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    Monday, September 6, 2021

    VALORANT What is with the "you're 30 and have kids" comments in game?

    VALORANT What is with the "you're 30 and have kids" comments in game?

    What is with the "you're 30 and have kids" comments in game?

    Posted: 06 Sep 2021 06:14 AM PDT

    Sometimes when playing you hear a guy making call outs, then some random dude yelling "omg shut up you're 30 or 40 and have kids" then they spam in all chat that "there a 40 yr old with kids on my team LOL"... Is this meant to be an insult or something? If that's what passes as an insult these days.... YIKES.

    submitted by /u/TheGreatYveltal
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    What is up with this game lately???

    Posted: 05 Sep 2021 08:35 PM PDT

    I've been in silver my whole valorant career. And within the past two weeks it seems like EVERYONE I play against nails running headshots and never misses…ever. Silver never used to be this difficult. I'm getting running one tapped everywhere I go and it makes no sense to me because even when I stand still my first shot goes nowhere near where my crosshair is.

    submitted by /u/itsEdge7
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    Higher elo feels like a job

    Posted: 06 Sep 2021 09:48 AM PDT

    So hear me out, Troughout the summer, I grinded my ass off from 0 elo to 460 in immortal, only for my mmr to be +12 -24, i played all my games solo and there was a point were I was being matched with radiants but it quickly went down hill. I started playing with literal diamonds, 0-100 elo immortals, getting non communicating, inting, or generally not that good players. Am i the only one to whom valorant feels like a job rather then a fun game? How do you guys ( especially radiants) deal with existential crisis called valorant ranked… I really hope next act immortal 1,2,3 fixes something, but mmr has a huge gap in it, especially seeing the skill gap between diamonds - immortal 0-150, 200-350, and radiants…. Thanks for reading my malding, hope you have a nice evening!

    submitted by /u/Pirsis
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    Is killjoy still viable after the new update?

    Posted: 06 Sep 2021 01:39 AM PDT

    Hi everyone, I am a killjoy main in bronze 3.

    Straight away, i want to clarify that im NOT trying to complain. These are my observations and opinions, im not trying to start anything, i just want to discuss the recent and upcoming changes.

    Ive seen a lot of nerfs for KJ since ive started playing as her. Some i think make sense, such as her equipment going down after she dies, and the movement speed reduction woth her turret coming up in 3.05.

    However, as a sentinel (a defensive-heavy agent), it seems like her value is slowly dissipating into not much. I get it, the turret is very annoying to deal with on pistol/eco buy rounds. This is why I'm behind the nerf to the movement speed when hit by it, and the equipment shutting down when she dies. But with the upcoming update, the additional nerfs to all her stuff makes it incredibly easy to make her utility almost a waste of money. If all the utility can be destroyed by a breach concussion, all he needs to do is use one ability to destroy ALL of KJs stuff. Recalling the equipment was nerfed as well, having to wait twice as long before using it again

    Her ultimate was already pretty easy to break, as long as you can get to it. Normally, theres enough time to get to it to shoot it down if someone is willing to push. But it already gets destroyed by brimstones ult, sovas utility, razes utility, etc.

    I can see Cypher mains hurting here too, with the nerfs to his utility as well. I understand that sentinel util is annoying to deal with, but that's the advantage we take. The purpose of sentinels is to be able to deny a site long enough to get back up from the team, and gain information. We don't have movement abilities like raze or jett, KJ doesnt have smokes like many other agents, Cypher doesnt have mollies, cypher and KJ dont heal ourselves/others like sage (RIP wall btw, that stuff is pricey now), reyna, phoenix, and skye. What he have is information, and the ability to slow down a push onto site

    If KJs abilities will be destroyed so easily, it would be nice to not have to stay within a specific range for them to be useful. Or to be able to recall them without having to wait as long to redeploy it. Or being able to pick up mollies after placing them, like Viper does with the smokes, or keeping an alarm bot for the next round after recalling it. It just seems like a lot of stuff has been taken. I feel like any one of these to be added/given back would make it more sensible to continue picking the agent

    Even typing this all out im not sure how it will all sound... Probably really whiney but please understand thats not what im going for. It just seems like one thing after another, ya know? Im happy to discuss anything, or if any counterpoints you guys have id love to hear it. Maybe it can help open my eyes up to what else is going on :)

    Thank you for reading the lengthy post, please let me know your thoughts!

    submitted by /u/CallMeCrop
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    Zedd teases collaboration with VALORANT

    Posted: 06 Sep 2021 10:52 AM PDT

    Armored Phantom - Original Design

    Posted: 06 Sep 2021 12:05 PM PDT

    Agent unlock recommendations

    Posted: 06 Sep 2021 09:37 AM PDT

    So Ive already used my first unlock to get viper because Ive seen how good she is in the game and I'm loving it but I know nothing about the other agents and every tier list is different so I wanna get some recommendations for my second agent unlock and some reasons why if possible

    submitted by /u/mrmusicbitch
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    Japan server is the true example of healthy competitive behaviour

    Posted: 06 Sep 2021 02:00 AM PDT

    Hello folks,

    I am Central European and had the chance to visit Japan for the past month and a half. I got curious about how the Valorant experience would be here so I went to an eSports cafe (more often than I should have) to check out the community. After a few days I came to the following conclusion.

    After playing one week of competitive in Japan (Dia MMR):

    1. Insanely rare instalocks

    Everyone takes their time to create good comps while considering what each one wants to pick.

    1. Communication is minimal

    I focused much more on the minimap to stay tuned of what is going on instead of the usual call outs. In some way it actually was more relaxing. I assume that many players play in groups of friends.

    1. Toxicity is nearly ZERO

    In 50+ hours of playing, I witnessed 3 people flaming. Everyone is quite enthusiastic when winning rounds. When losing (even 0-12) nobody says or blames anyone.

    1. People are polite

    Most of the games start with a nice greeting " 宜しくお願いします" which does not only mean good luck but also stands for taking care of and support each other. Many people have no shame in apologising after a bad play.


    Playing on the Japanese server can be a bit lonely if you dont have any friends to play with BUT it was an absolute delight. No instalocks, no toxicity, everyone is nice and polite. The level of respect towards each other is on a whole other level… until you get matched with Russians from over seas who know how to spice up the atmosphere (love you all).

    submitted by /u/Babydrago1234
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    Valorant X Zedd upcoming skin Collab.

    Posted: 06 Sep 2021 11:09 AM PDT

    Zedd has started to tease the upcoming skin collaboration with Valorant, the skins will be releasing Wednesday.


    submitted by /u/johanas25
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    If you could choose any 3 non-ult abilities + 1 ult, what would you take?

    Posted: 05 Sep 2021 06:50 PM PDT


    I saw this one the Apex Legends subreddit and wanted to see what you all had to say about Valorant.

    If you could choose any 3 non-ult abilities + 1 ult, what would you take?

    submitted by /u/spicywhitericey
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    Kay/O is the Yoru of initiators

    Posted: 05 Sep 2021 04:24 PM PDT

    Kay/O in his current state is around the same viability as yoru. Checking valorbuff or blitz they both sit around 43-47% winrate. Everyone knows yoru is bad but not nearly enough people say kay/o is bad. People keep making the argument that people haven't figured kay/o out despite the fact hes been out for almost 3 months now nearing the end of the act or they say hes strong due to having a similar effect to breach where both are annoying and have aoe that is hard to dodge but ends up just stalling for a few seconds.

    Kay/o's knife is almost never used for suppression since even if you suppress someone they still have a gun and require a team cord to work and is almost exclusively used for the info. I'd argue that sova's info is far better since you can play off knowing where enemies are and get wall hacks but that doesn't work nearly as well for kay/o since you have to work off knowing a general area.

    Kay/o's flashes on release were compared to cs however they have a very glaring difference. Kay/o's flashes make a fuse sound throughout the deployment of the flash whereas a cs flash only makes a sound if it comes into contact with a surface. This makes kay/o almost equally as noisy as yoru since the radius where you can hear the flash from is quite big and can let you track kay/o. On top of that kay/o flashes are arguably the hardest flashes to use in the benefit of your team. Due to a fixed fuse, its very difficult to time properly to get a good flash combo. I can almost guarantee most players have been flashes more by a teammate kay/o flashing behind him to pop flash than an enemy kay/o.

    Kay/o's moli is very underwhelming. Its sole purpose is to clear out corners but it lacks a lot of versatility that other molis do. Due to it having such a short active time it can't really be used to stall anything. The speed of the molly also hurts it a lot. Unlike kj his molly is kay/o molly used more offensively whereas kj doesn't care about the speed of the molly due to how many uses her molly has. Kj can use her molly to stall loads of things, her molly works through the floor, she gets 2 so wasting a molly isnt nearly as painful and kj is a sentinel so she has more time to set up mollies whereas kay/o has to do it on the fly.

    Kay/O's ult is very detrimental to kay'o himself. People were complaining about kay/o having a stim on top of huge aoe and the res but this ends up hurting kay/o a lot more. Kay/o, unlike Reyna, has no way of gap-closing so he has to use his stim in a lot of longer-range engagements with a spray pattern that is harder to control, and since ulting kay/o is most likely the first entry due to how his ult works he'll end up dying a lot of times. Even with res kay/o will die 9 times outta 10 due to a lot of factors. Kay/O has no control over his res and has to rely on his teammates. This either leaves to you dying due to being left behind and no one ressing you, dying since your teammates didn't cover the res properly, or both you and your teammate dying since you're probably in los of an enemy. Sage res works since sage has ways of covering the res and phoenix just needs his team to watch his ult spot. Kay/o has neither of these aspects and the only saving grace of the ult is the aoe since its the strongest anti-sentinel ult.

    My ideas for buff for right now is to

    -give a second molly

    -decrease the sound on his flash

    -allow him to crawl while down so he's down

    -decreasing the power of the stim to make it more manageable for the kinds of fights kay/o takes

    these are a few ideas to buff him but not buff all at once

    tldr:kay/o has very underwhelming kit that ends up being more harmful to himself and his team than the enemies. He doesn't fit into any special role since his kit is duelist/initiator but is subpar in both aspects and doesn't have a defining role to play like jack of all trades like skye or info like sova.

    submitted by /u/BrokenMirrorMan
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    Is valorant Worth getting into?

    Posted: 06 Sep 2021 05:55 AM PDT

    Hi, i want to start playing valorant, and i am curious. Is the game worth getting into? what is the state of the game right now ? is it going in the right direction or going downhill

    submitted by /u/foze_XD
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    does you rank matter at end of act

    Posted: 06 Sep 2021 10:45 AM PDT

    I finally made it to silver 1, shold i continue playing or just stop so i can be silver at the end of the act? is there a reward or something

    submitted by /u/Permanoxx
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    Questions from a Beginner that People Wont Answer in Game

    Posted: 06 Sep 2021 01:39 PM PDT

    Hey all! Just like the title says, I recently finished my first round of competitive, and it was one of my worst experiences I've had gaming in a long time.

    I've been playing the game for a few days now (unranked) and have really enjoyed it, I met several nice people, who have been pretty cool to me. I was starting to feel pretty decent, often being in the top 2 in my games. I have had a few people ask for my rank, but I couldn't ever tell them, so I tried comp today to see where I would place.

    Instantly everyone is yelling at me over coms saying things like: "don't ads, don't crouch, strafe/don't strafe" all sorts of stuff like that. When I tried asking if they were being serious, they laughed and said I was trolling. The jokes continued and got worse, to the point where I didn't want to play the game anymore.

    So, legitimate questions:

    1. Are you supposed to ads?
    2. Are you supposed to crouch
    3. Are you supposed to strafe?

    Coming from apex (a game i still love), I've always ads'd. Also, movement is huge, so valorant is a different game all together. Hopefully I don't sound too b*tchy writing this, as I really am searching for good info, but also wondering if that's just the nature of comp in valorant. Thank you!

    submitted by /u/garrettpants
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    If we brought back Beta sage today, how strong would she be in the meta?

    Posted: 06 Sep 2021 01:36 PM PDT

    I recently realized that with the increase to her ult cost, sage's entire kit has now been nerfed at least once. This poses an interesting thought experiment: if we brought her back to her full closed beta glory in the current meta, how strong would she be? would she dominate the meta again as she did in beta?

    In case everyone forgot, I'll compare her closed beta kit to her current one below: (if I make a mistake please correct me)

    Wall (beta): 1000 HP upon deployment; can be placed up to 20m away, HP decays over 40s, $300

    wall: 400 HP on deployment, increases to 800 HP after 3 seconds; wall does not decay HP, lasts 40 seconds; can be placed up to 10m away; $300

    slow (beta): covers 30% more area than it does today, lasts 9 seconds, slows for 66%, $100

    slow: lasts 7 seconds, slows for 50%, $200

    heal (beta): heals for 100 over 5 seconds, recharges every 35 seconds

    heal: Heals for 60 over 5 seconds for allies, 10 for self; recharges every 45 seconds

    Res: 7 ult points (beta) 8 (current)

    submitted by /u/If_you_want_money
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    Skye - What do y'all think needs to be nerfed, and how?

    Posted: 06 Sep 2021 12:43 PM PDT

    I think we can all agree that Skye's kit is currently a bit overloaded. 2 forms of information gathering, a controllable pop flash that she can swing off of, an AoE team heal and not to mention a 6 point ult that provides even more information. Even a sub-par Skye player can get decent value out of her kit, which says a lot.

    Personally, I think that reverting the change that removed the hand animation to pop the flash would be a good start. It made it more difficult to swing off her own flashes, which adds a bit of mastery to being able to pop flash for herself. Second, I think the ult should definitely go up to 7 points; 6 points is ridiculous for how much impact it can bring. If that doesn't do it, the final nerf I'd suggest is not having her flashes recharge. That one will have much more impact than the other 2 in my opinion, seeing as having either 3 birds (like before) or having them recharge gives her more freedom to use them for information gathering.

    What do you guys think? What needs to happen to Skye to bring her power levels down? Should K/O and Breach be buffed instead?

    submitted by /u/Arronax147
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    I took Mega Man's stage select screen and turned it into a Breach montage

    Posted: 06 Sep 2021 10:59 AM PDT

    VCT QUESTION: Which parameters are used to give more or less seeds to every region?

    Posted: 06 Sep 2021 11:46 AM PDT

    Masters is starting and I realized that countries like Brazil or Japan have their own 2 seeds each and regions like LATAM have only one seed... LATAM includes several countries with very good players and teams. I tried to google how they picked which region gets certain seeds I couldn't find anything. Anybody knows why is this distributed this way?

    EMEA - 4 teams

    North America - 3 teams

    Japan - 2 teams

    LATAM - 1 team

    Brazil - 2 teams

    Korea - 2 teams

    SEA - 2 teams

    submitted by /u/tatoleyton
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    Super rare shop?

    Posted: 06 Sep 2021 02:54 PM PDT

    anyone else get randomly flamed for getting que’d in a lobby with majority of the people a couple ranks lower than you?

    Posted: 06 Sep 2021 10:17 AM PDT

    I peaked diamond and am currently p2-p3 and sometimes for whatever reason I get in a mostly g3/p1 lobby and people just say I'm down bad for this LOL. Not much of a point in this post bc I know how the Val comm is and nothing can change that but wanna make sure I'm not the only one who experiences this.

    submitted by /u/Nacci-Val
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    While counter strafing what do you do?

    Posted: 06 Sep 2021 12:59 PM PDT

    Do you treat it as a jiggle peak and instantly click and hold the opposite key? That way you can keep on moving, despite the window for accuracy being smaller? Or do you stop, shoot, and then move

    submitted by /u/vex3ro
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    About youtubers

    Posted: 06 Sep 2021 02:20 PM PDT

    I've been playing valoant a lot more recently and I wanted some YouTube recommendations. I'm pretty casual about the game so I'd like to know if you guys watch anyone who's not super serious or doesn't spam every second of their video with memes and music. Thnx

    submitted by /u/Pimentelho
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