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    Wednesday, June 10, 2020

    VALORANT Valorant 1.01 Bug Megathread

    VALORANT Valorant 1.01 Bug Megathread

    Valorant 1.01 Bug Megathread

    Posted: 09 Jun 2020 01:00 PM PDT

    Greetings Agents!

    New patch, new Bug mega. To avoid bugs report cluttering the subreddit and/or going unnoticed we will get a single Megathread which will be posted today and after every patch so that you guys can report the various issues in one place. This allows Riot to easily keep track of the bugs by providing a central hub and also allows other users to confirm that they might have encountered.

    Patch notes 1.01

    Prerequisites to be noted before reporting a bug

    1. A bug will ideally be accompanied with a screenshot or a video. This provides credibility to your report.
    2. Steps to recreate the bugs should be submitted if possible. This helps Rioters recreate the bug and helps them find the cause behind it.

    Format when reporting a bug: When reporting a bug, please provide as much information as you can about your computer.

    Region: The region you're playing in when you encountered the bug

    Type of Bug: Client Bug, In Game Bug etc

    Description: Describe what was the bug that occurred.

    Video / Screenshot: Insert screenshot (F12 in game) or Video of the bug occurring.

    Steps to reproduce: Provide the steps necessary if someone else had to reproduce the bug.

    Expected result: What should have been the result when you follow the steps mentioned above.

    Observed result: What was the result you obtained when you followed the steps mentioned above?

    Reproduction rate: If you try to recreate the bug how successful are you in causing it to occur? (1/10 : Occurs once every 10 tries, 5/10 : Occurs 5 times out of 10, 10/10 : Happens every single time)

    System specs: Processor, Video card, Ram, HDD/SSD, everything you can provide, even drivers.

    Example Bug:

    Region: EU

    Type of Bug: Matchmaking

    Description: Matchmaking doesn't work properly

    • Insert Video / Screenshot of the incident

    Reproduction rate: 10/10 (happened 10 out of 10 times)

    Steps to reproduce: Try to launch a game

    Expected result: Match starting

    Observed result: Getting stuck in infinite queue

    System Specs: Intel i5 Processor, Windows 7, Nvidia Graphics card (insert model number) etc.

    If you don't know how to format comments on Reddit click here

    - **Region:** - **Type of Bug:** - **Description:** - **Video / Screenshot:** - **Steps to reproduce:** - **Expected result:** - **Observed result:** - **Reproduction rate:** - **System specs:** 

    Copy paste the above code and fill in your details.

    From this Megathread the list of bugs will not be summarized and put up in the main body of the thread, however note that many Rioters are going through every single comment so don't worry if you post the 1500th or 3000th comment, every reply will be read over the next few days.

    submitted by /u/PankoKing
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    My own fan art of Sage & Reyna from VALORANT. :)

    Posted: 10 Jun 2020 09:06 AM PDT

    My own fan art of Sage & Reyna from VALORANT. :)


    Hi everyone, I'm an artist and I drew this fan art of my two favorite characters from Valorant : Sage and Reyna.

    Hope you like it ! Please, don't hesitate to go see my artworks on Instagram : faithfullyart

    Thanks :)

    submitted by /u/Faithfullyart
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    Ability to have 2 sets of skins for each side.

    Posted: 10 Jun 2020 05:41 AM PDT

    I know this isn't important, but I would like the option to have set skins for defending side and set skins for attacking side. So, for example I have 2 knifes and I would like to be able to use both in the same game. So, I would have one knife for defending and the other for attacking.

    submitted by /u/shn6a
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    The update swapped the location of the two Exit buttons, needless to say this has been my 6th time logging out for today.

    Posted: 10 Jun 2020 05:14 AM PDT

    I'm just so used to clicking the lowest button at the corner!


    submitted by /u/jlonso
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    Some info about Season Dates and their length.

    Posted: 10 Jun 2020 09:10 AM PDT

    I found ticks in the files, and converted them to Z time:

    637265916000000000 = June 1st, 12:00am PST

    Recently found some files relating to season dates (acts) and when they will release!!! Inside files I found some game data string that were encrypted in ticks, so I extracted them and converted them and they revealed actual dates!!! This is a huge find!!!!

    Episode 1 Season Run Dates:

    Act 1: June 1st - August 4th

    Act 2: August 4th - October 13th

    Act 3: October 13th - January 12th (2021)

    All new Acts's (seasons) release at midnight (region locked updates) on the day of the season start in this time clock. These dates are what is currently in the files, and I have no doubt that they might change. But it looks like the season is going to end August 4th!

    January 12 is when Act 3 ends, so I'm guessing we could see Episode 2 come then? If so the planned date for episode 2 to come out is January 12, 2021!

    Interesting to see what an episode update would be. New Act's should already bring at least one new character, and possibly a map here and there, but an episode update must be huge!!!

    What do you guys think of this schedule and the way Riot is deciding to release content?

    EDIT: Proof showing my method: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4PpGchd-FEo

    Twitter - ValorantExpress

    submitted by /u/Mang0eLeaks
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    You can't flash under Cypher's one way smoke

    Posted: 10 Jun 2020 08:34 AM PDT

    Can we talk about people slow-walking across the entire map in failed attempts to defuse the spike?

    Posted: 10 Jun 2020 09:16 AM PDT

    I know you're out there. I see you every game. You are defending A. The spike is planted on C. Then, you start your methodical mission: slow walking across the entire map. By the time you FINALLY get to C, your teammates are all dead and it's 1v2. The spike is starting to beep faster. Do you capitalize on your stealth and peek in to headshot the enemy? No. Instead, you start throwing in random ass utility from the entrance you just spent 30 seconds slow walking to. Great, now they know your position. Ok, so do you now use that utility to re-take? No. Instead, you wait 2-3 seconds after the utility is thrown and then peek the entrance a couple of times. Bullets fly your way. You get one kill somehow. Then you back out and go save because "sorry guys, there's not enough time to defuse."

    EVERY SINGLE GAME THERE'S ONE OF YOU OUT THERE THAT DOES THIS. Please. Now is your chance. Explain yourself. Why!?

    submitted by /u/SMcArthur
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    Why Reyna's Leer is the best non-ultimate ability in the game, and how to use it

    Posted: 09 Jun 2020 07:03 PM PDT

    EDIT: People are commenting without reading my post. Addressing the more common comments: I am NOT saying that Reyna is OP. I am fully aware that she is a liability if her aim isn't on point, as well as the fact that she has no utility if doesn't get any kills. Ideally Leer would be toned down and the other aspects of her kit would somehow be reworked/changed to compensate. Arguing that different abilities are better is difficult because they are used for different things and are therefore not directly comparable - this is the most subjective part of the post. I'm not claiming that my opinion is correct and yours aren't, simply stating mine. It's highly likely that in a month from now I will look like a moron because we've optimised Cypher and Sova to new levels or something like that. Arguing about my opinion is not relevant to the main point of the argument.

    People who choose to attack my skill level instead of my arguments need to learn what an ad hominem is, because that's not a real argument, it's a logical fallacy. And if it appeases you, here is my most recent game and here is my full match history. This argument is NOT a rant/cry being made from the person on the receiving end of the stomping. Also the argument that non-professional players should have no basis for balancing is just wrong. Balancing for pros and casuals is not mutually exclusive and is how game designers earn their money. Finally, having 1 person shoot the flash and 1 person peek is NOT valid counterplay because requiring a man advantage to properly counter something that costs so little and has so little risk is not balanced. You can just as easily argue that if Reyna also has a teammate then they are at a huge advantage because 1 enemy will have his dick in his hand aiming at the air. If you can't be bothered to read the whole post, I've bolded the most important parts. However, commenting something rude or dismissive when you haven't even bothered to read the post is not constructive.


    I am writing this in the hopes that Reyna's flash is addressed in the next balance patch. As Riot have stated that they are keeping an eye on agent winrates to decide balancing changes, hopefully if we can all abuse Reyna's Leer properly in our matches, we can see it receive the nerfs that it needs.

    Why Reyna's flash is broken:

    1. The biggest offender: it doesn't flash Reyna or her teammates. This means that there is literally 0 risk to using it. With other flashbangs like Phoenix, Breach or Omen, if you time the flash wrong, it will hit your teammates. However, if the Attackers decide to push somewhere, Reyna can literally just throw the flash through the wall while her teammates push, forcing you to either reveal your location and mess up your crosshair placement by shooting it, or to fall back, giving up site and giving the attackers a heavily advantageous post plant situation.

    2. It travels through walls. This means that Reyna can cast it from safety. Again, this means that there is 0 risk to Reyna for casting Leer.

    3. Because it is active for multiple seconds, you can't simply turn away and quickly peek like other traditional flashbangs. Therefore playing antiflash positions and off angles on defender side is extremely risky.

    4. It only costs $200. This is partly due to Reyna's kit but she can often get away with only buying light armour and opting for Leers instead as she can effectively gain full armour from just 1 frag. It offers far too much reward for such little cost and risk.

    Often I see things like "just shoot the eye" or "just position better." Neither of these are valid counterplay, as you are giving up something while Reyna and the attackers are under 0 risk. You either give up your location, or you give up the position you were holding, either way the attackers gained a significant advantage for LITERALLY NO RISK.

    How to abuse Leer:

    On attacker side, be mindful that you only have 2 Leers, and use them wisely. Throw them through the walls into the open while your teammates push through chokepoints. 2 Leers will get you onto a bombsite for free. Otherwise, if you get to the last chokepoint with only 1 Leer, using the second one while your teammates are taking fights on site will catch the enemy off guard for some easy frags, again for 0 risk.

    If you're playing a default, Leer is ridiculously good at getting map control. You just choose somewhere that the defenders aren't allowed to peek at the start of the round, throw Leer, and the defenders are literally just not allowed to peek. For example it's very strong to throw a Leer middle on Ascent at the start of the round and have your teammate peek with an awp. Using the combination of free map control and free escapes through chokepoints strategically makes attacking so much easier for your team.

    Reyna is not as good on the defender side as she lacks utility like smokes or molotovs. However, Leer is still absurdly good. The best way I've found to abuse it is to have two people behind cover waiting for footsteps. If you hear footsteps, Reyna throws the eye from behind cover, and you double peek them as it pops. This way you get a double peek while the enemies are either blinded/aiming in the air/running to cover. Bear in mind this is risky and if there are more than 2 or 3 attackers one of you will likely die. Sometimes it is better to throw a leer to stall the enemy and simply retreat to site. However, combined with a strong defensive agent like Cypher, Reyna can still shine on the defender side. EDIT: People also raised a valid point that Reyna's Leer is very strong counterplay to an enemy's Leer. If they throw a Leer then you can wait a second, throw yours, and then swing with your teammates.

    On retake, if you coordinate with your team, it's usually possible to throw a Leer that covers around the middle of the site, which will affect enemies aiming at most potential retake entrances. If you do so as all of the defenders push at once, again there is literally 0 risk and massive reward, as Leer will actively gain information from enemies shooting at it or running away from it for 0 risk. It's the same idea as using it on attacker side but a little bit harder to coordinate the timing properly.

    You can always use Leer to take aggressive map control, however I've found that defending sites is generally stronger than in CS where map control is extremely important. In this case you'd use it the same as on the attacker side. Having two people push behind the enemy just for the enemies to go mid and onto the site you just left is far more common in Valorant than I've ever seen in years of CS. The maps are just so big. However, map control is always extremely powerful, and Leer again gives it to you for free.

    I feel like a broken record but Reyna's flash is truly the most egregious ability I've seen in Valorant, again, because there is LITERALLY 0 DOWNSIDE for using it. I can't stress this enough. Everything should have a fair risk/reward ratio. It's not fair that Reyna can just throw the bullshit flash through the wall while 4 of her teammates push and you either have to let them all the way up to site or you have to reveal your position by shooting at the eye, at which point against competent players you're going to have utility thrown at you and your head will be blown off the second you peek. While I understand things like reviving as design philosophy choices, Reyna's flash just breaks the boundaries of what a flash is. It is so much better than every other flash it's laughable.

    In terms of how I would balance it, I would make the flash not go through walls. Therefore, Reyna would have to expose herself to throw a good Leer. This would still be extremely strong but not broken.

    Go out and abuse Reyna in unrated and hopefully Riot will address this in the next balance change.

    EDIT: A lot of responses here, some raise valid arguments. However it's just funny to see people comment about my skill level as if that's a relevant fact. Maybe try arguing the points I make instead of dismissing it because you think I'm a low rank?

    Someone did raise a good point about just waiting and counterflashing. But if you look at the OP one of the ways that I said to use Leer was essentially as a counterflash. Furthermore, different flashes have the RISK of BLINDING YOUR TEAMMATES if you use them as a counterflash, which Leer doesn't.

    And to be clear, I'm not arguing that Reyna is overpowered. It's just that her Leer is a completely polarizing ability as it is significantly better than the rest of her kit. A better way to balance her would be to tone down Leer and boost some of the other aspects of her kit.

    Of course everything I've said is my opinion and the game has been out less than a week. But conceptually, a flash that doesn't blind teammates is always going to be extremely strong in a team based shooter. Add the other benefits that I outlined (active for multiple seconds, large range, goes through walls, cheap) and it simply provides too much utility for the risk and cost.

    Because people are fixated on my skill level, I use Reyna and I abuse the shit out of her too, because I like winning and she's a fun character. Please focus on my arguments instead of my skill level.

    I can't believe that people have taken this post seriously enough to literally sit there for 4 hours and comment something negative on every one of the comments I made while downvoting, but it's happened, so I'll be muting this thread now.

    submitted by /u/taetae_bignutz
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    Reduce AFK/Leaver Penalties Until Crashing is Improved

    Posted: 10 Jun 2020 08:20 AM PDT

    The game ran fantastic for me the entire beta with minimal crashes or bugs. However, on launch, me and my group of friends have run into a never ending cycle of crashing and DC-ing from our games. It really goes well with the stricter leaver penalties, and we've been sitting through hour long bans because your game keep crashing and booting us from the servers. I suggest relaxing AFK and leaver penalties until you're sure the game is actually running correcting, and these crashes and DC's (which are new since the start of beta) are at least verbally addressed. It's simply ridiculous that the playerbase is being punished for your game crashing, and you're doing an excellent job pushing away prospective players.

    submitted by /u/MaryJason
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    A 2v2 mode like Gunfight/Wingman would be AMAZING

    Posted: 09 Jun 2020 09:02 PM PDT

    They should definitely add a 2v2 mode in the future to Valorant, similar to CoD's Gunfight and Wingman in CSGO. 2v2 with no respawns is really fun in any game tbh. I feel like in a game such as Valorant, in a small close quarters map there could be so much potential, and if you have the ability to change your agent each round that would make it more interesting as well, would definitely keep every round different instead of the same few walls and flashes spammed over and over at the start since there's only 2 agents per team.

    submitted by /u/vis1onary
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    The worst part of the unbalanced matchmaking is not even the lack of balance, it's getting trashtalked and insulted for not being able to perform in that environment.

    Posted: 10 Jun 2020 10:40 AM PDT

    Hi all,

    basically: title.

    I can't stand it anymore. Honestly, the only reason I keep playing the game currently is to grind the battle pass but not necessarily to help the team or even try, because so often it doesn't even matter if I try or not.

    When I try get 1tapped, when I not try 1 get 1tapped.

    Just had a game I actually tried. I ended with 3:20 stats, got mocked and insulted multiple times until I just muted everyone, got told to delete the game, got told to kill myself and whatnot, people commenting on every mistake I made in a way that they didn't even try to help or give advice, but simply make fun of me and point out how bad I would be.

    ...and when I did one of my 3 kills in one of the early rounds I did get screamed at because I stole an ACE, which I was not even aware off, so apprently not getting kills makes me an idiot and getting a kill makes me an idiot too.

    Funny enough, that was the only kind of communication there was. There was no callouts, just players way higher skilled than me most likely being as frustrated as me (just for other reasons) and voicing their frustration.

    The worst part for me is that I'm so goddamn discouraged and think nothing matters anymore.

    a) the insecurity of how I will perform in this lobby is fucking up my self-esteem of actually being someone that CAN do kills. I'm so scared to move around a corner that I mostly just sit somewhere and wait until I get 1tapped anyways

    b) I sometimes find myself not even trying anymore because why even bother. Either I get farmed or I am the raid boss myself.

    I just was a low silver player in the beta and it was okay, I'm a casual player, I do enjoy the game, I don't need to have a high rank.

    Currently I'm just getting farmed and trashtalked and I've had enough really....and getting blamed for the loss just because I'm not able to perform in the lobbies I get thrown in to.

    You know what? I don't want to be in those lobbies in the first place, I don't belong there. If you wanna scream at someone scream at bloody RIOT for putting ME in YOUR lobbies in the first place.

    ...and then there are the matches where I actually am the "raid boss" and end with 40 kills and I feel so sorry for the folks in the other team because I know exactly how it feels.

    If I wouldn't have bought the battle pass I wouldn't even play anymore until ranked will get released.

    submitted by /u/daddeln
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    Thank you for every nice player on Valorant!

    Posted: 10 Jun 2020 03:40 AM PDT

    There are many many toxic players in this game. But anyways, I always find myself often in matches with wonderful people where we can laugh together.

    I don't who guys are, I only know that you guys always bring me back into the game and probably other people too.

    Try to be nice to your fellow team mates ond even enemies. It's been a long long time since I saw a "glhf" in the chat

    Thank you nice people for making this game great!

    And if you read this, let's bring back the times where everyone wrote GLHF in the chat in the beginning . Its maybe a small step, but it is a beautiful one.

    (And with nice people I mean YOU)

    submitted by /u/ChessCacke
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    The game is pretty much broken for some players (after the recent Sage SR nerf update)

    Posted: 10 Jun 2020 09:43 AM PDT

    Ive had the game crash two times today, closing with it other system apps and creating chaos. The game freezes to 0 fps sometimes, stutters badly in others till the crash happens. The game is unplayable for the initial rounds. I had a 100x better experience while in the under-optimized closed beta. Please Fix :I

    submitted by /u/hr1603
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    I received duplicate Radianite and an additional 2 agent unlocks, for FREE?

    Posted: 10 Jun 2020 10:52 AM PDT

    I'm not complaining, at all, just very confused.

    I went from 80 Radianite to 160 Radianite, and got another 2 free agent unlocks after the patch. Anyone else?

    submitted by /u/Loko318
    [link] [comments]

    KovaaK Settings

    Posted: 10 Jun 2020 11:32 AM PDT

    Hello, I was wondering if anyone has found settings in KovaaK that feel identical to the settings in VALORANT. I understand that KovaaK has updated their game to have VALORANT sensitivity and FOV, however, these settings don't feel 100% accurate.

    I am a 4:3 player and u/Riot_Classick mentioned something about not converting to 4:3 in Kovaak, stating that "it will be a later conversation I'd like to have with you all." I haven't seen a follow up to this and I would really appreciate it if we could have this discussion because I feel like I cant use KovaaK to warm up effectively.

    Additionally, the FOV seems to be a bit off as well. Classick also mentioned that running and FOV of 100 is ideal, however, Kovaak puts their conversion at 103.

    If anyone has any input It would be greatly appreciated.

    Thread I pulled the quote from: https://www.reddit.com/r/VALORANT/comments/fcdvsq/kovaaks_settings_for_valorant/fjcf7x8/

    submitted by /u/TheRealTachanka
    [link] [comments]

    Hiko on OPs: We need more utility

    Posted: 10 Jun 2020 12:47 PM PDT

    I believe Sage’s spray should look like it used to in Beta.

    Posted: 10 Jun 2020 03:42 AM PDT


    I think Sage's spray should look like it used to in Beta. The new spray looks like a sketch for the old one and lacks flare. I just wanted to see if anyone else felt the same.

    submitted by /u/nooneyoudcareabout
    [link] [comments]

    Raze Double Satchel Jumping Clips!

    Posted: 10 Jun 2020 01:08 PM PDT

    Hope this guy gets banned.

    Posted: 10 Jun 2020 11:39 AM PDT

    NO PLAYER SKINS, but instead, may I suggest... gloves?

    Posted: 09 Jun 2020 07:57 PM PDT

    Everyone wants Valorant to be an even playing ground, especially because of it's immense e-sports capability. Adding skins increases the chances of player advantage from said skins, and may change character meta's and give the game an unfair advantage. So far this seems to be the overall opinion held by the community.

    On the opposing argument, people want a way for their characters to be unique. They want to show off certain achievements, or maybe want to open up their wallets for something that's eye-candy to them for the game, and can be used as a bragging chip to their spectating team-mates.

    The solution?


    Valorant can create gloves that characters can wear on their hands. From the enemies view, this changes almost nothing. There's no in-game advantage from having them, and unless an enemy is paying really close attention, they most likely won't pick up on the player wearing a fancy pair of gloves. This works in tandem with the player showing a little bit of style while being spectated by their friends, or when playing by themselves.

    Gloves should be easily added into a variety of purchasable sets in the game, such as avalanche and prime gloves, or should be unlocked by achieving extremely unique feats. For instance, a 6 kill ace should net a player a pair of special gloves to signify this achievement. Getting 12 plants off in a game. 12 Defuses. 30 bomb, 40 bomb, 50 bomb, bronze silver and gold gloves. This enables players to have that much needed skill based skins that everyone wants, and plays really well with the community!

    submitted by /u/ThrowAWayyyy53232
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    A few 'Jett Only' off angles to help you get that Reddit clip

    Posted: 09 Jun 2020 03:23 PM PDT

    I drew Raze and her cute Boom bot :) [Art]

    Posted: 10 Jun 2020 11:06 AM PDT

    Knife marks on the wall now accurate to the direction of the swing

    Posted: 09 Jun 2020 01:53 PM PDT

    Riot forgot to put a space between "tundra," and "Sova tracks," in Sova's description. This is unbearable and the game is quite literally unplayable.

    Posted: 09 Jun 2020 10:00 PM PDT

    I think Valorant should have community servers and custom maps

    Posted: 10 Jun 2020 09:53 AM PDT

    I've come from playing CS:GO and since the release of Valorant, have been enjoying the game. But one thing I realized is that there's something missing. I thought it would be fun to not just play on the same maps in Valorant, but to also have custom maps. There should also be different modes for maps (e.g. parkour, 1v1, bot practice, weapons only, etc.) and also Valorant needed community servers to allow servers like FaceIt to be on Valorant and to have game customization (e.g. different round times, rounds lengths, people per team, and bots and their difficulty) Overall, I think of Valorant as an exceptional game and I look forwards to more features like I mentioned. Keep up the good work Devs!

    submitted by /u/TrippyBells
    [link] [comments]

    Sage fanart

    Posted: 10 Jun 2020 05:29 AM PDT

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