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    Thursday, August 19, 2021

    VALORANT VALORANT Champions Tour 2021: Europe / Stage 3 / EMEA Challengers Playoffs / Day 7

    VALORANT VALORANT Champions Tour 2021: Europe / Stage 3 / EMEA Challengers Playoffs / Day 7

    VALORANT Champions Tour 2021: Europe / Stage 3 / EMEA Challengers Playoffs / Day 7

    Posted: 19 Aug 2021 07:30 AM PDT

    VCT Europe Stage 3 Challengers Playoffs

    VALORANT Esports| Liquipedia | vlr.gg

    Everything you need to know about VALORANT Champions Tour

    Today's Matches

    Lower Bracket Round 3 PST EST CET KST
    Gambit Esports vs. Team Liquid 8:00 AM 11:00 AM 17:00 01:00
    G2 Esports vs. Vodafone Giants 10:00 AM 1:00 PM 19:00 03:00


    • Top 4 seeded teams have a bye round

    • All matches (excl. Lower Bracket Final and Grand Final) are Bo3

    • Lower Bracket Final and Grand Final are Bo5

    • Top 4 qualify for VCT Berlin


    On-Air Team - English

    Yinsu Collins
    Ghassan "MiloshTheMedic" Finge
    Harry "JustHarry" Russel
    Mitch "MitchMan" McBride
    Lauren "Pansy" Scott
    Tom "Tombizz" Bissmire
    Michael "hypoc" Robins
    Geo "Geo" Collins
    John Allen
    Matt "Twiggy" Twigg
    Beatriz "kaquka" Alonso
    Ryan "RyanCentral" Horton
    Jakub "Lothar" Szygulski
    Vincent "Zescht" Talmon-Gros
    Rafael "raveN" Gilberto
    Jason "Salty_Jayy" Batzofin
    Melanie "Melanie MHS" Hoi-San
    Heather "sapphiRe" Garozzo
    Luke "xilv" Davis
    Felix "Synga" Regitz


    submitted by /u/Kappaftw
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    Can’t spell controllers without con

    Posted: 19 Aug 2021 03:46 AM PDT

    A single right click Jett knife does a 100 damage to the head

    Posted: 19 Aug 2021 08:05 AM PDT

    Hey Killjoy Mains! I made a lineup for Icebox - B Site! Am I the first one to discover/invent this?

    Posted: 19 Aug 2021 06:47 AM PDT

    I would have uninstalled if the roles were reversed

    Posted: 18 Aug 2021 02:43 PM PDT

    Hello everyone I am a game developer and currently I'm recreating valorant with some realistic graphics and this is how I came up with icebox does it look good ??

    Posted: 19 Aug 2021 08:35 AM PDT

    So Rob (the Reyna) hopped down the shoot just as the Sage put up her ice wall thingy but somehow the Sage didn't hear the shoot or even see the Reyna so we spent the entire time tryna convince him that the Reyna was behind the wall...

    Posted: 18 Aug 2021 02:20 PM PDT

    Why do the stats things always reset

    Posted: 18 Aug 2021 11:17 PM PDT

    So every time I open my game all the little Stat things I had put all change to something else is it a bug on my end and I'm not doing something right or is it the game

    submitted by /u/Bubble_winner
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    I'm tired of playing Smoke Agents. Anyone else feel like this?

    Posted: 19 Aug 2021 04:05 AM PDT

    I'm tired of being the guy who has to play a smoke agent in my team.

    When I queue into a game, people are willing to play duelists and even sentinels sometimes, but very few people ever want to play as a smoke agent. I recognize how valuable smokes are for a team comp, so I am always pushed into a situation where it's either I pick smoke or we don't have smokes at all. I sometimes just want to play the other 12 agents that exist. Can the next agent please be a duelist/controller hybrid so that more people would want to play the role? Anyone else feel like this?

    submitted by /u/intellextar
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    Aim punch is too much for me.

    Posted: 19 Aug 2021 12:02 AM PDT

    I'm not sure why, but whenever I get hit in the head and get aim punch in this game, it makes me super nauseas. Getting aim punch once or twice is enough to make me feel like vomiting. I'm not sure why, because the aim punch in CS:GO is actually fine for me. Just curious if there is anyone else with a similar problem

    submitted by /u/Evan_H_
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    Buff Yoru, don´t remake him

    Posted: 19 Aug 2021 08:13 AM PDT

    I play Yoru a lot, and i was thinking here: i don´t him to get reworked, i just want a buff. Here are some buff options i think it would be great for the character:

    - Make his tp quieter;

    -Reduce tp cooldown like it was before ep 3;

    -Let his get his gun slightly faster after using tp;

    -Make his footsteps more flexible (there're a couple ways it can be done, I don't want this post to get too big).

    submitted by /u/Zukerh
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    Small tip for Jett dash entry

    Posted: 19 Aug 2021 02:31 AM PDT

    Preface: I don't play Jett, just thought I'd share something I've seen from Jetts. I also don't check Reddit often, so I don't know if someone else has already shared this.

    Most Jett players on attack will toss a smoke forward, then dash into it to quickly gain space. This is a fairly standard way of playing Jett nowadays, but I often see many players fail to maximise the value from this play.

    What I'm referring to is quickly looking around during your dash, in the brief moment before you reach your smoke. This spots enemies that are not able to shoot you mid-dash, giving you free information for either you or the rest of your team as to where the defenders are.

    Seems simple? Common sense even?

    In my own Silver games, many times has a Jett dashed past me without doing this, only for me to gun down his teammates running in after them. I have also been the one gunned down.

    Following VCT Challengers the past few weeks, I've also watched some pros occasionally forget to do this as well, so it's not limited to low elo (forgive me for not giving a specific example).

    Hope this was helpful to you Jett players out there!

    Edit: Raze double satchels should also be doing this!

    1st dash is normal, 2nd dash flicks over to the right to spot enemies

    submitted by /u/RicebowlOverlord
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    Small tip for Jett/Raze Ult

    Posted: 19 Aug 2021 07:00 AM PDT

    I've never seen any media (post, video etc.) covering this tiny but useful idea for these 2 ults, so I thought I'd explain it. Yes it may seem obvious to some people, but I think it's still worth sharing.

    Ever wondered why that Jett keeps jumping around with her knives out? Why that Raze continues hopping, rocket in hand after double satcheling?

    It's all to do with crosshair placement. Specifically, the enemy's.

    Usually, a player would hold their crosshair around head level. Jumping changes your head's elevation as well as makes your movement less predictable, potentially giving you an extra half second as the enemy has to adjust.

    This is a horrible idea with guns due to jumping weapon inaccuracy, but this does not apply to Jett's and Raze's ults.

    That extra half a second matters more the better the players are, as time to kill gets shorter and shorter, every little advantage over your opponent matters.

    Hope this was helpful!

    submitted by /u/RicebowlOverlord
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    Am I the only one who likes Breeze?

    Posted: 18 Aug 2021 03:25 PM PDT

    I feel like Breeze has taken the 'Most Sh*t-talked' map spot from Icebox. Noticed this happening once the new map hype died down.

    And I certainly understand why some people may not like it. Very large map makes some agents near useless, and so many games end up devolving into a snipe off.

    Despite these issues, I honestly think it's a very fun map to play on. Maybe I'm just more patient than the average player, but in truth it's one of the only maps that keeps me awake when I play. In a close, long game, maps with really dull color schemes like Bind and Icebox (not to say I don't like these maps) tend to kinda bore me. I guess not everyone feels thay way, but there's more reasons why Breeze is one of my favorites.

    The size of the map kinda makes it less spammy. It's less often that close in-your-face spray matches happen. Typically it's more longer range gunfights and makes buy rounds a little better for me since I don't have to buy the same weapon over and over again. This map has made me appreciate lesser used weapons like the Guardian and the Bulldog. It even made me use the Vandal more since it doesn't have the crippling damage drop off the Phantom does.

    Now, I can't say I like playing on this map multiple times in a row, but I'm honestly pretty disappointed when people queue dodge Breeze. And honestly, the amount of times I've seen players start off with really bad mental just because of the map is sad.

    Just wanted to put my thoughts out there and see if there are any Breeze lovers out there. (or at least Breeze toleraters who won't scream into the mic if it pops up)

    submitted by /u/Absolut_Laguna
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    I dont need to see them

    Posted: 19 Aug 2021 02:09 PM PDT

    Does FPS matter in your opinion?

    Posted: 19 Aug 2021 11:32 AM PDT

    I'm only a bronze so I know my opinion isn't that valuable, but I just got a new pc and my frames went from an inconsistent 60 with my game freezing a lot, to around 150 on high settings. And I feel like I play much better, I play with silvers and actually feel like I can contribute. anyway just wanted your opinions.

    And in my opinion, if your hardware sucks and you have the money to upgrade, go for it.

    submitted by /u/madd94_67
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    Should I only be going for headshots?

    Posted: 19 Aug 2021 07:55 AM PDT

    For reference I'm silver 1. I feel like I'm often being killed by someone shooting into my chest before I have time to line up a headshot. Should I just be doing the same and aim for the chest, as it takes less time to get on target?

    submitted by /u/PROshenobe
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    When will valorant have an offline mode to practice

    Posted: 19 Aug 2021 04:32 AM PDT

    I usually cant play during the day when everyone is on the wifi,but i would like to practice my aim,pre aim spots etc. offline.So far i have seen there is no way to do so.So i am wondering,is riot games going to add this?

    submitted by /u/BadBoy742
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    what's everyone's hopes for the next agent or future agents to come?

    Posted: 19 Aug 2021 12:34 PM PDT

    personally speaking, i want a support agent similar to skye, sage or killjoy since there's not many options for supportive players. perhaps a character that could buff or mend shields rather then health healing and debuffing. i don't really mind though i just don't want it to turn into apex where only hyper offensive characters are added with little options for supportive and defensive players.

    not to say hyper offensive characters are bad, as long as they're fun and unique i don't mind

    submitted by /u/toasterlunch
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    Nobody wants to play smokes

    Posted: 19 Aug 2021 09:22 AM PDT

    What could Riot do to make playing smokes a little more fun?

    So many games if I dont lock smokes, we just wouldnt have any.

    Even at the Radiant level when I watch Hiko there are games where they just go without smokes because everyone refused to play it haha. And this happens somewhat often.

    submitted by /u/Warcrow999
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    If Ion phantom had variants, they look amazing, we need ion variants

    Posted: 19 Aug 2021 12:07 AM PDT

    Favourite Duelist

    Posted: 19 Aug 2021 08:56 AM PDT

    I wanted to know what the favourite duelist is just out of curiosity so vote on your favourite duelist by how fun you think they are to play. Thanks for any input.

    View Poll

    submitted by /u/Flipper5050
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    What makes a game competitively viable?

    Posted: 19 Aug 2021 07:40 AM PDT

    I'm gathering info for a think-piece video that I'm working on. So I'm asking this question many different competitive scenes, sports, and esports:

    All personal preferences aside, what do you think makes a game fit for legitimate skill-based competition?

    In this case, what aspects of Valorant came together to make it blow up as a competitive FPS, despite the genre being one of the most oversaturated?

    submitted by /u/SfactorSam
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