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    Sunday, September 20, 2020



    DISGUSTING 9 Second Jett ACE

    Posted: 20 Sep 2020 04:47 AM PDT

    The reason I watch Cypher videos in the pregame

    Posted: 20 Sep 2020 01:00 AM PDT

    Yes, this is in low gold and silver.

    Yes, my crosshair placement is arse.

    But sometimes even noobs like me can shine with the right setups.

    Cypher camera clutch

    submitted by /u/izzuro
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    Among My First Few Experiences of Valorant

    Posted: 20 Sep 2020 05:13 AM PDT

    You poisoned in the wrong neighborhood

    Posted: 20 Sep 2020 09:52 AM PDT

    This game is so fun!

    Posted: 20 Sep 2020 05:33 AM PDT

    I just got my pc today and I downloaded valorant, I'm having so much fun! My aim is improving and I've met some really nice people who are helping teach me about it. That's all, thanks for reading😀

    submitted by /u/basilbasileni
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    Keep the spike rush EXP Gain at 1,250

    Posted: 19 Sep 2020 05:29 PM PDT

    I think this is the correct exp gain for the spike rush mode and it will bring more people to play spike rush regurarly.

    Fellow spike-rushers, do you agree?

    submitted by /u/Respect0x
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    Immortal 3 / Radiant ranked Highlights

    Posted: 20 Sep 2020 10:59 AM PDT

    How Team Liquid dominated NiP without Smokes

    Posted: 20 Sep 2020 12:45 PM PDT

    Hi Everyone,

    I'm Spin and I'm a Valorant coach in the EU scene. Last weekend we had the Blast Twitch Invitational featuring the 4 most well known EU teams. Team Liquid, G2, FunPlus Phoenix and NiP.

    Team Liquid had mentioned they had some new strats up their sleeves and showed them off the bat vs FPX playing 3 duelists (Reyna, Raze, Phoenix), 1 sentinel (Killjoy), and the newly buffed Breach. Perhaps unsurprisingly, not picking either brimstone or omen led to them losing fairly easily with FPX exploiting their lack of smokes.

    The next day however, they won convincingly with a similar lineup vs NiP on Ascent where smokes are considered the most essential.

    I uploaded a video analysis of the whole game here showing exactly how I believe Team Liquid did it but for those who prefer to read I'll summarise here:

    - On defence, Liquid held very close to their choke points and heavily contested them, not allowing NiP to take any ground easily. They would fight out of chokes using their abundance of flashes to take fights on their terms without waiting for NiP to engage them.

    - They played exceptionally patiently. In all but a few instances they held their positions often hardly moving for the entire round waiting for contact from NiP before bursting out of their chokes. They didn't go looking for kills in the equal full buy rounds apart from when they had a massive advantage in doing so (e.g. when using Phoenix Ult).

    - They hardly contested mid. On almost all rounds they stuck exclusively to the two bomb sites and the spawn rotation routes. Obviously mid on Ascent has long sight lines which are hard to contest (which is why smokes are considered essential in the first place). Liquid avoided mid apart from where they had either a big advantage in terms of guns (full buy vs eco) or they had info on the locations of the NiP players.

    - Their attacking executes were impeccable. This goes without saying for top teams but particularly their executes onto the A site were very well drilled. They used the killjoy/phoenix molotovs to block off the heaven angle before pushing which effectively acted as a pseudo smoke for them. Then they used their seven flashes to overwhelm NiP on site, bursting in to pick up a couple of kills and then defending the retake with the man advantage.

    I really appreciate how Team Liquid went off meta in such a big tournament and although they didn't manage to beat FPX or G2 I think their playstyle has merit even if you do have a controller in the lineup.

    Thanks for reading!

    submitted by /u/coachspin
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    There is nothing worse then lower ranks nagging on every small thing you do wrong because you’re a higher rank

    Posted: 19 Sep 2020 03:36 PM PDT

    Now I'm not a high skilled radiant player. I'm only Plat 2 but sometimes when I get ranked with gold only lobbies and I'm the only plat and I don't do well in the starting pistol rounds my team will instantly start saying I'm bad or will kind of throw dumb remarks like "well only if he coulda picked him off" and other shit. This happened to me 4 games in a row today no joke.

    Like just because I'm a higher rank I'm not instantly aceu or tenZ. I make mistakes here and there too. Craziest thing is when we get to the last rounds I'm always top or second frag.

    Please don't instantly start criticizing your teammates from the beginning because it kills the whole vibe and you make them carry even more pressure which in turn can make then play worse. So it doesn't help anyone. Let your lifes anger out on something else.

    submitted by /u/Pogstood
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    A new agent?

    Posted: 20 Sep 2020 11:02 AM PDT

    A new agent?

    I found the ScanRing material in the game files (Game/Effects/Energy). This material was added recently. The material uses a texture named T_EFX_Energy_Loop_Free (I'll pin this texture at the bottom). There are two material options: ScanRing and ScanRingBlue. Two materials use the same texture. The ending in the texture name is "Loop", which means that this material will cycle through some animation. The name of the material suggests that this material should be used where scanning is taking place. This may be due to a new agent.



    submitted by /u/exeexe_File
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    Satisfying Raze =)

    Posted: 20 Sep 2020 01:01 PM PDT

    Do Not Team Kill To Farm XP

    Posted: 20 Sep 2020 03:34 AM PDT

    Earlier this week, my friends told me about how to get XP fast for Battle Pass by team killed in Spike Rush. I did some search and did not find any information about permanently ban for XP farming with the method mention before. Therefore, we gathered a group of 5 and killed each other with abilities in Spike Rush games. Then, yesterday, I log in to my account to play as usual and received this message https://imgur.com/a/swEGg47.
    I send a ticket to Riot and received this:
    "Upon checking, our investigation confirmed that this is an account that is related to the usage of scripts, hacks, exploits, or unauthorized third-party programs in VALORANT. Because of that the account will remain permanently suspended."
    I am not a kind of player who use cheats, hacks in games so I guess Riot start to ban people who suicide to farm XP. My friends got banned too. I think Riot is a bit harsh when permanently ban for that reason. But that was my fault anyway. I am regretful for doing that. I hope no one will repeat the same mistake as mine.

    TL;DR: Team Kill in Spike Rush to farm XP will get you banned.

    submitted by /u/ferrarsen
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    Has anybody else been slowly de-ranking but your opponents don't feel any worse?

    Posted: 19 Sep 2020 05:32 PM PDT

    My "proven rank" is Immortal 1. I was Immortal 1 a very long time at the end of Act 1 and beginning of Act 2. The past few weeks I've been in a big rut. I de-ranked all the way to diamond 1. I'm not going to try and blame my teammates, I know I've been underperforming, however most games are a blow out. 13-5, 13-4, etc. Very rarely do I feel I'm matched up against even skilled opponents. It feels very different than it used to. Is Riot quietly shifting the ELO in the background? Making it harder to be Immortal? Is it bad luck? I don't know. I have other friends that have experienced the same thing. I'm not expecting to win every game. Hell, I love overtime games, even if we lose. However getting stomped repeatedly by what seems like well-coordinated teams gets demoralizing quick.

    Anybody else been experiencing something similar lately?

    submitted by /u/Tnt540
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    I present to you, the Plat Experience.

    Posted: 20 Sep 2020 08:44 AM PDT

    I fall apart in the second half of EVERY match.

    Posted: 20 Sep 2020 01:16 PM PDT

    As the title says it doesn't matter if it's offense or defense first or what map it is... I start every match super good, and usually am top frag for my team by half time. I'm an omen main in P2/P3 and I always have a strong kd then the second half comes and I'm lucky to finish even..

    I don't know what this lack of consistency is but I can't shake it.. The odd game I don't fall apart second half I usually team or match MVP.. And for some reason those games always seem to be losses. So it's like, if I fall apart second half and my own stats suffer my team wins but I feel like shit..

    Idek the point of this post I'm just wondering if anyone else out there struggles with second half consistency..

    submitted by /u/THwhOR
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    Random moment from the folders

    Posted: 20 Sep 2020 12:58 AM PDT

    Gold Player Valorant Montage

    Posted: 20 Sep 2020 08:25 AM PDT

    My journey from Iron 3 to Diamond 2(so far)

    Posted: 19 Sep 2020 06:57 PM PDT

    A little background first. I am 31 stopped playing games for 9 years until I started playing the beta when my brothers said it was awesome and for me to at least try it out. 9 years ago I played games like star craft 2 and counter-strike source. I played in the amature cal league with one of my brothers and friends(cal-m).

    When I got into Valorant I was hooked. It felt like CS but was fresh and I loved the ability system. When ranked came out in beta all my brothers and friends placed in Plat and I placed in Iron 3.

    I realized I liked the game enough to try and gain a portion of the skill I used to have back in my CS days. It didn't take me long to get out of Iron and each time I played I focused on something different to be better at.

    I first started with my mouse sensitivity and aim, spending a good amount of time in the range on medium then hard bots. And then strafing bots(I still do this and deathmatch to warm up).

    With each loss AND win I focused on MYSELF and what I could have done better. Blaming teammates for demotion and loss streaks is unproductive and will only stunt your progression.

    Its not impossible to climb in this game and feel like I'm approaching my personal performance peak(I want to get at least immortal 1-2). I only play a couple of matches a night after my kids go to bed so progress is slow.

    submitted by /u/Stem3576
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    There is a very prevalent smurfing problem in Low Elo.

    Posted: 20 Sep 2020 09:24 AM PDT

    Hello, to preface this, I am not by any means a good player. I am bronze 3, and I think it's a relatively accurate gauge of my skill. I am in no way saying that smurfing is the reason that I am unable to climb, because realistically, there are many things that I myself could do better. This being said, I do believe that smurfing in this game is a big problem. I have spent all my time in Valorant hovering around high bronze to medium silver. I have queued up in gold lobbies relatively often as well (I have friends in gold). However, there seems to be a disproportionate amount of smurfs in this game compared to other competitive games I have played (overwatch, league). Normally smurfs in most games are a 1 in 100, or maybe 1 in 50 game occurrence. This is simply not true in Valorant. There are often times, when I queue as myself, or with groups(this is more common in groups btw), where we find ourselves playing against people who should not be their rank. I am not talking about people we just think are good, or people who just tapped you once, but people who straight up just run forward at the entirety of the enemy team and tap ppl left and right. I play against smurfs maybe 1 in 5 games (this is being generous) , and sometimes I queue in lobbies where there are multiple smurfs, or I queue into the same smurf multiple times in a row. This is not just my personal experience, but the experience of many people I meet. When teams I play with face against a smurf, it's not really a big suprise to them, it's just a "ah shit, here we go again" type of game. It is incredibly disheartening to try to climb in this game from a low elo, when every so often, you come into games where you are faced against an opponent or opponents that you obviously can't beat, and to compound this issue, you usually lose a lot of elo too. I am again not here to say that I should be a higher elo, and I understand that sometimes smurfing, to some extent, is part of the game. I just wanted to make it clear that there exists a large probelm at lower elos that I don't see being talked about as much.

    submitted by /u/bizzarebroadcast
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    My First 6k Featuring Friend Hype

    Posted: 19 Sep 2020 03:12 PM PDT

    Calligraphy. Reyna

    Posted: 20 Sep 2020 05:20 AM PDT

    This is Calligraphy. I made the inscription "Reyna". I would be glad to receive your feedback.



    submitted by /u/Apatique
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    Sometimes you just need a little extra vision to spot those enemies...

    Posted: 20 Sep 2020 01:28 PM PDT

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