• Breaking News

    Monday, September 21, 2020

    VALORANT How many people can you kill with 1 Operator Bullet?

    VALORANT How many people can you kill with 1 Operator Bullet?

    How many people can you kill with 1 Operator Bullet?

    Posted: 21 Sep 2020 11:57 AM PDT

    POV you are a misplaced tripwire

    Posted: 21 Sep 2020 03:30 AM PDT

    POV you are a misplaced tripwire

    I have been playing Cypher for a good bit now, and after a while I wanted to draw him. First I took his model and made it into a usable fullbody-tracking avatar for VRChat. Then I tried some different poses until I came with this one. I took a picture and started using it as a reference material while drawing on an Ipad.


    submitted by /u/GalaxMax0
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    A Day in the Life of a Valorant Employee!

    Posted: 21 Sep 2020 12:36 PM PDT

    Last night I was repeatedly team killed.

    Posted: 21 Sep 2020 11:02 AM PDT

    Last night a Phoenix and Brimstone duo queued together and chose me, a Sage to harrass the whole game. We all had voice coms that game. At first I was talking during the first round and one of them said "wow a girl?" As I was diffusing the spike, the Phoenix throws his abilities on me so I die, then doesn't even diffuse the spike! He says he was saving when there was clearly enough time. For the rest of the game they were both following me trying to kill me with their abilities and spamming in the chat I'm throwing and to report me to the other team. I told my team they were messing with me. Some were on the fence or didn't see what really happened, so all I had to do was stand next to them and they'd be caught in the hell fire too.

    This was an incredibly ridiculous situation! I never want to experience a game like this again, but something tells me I definitely will. Once, my friend said someone on their own team told them super detailed ways of how he would kill everyone he loves one by one.

    This game is disgustingly toxic. You literally have to make friends and only play with that squad to enjoy the game.

    submitted by /u/tiffybear8
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    Giveaways at Valorant Tournaments Need to Be Held to a Higher Standard

    Posted: 21 Sep 2020 07:27 AM PDT

    Back in August, during the Ignition Series Allied Esports Odyssey, the tournament ran a giveaway sponsored by HyperX for a bundle worth around £ 300. In this post, I want to highlight some problems with this giveaway and how organizers of future tournaments can avoid them. I'd also like to note that Allied Esports is a fairly large international organization, and the tournament was officially sponsored by Riot as part of the Ignition Series. Disclaimer: I did win the giveaway, but did not receive my prize.

    TL;DR: The organizer forgot to mention a giveaway was Europe-only until after the fact, refusing to own the mistake. Riot apparently can't do anything about this, even though it was an Ignition Series tournament.

    Problem 1: The introduction

    When casters were introducing the giveaway, there were two issues:

    1. The entry process was described as "All you have to do is type '!giveaway' in the chat". In reality, viewers had to click the streamelements link the bot sent as a response. As a result, the giveaway only got 293 entries in seven hours. For comparison, Microsoft ran a giveaway using the same platform while emphasizing that the link had to be visited and got nearly 900 entries in seven minutes.
    2. The casters did not introduce any restrictions on the giveaway - I'll touch on this more later.

    Now to be clear - I'm not blaming the casters, as I believe these issues stem from the script they were given. I'd also link the vod but it's private on Twitch so if anyone has a link to the full VOD of Thursday's group stage I'll edit in links with timestamps.

    Problem 2: Terms and Conditions

    Have you ever entered a giveaway and noticed that it comes with a terms and conditions page like this one? That's because by promoting a prize draw, you're entering into a contract with the participants. Terms and Conditions documents are made to restrict this contract and specifiy things like start/end times and eligibility criteria. This article from the UK's Advertising Standards Authority goes into more detail on how and why they should be written. This giveaway did not have any terms and conditions at all. Nothing was mentioned on stream, and there was nothing linked from the giveaway page.

    Effect On The Giveaway

    You may be thinking to yourself at this point - So what if they didn't include any terms and conditions? They pick a winner, send them their prize, and that's that. Now, normally, you'd be right. However - Allied Esports forgot to mention a critical detail - The giveaway was meant to be Europe only. I'm in North America. I was introduced to this restriction in this email they sent me asking for my address, after I'd been drawn as the winner. No problem, I thought, someone messed up at some point but they'll hopefully own the mistake and I'll even offer to pay the difference in shipping outside of Europe to smooth things over. After going back-and-forth for around a month, I was told the giveaway was Europe only and I would not be getting my prize. The issue of it not being mentioned until after the giveaway was chalked up to "a miscommunication".

    I did contact Riot, and they said they couldn't do anything about it but passed the feedback on to the esports team. I'm a bit disappointed at this as this was an official Ignition Series tournament and I'd expect Riot to have some standards over them.

    How To Avoid This At Future Events

    1. Have a terms and conditions page. This will help clarify the terms to participants, and to cover you legally. Blast TV's giveaway has an excellent example of this, easily accessible from their gleam page.
    2. Read up on applicable local regulations and follow them.
    3. If you make a mistake, own up to it! Forgetting to include things in your terms and conditions is on you, not the giveaway participants.


    Thanks for taking the time to read my post. I'm hopeful this will shed some light on possible giveaway pitfalls and how they could've been avoided. I'm also hoping Riot applies some sort of standard to Ignition Series events looking to run giveaways in the future.

    Edit: The Reddit editor deleted half my post after I saved an edit so if you've seen this post before and the last bit looks different, that's why.

    submitted by /u/Marsroverr
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    Nothing better than being hyped up by your friends + lofi

    Posted: 21 Sep 2020 12:00 AM PDT

    Valorant Suggestion: Start the Competitive Match while you & friends in Firing Range

    Posted: 21 Sep 2020 08:07 AM PDT

    competitive Matchs often takes more than 5 mins to find a match... its often quite boring and it takes even longer when someone fails to choose an agent...

    Solution: Now, you and friends can hang out in Firing Range and also start a Competitive Match.

    you can simply practice your aim against friends and have fun. the game shouldn't quickly load as soon as it finds a match.. it shall only load after everyone as chosen their agents then the game load into the match...

    also open to any other suggestions or changes!!

    Thanks for reading....

    Also read my other Valorant Suggestion

    Valorant Suggestion: Player having High Ping, Shouldn't be allowed to enter a Completive Match.


    submitted by /u/Drkill007
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    The knife is the best weapon in Valorant 2

    Posted: 21 Sep 2020 02:00 PM PDT

    The most Insane 6 man Ace I've ever hit in Immortal 3

    Posted: 20 Sep 2020 03:24 PM PDT

    My first 6k! Warning i yell a little bit because i was so excited lol.

    Posted: 21 Sep 2020 02:41 PM PDT

    Please be nice and respectful to teammates!

    Posted: 20 Sep 2020 09:12 PM PDT

    I'm an Indian living in the US and have been playing the game for a bit now. A lot of the times, When I queue into a game and say hello followed by a few words, I get all kinds of racist comments and get mocked constantly about my accent for no reason. It makes me not want to play the game after being called "Tech Support" and "Scammer" several times in a day. Muting every single time will not help since comms is important!

    Don't get me wrong, not everyone is like this and I've had the chance to interact and game with some awesome people too. So it's my sincere request to everyone here to be welcoming and nice to people you meet online! :)

    submitted by /u/narenph
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    Something I Personally Praise Valorant For Is There Auto Enemy Sighted Message

    Posted: 21 Sep 2020 10:57 AM PDT

    Seriously, this makes it so you can effectively play the game without comms if you don't wnt to use them. That small tiny thing of having characters automatically call out when they see an enemy means you don't have to rely on your teammates as much to call out where people are, you can know that there is one C or two B and plan accordingly. It's a really cool thing that I don't see a lot of praise for but it's helped me many times.

    EDIT: I do use voice chat. I'm just saying it's a cool thing.

    submitted by /u/TheHoodOfSwords1
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    1v6 Clutch with Reyna (TommyLange)

    Posted: 21 Sep 2020 04:22 AM PDT

    i did a few edits if ever the older knifes get a variant

    Posted: 21 Sep 2020 08:43 AM PDT

    i did a few edits if ever the older knifes get a variant

    Sovereign Variant 3

    Elder Variant 3

    Glitch Pop Variant 3(i tried kekw)

    With the release of ego bundle with knife variants i do hope they release the older knife skins variant

    submitted by /u/LeDwenn
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    Lost a whole seasons progress in just 5 games

    Posted: 21 Sep 2020 05:15 AM PDT

    Maybe it is uplifting for some of you who are also struggling to climb to see that there is someone worse then you around. Don't know if I should laugh or cry. https://imgur.com/a/9PbrEFl https://imgur.com/gallery/CHfI0oI

    submitted by /u/memes_over_oxygen
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    Killjoy is a savage

    Posted: 21 Sep 2020 05:48 AM PDT

    "Cypher your home made gadgets are soooo(uwu) cute, remind me of something I made in kindergarten" Damn

    submitted by /u/xatnagh
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    What is your most played Valorant character?

    Posted: 21 Sep 2020 10:45 AM PDT

    Raze boombot getting a one-shot 5k against Plats/golds in ranked game

    Posted: 21 Sep 2020 02:01 PM PDT

    I've never seen this happen before, so I thought I'd post it. This video is from my POV in solo queue ranked play. We decide to rush B on haven and got aced by a boombot.

    https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=R3GTKHhHJ8Q (47s video)

    submitted by /u/SMcArthur
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    Map Cycling

    Posted: 21 Sep 2020 12:55 PM PDT

    Map Cycling

    Valorant: Hey we fixed map cycling so it is less likely to get the same map twice, we know that was a common issue

    Also Valorant:


    submitted by /u/Bigjmu
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    Is it me or is afking/trolling/griefing/sabotaging your team super rampant in this game?

    Posted: 20 Sep 2020 05:19 PM PDT

    I've had back to back to back games where 2 or more people afk and disconnect, or they actively try to sabotage the team by killing each other with their abilities. Is this the norm?

    submitted by /u/zqfmgb123
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    How did it happen? What happened?

    Posted: 21 Sep 2020 01:16 PM PDT

    I'm so confused, how did these characters get these powers? What happened in Venice? Why is Ascent crumbly and everything floating? I am so confused

    submitted by /u/pepegobrrr
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