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    Monday, August 23, 2021

    VALORANT How to deny plant with viper on B bomb site icebox with enemy sage wall. With In game example. SILVER GOLD LOBBY ACE ^_^

    VALORANT How to deny plant with viper on B bomb site icebox with enemy sage wall. With In game example. SILVER GOLD LOBBY ACE ^_^

    How to deny plant with viper on B bomb site icebox with enemy sage wall. With In game example. SILVER GOLD LOBBY ACE ^_^

    Posted: 23 Aug 2021 06:27 AM PDT

    Agent voice lines for reviving KAY/O

    Posted: 23 Aug 2021 01:29 AM PDT

    I think it would be a great idea if there's a voice line for every agent when reviving KAY/O on his ult. The way KAY/O is revived is by stabilizing his core that goes throughout his system, right? With the way that some agents aren't keen on technology and some who are, adding voice lines when reviving will give the agents more depth into their personality!

    Maybe Killjoy can say "Okay, so how did I route his emergency repair system..."

    Or Brimstone can say "Hang in there soldier, I'll fix ya!"

    Even Jett can FINALLY say "Yeah, yeah, I'll REBIBE you!"

    Any other suggestions?

    submitted by /u/M4M4S
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    Possible new map teaser from official Valorant Twitter

    Posted: 23 Aug 2021 10:18 AM PDT

    Custom Agent Idea: Pendragon, the Techknight

    Posted: 23 Aug 2021 06:50 AM PDT

    Pendragon (Duelist)

    Pendragon: "I slew a radiant dragon on the shores of Wales. Put the sword to the bridge trolls of Glasgow. And saved lady Jett from certain doom on the cliffs of Dover."

    Jett: "Wait, didn't you fall off the cliff in the middle of that fight?"

    Pendragon: "Well... Yes, but I climbed very valiantly to get back up!"

    A shining knight from Wales, Pendragon is the noble and slightly misguided master of X-Calibur, a powerful sword with a radianite blade. The knight talks a big game of his prior deeds, but performs voice lines of surprise and joy when he defeats members of the enemy team. A mix of old culture and new technologies, Pendragon is also referred to as the 'Techknight' by many agents, including Killjoy, who helped design some of the features of his suit of armor.

    Pendragon acts as the full metal entryman of his team, peaking sites with his increased shielding to either force the enemy off angles using a spectral swarm of arrows, or push them himself. Developed as staying power against long sieges, X-Calibur grants Pendragon the ability to channel the radiant echoes of his ancestors, allowing his allies to advise the battlefield even after death. A unique feature of Pendragon is his love of parchment and pages, always carrying an old sketched scroll of the current map on his hip to aim his spectral archers.

    Pendragon is super fond of Phoenix, both hailing from the same general area of the world, and often calls him 'sir' - a title he extends to no other agents. Pendragon has also taken a liking to Jett, whose ability with the blade and willingness to save him on three separate missions has instilled a type of blood debt Pendragon feels he must repay. The Techknight also marvels at Killjoy, Cypher, and Raze's abilities, always supporting and hyping up the ingenious tech he could never produce.


    [An Honorable Death (Q)]: While over a slain enemy or ally's body, Pendragon may pull out X-Calibur and plunge it downward. He regains 50 armor if missing any, and a spectral knight rises from the body. Any spectators on your team may take control of the stationary ghost, moving the camera to look around from its limited vantage. (1 Charge, 400 Credits)

    [Ancestor's Bulwark (E)]: Pendragon presses the family crest on his chest and a spectral shield appears over his torso. This spectral shield absorbs 30 damage before breaking and does not protect his head or legs. Any damage which is greater than 30 will penetrate through the shield and be dealt to Pendragon. (1 Charge, Signature, Refills on Two Kills)

    [Spectral Barrage (C)]: Pull out the map on your waist, pointing at a location. After a three-second delay, a swarm of spectral arrows descends on the location, constantly raining down for 3 seconds. (2 Charges, 300 Credits Each)

    [X-Calibur's Wrath (R)]: Holster your firearm to draw X-Calibur and gain 200 shield. While in your ult, you may deliver up a vicious upward slash, shooting a spectral arc forward which does 75 damage. This attack may be used up to 5 times before X-Calibur is drained and you lose your shield. (7 Ult Points)

    submitted by /u/Hallow_Jack
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    Sharing one of the EVA Foam throwing knives I built!

    Posted: 23 Aug 2021 07:59 AM PDT

    Sharing one of the EVA Foam throwing knives I built!

    I hope you enjoy seeing one of Jett's throwing knives I built using EVA Foam. I built both but am only showing one. I make foam props from video games and sci-fi/action movies.


    submitted by /u/BlackSheepProps
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    Riot: Regional Price Changes and Global Bonus Currency

    Posted: 23 Aug 2021 12:30 PM PDT

    Jett's hair

    Posted: 22 Aug 2021 07:24 PM PDT

    Jett's hair

    I wanted a profile picture that had Jett's hair in it with no face, so I made a one and I love it . It is all yours.


    submitted by /u/M0ST7EL
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    Killjoy after plant in split

    Posted: 22 Aug 2021 02:53 PM PDT

    Need a little help with thesis project on esports

    Posted: 23 Aug 2021 02:38 AM PDT

    Hi there!

    I am a student currently doing a master thesis on endemic vs non-endemic esports sponsorships. I have created a survey that involves sponsorships of a few esports teams depending on your choice, including some teams that are active on the Valorant competitive scene, which is why I am posting here as I would like some Valo fans to participate!

    The responses are completely anonymous and the survey takes about 10 minutes to complete. If you need a little bit of incentive to help, I'll be doing a small giveaway of 25 euros (can be paysafecard, game currency or any other easy method you'd like) and will pick one random person from the people that send me a direct message with a screenshot or imgur link of the last page (maybe you can tell I've been postponing my thesis and now need a decent amount of participants in a short amount of time)!

    The link to the survey is here: https://inqueritos.up.pt/index.php?r=survey/index&sid=597694&lang=en

    If you find any problem with it, feel free to message me or comment and I'll try to respond as soon as possible as I would love the feedback. Thank you in advance!

    submitted by /u/Yuminare
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    New mode suggestion

    Posted: 22 Aug 2021 04:17 PM PDT

    Anyone think that a "Retake mode" Would be sick in val? Like similiar to the one in CS you have spike planted 5v5 and You gotta protect or try defuse spike.

    Idk, Alot of people wouldn't like this cause it's technically copying CS but It would be fun!

    (You could play it off by saying "oh we just implemented it into the game from out training mode where bots have to defuse the spike hehe")

    submitted by /u/runh01
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    Never knew they added the chinatown POV in here

    Posted: 22 Aug 2021 04:56 PM PDT

    Double shock darts for Dice on Ascent A

    Posted: 23 Aug 2021 10:49 AM PDT

    Stuck on the agent select screen

    Posted: 23 Aug 2021 10:00 AM PDT

    Stuck on the agent select screen

    Just queued into a spike rush match rn and after all of us picked the timer just paused AT 0:35 AND after i alt f4'd and restarted its at 1:52 now idk what to do


    submitted by /u/ronidev
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    Cypher Buffs That Aren’t OP + QOL Changes

    Posted: 23 Aug 2021 01:13 PM PDT

    Here are some changes that I think can really improve Cypher as an agent.

    1) Most important one by far. Allow Cypher to activate his cages using the same key for throwing them instead of using F/interact key. It's pretty ridiculous how many times I've tried to activate my cage and picked up my trip instead.

    2) Buff idea: When an enemy steps into your cage, disable audio cues while they are in the cage. Simultaneously show a picture of the enemy on the outside of the cage similar to how Cyphers picture can be seen when you enter the cage. I think this can really help with info gathering as well as making enemies less confident pushing through the cage.

    3) Buff idea: Reduce the distance enemies can move while they're caught by a trip. It's incredible easy to move into cover while still caught in Cyphers trip and it reduces the effectiveness of playing off of them; They're already pretty weak as it is.

    I honestly think these are pretty balanced but let me know what you think :)

    submitted by /u/alyle11
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    Is valorant down? Been trying to queue (mum/sgp) but it just exitsand says queue disabled

    Posted: 23 Aug 2021 10:26 AM PDT

    As the title says... I'm on Mumbai server tried Singapore alternatively 11pm ist but couldn't enter any match mode including custom game. Is anyone experiencing same

    Please mention your server

    Edit 1: 11:04 IST able to play spike rush on Mumbai server

    Edit 2 : 11:17 IST down again

    submitted by /u/darelphilip
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    epic angle in icebox a site

    Posted: 23 Aug 2021 08:20 AM PDT

    I redrew "Bloodline" Valorant player card

    Posted: 23 Aug 2021 11:26 AM PDT

    I redrew "Bloodline" Valorant player card

    Hey hey. Today I was a bit bored, so I decided to redrew "Bloodline" player card. Hope you like it :))

    Instagram: b3ntroxiek


    submitted by /u/MrCoolBean420
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    Pros say not to blame your teammates but I have a skye on my team afking with an autoclicker.

    Posted: 23 Aug 2021 02:30 PM PDT

    Why is Yoru bad...like, why?

    Posted: 23 Aug 2021 12:13 AM PDT

    With the surge of Yoru rework posts, one has to wonder, like ,what is Yoru's fatal flaw? I mean, beside from having arguably one of the worst abilities in the game (p.s. fakeout), Yoru isn't really that terrible, is he? I mean, yeah, change his c, but the rest of his kit is pretty good, with one of the best flashes in the game, a tp with no range limit that lasts for a pretty long time(30 seconds),and a versatile ult that costs only 6 points. Maybe this has to do with his playstyle, which revolves around the element of surprise, which we all know, is extremely unstable and usually blows up in your face. Anyway, for a proper(lazy) bookend, how exactly is Yoru bad?

    submitted by /u/hollymeow925
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    Valorant Fan Concept - Rolok

    Posted: 23 Aug 2021 11:09 AM PDT

    Valorant Fan Concept - Rolok

    Hello there !
    I'm a french illustrator and this week I did a fan concept for a virtual character in Valorant.
    Here is Rolok, specialised in sound waves.

    I did both the concept and character design and I can't wait to have your thoughts on it !


    submitted by /u/angraal
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    Gamemode idea

    Posted: 23 Aug 2021 04:56 AM PDT

    I saw a post about a retake gamemode and it made me think about one.

    Each player will get a randomised set of abilities that could change every round. The game length could be like replication, first to 6.

    So example, you could get Cypher's traps, Jett's updraft, Reyna's dismiss and Skye's ult

    I thought this would be a fun gamemode as the combination of abilities could be really interesting.

    submitted by /u/Mr2_Wei
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    New Valorant map teaser reveals these things

    Posted: 23 Aug 2021 02:48 PM PDT

    Key takeaways:

    • It will have two plant sites
    • It could be the center of the valorant universe
    • How Training Grounds player card could be related?

    Read all about it here: New Valorant map 7 teaser reveals these things, possibly called Canyon | Gamzo

    Read the article? Do you agree with our theory?

    submitted by /u/GamzoIn
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    Legendary players in radiant

    Posted: 23 Aug 2021 11:26 AM PDT

    Are there any like super good recognised players in radiant that dont play for any team or stream but pro players fear them because they are too good on one agent or generally ?

    submitted by /u/RiwokOne
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    Sunset in Haven

    Posted: 23 Aug 2021 02:16 AM PDT

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