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    Tuesday, September 22, 2020

    VALORANT 5 Shot Sheriff Ace

    VALORANT 5 Shot Sheriff Ace

    5 Shot Sheriff Ace

    Posted: 22 Sep 2020 11:29 AM PDT

    If you think luck isn't part of the game...

    Posted: 22 Sep 2020 12:06 AM PDT

    Did you guess the right rank? (Hard Challenge NGL)

    Posted: 22 Sep 2020 07:43 AM PDT

    I think we should have something like Wingman

    Posted: 22 Sep 2020 04:47 AM PDT

    For those of you who don't know, wingman is a game mode in csgo that is like mini competitive. Normal comp rules apply but it's a 2v2 with only one bomb site. First to 9 and you swap sides after 8 rounds. It also has its own separate ranked ladder that is unaffected by your main rank. This to keep some competitive integrity to the mode.

    Granted adjustments would be needed for Valorant, for example I'd probably lower it to first to 7 and swap after 6 rounds among other things

    I think it would be great to have something like this In Valorant for either warming up and practicing your mechanics in a game setting without being in affecting your rank. or to scratch that competitive itch without going into a full game.

    submitted by /u/Dipzey453
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    Yet another montage of me & my friends pallin' around and gettin' nuts, w/ some average editing and even less than average gameplay. Enjoy!

    Posted: 22 Sep 2020 09:05 AM PDT

    Why are there so many people who give up so easily in this game?

    Posted: 22 Sep 2020 03:12 AM PDT

    I was in a match, and we were attacking on Bind. Naturally we got screwed over, and we haven't even reached round 10 when my team just decided to surrender without playing CT side. I ended up 5 in 10, with 6 assists. What sort of bullshit mentality do these players have?

    submitted by /u/catalyps0
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    I think I need to stop playing with my silver brother

    Posted: 22 Sep 2020 08:40 AM PDT

    In the past 24-48 hours I was at plat 2 and dropped down to gold 3. Stopped playing with my brother, who is silver 2 and went back up to plat 2.

    For example, my brother plays cypher and brim and uses the Odin 98% of the time. Yes, he's the guy sitting in the corner with an Odin. He believes cages are a waste of money and that the camera gives his position away. The best part is he is the cockiest person you will meet lol. Playing defense on bind he says "everyone go B I don't need any help A" then proceeds to die sitting in the same corner he was sitting the past 8,000 rounds. I think my friends like us playing together just to see me get triggered.

    Edit: this post is more for laugh than serious, I do get mad but I'm sure we all have someone that plays like at some point in comp games

    submitted by /u/thor1151
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    They celebrated too soon (1v5 from the enemies POV)

    Posted: 22 Sep 2020 11:13 AM PDT

    Found this very nice-looking UI redesign by Jack HT on ArtStation. Thought it deserved more attention so I wanted to share it here!

    Posted: 22 Sep 2020 11:32 AM PDT

    It shouldn’t be exponentially harder to rank up, the older your account is

    Posted: 21 Sep 2020 09:38 PM PDT

    For context, My main has 80 wins in diamond 2 and I could win 5 games in a row and won't rank up including 2 which were huge blow out stomps, where as my alt is on immortal 2 with only 16 wins. Ranked needs to change. It only encourages you to smurf even more by making it harder to rank up the more games you play.

    Also to add to this, it is much, much easier to rank down than it is to rank up, which is making it even easier for people to smurf.

    What should be done about this?

    submitted by /u/Grantuseyes
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    That was the most stressful ace I've ever gotten, I'm proud of it so I decided to share it with yall

    Posted: 22 Sep 2020 02:03 AM PDT

    Nice Smurf Statline

    Posted: 22 Sep 2020 02:19 AM PDT

    Nice Smurf Statline


    This is lowkey better than dropping 70.

    The game was in bronze elo Unrated and went to 25 rounds. Jett had 9 Quad kills and 3 Aces. I finished the match with 1 kill and 16 deaths against him.

    submitted by /u/Wishlist37
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    Honestly 35 ults mission is still too many imo

    Posted: 22 Sep 2020 04:37 AM PDT

    I've finished the other 3 weekly missions like 2 days ago and my 35 ult mission is barely halfway through. With it worth 20k exp I think it's a mission worth the grind if it's not for the fact the mission is buggy af. I'd ult 3 times and be lucky if 1 of them counted. In the end i've probably still ulted way more than 50 times before i'll ever get that mission completed ... this is so frustrating especially compared to how easy other missions can be.

    edit: wording

    edit: i guess the title's a bit misleading but i have no problem with the number of ults, more like how buggy this specific mission is as many players experienced ults not counted. 35 or even 50 is reasonable as long as my ults count consistently. The mission never said anything about killing enemies with ur ult they just said use your ult. so yea... fix the bugs... but oh well... if you commented only after reading the title then i guess you wouldn't read my edit either and it's not like i can change the title so.. mb on that end.

    submitted by /u/Xeriaph
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    1008 MORE Rounds of Valorant

    Posted: 22 Sep 2020 01:28 PM PDT

    I tracked my next 1000 rounds of Valorant and here are the results. I did first 1001, second 1008, and combined. The first 1001 were a mix of iron and bronze while the second 1008 were all bronze

    Rounds Played 1001 1008 2009
    Win – Loss 29W – 22L 27W – 23L 56W -45L
    Games Played 51 50 101
    Players AFK 25 31 56
    Rounds AFK 286 (28.57%) 237 (23.51%) 523 (26.03%)
    AFK Home v Away 15H v 10A 15H v 16A 30H v 26A
    SMURFS (ACS > 500) 11 0 11
    SMURFS Home v Away 2H v 9A 0 2H v 9A
    Score Differential AVG 5.74 6.16 5.90
    Trolls 2 1 3

    -MORE players were afk in this round (31 vs 25) but for LESS rounds overall (23.51% v 28.57%) -There were literally no Smurfs. Not one. It was a nice change. (0% Smurfs vs almost 20% in the first 1000 rounds) -Average Score differential rose, but still in line

    I'm tracking a third 1000 rounds, and this is a LOT of rounds but interesting to see if things smoothe out over time or continue the same.

    submitted by /u/Fountsy
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    Breach Ult vs Sova Dart...

    Posted: 21 Sep 2020 06:28 PM PDT

    Dose any one remember the old luxe

    Posted: 22 Sep 2020 10:02 AM PDT

    Dose any one remember the red ,camo, and gold color variations. I feel like they were really good skins and there was no reason for them to go away and get replaced by the blue version

    submitted by /u/thedumbbagle
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    Map rotation hasn't changed at all

    Posted: 21 Sep 2020 11:07 PM PDT

    I get the same map like 70 or 80% of the time. This was supposed to changed with the current patch. Maybe increase it a little bit more.

    submitted by /u/gsutcer
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    The Difference between the enemy and you.

    Posted: 22 Sep 2020 10:19 AM PDT

    The enemy can tank a full mag from the vandal point blank, and you die in one hit from it across the map.

    The enemy literally cannot miss their headshots with the Marshal or Ghost, but you can only hit the body.

    The enemy team will always be at the correct bomb site with every angle covered, your team will always be wandering around like it's an MMORPG.

    Enemy Jett can hit you in the head while flying, your guns won't hit the enemy's head even when it hits them directly in the fucking head.

    Please add your own!

    submitted by /u/SorenKgard
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    Operator keybinds

    Posted: 22 Sep 2020 07:53 AM PDT

    So basically i think that you should be able to set different keybinds for each operator, for example, i like having omens smokes on the E button but i dont like having jetts dash set to that so i have to constantly change, it would be great if you could set it for each OP

    submitted by /u/tylertjb1
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    Valorant low fps on asus tuf 505dt

    Posted: 22 Sep 2020 09:20 AM PDT

    Hey guys plz help me i have asus tuf 505dt

    Ryzen 5 3rd gen

    8gbddr4 2666mhz

    1650 graphics card

    In valorant i only get in between 70 to 90 fps but valorant says that 144 fps min above 1050 graphics card

    My nvidia and geoforce is fully optimised and they are in max performance

    and dedicated graphics card to 1650 also

    but low fps in valorant about 80 to 90 in high setting

    submitted by /u/Sammitdk6969
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    Hiko, steel & nitr0 on Valorant vs CSGO | Curveball Podcast #1 ft. 100 Thieves

    Posted: 22 Sep 2020 01:50 PM PDT

    Problem with split and ranked

    Posted: 22 Sep 2020 07:15 AM PDT

    Map rotation is cool and all, but I'll still be dodging split every time, probably will have to dodge more now since map rotation will prioritize it. Why dodge this spectacular map you ask? Well I don't feel like gambling my rank every game, and with the way ranked works, heavily rewarding and punishing big score difference win/losses, split is just throwing all your chips into fucking red/black with how defense-based it is. Everyone knows the map has horrible side balance with defenders getting a huge advantage, specially at higher elos. This would be no problem if ranked didn't consider score gap, cause yeah you can totally come back from a 10-2 down, even in tournaments theres been comebacks from near 12-0 starts on that map. Yet with how it works right now, your are pretty much gambilng on wether you started at defense or attack. If defending then cool, you'll prolly not risk any 3 arrow elo losses, and have a calm game with a solid start. If attacking you'll prolly get a horrible start, get the whole teams morale down and risk EVERYTHING on that goddamn pistol round of the second half, which can be lost as defenders and cost you a 13-0 loss when it doesn't represent as much of a team skill difference as a 13-10 on the same map would be. Pistol rounds are pretty rng-based, and having it be the difference between a greatly decreased and a slightly decreased/increased feels like fucking shit.

    So if you get to attack first you risk a great decrease for a slight increase while if you get defense you risk a slight decrease for a great increase, risking everything mostly on your rng pistol shots. Its basically a 50/50 (starting A/D) wether youll hate the fucking game or enjoy and have fun for the next 40 minutes, only because of the ranked stakes. Unbalanced maps are a cool concept for tournament play where every win is just a win and a every loss is just a loss, but they have no place on a soloq ranked system where score differential matters and an average loss when getting an attacker-start will cost you 3x what you gain on a average win on the same side. Sad thing is I actually like the map itself, I enjoy it a lot on unrated games, but I feel disgusted every time it shows up on agent select in ranked, so please either change how ranked weighs in score differentials or let us ban a goddamn map to stop eating those dodge penalties.

    submitted by /u/telosucciona
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    Double xp weekends

    Posted: 22 Sep 2020 09:32 AM PDT

    Hi Community,

    You all know very well that it's very hard to level up on rewarding to unlock all the levels of the battle pass. It would be great if developers could add double xp weekends for those who don't necessarily have all the time in the week.

    ( Sorry for the mistakes it's google translate 😂)

    submitted by /u/Captain-Raphael
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