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    Tuesday, September 7, 2021

    VALORANT Zedd x VALORANT SPECTRUM skins - All weapons, gameplay footage, and bundle price

    VALORANT Zedd x VALORANT SPECTRUM skins - All weapons, gameplay footage, and bundle price

    Zedd x VALORANT SPECTRUM skins - All weapons, gameplay footage, and bundle price

    Posted: 07 Sep 2021 08:00 AM PDT

    Sova and Sage afk on Breeze. Fanart by me!

    Posted: 06 Sep 2021 09:43 PM PDT

    Took me quite a while to finish this but finally done with this art of sova and sage! I think I'll go for beach jett next. Or killjoy. Everyone's already done Viper to death. I don't think she'll be on my list to draw for a while haha. I've done a few versions of this piece, I can link it if ya'll want.

    The official art style is fun af to try and copy. I used paint tool sai on a cintiq 16. Let me know which agents you wanna see next! I'll try my best to draw some more fun pool party skins for the agents ^^


    submitted by /u/Soap_lady_141
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    I made a valorant knife

    Posted: 07 Sep 2021 01:24 PM PDT

    [Riot Ali Miller] This project has been over 1.5 years in the making. What started as innocent Twitter chat to the “lets do cool shit together” convo, to now. I am beyond proud of this collab. @Zedd, you have been a dream to work with.

    Posted: 07 Sep 2021 08:43 AM PDT

    This is SPECTRUM: A ZEDD x VALORANT Keynote

    Posted: 07 Sep 2021 08:02 AM PDT

    How I would buff Yoru

    Posted: 07 Sep 2021 05:59 AM PDT

    I'm sure everybody is tired of these but I'll make it quick:

    1. His Util is absurdly loud, like hear it across half the map loud, so simply decrease the volume (edit: just down like 2 notches, not significantly like I think how some of you guys are getting at)

    2. Make the range in which an enemy can see his tp or his ult a tad smaller, not by much, but enough where I'm not running into people constantly on an open site

    3. I'm not sure if it already does this, but make Sova's recon arrow reveal his footsteps like an actual player, if right clicked, then the silhouette would just be standing, and if left clicked, then a player running

    4. Make the animation where he starts to do to his tp shorter, if I wanna use it like a getaway, it shouldn't take long enough for people to hit me 4 times and kill me

    submitted by /u/TTheTiny1
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    Is it too late for me to start playing Valorant, or FPS games in general?

    Posted: 07 Sep 2021 01:39 AM PDT

    So basically I have around 16 years of gaming experience (turning 24), but I've never in my life played FPS games, it's by far my weakest genre. The only FPS game I've played is Portal (well, technically FPS, but it's not people you're shooting at), and L4D2 (where I went full melee mode due to my horrible aim). I have so much more experience in puzzle, strategy, fighting, soulslike, roguelike, hack & slash, moba, etc... games. But pretty much none in FPS games.

    I always thought Valorant looked cool, I was already thinking of playing back when it first released, but I always got discouraged by the thought that I will most likely be bottom frag every game, and I would get flamed to oblivion. I'm not great at handling toxicity, and it often gets to me.

    Aside from me having the worst aim you've seen in your life, my reaction speed isn't the greatest either, last time I checked it it was around 220 ms, which is way too slow.

    So do you think it's worth for me to give Valorant a go if I have no FPS experience at all and I have boomer reflexes, or is it too late for me to get into this genre? I'm not planning on going full competitive, I just want to get decent enough to enjoy the game without getting flamed. Also, if you think that I should start playing, do you have any agent suggestions that don't rely on aim as much as others? Obviously aim is important, but I'm guessing there must be some agents where proper use of abilities can substitute some of the aiming.

    Thank you so much everyone for your replies in advance!

    Edit: Wow, I wasn't expecting this many comments! Thank you for the encouragement everyone! I downloaded the game, and actually it's not even as difficult as I thought it would be. The matchmaking seems to be a lot friendlier towards new players in this game than it is in League.

    submitted by /u/Kastamera
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    New viper post plant lineup

    Posted: 07 Sep 2021 06:09 AM PDT

    jett x pokemon fanart i drew :D

    Posted: 06 Sep 2021 10:56 PM PDT

    jett x pokemon fanart i drew :D


    ive tried posting this for like an hour but reddit is too hard to use :((( hopefully this posts right this time, imma just leave it for now ^^; if u like my art most of it is posted on my twitter @ kiraachu <3

    submitted by /u/kiraachu_
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    Cant login

    Posted: 07 Sep 2021 11:44 AM PDT

    The game just updated itself, told me to login and didnt let me. "you need to update your account, click this link"

    I click the link and get brought to the riotgames website, doesnt let me login there as well

    a friend of mine had no problem login in

    anyone has that problem too or can help me?

    submitted by /u/Alexander_Crowe
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    Viper spins epic style

    Posted: 07 Sep 2021 12:13 PM PDT

    I drew a portrait of Jett!

    Posted: 07 Sep 2021 11:37 AM PDT

    I drew a portrait of Jett!


    Been meaning to draw her for a while and I finally got around to doing it, I hope you all enjoy it!

    Socials: Twitter Instagram

    submitted by /u/ColloidSnakeV
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    [Newbie] What's the single most important skill you need for competitive FPS?

    Posted: 07 Sep 2021 08:35 AM PDT

    Think pareto-principle: 20% of the effort yields 80% of the results So when it comes to something like valorant, what's that important ingredient?

    My friend tells me to ensure that my crosshair is at head-level and is hell bent on making me stop using weird fancy looking crosshairs but then, I suppose the collective community has more experience than just one friend.

    Humbly thanking you in advance...

    submitted by /u/mikhail-zex
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    New Bundle: Spectrum

    Posted: 07 Sep 2021 08:02 AM PDT

    Attack side Viper orbs for Icebox Mid

    Posted: 07 Sep 2021 10:06 AM PDT

    Misconceptions About Defaulting

    Posted: 06 Sep 2021 03:18 PM PDT

    Misconceptions About Defaulting

    I've seen discussion in this and other subreddits about "defaulting" and have yet to see someone give a correct definition of the term. Defaulting is not "playing defense on attack", "playing for picks", "holding spawn", or "spreading the map".

    Anyone who has watched or played Valorant long enough has heard the phrase "default" at some point. You might have just come off a hard round loss, and one of your teammates called out "yo, lets default this round". But what does that mean? If your only insight into the term was the behavior of your ranked teammates you'd likely assume "default" means sit in spawn and do nothing, hoping the other team makes a mistake and pushes into you. Many people seem to believe that defaulting is "playing for picks", or "spreading the map", both of which can be consequences of a default, but aren't synonymous with the concept.

    A "default" refers to the process of methodically taking map control (generally of one specific area) to allow easier and more diverse mid-round decisions, while holding flanks. The goal of a default is to generate options for your team in the mid to late round (through information or picks), and to limit and increase the cost of the options for the other team. Taking mid control, for example, increases the cost of enemy rotations through mid. This cost can be lives, time spent re-clearing, or utility used to clear. Let's use this 1/3/1 default on Ascent as an example (the red line is the map control the attackers have gained).


    In this example, the attackers took mid control with three players, while Reyna and Killjoy held their respective flanks. From this position the attackers are capable of **splitting/hitting either site (**or pushing spawn), the defenders have no information as to where the hit is coming, and any info play is likely to be punished due to the attackers' superior positioning. Although the attackers have not taken control of either A or B main, they still control the majority of the map, and crucially, the rotations. The attacking team has the option to safely rotate through mid at any point, whereas the defenders must rotate through spawn in order to do so safely. Depending on what information the attackers have at this point, they can choose any number of options for mid and late round. If rotations were heard coming off of A, they might choose to do something like this.


    Killjoy will have to clear A main and wine, Sage can wall off garden and clear tree, and then she, Omen, and Reyna can clear site, leaving Jett to pick off rotations or hit the flank. If their information indicated that B site was weaker, they might do something like this.


    Jett and Omen push through market to B, Reyna pinches B main, Sage rotates to pick up pizza, and Killjoy holds catwalk and reinforces market should Sage die.

    If they have time to work with and little info, they might decide to hold where they are and wait for the other team to attempt to re-clear mid before determining their end round strategy.

    They could also choose to leave Jett in her forward position and give up mid entirely, re-grouping at either A or B main in the late round. The diverse array of options available to them, the control over enemy rotations (the enemies must rotate through spawn in order to do so safely), and the informational advantage they have is the result of a successful default.

    Defaulting allows you to gather information to help with mid-round decision making even if it doesn't net you any kills, and that information can apply to future rounds as well. Knowledge of how the other team responds to pressure applied somewhere on the map can enable traps, fakes, etc. Information gathered in this manner can help you take advantage of under-stacked or over-stacked sites, quick rotations, and lazy re-clears. Not only do defaults help you win rounds, they force the other team to be respectful of your default, allowing you to fake it on later rounds and make site hits easier (the other team has to allocate resources as if you're defaulting).

    To summarize, defaulting is just a fancy word for taking map control. Map control allows for easier mid-rounding, often provides an informational advantage, and conditions the other team to a style of play that you can choose not to adhere to.

    For more than 10,000 words (and counting) of beginner-friendly discussion of strategy in Valorant, check out my free newsletter at glizzy.substack.com.

    submitted by /u/GlizzyStevens
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    New gamemode

    Posted: 07 Sep 2021 10:05 AM PDT

    Idk if anyone likes it, but in Csgo and call of duty , I always enjoyed playing the wingman game mode and was hoping to know if the valorant devs were planning to do a gamemode close to that, let me know what y'all think about it

    submitted by /u/Gridzysan
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    Solo Q in Low Elo - something other than improving aim and luck with matchmaking

    Posted: 07 Sep 2021 07:38 AM PDT

    Solo Q in Low Elo - something other than improving aim and luck with matchmaking

    I'm in my mid 30s and I installed Valorant April 2021 when I saw an ad in youtube and got hit by nostalgia. I last played FPS almost 20 years ago when the first version of CS was released up to v1.3.

    After 180 hours (unrated and competitive matches combined) playing Valorant Solo Q, I've only managed to peak Silver 3, now I'm silver 2. At the moment I have garbage reflexes, subpar aim and movement mechanics, but I'm proud that I can hold my own by just maintaining a positive mindset and promoting open and effective comms - regardless of how f'd up the situation is (only mute if abuse were made to anything regarding race, religion, gender, family.) - basically the same thing I would do if I want to be a better person.

    Flexing my last comp win using using Sage. I still think that not everything in low elo is about getting lucky with matchmaking and using current rank and HS% as important stats that reflect a person's skill.


    submitted by /u/ScholesyPH
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    Only great with sheriff and guardian, is it weird to choose them over other guns?

    Posted: 07 Sep 2021 11:13 AM PDT

    My gunplay in general is good but my best guns seem to be sheriff/guardian and marshal/op. Should I try to get better at rifling and if so, any tips for someone who excels at one taps and crosshair placement? Rank is plat, hoping to get diamond next season.

    submitted by /u/tadkins17
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    X10 announce the return of Patiphan to the team's active roster.

    Posted: 07 Sep 2021 05:44 AM PDT

    End Of Season Ranked

    Posted: 07 Sep 2021 01:11 PM PDT

    Why is it so bad? I feel like the last couple days have been such a struggle. Multiple people inting and trolling in the game. Can't people just do that in unrated? It really just makes you not want to play when there is 2 days left or so. I saw Lothar tweet about it too.

    submitted by /u/carterk757
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    i made this valorant animation, its my first try, hope you will like it

    Posted: 07 Sep 2021 07:11 AM PDT

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