've told him we're 4 stacking (he was allegedly boosting). Doesn't want to play, baits, racist, homophobic ends game with max economy with 7 kills etc etc etc shite game and we lose. Thanks for the boost bro.

    On to the next.

    Game 2: (now 2 stack) we're 12-4 down. Team morale is good but we're getting hammered. Someone throws out some positivity and we go on to bring it back to 12-12 but lose in overtime.

    Shout out to the folks who when the shit hits the fan don't throw their toys out of the pram. That second game was one of the most fun I've had in any fps game.

    When time is scarce make do with what you have and I cannot thank the teammates who stuck that game out enough for their effort and fun we had.

    If you're anything like the dude from game 1 have a think about how that behaviour works outside of the safety of your bedroom.

    I'm an old man with a big mouth telling you that you'll find out the hard way (like I did) that there are consequences to your actions.

    Also stop wasting my 40 minutes or anyone else's you inconsiderate fucks.


    submitted by /u/wookiedai
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    How can I increase my fps?

    Posted: 31 Aug 2021 03:27 AM PDT

    I've done the obvious stuff like lowering qualities and tinkering with settings but what're some additional possibly lesser knowns ways one can increase their fps?

    submitted by /u/godwhyareallnamestak
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    Extra Bullet using cypher cam.

    Posted: 30 Aug 2021 11:46 PM PDT

    I've got a perfect idea for the Recon Bundle Kill Animation

    Posted: 31 Aug 2021 09:32 AM PDT

    Valorant should never match a 5 stack against 5 soloq players; yet it does.

    Posted: 31 Aug 2021 04:34 AM PDT

    TL;DR: Matchmaking has a couple of quirks that amplify the harmful impact of smurfing, even at high ranks like diamond. This situation creates a knock-on effect that makes matchmaking worse in all ranks.

    Tracker.gg has recently started showing party composition of teams. This feature makes it a lot easier to understand how the game matches parties against one another.

    I thought, and hoped, that the game never matched 5 stacks against 5 soloq players. Sadly, turns out this is not the case. Here is the latest example that I've stumbled upon: exhibit 1.

    Surely the game tries to match teams with similar party compositions against one another, and it does that for the most part. I believe anomalies like exhibit 1 happen because of another quirk in matchmaking: The game uses MMR to match you against players, but party restrictions are implemented through visual ranks.

    The quirk above opens up the game to more abuse. It actually makes smurfing more profitable. If you smurf, your MMR will usually be higher than your visual rank. If your MMR reaches high diamond while your rank is still in plat, you'll still be able to 5 stack, but the game will struggle to find another 5 stack of the same MMR/rank composition. Remember, a legit (non-smurf) diamond 3 player cannot 5 stack at all.

    The outcome? The game matches the smurfing 5 stack against 5 soloq players, making the match even more lopsided in favor of the stack. This outcome has an even more insidious side effect: Legit players get punished more harshly for performing poorly against players at a lower rank. They derank, and become smurfs of their own in the lower ranks. This vicious cycle continues and matchmaking as a whole becomes painful for every non-stacking player at every rank.

    This is yet another reason to tighten access to ranked and make smurfing harder. A 5 stack of smurfs on fresh accounts can get 10 unranked wins in one sitting, as people tend to forfeit a lot in unranked. It's laughably easy to make a smurf in Valorant right now.

    (Side note: I don't think the Reyna on the enemy team in my example is smurfing, but her visual rank is much lower than MMR because she hasn't played that many games in episode 3. My point still stands though, as smurfs typically have the same MMR/rank disparity.)

    Edit: Another example from the same smurfing squad, with even more egregious matchmaking. Why is there a gold in a diamond lobby?

    Exhibit 2

    submitted by /u/CoderPlays
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    Sage B Back sites lineup on split (Full area)

    Posted: 31 Aug 2021 04:24 AM PDT

    I'm looking for a player named Goomba

    Posted: 31 Aug 2021 09:56 AM PDT

    Unfortunately, our game was cut short due to a cheater detected screen. However, Mr. Goomba, all you said throughout the fiveish or so rounds that I played with you was, "gOoHMM bAh" like a pokemon. My friends were not too fond of it, but me? I couldn't help but reciprocate the vibe and our chemistry was immaculate and we was winnin rounds with ease. Please PM me so we can reconnect.

    submitted by /u/Dielon92
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    Reaver Phantom | Concept Art [3D]

    Posted: 31 Aug 2021 04:50 AM PDT

    Reaver Phantom | Concept Art [3D]

    Assets pulled and altered from the Reaver Vandal.

    Rigged by me. One material. 10,816 Tris.

    Hopefully you all enjoy this. I will probably continue making some concept Valorant weapons! I'm a novice 3D modeler who began 7~ months ago. One thing I want to tackle and learn is how Riot has their shader nodes set up in blender so that way I can make everything "look" better and not as flat / out of place. Within due time! Thanks for taking a peek :)

    360 degree video will be up shortly when it's finished rendering!


    submitted by /u/RealParallax
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    Mouse sens slows down when flicking?

    Posted: 31 Aug 2021 04:06 AM PDT

    I've been using this logitech g102 prodigy mouse for over 3 years now so far so good, but lately I've been noticing whenever im flicking the mouse sens slows down like in a weird way, it feels like the mouse's fps goes down that's feeling im getting, it happens 20% all the time, this is noticeable especially when im on a discord call or recording my game, my fps doesn't go that bad prob like 120 but my mouse sens feels like it has some weights added to it whenever I record or discord call, ps. I have hpet disabled I dunno if that's somewhat connected and some valorant registry tweaks fps guide I saw from pajno on youtube.

    submitted by /u/KarimLee
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    I'm pretty new to the community and found some viper lineups on Haven for A and C site. Not sure if this has been done before but thought I'd share!

    Posted: 31 Aug 2021 06:36 AM PDT

    New Map Teaser

    Posted: 30 Aug 2021 08:10 PM PDT

    My offering to the devs (not low effort post :) spent 30 min on this)

    Posted: 30 Aug 2021 09:48 PM PDT

    My offering to the devs (not low effort post :) spent 30 min on this)


    So apparently I got to write a 100-word paragraph on why I deserve this gun buddy or else the bot will take down my post :(. So, I like to openly start this paragraph with a little background about myself. I am a silver 1 player who plays like an immortal. I have literally the best game sense in Valorant combined with my innate ability to accurately click on heads 100% of the time (no stats provided) I truly believe I deserve this GB. Additionally, I called up my mom as a reference just to further prove my point and I swear she said "yea give him the little keychain thing." Overall, as a talented player with many highly influential and well-educated people backing me up, I deserve this gun buddy.

    Edit1: some guy told me to write down my username and password so they can find me so

    Username: Zineless

    Password: *********

    submitted by /u/Zestyclose-Move3925
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    It’s all about mental

    Posted: 31 Aug 2021 06:54 AM PDT

    Valorant is completely a mental game. I'm not talking about outsmarting the other players too, it talking about your mental state. The more happy you are and the more you believe you'll play better, you'll play better. Another thing, if you don't care about the game you also play better. What I mean by that is that if you've ever noticed you play better in unrated or shoot better in dm than in comp, it's because in your mind there's nothing on the line although in comp there is. This isn't true, you're playing for a digital number on a screen that holds no real value; when you're playing, remember that and act as if it's just an unrated. This helped me greatly and as soon as I could do this consistently I got the rank that I lost this act back in a day of solo queue. Thank you for coming to my ted talk.

    submitted by /u/B1g-j
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    How am I supposed to have fun, when I get matched with people, that go 40/13 during games?

    Posted: 31 Aug 2021 10:26 AM PDT

    Hello, new Valorant player here (lvl 12 by now) and these past 2 days have been incredibly frustrating.

    Matchmaking feels really weird, because yesterday, while playing with 3 friends (all new players aswell), we got matched against people that were just ... way above us in skill terms, which made the games incredibly unfun + they even started trolling and making fun, when they won 1v1's and stuff.

    Same thing today, played a round with a friend (who has been playing for a bit longer) and got matched against a jett, that went like 43/10 and basically gave me an instant headshot every single time I encountered her.

    While playing alone, I more often than not get matched with people, that are way better than me aswell, which makes it hard for me to enjoy the game. I mean .. how am I supposed to learn the map and my Agent, when i just get instagibbed anyway.

    Sorry just had to vent somewhere about this.

    submitted by /u/Mathmagician94
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    You can place a wall on top of a wall on top of a wall in The Range

    Posted: 31 Aug 2021 06:35 AM PDT

    I have made a hot milk edit with u/pop_dops artwork

    Posted: 30 Aug 2021 03:43 PM PDT

    The enemy of my enemy is my friend

    Posted: 31 Aug 2021 10:22 AM PDT

    Big shoutout to the opposing team from last night that helped shut down the toxic Reyna on my team! It's pretty sad when an entire lobby calls you on your trash behavior. To the Reyna- I hope you stay hardstuck in bronze you goober.

    submitted by /u/thechaospixxie
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    valorant knifes irl

    Posted: 31 Aug 2021 10:55 AM PDT

    i had a free time so i decided to make valorant knifes irl , what u guys think about my handmade sivereign sword and karambit knife, how musch would u pay for handmade knifes like these or would u oay any at all? let me know in the comments . Take a look https://picsart.app.link/IWQrdelYajb

    submitted by /u/THESTAFoNSKI
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