• Breaking News

    Monday, June 8, 2020

    VALORANT New Rules | Clips, Stream Promos, and Private individuals

    VALORANT New Rules | Clips, Stream Promos, and Private individuals

    New Rules | Clips, Stream Promos, and Private individuals

    Posted: 08 Jun 2020 01:02 PM PDT

    These rules will not count retroactively, any posts that are currently up will not be removed under these rules, only posts created after this announcement will be enforced under these rules.

    Firstly, we are increasing the minimum duration for short duration video content again to cull clips even further, we dont want to totally kill clips, as that hurts a lot more than it helps in a lot of cases, such as esports, or gamplay demonstrations but we want to lower the overall presence that they have on the subreddit, and this helps greatly as it culls the lower effort content.

    Short duration content can only be submitted in a self(text) post. This includes:

    • Videos under 1 Minute

    • All images excluding infographics

    We've noticed a lot of hungry personalities have started to use this subreddit to promote their streaming and while we understand the hustle, there is a unique issue that comes with stream posts and how content creators interact on the subreddit. As a result, we will be disallowing all direct links to streams, whether it be in the body, in the title, a link in the video, or just a straight direct link post.

    The factors that lead to this decision include:

    • Impermanence of time in which the stream is active, and as such the content that is related will not always be viable on the post.

    • Streamers who post their stream tend to forgo interaction the subreddit in favor of interaction on their stream

    • Low interaction from community on stream posts

    • Content on stream may change based on the streamer's whim and can't be guaranteed to be Valorant specific content.

    We will still be allowing videos of content FROM streams (as the video will always be Valorant related), but advertising your streams in said video posts will be disallowed. Content from streams will still be treated as self-promotional content under our rules on spam and self-promotion.

    We've noticed that the subreddit has turned into informal call outs of users who take undesirable actions and while we appreciate the concern for this community's health, this is not the appropriate place. As such, we will be disallowing all content that calls out private individuals. Private individuals are users who do not have a stream or twitter connected to their identity in game.

    While we will still allow call-out posts about public figures, like streamers, we will not continue to allow people to call out random private individuals. The primary reasons for this are:

    • A random toxic player in your bronze game has not chosen to put their life and their gameplay on public display for everyone to see.

    • They do not have the same platform available to give a response. If a big name streamer flames in game, they have a twitter following and streaming platform available to them where they can address the allegations.

    • Evidence about private individuals is generally, though not always, much shoddier than the evidence available with regards to public figures -- usually because there's not an entire vod available for people to watch.

    If you have a griefing or insulting teammate in your game, report them in the post-game screen and send a ticket to Riot Support. Reddit is not a good or effective place to report your teammates.

    submitted by /u/RawStanky
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    When did phoenix got this buff , happend twice in the same match

    Posted: 08 Jun 2020 10:08 AM PDT

    Ascent is now reverted to an original value, alike to the rest of the maps, instead of having higher chance to be played.

    Posted: 08 Jun 2020 12:02 PM PDT

    Can we stop posting “WoW gUyS lOoK aT tHiS aMaZiNg ClUtCh I gOt?!” Because 98% of people scrolling this Reddit couldn’t give two shits if I’m being honest.

    Posted: 08 Jun 2020 01:31 AM PDT

    Didn't expect so many people to agree and disagree, thank you to whom ever gave up their money to reward me, thank you again.

    submitted by /u/CYKA-BLYAT69
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    Practical and Efficient Cypher Traps for All Maps

    Posted: 08 Jun 2020 07:45 AM PDT

    It really is time for either Rankeds or an unrated MMR fix

    Posted: 08 Jun 2020 06:06 AM PDT

    I know this type of post is pretty common these last days but seeing the lack of answers from devs i guess i'm just gonna make mine aswell. Not blaming the devs i know they work hard but IMO this is number 1 priority to fix and they do not think it is.


    This is a screenshot from my last 3 games, full scoreboards here :

    https://imgur.com/a/GGcttWQ and https://imgur.com/a/TsGfMSH

    The matchmaking is totally unbalanced and all over the place. I can assure you that at least 80% of my games scoreboard looks similar. There is usually 1 player hard fragging on each team, 2 medium player and 2 very bad players/fps newcomers.

    It isn't fun for ANYBODY. It's not fun for a player like me who has a 1k hours on CSGO and grinded a bunch of aim trainers because i feel like i can't win a game without doing at least 35 kills and it's hard to be always 100% focused, especially since you basically have no help cause there is rarely any comms in those games (except for toxicity). I can't imagine it must be fun for a new player to be matched against someone like me either and barely killing anyone in a game.

    I know some people are gonna say 'heh it's unrated why you care so much?'

    • First because it's gonna draw a lot of people away from the game

    • Secondly, as some of you may know Unrated MMR was used to gives you a starting point for your Ranked MMR and rumors (is it confirmed ?) say this will be the same for the ranked release. So in the end is it really unrated ? Your placement rank matters A LOT and it's stupid to have such unbalanced matches counting toward future ranked progress.

    end of rant.

    submitted by /u/SaakaMi
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    Found an interesting spot in Ascent

    Posted: 07 Jun 2020 08:22 PM PDT

    I accidentally made a Valorant Anime Opening

    Posted: 07 Jun 2020 11:39 PM PDT

    This was supposed to be a crappy shitpost but I got way ahead of myself.
    If they make more cinematics and such I'll make more i guess.


    submitted by /u/Kitski-Kun
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    Where is map: Split?

    Posted: 08 Jun 2020 06:21 AM PDT

    In the past 30 games I had Split 0 times.
    Am I just in bad luck or is Split not in the rotation pool right now?
    Kinda enjoyed the map and miss playing it.

    submitted by /u/SpellfireGaming
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    Wallbangs that shouldn't be a thing.

    Posted: 08 Jun 2020 10:10 AM PDT

    Enough is enough, stop prioritizing Ascent. My last 10 games, 7 of them have been Ascent.

    Posted: 08 Jun 2020 07:35 AM PDT

    Please. Stop. I hate this map, and even if i didn't hate this map I don't want to play 1 map this many times (Unless it's my favorite map, which Ascent is not).

    submitted by /u/TerminaV
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    How to jump with boom bot [sorry for the jumpscare at the end]

    Posted: 08 Jun 2020 06:08 AM PDT

    Hi, new player here! To everyone wondering why we play so slow: we die when we play fast.

    Posted: 08 Jun 2020 05:45 AM PDT

    I've noticed a bunch of people here commenting that new players play too slow/defensive. Unfortunately, the game doesn't exactly teach us to rush, even when we should. Why? Well, right now, matchmaking has a tendency to put "raid bosses" on each team, meaning that each game has 1-2 people on each team that reliably get headshots, and the rest of us who, well... don't.

    The result of this is that if we try to fight these people, we almost always die. It's usually impossible to beat a carry in a fair fight, especially at long range.

    But you know what does beat a carry?

    Camping in a corner with an Ares. And yeah, doing this usually gives enough time for the rest of their team to rotate and win anyway, but it's not like playing smart and fast would have accomplished anything anyway. The up and down of this is that the current matchmaking doesn't teach new players to play the game well.

    Now, there are a few things I've been doing to work around this: keeping the crosshairs at head level, pushing with my team's raid boss, and using Cypher tripwires. If figure that if I can see the enemy through walls and they're rooted, I just might have a chance at beating them. Or, more likely, my team will.

    But I still die a lot, and usually from trying to fight someone I can't beat. Seriously, how do you people hit headshots at beyond close range?

    So, yeah. At the end of the day, the reason us new players don't play well is because we die when we do what we're supposed to do. If it helps, I'll stick to playing Cypher and try to back you guys up.

    submitted by /u/generalhartz
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    The pizza on ascent is cut into 10 pieces with 3/4 of another piece

    Posted: 08 Jun 2020 12:40 PM PDT

    Introducing the Phoon of Valorant

    Posted: 08 Jun 2020 01:42 AM PDT

    I might be an old man (past gaming prime over 30) but I was super proud of my 50 bomb!

    Posted: 08 Jun 2020 08:15 AM PDT

    52 Kills in a standard unrated but feels damn good! 50 Bomb!

    submitted by /u/amayzesm
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    Surrender option needs to be added ASAP

    Posted: 07 Jun 2020 08:23 PM PDT

    The last 2 games i've played I've had 3 teammates leave (1 in the first game and 2 in the second) it makes the rest of the game unfun and 9 times out of 10 impossible to win,

    It should be like cs where if theyre gone for 3 mins you can surrender.

    p.s. stop leaving cause you get killed in the first 3 rounds and play the game ffs

    submitted by /u/Randall-Harper
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    Team Myth (TSM) vs. Team Brax (T1) / Twitch Rivals NA Grand Finals

    Posted: 07 Jun 2020 07:41 PM PDT

    VALORANT Showdown Twitch Rivals NA - Grand Finals

    Twitch Rivals channel | Valorantify Event Coverage

    TEAM Myth 1 - 2 TEAM Brax

    Maps: Bind(7-13) , Haven(13-6), Bind(10-13)

    Map 1 Bind(7-13) :

    Team Myth Agent KDA KDA Agent Team Brax
    Wardell Jett 14/15/2 17/10/8 Raze Brax
    Subroza Brimstone 12/19/5 16/11/10 Cypher crashies
    reltuC Sage 10/16/5 16/11/10 Breach AZK
    drone Phoenix 10/14/2 16/11/10 Brimstone food
    Myth Omen 9/15/1 10/13/6 Sage Skadoodle

    Map 2 Haven(13-6):

    Team Myth Agent KDA KDA Agent Team Brax
    Wardell Jett 11/15/2 16/16/4 Omen Brax
    Subroza Brimstone 21/15/7 19/15/5 Cypher crashies
    reltuC Sage 21/13/6 12/16/5 Breach AZK
    drone Pheonix 17/12/4 8/16/4 Reyna food
    Myth Omen 8/14/7 12/15/6 Sage Skadoodle

    Map 3 Bind(10-13):

    Team Myth Agent KDA KDA Agent Team Brax
    Wardell Sova 16/17/3 17/19/7 Raze Brax
    Subroza Brimstone 20/21/5 17/16/7 Cypher crashies
    reltuC Sage 13/15/7 21/14/10 Breach AZK
    drone Phoenix 21/18/3 19/15/5 Brimstone food
    Myth Omen 8/16/6 13/14/9 Sage Skadoodle


    submitted by /u/Valorantify
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    Petition to have HRTF in this game!

    Posted: 08 Jun 2020 08:10 AM PDT

    This was actually discussed over at r/ValorantCompetitive by u/MorningNapalm. Link to that thread = https://www.reddit.com/r/ValorantCompetitive/comments/gy1bw6/have_the_devs_addressed_the_problems_with/

    Bottom line is : The directional sound right now in the game is not quite upto par. Yes, the sounds are well defined and you do know if they are coming in from the left or the right, but you dont really know if its from lets say a 2o'clock (NorthEast) or a 4o'clock (NorthWest)

    Yes, I came to this game from CS after quite a number of hours and I already love this game more than CS. It's more enjoyable, more refined and much cleaner for me atleast. the only gripe I have with this game and where CS shines more is the audio.To quote u/CallMeCasper from the other thread, the issue I see is Valorant not having HRTF (head related transfer function)."The problem is that they do not have head related transfer function (HRTF). Without it, sounds directly in front of and behind you will sound exactly the same. 45 degree angles are also a problem for the same reason. With HRTF, it simulates our ears and skull and how it affects the sound. A sound from in front of you will have more high end because your ears are capturing the sound like a satellite, unlike if it was behind you, in which the high end frequencies would be blocked by your ear. If the sound is coming from the right, it would hit your right ear first by a few milliseconds. Our brains are programmed to react to these subtle cues, but all Valorant has gave us is Volume and Panning of footsteps."

    I did notice this in the beta but thought it could be an issue only for me since my headphones are a little old. I asked a couple of friends only to realize that they feel the same way.

    So, petition to get HRTF?

    submitted by /u/X3NOC1DE
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    Accidental galaxy brain Omen play

    Posted: 08 Jun 2020 08:39 AM PDT

    Discord bot for live Valorant esports match results

    Posted: 08 Jun 2020 11:17 AM PDT

    Hey guys!

    We've created a Discord bot that'll update a Discord channel of your choosing with the latest match results of competitive Valorant matches.

    Here's what it looks like: https://i.imgur.com/0RcUKj7.png

    If you're interested, you'll need:

    • a Discord server you have admin in
    • a vlr.gg account

    To set up:

    • In Discord, for the channel you wish to have the score bot in, hover over the channel name, click the "edit channel" cog, go to the webhooks section, create webhook, and copy the webhook URL. The webhook URL should look something like this: https://discordapp.com/api/webhooks/xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx/xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxxxx_xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
    • In your vlr.gg account, go to your account settings and paste the webhook URL you just copied from Discord into the "Discord Channel Webhook URL" field towards the bottom of the page. Save your settings.

    Note: the bot only pushes a message to your server once a match finishes, so it won't retroactively spam your channel with previous results. However, that means you'll have to wait until the conclusion of the latest match to see if it's working (as of this post, that's this match).

    If anything's confusing I'll be happy to help.

    submitted by /u/notenigma
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    My teammates left because they thought we couldn't pull it off... THIS is why people need to stay in the entire game!

    Posted: 08 Jun 2020 12:21 AM PDT

    Where did my last bullet go?

    Posted: 07 Jun 2020 09:38 PM PDT

    I've recreated the icon to make it feel at home

    Posted: 08 Jun 2020 09:38 AM PDT

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