• Breaking News

    Sunday, August 22, 2021

    VALORANT VALORANT Champions Tour 2021: Europe / Stage 3 / EMEA Challengers Playoffs / Grand Final

    VALORANT VALORANT Champions Tour 2021: Europe / Stage 3 / EMEA Challengers Playoffs / Grand Final

    VALORANT Champions Tour 2021: Europe / Stage 3 / EMEA Challengers Playoffs / Grand Final

    Posted: 22 Aug 2021 06:39 AM PDT

    VCT Europe Stage 3 Challengers Playoffs

    VALORANT Esports| Liquipedia | vlr.gg

    Everything you need to know about VALORANT Champions Tour

    Today's Matches

    Grand Final PST EST CET KST
    SuperMassive Blaze vs. Gambit Esports 6:00 AM 9:00 AM 15:00 23:00


    • Top 4 seeded teams have a bye round

    • All matches (excl. Lower Bracket Final and Grand Final) are Bo3

    • Lower Bracket Final and Grand Final are Bo5

    • Top 4 qualify for VCT Berlin


    On-Air Team - English

    Yinsu Collins
    Ghassan "MiloshTheMedic" Finge
    Harry "JustHarry" Russel
    Mitch "MitchMan" McBride
    Lauren "Pansy" Scott
    Tom "Tombizz" Bissmire
    Michael "hypoc" Robins
    Geo "Geo" Collins
    John Allen
    Matt "Twiggy" Twigg
    Beatriz "kaquka" Alonso
    Ryan "RyanCentral" Horton
    Jakub "Lothar" Szygulski
    Vincent "Zescht" Talmon-Gros
    Rafael "raveN" Gilberto
    Jason "Salty_Jayy" Batzofin
    Melanie "Melanie MHS" Hoi-San
    Heather "sapphiRe" Garozzo
    Luke "xilv" Davis
    Felix "Synga" Regitz


    submitted by /u/Kappaftw
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    PSA: Destroying utility with a double bounce shock dart will trigger an audio cue

    Posted: 22 Aug 2021 06:00 AM PDT

    Potential Haven exploits for A short

    Posted: 22 Aug 2021 11:20 AM PDT

    I Reached Immortal in VALORANT with Essential Tremors

    Posted: 21 Aug 2021 05:10 PM PDT

    PRN Benkai's molly set-up in Split

    Posted: 22 Aug 2021 02:55 AM PDT

    Using an astra star to hide my OP peak down A short

    Posted: 21 Aug 2021 02:13 PM PDT

    I created a Ion Butterfly knife for Valorant

    Posted: 22 Aug 2021 10:30 AM PDT

    playing makes me anxious instead of happy after a couple weeks of not being able to play

    Posted: 22 Aug 2021 08:04 AM PDT

    i've been playing for a couple months, although i'm still not very good. i had to stop playing for a little bit because my sisters were visiting and i started school. i'm playing worse now, that one i understand and i'm trying to improve by going to the range and playing deathmatch to help with precision but now even being in an unranked match makes me shake and get upset at myself for bringing the rest of my team down and not contributing. any ideas on what to do?

    submitted by /u/phrog_champ
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    Raze and Killjoy :3

    Posted: 22 Aug 2021 08:04 AM PDT

    Raze and Killjoy :3

    I made this cause i need 75vp for battlepass ( prime vandal not yet upgraded :( )


    submitted by /u/GODLIKE2795
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    Just called a remake vote with an AFK reyna round 1 and needed 5 votes to remake?

    Posted: 22 Aug 2021 10:59 AM PDT

    All of our players who werent afk voted yes. The reyna obviously couldn't vote because she was DC'd. Whats the point of a remake vote if you need the afk person to vote too?

    submitted by /u/minecraftluver69
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    crouching while shooting

    Posted: 22 Aug 2021 09:25 AM PDT

    Man i think it's really hard for me not to crouch and shoot when I'm playing, does anybody have tips on how to stop or when its best to crouch and shoot because I feel like it's holding me back.

    submitted by /u/LAZYDRUNKONYX__
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    The second kill makes me barf.

    Posted: 21 Aug 2021 03:10 PM PDT

    Viper Poison Orb lineup for Mid Doors on Breeze

    Posted: 22 Aug 2021 11:14 AM PDT

    Griefers in Valorant

    Posted: 22 Aug 2021 12:54 PM PDT

    Today I lost 6 games in a row. I lost 4 of them due to griefers despite performing well and 2 because I didn't hit my shots or I was actually worse at the game than my opponents. What really triggered this post is in the last game my team was winning 4v5 despite our jett not playing but when jett realised that she started giving them our positions in chat. Nothing much to say there except that we lost. I know I can not change anyone but what I want to do is create a community software for reporting these people so that whenever you queue you can check if any of your teammates are griefers, streamsnipers, smurfs etc and dodge the queue because personally I don't play those matches and get afk ban anyway, so what are your thoughts on this?

    submitted by /u/Thick_Salamander
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    VALORANT's average combat score system needs a immediate rework!

    Posted: 21 Aug 2021 04:01 PM PDT

    I know that a lot of people have probably complained about and proposed many different methods to improve the ranked system in VALORANT. And yes, that's what I'm going to be doing today; proposing a new and improved method of the average combat score in VALORANT.

    Keep in mind I am not a high-rank player. I am currently G2 in VALORANT but I have 600+ hours on the game and have a lot of experience. If you spot any mistakes or anything that can be improved make sure to comment! It would be really nice to get your opinions.

    Let's start off with

    What's wrong with the current VALORANT ranked system?

    In my opinion, the RIOT has done an amazing job of figuring out someone's rank and putting them in the right place where they belong. The main framework of the ranking system is amazing, it is very well thought out and works really well.

    Where they lack, however, is the Average combat score method. In my opinion, this works alright when someone new starts playing valorant. It's really good to pinpoint which rank someone belongs in. But after that, I think the average combat score just ignores a lot of the fundamental skills in VALORANT.

    Most of you guys know where I'm going with this and if you don't, let me give you an example. I have a friend who's has good mechanics, good game sense, and good teamplay. He's Silver 2. I also have another friend who's S2 but about 90% of the time is totally lost. Never comms doesn't know how to play with teammates but has a good history in FPS shooters and has pretty good mechanics. In my opinion, this should not be possible.

    Let me explain why I think that. If my friend who's always lost joins a competitive match, even though he won't lose as much RR from losing because of his really good mechanics, he'll still lose a lot of games and his teammates will lose a lot of RR even if they're fulfilling their roles. And even though he wins very few games, when he does, he'll gain an insane amount of RR because he gets a lot of kills. This is horrible because it ruins everyone else's experience in the game and he is not being punished for it. He'll never learn what mistakes he's making and how to improve because he's having fun from getting so many kills every match.

    My other friend, however, even if he's playing a support role and fulfilling all his duties, won't be rewarded as much for doing his job. He, instead, will be punished for losing games even if he does what he's supposed to. Every day, he's improving and learning what he could do better next game, but still isn't getting rewarded the way he should be.

    Q: So what if you have different abilities? You still got guns!

    Some people will comment about "Oh, it doesn't matter what agent you're playing, they all have guns don't they?" To that I completely agree, they all have guns to use. But they overlook abilities. Think about this: With an agent like Reyna (and all other duelists), I have the advantage of getting multi-kills. And multi-skills are highly rewarded in the average combat score system. With Reyna, after I take a duel, I have the ability to deny the trade or heal to near-full HP. But if I were with an agent like Killjoy, I can't deny trades as Reyna can, and I can't heal myself to prepare for the next duel like Reyna would be able to. This isn't just Reyna, with Jett you can deny trades using Tailwind, with Yoru you have his TP, with Phoenix you can heal using his molly and Raze is just... something else entirely... It also makes it easier for certain duelists (and initiators) to get picks using their flashes.

    Now we know the problem, how can we solve this?

    This is my idea and again, I'm not a high-ranked player. I do not have as much experience as much as you might. But I do have experience in the lower ranks and how the ranking system needs a change. A lot of high-ranked players ignore this because this never happens in their elo or they've never experienced it.

    My main solution isn't just something I made up on a Sunday morning after drinking 3 red bulls to try to grind comp. It's been used before in other games (which I'll mention below) and has been proven to work really well.

    I think the best thing RIOT can work towards is replacing the average combat score with something like an impact score. What do I mean by this? Well, I think games that have different agents, operators, characters with different abilities should be treated differently. In a game like Counter-Strike, the mechanics part is huge. It is an insane part of the rank. The people with better game sense will get a lot of kills and so will the people with good mechanics. It's balanced out. But it's not always the same in a game like VALORANT.

    Like I said, because it has different agents with unique abilities, each ability can contribute to the outcome of a round or even a whole game. Just like in Rainbow Six Siege, UBISOFT has a scoring system that rewards each player based both on kills, how they get a kill (headshots give you extra score), assists, and how the ability impacts the round. An example here would be Jäger's ADS. He gets no score for putting down his ADS but he does get a score when it destroys a throwable that is in radius. This shows that his ability impacted the round. And I also love how enemies who shoot the ADS receive an extra bonus score. This rewards players when they predict and counter an ability that's set up (eg. destroying a killjoy turret, molly, etc).

    I think that clutches should heavily impact the score system. Because a 1v3 clutch is really hard to pull off and if someone is able to do this they should get highly rewarded for that. Like u/FoldyFlap explained, you should gain more ACS from a round where your team has fewer members alive (ex. clutch situation) only if your team wins the round. For example: in a 2v4 if you get 3 kills and lose, that means the enemy team did their part and got the trades and won. But if you win that 2v4, you should be rewarded more ACS because it was harder to win against an enemy who had man advantage.

    I understand how hard this might be to implement in a game like VALORANT. I think one of the hardest abilities to implement in this scoring system are smokes. It's really hard to calculate if you for example blocked an enemy Jett that is Oping or if you blocked chokepoints that actually help your duelists get on site and clear space. I also understand that when it is first released (if it ever is, which I hope they at least attempt to work on!) that there'll have to be a lot of fine-tuning to get the right score values from each ability and play. But I think the devs at RIOT are really smart and it's definitely possible.

    Q: Too hard to implement!

    Just like u/Choyoru mentioned, this system would be almost impossible to fully implement in a fast passed and complicated game like VALORANT. I completely agree with him there. What I think they should try to do is work on it with only a handful at first. Maybe aim towards at least 1 ability per agent. An example would be to maybe make it so the damage a Killjoy turret does gives you more ACS/Impact score than you would get from dealing damage using guns; to show that her turret impacted the round heavily. As he pointed out, ACS is already a really good system. But in my opinion, it doesn't capture the full effort someone is putting out to help their team.

    I highly recommend reading his comment as he goes in-depth about all the problems RIOT would have to face to implement something like this.

    As u/zero_ronin explained, the game already has stats like these. If you, for example, play Omen, you can see your combat report and it'll show how many enemies you blocked using your smoke, how many kills you got after your ULT, and how many enemies you displaced using your paranoia. It wouldn't be too hard to implement a system that these abilities at least influence the score a little.

    Q: ACS doesn't even matter! Performance bonuses only give you 1-3 RR every game!

    Well, you're right. You only get 1-3 RR bonus per game but as u/LovelyResearcher pointed out, over the course of 25 games those 3RR can add up to ~75 RR! That is almost a whole rank ahead! This is a huge problem because this rewards duelists who can get many kills over the course of a game. Even if they were just lurking the whole game, getting 2-3 picks and not helping his/her team get on site.

    ACS does matter. It heavily shifts your RR earned and MMR gained/lost. If the ranking system sees you're doing at the top of the leaderboard every game it's gonna more harshly shift your MMR higher because it thinks you're better than everyone else. I know this because I gain way more RR when I play an agent like Reyna vs when I play support like Killjoy because of all the multi-frags I can get even if the won/lost rounds are the same. As u/Sushimo pointed out, ACS highly favours first blood. And that's usually the duelists because of their ability to flash the enemy holding an angle and getting that pick. And because of their ability to deny trades, this also allows them the ability to get multi-kills which is highly rewarded by the ACS system. And as u/LovelyResearcher said, agents like Omen, Sage, and a few others are being punished because they rarely do damage with their abilities. Where raze is being rewarded from just pressing "E" or "Q" and throwing her util and getting an instant 150 ACS in that round.


    Change the average combat score system to an impact score system to better represent how much impact each player is making using their abilities/mechanics every round. Rework the average combat score system so that abilities(when they impact the round) influence it, instead of just first blood and multi-kills where generally duelists have an advantage. I highly recommend reading the solution bit so you get examples and better understand what I mean by this.

    Let me know what you think down below, I'm really interested in all your opinions! :D

    submitted by /u/UMAYEERIBN
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    Valoramt Shop Questions

    Posted: 22 Aug 2021 10:06 AM PDT

    Hello gamers

    I have started playing valorant a couple weeks ago, coming from cs. I have always been a sucker for skins and ngl most stuff in Val looks awesome. I wanted to get myself a knife skin, but since I have started the game I have yet to see one in my shop.

    I know that there is a ton of skins in this game already and I understand, that I won't see a knife often, but is there nothing I can do to increase chances?

    I have had a secondary shop with discounted skins, but sadly nothing I wanted. Is this shop coming up regularly?

    submitted by /u/eeeriiic
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    I just saw an ads on youtube talking about valorant cheats and hacks

    Posted: 22 Aug 2021 03:45 AM PDT

    While i was watching some clips from the tourna thing it just happens to show an ads about wall hacks and movements.

    submitted by /u/CutieGems
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    Hot take: Breeze isn't a bad map, your aim however, is

    Posted: 22 Aug 2021 05:21 AM PDT

    Surely I can't be the only one who thinks this. I find the people who call breeze a bad map are the same people who have a headshot percentage under 20 percent. My aim is nothing to write home about, but I don't hate breeze because of it. I don't think theres anything wrong with the map itself, and in my experience, the people I see in game who complain about it the most are the guys who are getting stomped in their aim duels.

    submitted by /u/KickaKang
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    Can I reach tier 50 from tier 37 by the end of this battlepass playing 1 and a half hours per day?

    Posted: 22 Aug 2021 05:47 AM PDT

    I just want your opinion. Can I reach tier 50 from tier 37 by the end of this battlepass playing 1 and a half hours per day?

    submitted by /u/Vytautassab
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