• Breaking News

    Tuesday, August 4, 2020

    VALORANT Adding slightly more context to our spam rule!

    VALORANT Adding slightly more context to our spam rule!

    Adding slightly more context to our spam rule!

    Posted: 03 Aug 2020 09:16 PM PDT

    Hello fellow weebs future Glitchpop skin owners. We are back with a slight rule tweak to our spam rule, but it will have significant consequences, so that's what the announcement is for.

    The current spam rule is:

    You may only self-promote if at least 23 of your last 25 posts/comments are organic discussion on all of Reddit. For comments to be considered in the ratio they must be part of a discussion and not be short one or two-word comments. Repeat offenders will be banned.

    What this means is on the "front page" of your userpage, only 3 of the 25 posts/comments that appear may be self promotion. This is to ensure you are using reddit in good faith and not as free advertisement.

    We will be adding a single sentence to this rule:

    Comments on your own self-promoted threads do not count towards this ratio.

    This is a small sentence but a significant change. The intent of the spam rule is to get people to engage with the subreddit. The way the wording was, the rule allowed for the only interaction on the subreddit to be on a submitters self promoted thread, which indirectly provided a loophole for participation on the subreddit. With this extra sentence, we can be certain that self-promoters and content creators are a part of the community because they want to be a part of the community and that they don't see the community or our subreddit as nothing but a giant platform to advertise.

    That's all for now, take care and let's get ready for some FFA and Killjoy!

    submitted by /u/Duality_NA
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    VALORANT Patch Notes 1.05

    Posted: 04 Aug 2020 06:02 AM PDT

    I made a life-size replica of the Phantom. 3D print files/creation album in the comments

    Posted: 04 Aug 2020 11:25 AM PDT

    Act II Battlepass Trailer - VALORANT

    Posted: 04 Aug 2020 08:02 AM PDT

    Riot’s Taking A Week Off

    Posted: 04 Aug 2020 09:56 AM PDT

    Clarifying once and for all how long it takes to clear the Battlepass.

    Posted: 04 Aug 2020 07:57 AM PDT

    A brief introduction.

    • Total XP needed for level 50: 1,372k.

    • Total XP rewarded by daily missions: 4k*63d = 252k

    • Total XP rewarded by weekly missions: 28350 + 32400 + 34450 + 40500 + 44550 + 48000 + 52650 + 60750 + 60750 = 402400

    • Therefore, total "free" xp: 654400

    Which brings us to a requirement of 717600 xp to be obtained by playing games.

    In unrated/comp, a round you lost rewards you with 100xp. A round you win bears 300xp.

    This means that, on average, you'll get 200xp/round.

    A Valorant round lasts 100 seconds after the barriers open, and can last another 45 seconds after the spike is planted.

    Not everyone plants the spike at at time limit, of course, so we can't take 145 as the duration of a round.

    But a round starts with a countdown (before the barriers open) and ends with another 5 seconds cooldown.

    We'll therefore take 120 seconds, or 2 minutes, as the duration of your average round.*

    Therefore, the time you need to clear the BP is, on average, (717600/200)*120s = 119.6 hours.

    Since the BP lasts 9 weeks (=63 days), this means you'll have to play 13.2 hours a week (1.88 hours a day) to clear the BP in time.

    *These 120 seconds can also be considered to be inclusive of the Agent select screen and possibly even matchmaking. I kind if think that all things considered this is a pretty low estimation, which means outlr results will be slightly lower than the actual needed time. To be able to make a better calculation I would need Rio to tell me exactly what the average duration of unranked/comp games is, and how many rounds it consists of.

    EDIT: u/TimeJustHappens calculated that even doing spike rushes, the average total time is 119.6 hours

    submitted by /u/5i5TEMA
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    PSA: You can hold Left ALT to check if Sage has heals

    Posted: 03 Aug 2020 06:17 PM PDT

    PSA: You can hold Left ALT to check if Sage has heals

    Not only Sage's heal, but also other teammates' utility. Might save you some time when playing with a mute Sage :~)


    EDIT: For anyone who might've rebound their left ALT key, you can find the binding for this action under the "Interface" section of the controls. It's the top item named "Show Teammate Loadouts (Hold)"

    submitted by /u/Nommby
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    My icon design for this subreddit.

    Posted: 04 Aug 2020 02:34 AM PDT

    My icon design for this subreddit.

    I designed an icon for this subreddit in Killjoy Style!

    Community icon in Killjoy Style. 256x256

    submitted by /u/halbert370
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    My first 6k and it was a 1v5 clutch. I don’t normally share on here but I felt this was worth it.

    Posted: 03 Aug 2020 08:43 PM PDT

    Valorant desperately needs a leaderboard

    Posted: 04 Aug 2020 07:57 AM PDT

    Leaderboards give top players an incentive to actually play on their main accounts and will most likely reduce the amount of smurfing going on. Not going to name names or anything but I don't want someone who is going to try and get their 6th account to Radiant in my diamond games

    submitted by /u/bryvntrvn
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    Valorant is going to need a massive XP reward overhaul if it wants people to keep buying the Battlepass

    Posted: 04 Aug 2020 03:21 AM PDT

    Warning: Lots of math talk ahead, along with some personal opinions. TL;DR is at the bottom along with a note.

    I finished the pass yesterday, having put in about 600 VP to pass two levels (first was for science due to excess VP, second was laziness), but it feels obscenely grindy. I understand that it shouldn't be finished within a month, but if I start feeling stressed about my own purchases, I'll just pass up buying into the passes altogether and I feel like a lot of people have the same sentiment. Now to do some math, to point out why I feel like this will be a massive problem if the weekly and daily system isn't overhauled (or XP gain in general):

    - On average, we can expect Spike Rush to give 1k XP per match and Unrated gives around 4.5k per match (plus/minus variables in total rounds + won rounds. ). For the sake of trying to keep this short and understandable, I'll call Spike Rush "SR" and a good Unrated game (hitting the 4.5k average) for URGG. With these numbers in mind, we can compare it to other sources of XP.

    - Dailies reward 2k XP, which is less than half that of a URGG, but the same as two SRs. If a daily takes more time to finish than two SRs *or* a single non-GG UR, it's going to be outpaced heavily by either gamemodes' standard XP rewards. We do get 2 dailies, so that's about 14 dailies a week, IE: 28k XP. That's 28 SRs, little over 6 URGGs.Opinion: Dailies do not warrant enough effort for the amount of XP you earn from just... playing the game. They should reward a substantial amount that feels like they can make a dent in later BP tiers, not feel like a waste to focus on. 5k or 10k XP would make dailies feel important and not worthless. They should complement our usual XP gains than feel negligible.

    - Now for the big doozy: weeklies. Now, I won't pretend I aced math (I failed horribly), but I'll try my best. Since weeklies last for the whole Act, we have 3 weeklies x 8 weeks. The reward output does increase, but for the sake of my sanity, we'll take the first week XP output and last week XP output.

    Week 1: 9450 XP x 3 = 28k XP (it's 28350, but fuck it). Week 8: 20250 XP x 3 = 60k XP (60750, but counting the hundreds is a drop in the bucket in the long term).

    Yes, the Battlepass climbs in XP requirement, with the early tiers being completed within a matter of matches, but the latter tiers ramps up so hard even weeklies don't feel like they make a dent. We're looking at the long term here.

    In essence, 1 Week 1 mission = 2 URGGs. All three missions = ~6 URGGs in XP output or 14 dailies within that week.

    The problem I see is that later on, dailies *don't* scale at all, making them very much worthless the further you get in the pass. Weeklies go from being a decent boost early on, but isn't able to keep up with the BP's XP scaling. The final week's missions (week 8) gives a total of 60k XP comparable to 12-13 URGGs. Or 2 and a half week's worth of dailies. Now, you may say "okay, so if you're on the final tier of the BP you'll finish it by completing the weeklies, right?". You will. But depending on your playstyle and performance and the mission requirements, you might be more likely to finish it by doing 10+ URs.

    If you can outpace weeklies and dailies by just doing URs, there's a big problem with your other sources of XP gain. Especially if the playerbase is given 8 weeks to complete 50 tiers. Compared to other games with Battlepass systems, those games have different ways to earn XP and progress at a decent pass. Significantly more weeklies (Apex Legends), playing with friends boosts (ditto), owning the BP gives a boost (I think Siege has this system for Season Pass owners), and a BP bundle that puts you at a certain tier for a massive discount (Apex again, it bumps you 25 levels in the 100 level BP for like 20$ which is very cheap compared to buying those levels seperately). I'd mention Fortnite, but I hate how they lock challenges behind purchasing the pass.

    The point of this waaaaay too long and only surface deep attempt at explaining the mathematical problem with Valorant's BP issues: We need *both* more weeklies and dailies, and have them give a more substantial boost in XP rewards. Or reduce the BP's XP scaling. Missions should feel like they impact your progression in the pass throughout the entirety of the pass, not just early on. You need the missions to feel like a substantial reward for the effort required, especially for the more time consuming ones. I know some weeklies go between a single match of effort to sometimes several days of playing, but if the reward is the same, we're not going to find them challenging *or* rewarding. Best case: we have good faith and believe Riot will improve on the XP gain and BP requirements, which preferably they will (or won't, I'm not their mum). Worst case: people stop buying the BPs flatout. But the likelihood of that is pretty low, since BPs seem to sell like hotcakes for pretty much every other game and has become the number one way to keep a steady flow of monetization for games with multiplayer focus (and since the crackdown on lootboxes).

    TL;DR: Dailies and weeklies feel decent early on, but can't keep up with the BP's scaling, being heavily outpaced by just grinding matches (which can and will burn people out and lose player retention). Because of that we have issues of players who feel like they won't be able to finish it and are voicing their concern the next pass will suffer from the same issues, and therefore won't buy it, impacting revenue. What's worse? This is during the height of summer holidays *AND* during an international pandemic giving people ample free time. If this had been during any other time of year (and without Covid), the issues would be glaringly obvious.

    Note: I would go into the depths of each BP tier and the XP scaling of weekly missions, but I'm not big brained enough to take that on and it'll take longer than the hour and a half I used on this post. I'm also really dumb. Someone smarter can probably do a better job. I also don't play Competitive, so I don't know the XP output for those.

    submitted by /u/Pesuto
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    Rank should be displayed at the end of the match.

    Posted: 04 Aug 2020 07:54 AM PDT

    Showcasing ranks of each player at the beginning and throughout the match leads to high expectations (For higher ranks) and taunting (for those lower ranked)

    Higher ranks raging and picking on lower ranks.

    If higher ranks perform poorly then they get questioned in turn.

    Basically a "label" is placed even before the match begins in most cases

    I feel like the whole mental gymnastics can be done away with ...similar to CSGO

    submitted by /u/nikrulz
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    Hilarious Jett OP jump peek and how you can practise it really fast, too

    Posted: 04 Aug 2020 02:29 AM PDT

    Everything Interesting Added in 1.05 (Datamined Content, including loads of new skins, Killjoy Voicelines, and remake match option)

    Posted: 04 Aug 2020 11:32 AM PDT

    Everything Interesting Added in 1.05 (Datamined Content, including loads of new skins, Killjoy Voicelines, and remake match option)

    Hello! I'm back for a summary of everything added in the Act 2 update (1.05). This is a big one, so I will try to cover as much as I can. This summary took me a couple hours to write, so please consider following my twitter where I post all of this stuff and more much faster. Alright, let's get into it!

    Let's start off with some Act News!

    Act 2 will run from:

    Start Date: Tuesday, August 4, 2020 12:00:00 AM

    End Date: Tuesday, October 13, 2020 12:00:00 AM

    A side note: No map was added in Act 2, and according to Morello, a new map won't be added until Episode 2. The current date for Episode 2's release is January 12, 2021.

    Now for some things related to Killjoy!

    Killjoy Voicelines!!! Here are ALL voicelines for the new Agent, Killjoy, in English.

    Agent Killjoy Voicelines

    Now, lets take a look at some of the rewards along her contract.

    First Killjoy Player Card

    Second Killjoy Player Card


    Killjoy's Shorty!

    Let's move onto weapon skins.

    The Cyberpunk Bundle has been added. Found back in 1.03, this weapon bundle has been highly anticipated by the community. The bundle includes a Frenzy, Judge, Bulldog, Odin, and a Knife. The set will have 4 variants as well.

    The Cyberpunk store graphic

    Here is the Act 2 promo image.


    Now, here are the Battle Pass cosmetics in-depth.

    The Polyfox Collection Includes a Guardian, Judge, Sheriff, Bulldog.

    Polyfox Collection

    The Hivemind Collection Includes a Knife, Ares, Shorty, Bucky, and a Vandal.

    Hivemind Collection

    The Red Alert Collection Includes an Operator, Stinger, Bucky, and Classic pistol.

    Red Alert Collection

    All Battle Pass Gun Buddies w/ names

    All Battle Pass Sprays

    All Battle Pass Player Cards

    Weekly Challenges weeks 1 - 5! Note that XP grows as the season goes on.

    Weekly Challenges Graphic

    Now, time for some more miscellaneous, but interesting changes.

    - The Oni mask melee got it's own texture for it's 2 fangs.

    Oni mask slash texture


    - Remakes have been added for teams. If you start a game with a player AFK, then you are allowed to cancel the game without both sides changing rank. 5 player parties can't use this feature, and you may only vote on this feature once per game.

    Remake String Table

    - For the Pro Players focusing on the minimal details towards their PC's performance a new toggle is added to view your input delay combined (CPU + GPU) Delay all together.

    Input Strings

    - Devs are currently testing a map called "Joe". Why? No idea, the house isn't anything to look at, just a file with some stuff for Viper's smoke support. They are probably testing her in some way for this map.

    New Joe Folders

    - China and Korea have gotten their own impact effects.

    - Riot has added 2 new icons to let you know how much your rating has decreased upon losing a competitive match. This is a nice change, letting players know how their rank has moved more accurately.

    Here's something interesting, some old Killjoy art.

    Old Killjoy Art

    - A Shatter Placeholder mesh was added. Morello has already confirmed that Shatter was an Old agent that will never be released, but this is still interesting to take a look at.

    Old Shatter Placeholder Mesh

    That's pretty much everything I could fit into this little summary! Hope you guys enjoyed it, and have fun in Act 2! This took me a little more than an hour to write, so I would appreciate it if you followed my twitter, where I post more frequent content and even more updates. Thanks, and have fun in Act 2!

    - Mang0e

    submitted by /u/Mang0eLeaks
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    Frames massively dropped after patch

    Posted: 04 Aug 2020 11:00 AM PDT

    Went from 200 fps in practice range to 70. Drops below 50-60 in a real game now. Game is now nearly unplayable.

    I have an i7 4790, 16 gb ram, RX 5700 XT. I was doing fine with 140+ fps in game, never dropped anywhere close to 100 or less. Idk what happened after the patch. I checked my CPU affinity and priority and it's all on high so thats not the issue. All my game settings are the same. Seems like Riot broke something this patch.

    submitted by /u/Jahsay
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    Raze can be sneaky, raze can be cheeky

    Posted: 04 Aug 2020 09:07 AM PDT

    All Act II Battlepass Tiers Showcase for those of you who can't hop on just yet

    Posted: 04 Aug 2020 12:11 PM PDT

    Killjoy Hyperrealistic Fanart by @7bpictures

    Posted: 04 Aug 2020 06:56 AM PDT

    Dailies and weeklies need to be changed

    Posted: 04 Aug 2020 04:03 AM PDT

    I did the math earlier and I'll spare you guys the confusing math talk from the previous post:

    If weeklies and dailies can be outpaced by just doing a couple of Unrated games, the XP gained from those need to get boosted. Plenty of players are voicing their concern that if the next BP will be the same grind as this one, it'll be not worth the price of admission. On top of that, considering the current situation (summer vacation, covid) and people *still* struggled to keep up with it, doesn't bode well for my own opinion of the battlepasses or the future of them if this doesn't get changed.

    submitted by /u/Pesuto
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    A cinematic Sova montage about my recent experience in Diamond/Immortal ranks (AverageJonas)

    Posted: 04 Aug 2020 06:40 AM PDT

    They actually added a Froggie Hat buddy, just amazing

    Posted: 04 Aug 2020 08:33 AM PDT

    Wonder if we'll be able to change the orange colors of the attached part since i've seen the new vandal had a purple part


    submitted by /u/apikebapie
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    Valorant 1.05 Update Times

    Posted: 04 Aug 2020 04:26 AM PDT

    There's now a maintenance notification for each region at https://status.riotgames.com/valorant.

    Presumably, this means that the update will be:

    • from 6:00 - ~10:00 PDT, corresponding to 13:00 - ~17:00 UTC, for Brazil, Latin America, and North America

    • from 14:00 - ~18:00 PDT, corresponding to 21:00 - ~1:00 (2020-08-05) UTC, for Asia Pacific and Korea

    • from 20:00 - ~24:00 PDT, corresponding to 3:00 (2020-08-05) - ~7:00 (2020-08-05) UTC, for Europe

    All times are on 2020-08-04 unless otherwise specified.
    I've linked images of the maintenance notifications for posterity.

    There's also a platform status in-game now: https://i.imgur.com/VYpa5s2.png for NA servers, at least. I would assume that this is the case for other regions as well.

    Edit: The patch notes have been published now: https://playvalorant.com/en-us/news/game-updates/valorant-patch-notes-1-05/

    submitted by /u/harmon758
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    PSA Trash talking your own team does nothing but hurt the team!!

    Posted: 04 Aug 2020 11:44 AM PDT

    It's insane how many games i've played these last 3 days that have had so much toxicity in them. Imagine trash talking your OWN team when they're already doing bad. People miss shots, people have good and bad games. Seriously, i'm baffled by how much shit i've gotten last 3 days even when i say NOTHING first or begin any even remote BM or trash talk. Some of you need therapists.

    submitted by /u/Antisocialkotaku
    [link] [comments]

    Store in the new Season

    Posted: 04 Aug 2020 12:15 PM PDT

    Store in the new Season

    I was hyped to get the new knife skin, and when I open the store after the update, I realize that I peaked in Store RNG


    submitted by /u/kuraiigus
    [link] [comments]

    Why, in the footage given, do Killjoy's ability icons look so detailed compared to others?

    Posted: 04 Aug 2020 08:47 AM PDT

    I was looking at a video talking about 1.05 changes, and noticed this

    Killjoy's ability icons seem very detailed, compared to e.g cypher, as shown in the image linked above

    Are other ability icons going to get more detailed soon as well, or is this just related to datamining or whatever it might be in this case

    Killjoy's ability icons look more like the silhouettes of the actual abilities, whilist e.g. Cypher's look more simplified

    submitted by /u/ttv-pyrdep
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    I really enjoy the sound effects of the Prime skins and I hope Riot decides to do more impactful SFX for the future skin-lines

    Posted: 03 Aug 2020 10:52 PM PDT

    I remember there being a post that didn't enjoy the sound effects and ever since then there really hasn't been a shooting SFX that were as loud as Prime. I can't help but think that the post was a catalyst in the decision to reduce the sounds.

    I hope Riot can make a compromise, by making the sound intensity customization - similar to color variations to skins?

    I feel like I genuinely perform better with the Prime skins because they sound so good for me. I would love to hear future and interesting sounds.

    submitted by /u/jackrunit
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